General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

as much as I usually enjoy being pregnant, it’s so nice to have some non-pregnant lady clothes! How are all the pregnant ladies holding up on the thread? Xx


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Keeps- you're beautiful and don't look like you recently had a baby!!! Ella and Theo do look a lot alike. Beautiful.

Doc never called back but I will be setting up a phone appointment for Monday. To talk to him directly.

Went to another baby shower today. Lots of babies and pregnant ladies there.
FF says I'm 5dpo but I think I'm 6dpo based on ovulation pains. I already want to test. Which I'm so against esrly testing lol
CB: I am in the United States in Alabama like right now it is 10pm

Dobby: I hope you feel better

Keepsmiling: awww Theo is adorable and I agree yes they look similar and that dress is beautifuk

Green: good luck with this cycle...and pee on an opk if you cant help it lol

So here is a red velvet cake I made..2nd time doing one from scratch
Hunni- can you send some my way?! Over here with a huge sweet craving while kids sleep and DH isn't home!
Keeps so easy to see where your kiddos get their good looks from! Thanks for sharing!

Green fxed for you can’t wait to see tests when you do start testing

Hunni looks yum!
Oooh Hunni post a pic of your Red velvet cake outcome :) i love baked goods.. im thinking i may bake a Banana cake today now Lol

MrsG i would def say your 6dpo aswell, all higher temps are way above that 1st temp on cd12! An odd early test around 9dpo wouldn’t be so bad would it?? :haha: lol

Keeps you look amazing hun!! Wit woo indeed & never would&#8217;ve thought u had just popped bub no4 out ;) That pic of Ella & Theo is adorable & they look so much alike atm, i have a same pic of my 2 aswell at 7wks old & smiling its uncanny, they look like twins but then Nuala changed completely! Uhh soooo glad school has started again, was beginning to tear my hair out, Riley has been a tad awful this summer! Did u say Daisy started this September? Hope she went off ok :) they all look so tiny in their uniform <3 Keeps il post the Twinny pic of my 2, cant wait to collage all 3 come December/January hehe :)

Sunday & Nuala had me up at 5:10am arghhhhh!!!! Wtf! She usually goes until at least 6!! She passed back out asleep in our bed thank god.. zzzz atm! Nothing a coffee wont sort out lol!
Keeps - the uncanny Twinny pic of Riley & Nuala, Nuala was 7 wks here, think Riley was abit older but not much..


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I love these baby pics <3 my two looked nothing alike lol

Dobs how are you feeling?

Cb that bath sounds lovely but sorry the results were not permanent :(

Hunni ymmmm that looks good...i could do without the nuts but sweetened cream cheese is one of my weaknesses.

Green i hope you test early and you're the first we have in awhile (if ever on this thread?) who gets knocked up with a sticky baby first try!

Afm no word on appraisal.
Went shopping with SIL & MIL allllllllllll day yesterday. It was amazing. Had a lovely break from kiddos plus got a fair amount of Christmas shopping done and got ideas for things i can make with hubby.

Plus sone chocolate for myself:blush:
Awww cb so cute!!! I love it!

People say they see bits of my brothers in A, but the ironic thing is he looks exactly like my stepdad’s old baby pic and they aren’t related at all! :rofl:

Gigs boo sorry results aren’t back. But yay for kid free shopping! I always try to pawn A off to someone or rush right after work to shop because it’s just so much harder with him. I’ll take him in a pinch and he loves going but man it’s mentally more exhausting haha

I feel incrementally better lol. Fever is gone and no more maxing out on Advil and Tylenol. But my ears haven’t popped, my lower back still hurts, and my throat is still sore. I’m shocked how quickly A recovered. My stepdad is still hurting. I do worry about him cuz he’s pretty old.

And I just realized I left cut up fruit out ffs I hope no fruit flies when I go home
Dobby hope you feel completely better soon.

I'm fine with grocery shopping, but clothes shoping for me or anywhere without a shopping cart I look to have V looked after. I have in a pinch just put her in her stroller.

Oh and I hope there are no fruit flies back at your place.

CB sorry about the varicose veins coming back immediately. They sound so uncomfortable.

Riley and Nuala look very similar. Thdy can't deny they are related.

Keeps omg they almost look identical! Oh and you look lovely. I'm so glad you are loving your little boy :)

Greenie do all the babies and pregnant ladies make baby fever worse? It does me.

Looking at temps I'd say 7dpo. So no early testing? Wahh just kidding. I understand. It's frustrating trying to determine if you have line eye, evap, indent, or early bfp. It can be costly too. So when do you think you'll test?

Gigs hope you get the results Monday.

Way to go on shopping. I need to start soon. I want to get V a twin bed so she can transition before next baby. Just leave it on the floor and see if I can get a toddler rail slid underneath.

Oh are you going to be impacted any by Florence? We are just getting some rain today with some possible minor flooding.

Hunni the cake part looks good :) awesome job!

AFM was such a busy week last week. I'm thrilled to be off today. Have my appt tomorrow. My mom is going with me. I found baby with my doppler today. It's funny because I haven't found babyin the same spot. I mean that's probably the norm but V was quite content in her "spot". She was like Sheldon from big bang theory.

V's appt went well Friday. 26lb 2 oz and 31 inches tall. I think she's taller than that as she used the standing height thing. Hard to make a 15 month old stand still and straight. I haven't looked at percentiles and he didn't mention them.

Going to try to sneak in a nap while I can.
Flueks I’d be surprised if she’s only 31” too, since Tilly was around 32” at 18 months and only something like 23lbs.

Yummy cake hunni!

Gigs hope you get the appraisal back soon and it’s good news.

CB and Keeps the similarity between your bubs is so neat.

Dobs glad you’re feeling better and that things have been going well lately.

Mrs G fx for a first try bfp. Also I’m keen to hear what doc says about that mysterious drug test.

Michelle congrats on the house. The pics on IG look amazing. And hope Z had an awesome bday.

PL congrats on the offer. Any more luck with seeing houses?

That’s all I can remember. I’ve been a bit AWOL, somewhat busy with school but mostly busy with having endless nervous breakdowns about daycare. Hubby went to Berlin to run the marathon there so I’ve felt a lot more emotional about it all without him here.
Aww big hugs Jez :hugs: how long is Hubby away for? Tilly will settle in no time hun

Did the fruit have flies on it Dobs?? :-/

Flueks ahhhhh what times your apt tomorrow? Will you be getting scanned aswell??
Keeps! Congrats on baby Theo! He's lovely, and he sure does look like your Ella!

Kitty- I realize I'm late on this, but I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm sure it has been devastating. :hugs:

Green- Drug test? Weird!!!!

Everyone else...hi!!!! Life is busy! I now have a kindergartner, a preschooler, and a 10.5 month-old. I've been planning Halloween, Charlotte's 1st birthday, and Christmas all simultaneously, and it's been expensive, and exhausting. So, I don't make it on here much anymore, cause I'm mommin' pretty hard.

I have a twinnie photo of my two oldest! Hannah's on top, and Ozzy's on the bottom!


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Ohhhhh Wooks that bubba newbie photo <3 <3 hope your taking time out for you inbetween all the &#8216;Mummy&#8217; ing :)
Fluek not long until you're feeling proper movement! I'm blown away how fast it goes from "was that baby or gas?" to "dang this baby is active!"
Hubs saw a kick the other day <3 I am growing increasingly excited about baby three's arrival but also increasingly nervous about a c section and also how Lev will handle it. He's been pretty clingy recently but I know that's a phase...I just feel bad I won't be able to pick him up after the surgery and he won't really "get" why I can hold the baby but not him :/ at least family will be around to help and him & Des are playing more together now <3 melts my heart, and I am so excited for Lev and #3 to play down the road!

ANYWAY yes Florence is moving through now, we are expecting heavy rain and flash flooding. Hoping it's not too bad and we don't lose power or any trees!

Wookie! Heygirlhey sounds like mommy life is good! Holy canole, I can't believe it's almost been a year since Charlotte was born!!!
Hey ladies, things have been crazy lately, sorry I&#8217;ve been kinda absent compared to how I usually am. I&#8217;ve been skimming but not really retaining much.

Dobs, I also wanna know if there were fruit flies on the fruit when you got back lol

The baby pic comparisons are so cute everyone!

Keeps I&#8217;m so glad you named him Theo, and you look so cute in that outfit, totally don&#8217;t look postpartum at all.

Classes have been crazy, but that&#8217;s not the most recent crazy stuff.

For one, I forgot my pills at college when I went home for the weekend so I missed two pills (Friday and Saturday night). I took 2 last night and will take 2 tonight to make up for them but it&#8217;s not ideal of course. I had a little spotting last night but otherwise nothing. I&#8217;m not terribly worried though, SO didn&#8217;t finish inside me because I realized I forgot the pills and told him of course. We bought condoms because of it and it seems magnum only makes one kind of thin condoms and they&#8217;re still not thin enough cuz he was unamused by the lack of feeling. We&#8217;d try other brands of thin ones but the magnums are the only ones that aren&#8217;t painfully tight at the top for him :shrug: I won&#8217;t complain about what that says about him size-wise :blush:

For two, one of my teachers went missing the day after I had class with him (class on Monday, went missing Tuesday night), and was found dead yesterday. They&#8217;re thinking suicide. It&#8217;s a once a month class because it&#8217;s a service requirement one credit class, so I only found out he was missing yesterday afternoon when I got back to the college, and just a few hours later he was found dead. Someone said he responded to his email regarding class stuff on Friday, meaning it&#8217;s extremely unlikely he was kidnapped and murdered, because he had internet access. It&#8217;s much more likely he ran off to contemplate suicide, and was distracting himself replying to a student&#8217;s email. He was super bubbly and enthusiastic, and he had 4 school age kids. It&#8217;s so shocking and crazy.
Oh my gosh shae how sad! That's so horrible.
And I wouldn't worry about missing the pills, even though it sounds like you're not. Lol

These sibling pictures are amazing! My two look nothing alike in my opinion. Some strangers think they're identical but no one around us does.

Okay I did it. I gave in. I tested today. Obviously negative lol I won't test again until Wednesday or Thursday depending on when my sister wants to test. We're going to test together. They're ntnp mostly I think.
My life just doesn&#8217;t get better, I&#8217;ve got to go for an ultrasound scan and biopsy tomorrow, they&#8217;ve found a tumour in my womb
Kit so many hugs. I'm so so so sorry. I'll be praying for you, or sending you good vibes. Whatever you want.

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