General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Fxed co-signer gets back in the tech world and signs some papers soon!

Idk too lazy. It’s so hard to get an appointment at the clinic by my house. They book 3-4 weeks out. And on top of that I can only go in between 3:30 and 4:30. I was lucky to get something at this time and it only worked out because we had a short work day with none of the usual meetings and my mom got A from daycare. I thought about emailing my gyn but too late I already took the progesterone lol Which I do agree it’s the right call. Just the downplay and lack of investigation as to what caused it bugs me oh well
I'm going to go back and read but I need some advice, especially anyone from the medical field.

So I've been weaning off my BP meds. Last check was about 6 weeks ago (should have gone in a couple weeks ago but with max being sick then vacation and then the autism testing I haven't had time) so I went in today to check it. 3 readings. First was around 107/78ish and second was close to that too. The 3rd was 98/68ish. Nurse said it's a little low asked if I was dizzy said nope. Went to talk to the doctor to see if we can lower it. Currently taking half a pill once a day. Nurse came back and said doc wants to lower it to 1/4 a pill once a day. Cool beans. Then she says doc wants me to do some lab work. Cool. He had me do blood work once when we started lowering the meds to check something but I can't remember what it was. I asked the nurse what the lab work was for. She said it was a urine test and that's all she knew... okay. I decided to just get it done so I went down stairs (two kids in tow and all) got to the lab and checked in. While I was checking in asked what the test was. She said a drug test!!!!!! A freakin drug test. 1. Why would be order a blood test? 2. Why would be not talk to me about it 3. I've never even smoked weed (yes I'm a goodie too shoes) and I didn't give anyone a reason to think I was on drugs. Now I'm all paranoid they think something that's not true and freakin CPS will show up. Someone give me a logical reason to a drug test.
Dobs- that's so weird. I'm sorry. I was told 3 months with no period they would try the progestone. But I do know stress affects it a lot and you're kind of under a crazy about of stress lol idk about everything else but I'm sure it's not helping. Hugs.

Pl- yummy cupcakes! That sounds amazing. Red velvet are my favorite.
Did they specify what drugs MrsG? Maybe just generalising drugs being any other types of meds that could raise or lower bp? Fab that the bp is very low, ive always had veeery low bp infact when in hosp when inwake & they do it, she had 3 goes as it was so low i shpuldnt of been awake Lol!

Omg Pacific red velvet cupcakes i love them!! (heart eye emoji) im so bloody hungry atm, fasting blood test this morning, i was early for it & now its gone 930 & their running late pfft!

Dobs will u take the Progesterone to kick start period or seek second opinion? :hugs:

Spoje to my sister this morning & she said my nephew started school today, reception year.. she had to leave him screaming ‘i want my mummy’ & him in tears poor bub.. he only turned 4 mid August bless him
APPRAISAL FINALLY DONE. Omg it's been so chaotic here, cleaning like crazy, MIL over three days in a row to help (thank god, we couldn't have gotten this place looking this good), then last night was down to the wire and our room was still a wreck. We stayed up until 1am cleaning. I tapped out, hubs stayed up another half hour sweeping and doing some final cleaning, then both of us up at 6:30 to start the day...i took Des to school and when I got back appraiser was already here, 20 minutes early. He took pics outside dirst, meanwhile jnside i was picking up stray toys when the dang dog puked right in the middle of our rug in the main room -.- so had to clean that up, then lit a candle because it smelled bad :roll:

Anyway i think it went well...just gotta hope it appraises higher. Time will tell!

Green i'd ask your doctor directly. What a breech of trust! I hope cb's theory is right...

Dobs :hugs: i hope you catch a break soon. Also hope the progesterone flushes out whatever goo is chillin' in your ute.
Thanks ladies! I’m actually doing really well. It’s a good busy. I feel so at home with my kids and parents, and my students work so hard. It’s such a breath of fresh air. I’m in such good spirits that I’m actually walking my dogs with A a mile or two every day instead of laying dead on the couch. I have no stress about what to cook or how the house is because I have only A’s and my opinion to worry about. Every weekend I chill with family. My life is so much less toxic. But yeah I go to work, get A, walk the dogs, dinner, bath, play time, story, bed time then I just go to bed when he does. Doesn’t leave much time to do much else haha

But yes def going to take the progesterone. I had an appointment on the 27th at my clinic so I will keep that for now in case the meds don’t work to get af going.

Green wtf I would have immediately told them call the doctor for an explanation. I think they drug tested me at one point but it was a standard thing. But idk and CPS is not the big bad guy people make them out to be. They know most of their calls are false alarms. If they did, they actually prefer to keep kids in their homes. But they won’t show.

Awww cb that’s so hard. Hopefully he has so much fun today he isn’t so sad tomorrow. Though that’s hard too haha

Gl gigs! Hopefully you get good numbers back
Green, it seems odd for the Dr to just order a drug test? Or maybe he finds your blood pressure drop unusual and thinks you are doing something unnatural? My other thought would be maybe it's your health insurance doing random drug testing? Either way, hope you get answers!
Only time I had to do drug testing was for a job in the oilfield!

Gigs, fx you get the numbers you need!

Dobs, glad to hear you are now surrounded by much better people then ex-a$$. Keep it up girl and do yourself some good.
Michelle congrats on the house! Oh and enjoy your trip. Most hotels have a crib so I'd just call and ask. If you don't see it online.

Greenie not planningon quitting. As much as I'd love to be a sahm I'm the breadwinner and working prn after a 16 week leave really hurt my finances. I really love my new role at work but it's a really stressful period right now getting pur competencies made up. Also getting our surveyors next month. Ughh not looking forward to that.

I have no clue why they would do a drug test because your bp was low. Doesn't make any sense to me.

Oh and i see you got CH!! Good luck as your timing was spot on :)

Gigs yes I'm very thankful to have recieved it this way. I hope the appraisal is in your favor. Ugh how awful about the accident in the house. Glad you had a candle to save the day!

Pretty so sorry about AF. I'm in favor of ntnp ;)

J sorry about AF and it being extra painful.

CB ah I can remember that date now as it's my first injection day. I live being able to see the lil babies. Especially late 2nd tri or early 3rd :)

Hope your glucose test went well. Ugh they let us fast only 2 hours prior at my ob office. I can't imagine overnight fasting when pregnant.

Dobby sorry about no AF. I had a wonky cycle while ttc and progesterone did the trick for me. I was regular after that too.

I'm happy to hear how much more positive your life is now. Life is too short to have toxic people in them.

Pacific cupcake sounds yummy and woot woot here's to getting their cosigner for the loan :)

Thank you all! Competencies went really well at work. Still another session ar the end of the month.

My back has been hurting the past couple days. I had one of tge therapists show me a stretch and my back feels soooo much better.

I think I'll go to bed for now as V has an appt in the morning.
Gigs- when will you get the appraisal back? Hopefully pretty quick. You're selling or refinancing? Can't remember.

Cb- ugh your poor sister it's so hard but he will start to like it. I'm dreading that time with the boys.

Dobs- dang when did your life get so calm?! Haha that's seriously wonderful though! So glad you and A are getting into a nice routine.

AFM- so I called this morning, they gave me to an advice nurse who wouldn't give me any info because "it had to come from a provider"? Whatever. She emailed my doctors office to have them call me. Someone called, not my doctor (I think maybe a nurse practioner or nurse not sure) I explained that the medical assistant wouldn't tell me what type of test it was and it felt like they were being shady blah blah blah. She said looking at my chart she thinks he drug tested me because they mandatory drug test people taking norcos every 6 months. Ummm I don't take norcos. I said I was prescribed them after both my surgeries (c-section and gallbladder removal) but those were temporary. One was 5 months ago and one was 20 months ago. Plus when the medical assistant went over my prescriptions list with me at the appointment I told her I didn't take anything except my labetaol and a multivitamin. So WTF?! Then I said "well everything came back negative obviously right?" And she said "to the best of her knowledge yes" like it just feels shady. Idk I'm probably being dramatic but I seriously really like my doctor and insurance but some stuff they've done lately makes me weary of them. In the end the person I spoke with didn't see why he drug tested me if this was a temporary prescription and is going to talk to him and call me back.
Gigs- when will you get the appraisal back? Hopefully pretty quick. You're selling or refinancing? Can't remember.

Cb- ugh your poor sister it's so hard but he will start to like it. I'm dreading that time with the boys.

Dobs- dang when did your life get so calm?! Haha that's seriously wonderful though! So glad you and A are getting into a nice routine.

AFM- so I called this morning, they gave me to an advice nurse who wouldn't give me any info because "it had to come from a provider"? Whatever. She emailed my doctors office to have them call me. Someone called, not my doctor (I think maybe a nurse practioner or nurse not sure) I explained that the medical assistant wouldn't tell me what type of test it was and it felt like they were being shady blah blah blah. She said looking at my chart she thinks he drug tested me because they mandatory drug test people taking norcos every 6 months. Ummm I don't take norcos. I said I was prescribed them after both my surgeries (c-section and gallbladder removal) but those were temporary. One was 5 months ago and one was 20 months ago. Plus when the medical assistant went over my prescriptions list with me at the appointment I told her I didn't take anything except my labetaol and a multivitamin. So WTF?! Then I said "well everything came back negative obviously right?" And she said "to the best of her knowledge yes" like it just feels shady. Idk I'm probably being dramatic but I seriously really like my doctor and insurance but some stuff they've done lately makes me weary of them. In the end the person I spoke with didn't see why he drug tested me if this was a temporary prescription and is going to talk to him and call me back.
Spoke too soon got wrecked by a terrible fever. Trying to fight for the last hour
Dobs wtf is this just the perils of working in a school, all the passing germs around?

Des brought home this teddy bear that is the school mascot, and all the kids take turns bringing him home. Lev immediately grabbed it and put it in his mouth :dohh: i am so paranoid the dang thing is a germ incubator...

Green did the dr ever call you himself? That does sound sketchy. Personally i would have denied a drug screening until i got an explanation. Guess it's too late now though :/

My appraisal was for a home equity loan. Hoping to know the results early next wasn't cheap so hopefully they are at least quick.
Idk nobody is sick in my class. A has a one night fever on Tuesday and my stepdad was sick on Tuesday. But omg it was bad. My extremities were going numb when I would lay down during recess. I took two expired Tylenol lol and I feel mildly better

Lol gigs it probably is germy 😂😂😂 i will not touch the pillows in my reading nook or eat anything at class parties

Green that is super sketch
Green alot of doctors like to slip in drugs, but I would have most definitely gave them a piece of my mind. Is there anyway you can switch doctors?
Gigs im sure Lev will be fine, give the mascot a wash in the machine with next clothes wash, ive done that before, popped it in a pillow case just incase it falls apart Lol

Fx the appraisal went in good favour for you guys :) i bet your house looks sparkling.. u can do ours if u like :haha:

MrsG uhh what a ballache of chasing around just to get some answers!! No doubt the blood results were completely negative though.

Dobby i hope u feeling much better today luvvy.. fevers are crappy! Get yeself some in date meds & lotsa juice :thumbup: :hugs:

My nephew was fine after my sister collected him from school (half days for the week first) he was all happy so thats good.. she didnt feel as bad leaving him. Riley never cried of anything going to school, he was all ‘bye mum’ lol then i got upset when i saw another lil boy getting upset with his mum haha

So i had a lovely warm bath last night & every single one of my horrud Varicose veins disappeared it was lovely, my fufu looked & felt normal for the first time in months hahaa!! As soon as i sat up & got out the bath, i could feel pressure everywhere & they all inflated again booo :(
Hi Hunni :wave:

Where in the world are u? Im in UK its 07:20 here atm..
It is. I feel better but weak, throat feels swollen, and i’m tired. That was crazy. My heart was racing last night. I think it was just a mix of a cold and the progesterone pills but damn.
Glad u feeling some what better Dobby.. heart racing is most probs temp related, least its the wknd & you can take it somewhat easy, big hugs xx
Cb- ahh noo sorry to hear about your nephew, I went through that with my eldest Lucy it was awful. Daisy started last Monday and I was really worried about her, and she was fine! The teachers said she’s a little mother hen, she helped some of the smaller children get changed at P.E and always looking after people. She’s like that at home, she’s always helping me with ella, and our little sausage dog Lottie is her baby, she sits on blankets and reads to her etc, daisy is honestly the most caring person I’ve ever met , I’m very proud of her! How’s Riley getting on? Im so glad to have routine back! I thought I was going to go mad the last week of summer hols x

Gigs - hah you sound like me! My house is always so chaotic that anytime someone comes round I have to spend around 6 hours cleaning just to get it half straight again! And then a dog or kid usually does something like a big poo just are they come round! GL hope it goes well x

Thanks everyone for the support on his name, he definitely is Theo now, I adore him he’s so lovely and so glad I have got to experience a son. I’m still very nervous about a boy, not being a baby but when he’s older. (Don’t know if you remember the surgery I went through on my jaw?) but I feel girls can slightly more get away with weaker jaw (I always hid behind my hair) but with a boy they can’t do that. Anyway, he’s perfect and I love him very much, so I won’t think about negatives for now and deal with it if t does happen at the time.

Picture of Theo and Ella they look so similar here, he is 6 weeks old today!


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