General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Kit omg :hugs: I am so sorry, that is scary! Are they sure it's a tumor and not a polyp? How did they discover it?

Green that is exciting, I've never tested with anyone before! That would be so fun to be pregnant together with the same due date!

Shae sorry about your teacher, are you ok?
Shae omg im so sorry, that’s crazy!!! :hugs:

Also, I wouldn’t worry about the missed pill thing esp as you dbled up here n there, the spotting is being of abit of hormone drop which is normal after a few missed ones, you’ll feel more better once the 7 day pill break with the af withdrawal bleed arrives..

Kit big cyber hugs hun.. :hugs: praying all goes well & comes back clear for you! Is it def a tumour? Sometimes it can be polyps.. my mum had a couple & they assumed they were tumours until she had them removed :hugs:

MrsG haha test temptation lol!! Oooh looking forward to your next test pic update eeee!!! I feel like i can almost see something on the test strip but it could be because the LH strip is layed right next to it.. :)
Gigs your Insta pics of Lev are so adorable<3

Nualas been manic clingy the last couple of months aswell & wanting her Dummy ALL the time.. its because they know we&#8217;re pg i think, they can sense it & know they wont be the littlest anymore.. Lev will be fine when new bubs arrives Gigs :) im excited aswell for no3&#8217;s arrival, poss more than the other 2.. its weird lol
I went for a scan to make sure everything from the twins was gone as I was still bleeding and they discovered a mass, they said they are referring me to hospital for a biopsy as either it&#8217;s a fibroid (non cancerous) or malignant (cancerous) so I&#8217;ve got to get tested now, I&#8217;m not hopeful though, everyone who&#8217;s died in my family for the last 25 years has died from some sort of cancer, including my 12 yr old cousin :cry:. I&#8217;m fed up of shit going wrong now. 11am tomorrow and I won&#8217;t wont even find out for at least a week.
Kit hopefully this is just the storm before the rainbow. Polyps and fibroids are quite common, I doubt at your age it is uterine cancer! Keep your head up, I will be thinking about you
Kit, heads up! Fx it's harmless, whatever it is, good thoughts heading your way.

Shae, I wouldn't worry about the missed pills. Especially since you doubled up.

I just came back from our anatomy scan. Baby looks good, placenta is anterior, so no 3rd ultrasound in 3rd tri as I had with L. HB was 147. I did allow the tech to tell my DH the gender and it's gnawing away at me. Haha
Also sparked our discussion on a 3rd again. If this one is a girl, we are very likely done. But a boy!? We may try for a girl again and end up with 3 boys anyway...
So DH knows... Gah!!
Jez sorry you had such a rough go without DH. Hope he's back now or really soon.

CB it was at 9. No scan, but I do have one for the 15th of October, YAY:happydance:

Wookie my head is spinning thinking of all that planning! Just stop by when you can. It's hard with LOs. Oh what cute nb pics! They do look almost identical!

Gigs ah I can't wait for that. However I think this baby is going to be a lot more active than V was so I might be wishing for baby to chill a bit :haha:

Ahh I think they sense we are pregnant and though they don't fully understand it. I'm glad he's playing with Des some now. Looking forward to V and this one playing together.

Glad it's not anything worse predicted. Our has been quite tame. Pretty dreary but not constant or near constant heavy downpours.

Shae you will be surprised at the act a severly depressed person can display. My grandfather and brother were charismatic and joked a lot. My brother emailed one of his hugh school teachers about thinking of going to college the day he did it. It's so sad to hear someone ending their life and what emotuinal despair they felt. I hope his family finds peace.

I missed 2 pills in a row max, I can't remember if I did back up or not.

Greenie that's actually pretty cool to test together, but I also think I'd feel a bit of pressure like it was a "race". I'm a bit competitive though.

Kit thinking of you and hoping it's benign. I'd say most likely it is, but I'm sorry you are having to wait a week from procedure to find out.

Pacific yay for healthy baby!!! Haha do you think you'll cave and ask DH? Also, DH says the same about if we have another girl that he's unsure if he wants to risk 3 girls :rofl: I kind of agree. The thought of 3 teenage girls all on their period at the same time shew! I will need wine and lots of it then :haha:

AFM appt went well. Heartbeat 150 which was 150s for V at same age. Baby kept kicking when she was trying to listen and is never in the same spot. I had to meet with billing again because my new insurance card. They said they will run benefits and if there's a change they will have me stop by again in 4 weeks. Nope, sorry, not waiting 4 weeks worrying about insurance. So I politely asked her to call me and let me know one way or another.

My first injection is scheduled Monday so I have weekly injections on Mondays now. I called the pharmacy to make sure it is shipped or ready to ship. Said they were just waiting on fedex.

Work was much more relaxed today. Thankfully, I need a less stressful day compared to last week.

V was suuuuper fussy tonight. Fell asleep within minutes of drive home. Woke up as I'm getting her out as I'm juggling her and an umbrella. She is fussy when i set her down well really about everything. Her tantrum when putting her pjs on was like a nuclear meltdown. So I gave her a bottle to drink and laid her down after she finished. She fussed for quite awhile, but I know it's because she's exhausted. Anyways, I think I'm going to nap after that ordeal :haha:
Kit biggest hugs. I hope it comes back benign. Sending you all my thoughts. I know it sucks being kicked when you are already down, but you have hubs and us and a beautiful daughter and we are all telling the universe to send good news your way.

Shae I am so sorry to hear that and I echo how are you? That’s a lot to process

PL oooo my how can you stand it? Is he making it easy on you or kind of teasing that he knows? Are you still holding out?

I agree I feel like I see something but not sure if i’m Just projecting the opk

Fxed to all the testers

Afm having a bad luck day lol but oh well. Drinking wine even though my throat is sore haha
Oh and not supposed to oops :rofl:

Little scared tomorro is my last progesterone pill and I have recurring nightmares my period doesn’t come and the fluid is something bad

And re fruit flies the only one I found was in my wine just now throw up city
Shae...sorry to hear about your prof. That is so scary

Kit...sorry about the news and I know it can be scary I hope it is something benign

Pacific: I dont kkow how you havent squeezed it out of him LOL.

Fleuky..good look with those injections because I had them with my daughter and man they are PAINFUL..sorry lol

Dobby..we I would be vomiting too lol

AFM just got off work and I am was having a shower wiped and seen this cm. I was disgusted lol some cm freaks me out. I should be around 6dpo
Dobby, Wine is my best medicine ha ha!!

Yay for scan date Flueks :) Glad your injections will be regular! Babies hb sounds very typically girly to me (sorry lol) Nualas was always high over 150bpm, this baby & Rileys has been around the 142/145bpm figure & no more, all wives tales but mine was true lol! If baby was a girl, how lovely V has a sister best friend from an early age :)

Kit, im sure the results will be non-C.. sucks about the results having to wait around, i think thats the worse part & our heads go into crazy mode! Hope the procedure goes ok today for you my lovely, hugs X

Nuala has an awful snotty cold, shes really clingy & looks proper pooped bless her! I was going to text my friend to cancel seeing her today but she text me first & it seems her LO has the same, no doubt they got it from the park they were at the wknd, germs bluerrhhhjghhh!!! So we&#8217;re sat here watching &#8216;Tangled&#8217; i love it haha! Girly pixar <3

MrsG did u give in & test again today.. lol

Dobby how many progesterone pills did u have to take? Was it just progesterone in the pills? I asked my Dr once if i could have some pills to delay my period & the prescription was for Progesterone pills... i never took them as i always bleed with single hormones, fx your bleeding starts soon hun

Put ye feet up Hunni.. & i hate weird CM aswell lol its abit gaggy

Ohhhhh Pacific i dunno how u will remain team yellow & your hubs not refer to baby as he/she randomly, is he pretty good at not letting on hints? So glad scan we t really well though, feel free to post a piccy hehe :)

Cant believe i have less than 1 wk & im in my last trimester :shock:
THAnks guys, appointment went okay, kind of hurt but whatever, but they also scanned my lungs and took a ton of photos of those telling me to breathe in and out so now that’s got me worried &#128580;. Whatever will be will be, can’t change it so i guess it’s just a case of wait until I know then go from there
Kit just wanted to say I am thinking of you!! Sending lots of positive vibes and prayers. You are one tough mama.
Kit, the lung scan is most probs just a precaution, probs have found alot of cases that when tumours are found somewhere in the body, they also find them in the Lungs.. try not to stress about it hun, i know its easy me saying that as its not happening to me.. thinking lots of positive thoughts for you luvvy :hugs:
I agree with CB they probably are doing it as a precaution. Hopefully you get the negative test results quickly.

Cb- no I didn't test today. I had to pes multiple times during the night so I knew it wouldn't be concentrated at all. I'll test tomorrow.

Flu- I missed the shots thing awhile back. Progesterone shots? Glad you have a plan though.

And it doesn't feel like a race with my sister at all. I think because she isn't actively trying (just for her period back postpartum) and although we are trying I'm not worried about it since I'm so busy and so greatful for the two we have it feels like if it's meant to be it'll be. I just feel incredibly blessed to even have the two I do.

Today and tomorrow I'm watching a friends son (he just turned one). It's actually going well. I thought I would be so overwhelmed but it just makes me feel confident as a mom.

Also, I'd like to ask for prayers or well wishes or positive vibes or whatever you do for my DHs cousin (my cousin in law?)and his wife. They've been trying for a baby for 4 years and have had 4 miscarriages. They've seen a socialist and this month is their first month trying with help and I just want them to be successful. My heart breaks for them.
Dobby it took 3 or 4 days of no pills for AF to arrive for me. It can take up to 10 though I seem to recall. Sorry for worrying about no AF and the fluid.

Oh yuck on the fly in the wine. Alanis Morrisette ironic is playing in my mind.

Hunni I've heard it's thick. I'm not too bothered by shots so I think it'll be fine. Thanks for the heads up though

I remember the first time I saw ewcm.... thought I might be coming down with a yeast infection :rofl:

CB yes it's nice to have it set in stone. The appt is also with the dr that delivered V so I'm happy about that.

As far as heartbeat no worries. I'll be happy either way, but I'm definitely leaning towards wanting a boy.

Sorry Nuala is sick. Hope she feels better soon and it doesn't spread in the house

I can't beliebe you are a week away from 3rd tri either!!

Kitty sorry you are worried :hugs: I'm sure it was as a precaution to see in case your tumor was cancerous to check for metastasis to the lungs. I really feel the odds are in your favor though dear.

I hope you hear vack as soon as possible. Hate it takes so long for biopsy results.

Greenie yup it's a progesterone shot to prevent ptl. Hoping it works but hope I don't go past due date :haha: I have a feeling they'd want to induce though as I believe I maje big for gestational age babies.

That's good. I wouldn't really mean to soin it that way, but I'm sure my crazy brain would go there :haha:

Glad watching her baby is a confidence booster. I'm a bit anxious about watching 2, but I'm sure it'll be fine.

Prayers for them. Infertility is heartbreaking! Hope they get their rainbow baby.

AFM so V was so fussy because I noticed today her molar on left lower side broke the gum line. She already had right lower molar. I had given her tylenol before bad as I knew she was working on it, but it finally came.

I used DHs seat cushion today as my office chair was giving me back pain last week. No pain this week!! So happy as I was worried how my back would be in 3rd tri. Oddly enough Saturday wgen I saw patients my back was fine. It's how I figured out it was my office chair.

Hmmmm...... not much else going on. Going to try and nap.
Agreed the wives tale about hb was spot on for A. He was never over the 140s

Cb Moana is A’s tangled lol hope she feels better soon

Kit I agree the lung scan sounds routine precautionary to me fxed for speedy and good results

Green sending lots of positive vibes and sticky vibes both your ways

Hunni cm grossed me out hahaha not yours but like mine lol so I know not of cm info

Fluek sorry for the clinginess and yes! My mom put a cushion on my chair at work and it’s such a difference lol

I took 7 days of progesterone. At first she told me 6 days then I would bleed a week later but my prescription packet was 7 days of pills and to expect bleeds in 3 days so idk. Just know I am breaking out lol
So doing a quick check in on my phone.. will update properly in the morning

Buttttt yall I found a hair on my chin!! I'm freaking out lol. Like almost panicking. I know one could be nothing but still it is weird
MrsG is peeing in the night the norm for you? When i was 9/10dpo pg with Nuala i noticed peeing tons more Lol! I have everything crossed for your hubs Cousin & his wife, that must be heartbreaking going through that.. do you mean they saw a Specialist?

Flueks i hope V is feeling better after her big tooth is niw cutting, bless her! Teething sucks!! Was V a big baby when she was born early then? Will they do the GTT this pg for you? I had it as my Dad had type 2 diabetes but was controlled with Diet & he only developed it in hus 70&#8217;s because he was old.. but i know if it goes unrecognised it can cause preterm labor, big babies etc.. you probs kniw this as your in the med field but it made me think.

Dobby Nuala LOVES Moana aswell & so do i hahaa!! She starts talking to the &#8216;little Moana&#8217; lol its so cute! Bless A aswell, its the bright colours they love also :) uhh for skin breakout.. fx bleed will shortly folliw hun!

Nualas doing lots better now, less snotty & shes still sleeping through which is fab! I have a Vapour plug-in thing in her bedroom, its brilliant!!
Dobby it just amazed me how the chair bothered my back instead of driving in my car for long period of the day with V. So glad it worked though.

I'd just assume 3 to 7 days later AF would arrive. FX that fluid goes away too!

Hunni sorry, I have a white one on the side of my "jaw". I first noticed it early 20s. Like wth?! I pluck it every now and again. I've never had more sprout up almost 10 years later.

CB she was in a much better mood last night and went to sleep with no fussing at all.

She was 19 1/4 in tall and 5lb 13 oz at 5 weeks early. Which I've heard is big for a preemie.

They did gtt with her and will do again. It's a routine lab in the US I believe. Honestly I just think it's genetics since my brother and I were over 9lbs and mom didn't have GD.

So glad Nuala is feeling better now and so cute her talking to little Moana.

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