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General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Just to upload a couple piccys & then il pop back on later for reading& chats :)
Shae it’s a tough spot. But like I said if you say nothing then they’ll assume she is telling the whole truth. And you never know. I had a boss who picked on one person every year. One year it was me. I wanted to leave so I never said anything but my mentor did and saved me from getting fired. Then I quit haha. So you never know.

Also don’t go at it as correcting her. Just go in saying you value her opinion and really want to learn where you can improve. You can say that you felt you did well because (specific details), but you noticed in her report that she said it was an area for improvement and so you want to know what specifically made her feel that way so you can avoid doing it in the future. Everything boils down to perspective so doing this will either give you insight about her subjective grading so you can adjust to her or it’ll force her to realize her claims are baseless or maybe you are perceiving the situation incorrectly or you did something without realizing it.

Whatever you decide I hope you find some stress relief soon.

Cb awww look at his face!!!! Yay for team blue! Were R and N with you
Dobs that’s super helpful, thank you. I think I have to meet with her every clinical anyway so I might as well talk to her about it then.
Hugs Shae. Gl! You are a great student so keep that held up high. And treat yourself to something nice!
Cb- soooo cute! Can't believe you're due soon!! Crazy.

Shae- I agree with all of Dobs advice. Especially since she's a teacher I think she's the best with this lol

RE birth control- I never liked any of my options either. It was always frustrating that we have so many options and they all suck lol I'm actually going to talk to my doctor at my first prenatal appointment about sterilization for me or DH and our options. This is our last. Even if it ends in a miscarriage we're done. So if DH is going to get shipped we're going to schedule it right before I'm due I think. Or I'll get fixed during c-section, if we do that again.

Dobs- if you're worried please ask your pedi for a MCHAT. Kaiser takes developmental delays and autism very seriously. Plus, for all the testing I paid $40. $20 for a copay for a speech appointment evaluation and $20 for a copay for the autism testing.
You fill out the mchat first, then they call you can go over their recommendations. If you're super worried you can push for autism testing and they will offer it. She could tell I was worried and she offered it but said the test didn't show he needed it. Plus with Exs history you'll be able to get tested on that alone. It's really worth it. From that testing I went to a class called "help me communicate" and it's amazing. Teaches parents how to teach teach babies. That also led me to the county resources, which offered speech in home!

Sorry this is all a ramble. Probably a ton of errors but I'm too tired to care. Baby is sleeping in me. Still not feeling good. Day 5. Talked to a doctor and they said it's most likely a viral upper respiratory infection.
Oh green no! I hope you feel better soon :(

Ty I did an ASQ-3 development thing and mailed that out a week ago. Some person is supposed to review it then get back to me. I did one at his daycare as well, but I think that was just internal. I’m off and on about autism, and I think even if he was that (speech development aside) that he will still be high functioning. So I guess it’s more just knowing/what to do if he does have some sort of delay.

Also while it’s so sweet y’all vote for me I don’t know s* lol i’m Just thinking of myself and what my fifth graders say to me that works :rofl:
Dobs def dont stress about A’s development yet hun, hes so little still, i know its hard not to worry & easy me saying dont worry about it.. boys are most def later with developing talk/general skills, my sister has 2 of each & the boys are much slower! Aww thankyou, he looks so cute on piccy lol, no Riley & Nuala were at home with their Dad, hes not feeling too great atm, run down i think, so i had a chilled hour out the house :)

Sorry your feeling crappy MrsG.. the time of year & temps changing, increases lotsa nasties, hope it passes in next few days plus being pg, babe takes all our goodness :hugs: If you opt for an elective csection this time around (although you can try vbac) Theres no prob they sterilise at same time, im having this :thumbup: Although it all seems so final Lol

Shae feeling your pain, how do u know noone else has issues with her? Have u asked.. u could always secretly record on Voice recording on mobile in your bag/pocket.. Dobbys advice is pretty much spot on & esp coming from a teaching background, if she still remains like it after chatting i would def speak out about it & take no s**t! Your paying to be taught at the end of the day! SO’s niece gad the same issue with her Math tutor in College & until her Mum spoke to the head of year & principal, it appeared a few other students had complained but never said anything, she was quite unprofessional & just expected them to know alot of stuff but she didn’t understand & then slated her for it & made her feel she was thick & doing something wrong. I think she got fired in the end..

With the Pill, could def be that particular Combi one, ive tried a few in the past before i found one that suits, i was either feeling generally bleugh or awful skin or mid cycle spotting etc.. although they all do the same, diff manufacturers make them diff. Progesterone only pill needs spot on taking it every single day & probs a more higher risk of pg than the combi but usually only 1-4 women get on taking it, i bled constantly on mine so i was one of the 3 who it disagrees with #eyeroll , typical!

Ah Gigs a possible bub no4 eh.. never say never :)

Flueks lol at yoir Pizza excitement! Was it as tastey as u remembered?? Sny pics of new room?

Ah Pretty, lovely Halloween piccys :) dya think maybe SO has a weird feeling u could be preggers?? May be better to tell him sooner than later, less stress & worry for you.. i know when i was pg in January (sadly had a mc) when he asked me how long id known for, i lied & said a week, he was pissed off & gutted at same time that he felt i could talk to him about that stuff.. i had sat on it for nearly 2/3wks i think, i was scared to tell him because of his reaction, he felt awful when i mc as he felt Karma bit him in the butt basically!

Sorry Halloween didnt turn out as good as expected :hugs: hope you get some good kip this wknd hun

I cant remember much else really, im feeling abit sick this evening, we had a chinese take away for dinner, but feel sicky now.. god i hope i dont puke, it’ll really hurt my tum, never vomited when largely pg before :(
shae - So sorry you're dealing with all that. I hate when people in authority roles are huge a-holes and liars. I don't really have any advice, but FX things get better.

CB - So cute! :)

Green - Get better soon!

So, thanks for the input, ladies. So, I bought my cheapy test and I think I'll take it tomorrow. I also was able to make an appt for my dating scan: Sat. Nov 10. Really hope they give me the req for it on Monday. I also wonder if they'd give me another one for blood, just to make sure my hcg number is increasing. We'll see. Either way, I think my loose plan right now is to suggest going to a restaurant SO likes, offering to pay, and then telling him on Monday night. And I don't think he suspects.

In other news, ever since my lunch break at work yesterday, I've been on and off fighting the urge to throw up. I REALLY hope this is just something I ate. If I have to deal with this low level MS for the next several weeks, I'm gonna lose my mind. I HAAAAATE throwing up. You ladies that have had to deal with it every day are the real MVPs. lol. If this is MS though, kinda hope this means I'm having a girl.
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Dobs- that sounds like the same thing I had to fill out! Although, everyone said it's an mchat... maybe that was the paperwork I filled out before the autism testing? No idea. But I was the exact same way as far as if something is wrong I knew he was high functioning and just wanted to help in anyway possible. They should offer something when they follow up... if they don't you can always get a speech evaluation. They won't give him speech because there's no 'medical need' but they can still help. I'm actually really impressed with Kaiser. DHs cousin has autism and they wouldn't even test her until she was 5, they had to go to the U.K. For some kind of bloodwork to even get her looked at here. Luckily that was about 10 years ago I'd guess and they've changed a lot.

Cb- you're getting your tubes tied? You'll have to update on how it was. And yes it seems very final but we'll have 3 kids lol so we're good. Plus if this pregnancy ends badly I know we can't emotionally take another loss.
Pretty - sounds like a plan re telling SO :thumbup: Did u have any ms with Alex? Ive had it with all of mine, not to the point of vomiting but awful sicky nausea, its guff! Hope u feel better soon if its not ms :hugs:

MrsG - i only have one tube anyway as i lost my right one due to ectopic pg back in 2013, they’ll just whip my other tube out. I dont want them clipped or anything.. my ‘mummy friend’ from up my school had this after her third & they used the wrong type of clips on her, it eroded her tubes & part of her Uterus, shes since had a Hysterectomy & shes only 26 :( Im ok with the removing of my other tube, i dont want anymore after this lil one either, il be over 40 my then! Lol

This pg for you will go fine hun <3
Just stopping by quickly to respond to Shae!

Shae, totes agree with Dobs and others, and just want to add my two cents. I sat on my university’s senate appeals committee a few years back where we’d hold hearings for students who were appealing dismissal from their program for whatever reason. From that experience, I would suggest that if heaven forbid this woman does try to fail you and you appeal it (which I believe you should have the right to do) or even if others get involved, it will look far better on you if there is evidence of you trying to remedy any issue as soon as it has come up. We often had students who were (understandably) too anxious to advocate for themselves before things started spinning out of control, and that unfortunately made it too easy for their professors or preceptors or whoever to argue that the student failed to raise issues at the time and therefore failed to mitigate the situation when they had the opportunity. To that same point, evidence of you defending your position may be best made in writing so that there is a clear paper trail. I think it can absolutely be done tactfully via email, for example, and may even help convey your points more effectively than doing so in person, especially if you feel like your anxiety may make you less articulate in person or that she would simply cut you off. You can frame it like Dobs said, and/or even emphasize that while you accept and appreciate her many valid critiques, it is important to you that her perception of you is accurate and so you want to clarify a few points bla bla bla. Anyway, just a thought, but I do think you should advocate for yourself, esp if you think this may now colour the way she interprets everything you do going forward and make her constantly scrutinize you.
CB - I had what I consider MS for like literally 3 hours at 6w2d with Alex. lol. My stomach seems to be pretty much back to normal. Looks like it might have been some little 24 hour bug. It's 6am right now and I'm just having a small bowl of Froot Loops cuz I woke up and was hungry and sometimes those empty stomach hunger pains make me feel like I'm gonna be sick. When I'm done, I'll take the cheapy test.

Edit: Here's the test. Still super positive.
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Jez, that’s a fair point. I’m considering emailing her to address the situation, but I’m scared she’ll just say I’m correcting her or questioning her authority or judgement, even if I try to inflate her ego. I’m worried about how to word it correctly. Perhaps I could email my advisor for advice on the situation, asking her to not mention it to the instructor. At least that way there would be evidence that I disagreed with some of the points on it prior to any hearing, even if I don’t end up emailing the instructor. But I worry she’d tell my instructor anyway, without giving me a chance to talk to her first, and that would be a shit show.

CB was it you who posted 3D/4D ultrasound pics? Sooo cute!

Pretty yup that test is crazy strong! Good luck telling SO, you’ve got this.
Dobby, haha, well fair enough. In a way it's one of those super American foods where it's like "how can we make this one food even more unhealthy?! I know let's make a hamburger pizza!!" Such a guilty pleasure.

I'm really leaning towards FAM. I know it's more work but I'm pretty skilled at it and I prefer natural methods. Probably use condoms or pullout at fertile window. I'm definitely bot ready for sterilization as I'm undecided on #3.

Also I think bcp could interfere with milk output. I can't recall all the hormones that are involved with milk production but I imagine it would interfere to a point at least.

Fuck, accidently hit post. I'll work on another one instead of fully editing this one.
Gigs lol it's okay. It's my guilty pleasure and I know it's not for everyone. My stepdad and mom got one too last night and they really liked it too. No ketchup but I suppose you could. I think it would ruin it. I never have ketchup on a big mac though.

Yeah I definitely haven't ruled out #3, but didn't know if I might want something less involved. I'll probably just use natural prevention methods. Also considering an Ava bracelet so I can confirm O without actually temping myself. I definitely don't want to regret not having another so permanent options aren't even on the table.

Awww that's cute he'd want to sway for a girl. We would probably sway for a boy. If it was another girl it would be okay but I'd definitely grieve the son I'd never have. In any case for reasons other than ttc#4 I do hope his business does really well and is a step up for your family.

I'm not sure I want to donate for science. An experience in the hospital turned me against that. I know this would be different as you would be a living donor but still. I do have no problem donating organs. I knowthis sounds weird and I can explain more if you are curious.

CB he's beautiful!! I love his nose and lips. Is he looking like SO?? I mean it's hard to tell in the womb, but V definitely had DHs nose. Also on a funny note before I zoomed in I thought they typed "sexy boy" on the potty shot, I was like wth?!

Ah it's refreshing to get out sometimes without kid(s). Love them but sometimes it's nice being alone and out. Less worrying ehile trying to do things.

Hope you didn't get sick. Also the pizza was delicious!

Oh how awful for your mummy friend. I can't imagine to have my option taken away like that at 26. Hell, I hadn't even had a child at that point.

Greenie I may consider sterilization after #3, if there is a #3. I really don't want to be pushing 40 or after 40 and pregnant. Shooo that would be hard.

I hope you are feeling better. My cold a couple weeks ago sucked. I hate being sick while pregnant. It's bad enough being sick as a mom.

Pretty only a day away now!! Ah glad you don't think he suspects. Even if he starts thinking of the "financial burden" first, I think he'll come around and get excited and love #2.

As far as gender and symptoms. For myself doesn't necessarily mean anything. A bit frustrating really. So far the baking soda test has been tried and true both pregnancies. You have to wait until 10 weeks or later though. You are doing sneak peak so I'd just do that. Beautuful IC!!

Shae I think Dobbys advice is great. I would not recommend emailing her. Emotion and intent can really get lost in an email I think she would take it more of an attack against her. That's my 2 cents on that.
First a bump pic at 22 weeks. My bump is more rounded but still not that cute "basketball" bump. I have the "watermelon" bump. Oh well.

I actually got a better shot last night. The window in that room isn't the best for natural lighting. The color is more akin to the darker shade near the corner. I really like it.

Then mocha is her dog bed my mom got her. Bahaha she loves it. Just have to make sure she isn't inside it when V is around.

20181104_101137.jpg H6aHBhUC-854341652.jpg 20181104_101249.jpg
Flueks u have a very cute bump going on & your only just over half way, another few wks & it’ll pop out into basketball i reckon hehe! Love that colour wall paint aswell :thumbup:

Its really strange as hes a Boy but he kinda looks like Nuala when shes asleep but the nose looks like Rileys, which is my nose, Nuala has her Dads as i compared bubba pics with his Mum lol!

Flueks what is FAM? I know u cant rake combi pill whilst bf’ing but progesterone only is fine but I personally found my milk supply dropped slightly with Riley so i stopped taking it. Iwas exclusively feeding him & after i stopped at 4 months, he was nearly 6 months old before my first proper period returned.. i had a heavy bleed around 3wks & nothing after that. Love it!

Pretty, glad your feeling better to eat hun.. some ladies get Zero MS so u may be a lucky one :) & that test is uuuuber dark.. makes me want to do one now haha

Im in the midst of cooking a Beef roast dinner mmmmmm, lotsa crispy tatas drooool - sorry Jez if your reading this Lol

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