General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

CB: It is always scary when your kids get sick..I hate for my babies to even catch a cold

@Flueky I want to pull it so bad lol but I'm scared they will come back

i want everyone to have a good day :)

I hate to show yall this but who else I can show. 7dpo and had this cm when I went to the loo. First time cm has made me throw up cause it is so nasty looking
Hunni- all your CM has looked pretty normal to me. This one looks like blood mixed with the CM. At 7dpo that could be implantation...
So much to respond on...forgive me ad I'll likely forget someone. Our basement flooded (thanks Florence!) so we've been a bit won't cover "seepage" (outside water coming in), only inside issues, like if it was a burst we had to run out and get a dehumidifier and better mop. I soent hours vacuuming up water while hubs was at work. No idea how much it was but approximately 30 gallons? Just in whag I sucked up. There was still water everywhere, all the rugs were drenched, and we do have one drain down there so i'm sure a lot exited that way. We have a walk out basement and pretty sure it just cane in through the door like and unwelcomed guest haha.


Kit I hope you're OK. I was a wreck when I had my cancer scare earlier this year. I have never been so terrified in my life! But all was fine in the end. I'm sure the same will be for you :hugs:

PL how can you not know and not let US know???!!! You know if might be fun to have hubs surprise you...

Hunni no idea on all that...but hoping it's a good sign?

See already forgot everything else
Flueks def most probs genetics as you say, i think the GT test should be standard in the uk when all women are pg as you can sometimes spontaneously get it even if you dont fall under their criteria to get screened.. my results should be back anytime now but im sure all are ok :) Glad V’s ok with teeth now:thumbup:

Hunni cm looks pretty normal even though its yuk to look at lol! Blood tinged could def mean implant blood eeep! Fx :)

Ahhh Gigs that sucks hun!!! Sorry insurance wont pay out.. dehumidifiers really work a treat, suprising how much water they extract
I'd never used it before, i'm amazed!!! We got a 70 pint one and have about filled it over twice just since last night :shock:
Gigs- oh no! Hopefully the dehumidifier does its job! How exhausting. Hopefully no more comes in.

Hunni- also looks normal to me. Hopefully it's dark from the implantation!!!!!

Can't remember anything else sorry it was a long night and I'm exhausted.

Took a test and it's completely negative. I'll attach for your viewing pleasure. However, my sister is pregnant!!! She had her period once! She's nervous but I'm so excited for her. Her kids will be a year and a half apart and I think she'll love it.


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Oh my gosh congratulations to your sister!!! She must be very fertile!
Whew finally on the computer so I can reply properly lol.

@Shae: how are you holding up about the teacher?

@giggle: i feel how you do about when it comes to responding lol. We are quite the chatterboxes haha. Sorry about the flood. You are braver than me because i am terrified of basements lol

Kit: Hoping you are holding up okay I know how those medical scares can be.

@green: sorry about the negative but congrats on being an auntie again

Sooooo I worked out i am actually 9-10dpom but no more crazy cm. I guess it is good to track all of this because I need to know my body more. I have realized that i do not like looking at cm haha. It really is amazing what comes out of our bodies LOL
Hunni thanks for reminding me, I forgot that a bunch of people asked how I was doing with the death. The being 9/10 dpo makes it even more likely that it’s implantation bleeding!

I’m doing okay with the teacher thing. I’d only met him once (in the one class 6 days before he was found dead). The first night was a bit rough, it was all I could think about when trying to fall asleep for my 8 am class. But since then I’ve been okay. Thanks for the love everyone, I forgot to “thanks” a bunch of people and I’m too lazy to go back and find each post so this is my thank you to everyone.

Gigs wow that’s crazy! I’m so sorry about the flooding, hopefully everything gets cleaned up without much issue. I can’t believe the dehumidifier works that well. It’s so humid during New England summers that I might need to buy a dehumidifier for my room at home for summer. During winter it’s more dry though.

Green sorry about the BFN, but congrats to your sister!
Hunni mine grows back slowly but it hasn't multiplied. It's annoying and makes me feel a bit weird but it could be worse I suppose.

Maybe implantation? I never had IB and my cm was dried up before his bfp. Every women and eveneach cycle can vary. So hard trying to decipher bfp or af symptoms.

CM doesn't bother me. I think tge only body fluid/excretion I have trouble with is vomit. The smell, everything, I can't stand it. DH can clean up when kids are sick :haha: it is intetesting though how our hormones go and cause our body to produce different types of CM.

Gigs oh that really stinks about the floodingin the basement and what a crock of sh!+ it has to be flooding from an "internal source". Hope there isn't too much damage :(

CB I agree I mean people you wouldn't guess have it do and vice versa. So it's a good screening. Thankully my office only has you fast for 2 hours prior to drinking the glucose drink.

Yes so glad it finally came through to give her relief. She's still workingon more. In fact her ped last week looked in her mouth and commented she's working on teething a lot so just waiting on them to come through.

Greenie sorry for bfn. My wondfo was barely positive at 10dpo but I think I implanted early so still hope. Huge congrats to your sister!! Hope you aren't far behind her ;)

Shae glad you are alright. How are your classes going??

AFM been a busy day. I went grocery shopping after work too. V had a late nap at the sitters so she wasn't wanting to go to bed at 8. I don't like her staying up past that though. She's calmly playing in her bed though :haha:

I think I'm starting to feel those early movements now :)

Not much else over here
Hunni I have chin hair. Little shorties and then this one looooong dark one that shows up every now and then. Does it mean somethin lol

Ok lost my energy lol just walked the dogs a brisk mile to get to a poke stop :rofl: first time I sat all day phew lies I sat at lunch
Sorry green about the bfp, but as others have said, it could be early..

Can't remember who commented on DH knowing and me not: sometimes I regret letting him in on it, other times it's fun. Now I also get to read into DH for what baby could be. Haha

We saw the mw today, HB was 140. She said the normal range is 110-160, so baby is almost in the middle. It was 147 at the ultrasound on Monday. I think Ls was usually in the 130s...

What do you preggo ladies that suffer with a stuffy nose (pregnancy side effect) do?

BTW: mw deleted baby's gender out of my file when we said I didn't want to know. Haha.
On GTT and gestational diabetes... yes! I don’t fit the typical criteria as I’m pretty thin and tall and don’t really even eat a lot of sugar, but I had it during my pregnancy! Wasn’t a huge deal for me though. I took medicine, watched what I ate, and got used to all the finger pokes. On the upside, I had a lot of bonus ultrasounds!

I know there’s more to respond to, but I’m wiped out, so that will have to wait for another day. Shutting the iPad and heading to bed.
Im guessing if i had GD they would let me know before i see my mw next Weds.. but it is the uk & nhs so sometimes you just have to wait it out!

Mich - exactly that, i think over here its the healthcare we have & them making cuts but on the whole yes all should be tested i think. Im glad your pg with DD wasnt interferred with too much with having it, did the GD disappear pretty much quickly after you had her? I think im actually abit more worried this time around only as when i get thirsty i want juice & squash as oppoosed to water lol

Oh MrsG forgot to say sorry re the bfn, will u retest before expected af or just wait & see if your late? Congrats on your sisters pg though & becoming an Aunt again <3

Pacific haha its def fun to guess babies gender & get a reading from hubs i guess ;) & urhhhh pg Rhinitis its called & its a thing apparently according to my MW, if its quite bad sometimes i use a Saline water nasal spray to ease the blocked ness but i thinks that all we can do, its the swelling if the vessels up the nose & everything else is always &#8216;u should check with Dr as your pg&#8217; blah blah!!

For the first time in like 3/4 wks ive managed to shave my legs & trim the fufu in the bath last night Lol! Killed me to do it but im wearing a couple of day dresses over the wknd as we&#8217;re going away with the kids & inlaws, just hope the Mil doesnt piss me off, she likes to think she knows it all even though shes had 2 kids aswell #eyeroll!!
Cb why do you think GD testing should be mandatory? I've actually been thinking about declining it this time. I have no symptoms of it and didn't have it with my previous pregnancies...and I selfishly despise the drink and feel like I've hit my quota on needle pokes this year :haha:

I bet you'll look cute in the dresses! I just switched my razor out for a new one and OMG what a difference! I actually can go longer between shaves! Plus I felt extra smooth after :thumbup:

Omg PL how can you stand it?! I am really wanting to know what you're having hahhaa
Has hubby got you leaning pink or blue?

Fluek congratulations on flutters!!! That is so exciting. Doesn't matter how recently we've done this baby thing, still amazing and exciting to feel a human in there!

Ladies my credit card keeps goes up...with no painting classes in months things are getting tight...I need a get rich quick scheme LOL
Dobby how are you feeling? How is A?

Pacific I use a humidifier in the bedroom. It helps out a lot.

Oh and I don't think Vs was ever that low on heartbeat. Hehe who knows though other than DH ;)

Michelle I suppose that's the only "good" thing was the extra monitoring. I hope you don't get it again though.

CB I would think so too because they would want to start interventions immediately. I remember doing my screening on a Friday and hoping I'd find out before the weekend. Thankfully it was on the patient portal or maybe he just called. In any case I found out all was well same day.

My SIL drank OJ and cherry slushies all the time with her son but didn't have GD.

Congrats on shaving and trimming it is an accomplishment near the end of 2nd tri. I hope MIL behaves.

Gigs I'm with CB as some women don't fit the "stereotype" and have it. They do a cbc then anyways so no big deal to me. I'm probably going to have them check my Vit D levels too while they are at it.

Oh and yes it's amazing about this little human growing and developing inside me. I'm looking forward to more definite movements.

Sorry about cc bill just going up. I wish I had a get rich quick scheme for all of us.

AFM been fairly productive at work but wanted a bnb break. The day started out bad though. My alarm wasn't on so I got up an hour late. I was only about 20 minutes late. On my way in this lady had front of her car in the leftmost left turn lane and rear in the other left turn lane. I stayed back so she could merge, but she whipped back to right lane. So I get beside her and she starts coming towards my lane!! I honked and she stayed in her lane then turned right. I think she was messed up on something.

Anyways rest of the day has been better thankfully :)
At least something is finally going right


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Yay Kit!!! You'll be in your new abode soon! I hooe life settles down for you once you get in there. I know moving is stressful but being in a new place, especially one you can claim as your own, is wonderful.

Fluek :shock: yikes I'm glad she didn't hit you! Ha isn't it funny how on normal days it's a struggle to get out on time but days of waking up late we can really haul ass!!!

I just advertised the crap outta myself for pet portraits. Here's to hoping I get some bites on that. Meanwhile we'll be having a yard sale this weekend...hooe I can make a few bucks and clear a bunch of junk out of my house.

I did sadly discover a lot of my old childhood art has been destroyed from the flooding. Probably for the best, I'm not terribly sentimental and it was taking up space anyway.
Gigs- oh no on the childhood art. I know what you mean by probably for the best but it's still so sad. We're also having a garage sale this weekend!! Good luck with yours.

Kit- exciting in the house being almost done. Hopefully the moving and decorating can help
Take your mind off some stuff. Hugs

I also agree the GD testing should be mandatory. I've known people who don't fit the stereotype and have no symptoms who have had it. So I'm all for it. It's horrible but I understand.

Flu- omg why are drivers so bad sometimes?!? It's insane that people don't pay attention.

AFM- I tested again this morning. Nothing. So I think I'm done testing. I was telling DH how exhausted I was last night after two days of 3 kids under 2 years old and I said "maybe another isn't such a good idea" and he agreed which was surprising since he's the one who really wants another. So apparently we're having a talk about it this weekend. My theory is that he wants another but since I am the one taking care of them daily if I'm not wanting one he won't want one. If that makes sense? I wish I could look into the future and see what my life is meant to look like. I know I'm sure we all wished that.

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