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General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Awww Pretty love the mommy son costume! Sorry SO made that comment, but sometimes guys moan in passing and it’s another thing when they hear the news for real. Hopefully Ny worry is short lived because parents somehow always find a way. My coworker straight faced told me she feels sorry for me because she can’t imagine working full time with a kid “and omg you’re doing it all alone!” *insert eye roll* but reality is parenting is hard but we do it. You got this! I vote get a cheapie to ease your mind plus it’s fun poas lol

Fluek I love that her room is nearly ready! Idk. A has a killer room no thanks to ex. My ex wanted him out at 6 and I wanted a year, but i’m too paranoid to keep him in a different room. I’d feel better if my dogs free roamed at night and there wasn’t a short hallway to the staircase, but alas that’s life. I was thinking maybe whenever he is old enough for his toddler bed that I may set up the gates so I can section off our rooms and he can move from his to mine. I just dk. After my dad died my mom, brother, and I shared her huuuuge bed for 4 years until we moved in with my stepdad. So honestly A night not move out of my room until he asks haha

But tonight I put his milk in my old breast milk carrier with 4 ice packs so we’ll see. Could be anywhere from 6 to 9 hours before he wants his milk.

Re Halloween it was good here. Went to all my favorite people’s houses, got a nice score of snickers. I don’t let A eat candy (cupcakes and cake and sugar is fine but idk not about to give him a snickers yet) so right now the candy tax is 100% haha. But again worries about his development: he gave zero s*s, people making comments that he wasn’t waving or saying anything to them. I didn’t expect him to care but he was just so glazed over. Shrugs

And A is in 18/24m as well and just switched to a size 5 shoe.
Dobby don’t worry abouts A’s development, he’s not that much older than Evie and she doesn’t wave or say any words yet, but I know she’s ok, she’s smart, she works stuff out way more than any other child I know.

They all develop differently :hugs:
I just don’t know he’s ok. Something in my gut says it’s not ok. Not all the things that worry other people, but moments where i’m Watching him and it doesn’t feel right
Fluek we need pics or the room!

Pretty I think you should tell him soon...sounds as though he may not appreciate being left in the dark. Plus it will probably ease your mind to let it out. At least you won't be fearing his reaction anymore. :hugs: sorry for the tough situation!

Dobs I had my guy instincts about Des too so I feel you. It is really difficult at this age to discern between normal fears and actual problems. But you are a good mom and on top of things! I have no doubt if he needs any intervention you will provide. But as of now it sounds like normal first born boy delays. And he's still quite young...Lev only recently started saying bye to people; hi is a rarity. And he only JUST (like in the last week) started identifying me as mama. He still won't call for me by name though (although i suspect it's spite as he does ask for his PaPa and occasionally DaDa).

Time will tell, don't stress yourself!
Pretty sorry your day didn't go as planned. You and Alex look so cute together!!

Oh and maybe you should go ahead and tell him since he thought you might be hinting at something. He may even suspect it?? Just a thought dear. Oh but I'm getting excited that you get a scan scheduled soon :)

Dobby I suppose getting furniture is our next step. It may sound awful, but probably will buy used as she'll probably "tear" it up. I know I drawed on my drawers. I'm thinking buying her a nice bedroom set once she gets older.

You know you do you. If sleeping in the same room works, do it. I shared a bed with my mom not long after her divorce. After she remarried she would stay in my bed til I fell asleep. I do know prior to the divorce I slept by myself.

V didn't say anything to them or wave. She is really pretty shy. She can talk uo a storm but clams up if she doesn't know someone. A good thing if you ask me. A has really caught up hasn't he, I'm glad to hear it. You've done an amazing job!

Gigs give me just a few to get pics. Should have done before pics... oh well.

AFM busy day. I was helping a girl answer tasks and she's painfully slow at "typing". Unfortunately, typing is really a necessity for a homecare nurse as our documentation is SUPER thorough, more so than the hospital. I'm afrid she'll get overwhelmed if she can't get the hang of this essential skill. Anyways, she is a really good nurse but struggling with some things. Then I saw some patients. I enjoyed it, I love getting to know people. I'm actually pretty shy but at work I'm not. Kind of odd, but it's me.

Meant to thank everyone on liking our probable name. We are going to go over our likes again and try to make a final decision. Then again we may change our mind at birth.

OMG OMG OMG!!!! Papa John's has the double cheeseburger pizza back!!!! We are having pizza tomorrow and I cannot wait!! :rofl:

Alright off to take some room pics. Never mind will do tomorrow when I have natural lighting. My camera couldn't take a good pic.
As someone who has studied this a fair amount I can let ya'll in on some info. Only about 10% of babies aren't saying at least 10 words by 18 months. Of that 10%, 70% go on to be pretty normal. 30% generally are diagnosed with ASD or some other fairly serious issue.
Stats generally are my thing. The odds are in your favor Dobs, with 70% being fine. He though does have some signs of issues but he likely could just be a late bloomer in some ways. If he isn't speaking by 22 months then I say that's much more concerning. Just make sure you encourage plenty of speech in things like paddy-cake and other play time activities. Best you can really do to encourage late talkers. (Without me going into areas people here don't generally appreciate.)
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Fluek never had the cheeseburger pizza. What makes it so good? I'll tell ya what gets my saliva flowing is the cheesesteak pizza at domino's. *drool* not sure if they make that anymore...?
Peace now I wanna know what these forbidden areas are lol

Thanks ladies idk. I was never good at diagnosing kids, which is why i’m Glad as a teacher I can let that be someone else’s duty. Time will tell.

Had happy hour today and man I am getting old! 1 drink does me in! Didn’t want to rush driving A to my mom’s lol

Fluek so excited to see pics tom also never heard of this pizza but now I feel like I need to try it sorry about the girl at work hopefully she can hang

Pretty i’m Also pro ripping band aids but do you

Bbl A is flipping out my fault for picking him up late then skipping g-ma’s
What on earth is a cheeseburger pizza? And a cheesesteak pizza, for that matter. Which, by the way, I read as “cheesecake pizza”. I bet that exists an’ all.

ETA: k I’m guessing the cheesesteak pizza just has steak in it (with cheese, obv, coz pizza).
What on earth is a cheeseburger pizza? And a cheesesteak pizza, for that matter. Which, by the way, I read as “cheesecake pizza”. I bet that exists an’ all.

ETA: k I’m guessing the cheesesteak pizza just has steak in it (with cheese, obv, coz pizza).
I’m just imagining a normal pizza with a whole grilled steak slapped on it :rofl:
Hi ladies, sorry I haven’t commented in a few days. I’ve been reading, but just very stressed.

On Tuesday my clinical instructor gave me a written notice where half her claims against me were lies. I won’t say nothing she said was valid, cuz I’m not perfect. I misunderstood the assignment in the morning and I need a lot more practice with taking BPs, she noted those issues. I’m fine with getting written up for things that are true. But half the stuff she said was complete falsehoods or insane exaggerations, and I’m so angry about it. I can’t do anything about it though, because it’s her word against mine, and she’s the instructor. Plus if I confront her about it, she’ll probably fail me. She’s already shown that you’re not allowed to correct her no matter what, based on her yelling at me for correcting her in something small she said about me verbally. Earlier in the clinical she had made a really rude totally unnecessary comment to me that took me by surprise. In pre-conference, there’s a little snack basket they’ve told us multiple times to feel free to take from and eat snacks during preconference, breaks, and postconference. I grabbed a snack to eat during preconference. Then she ended up saying she wanted us to take a break at 10:30 and eat a snack, so I grabbed another one to hold on to for 10:30. Grabbing those snacks took a total of about 5 seconds. Later on, when she told me I was doing the wrong thing, I said I misunderstood and I apologized. She said, “Maybe you should be listening instead of scouring the snack box.” I thought that was super rude and unprofessional of her, especially considering I spent maybe 5 seconds grabbing something, but I didn’t say anything. Then she put in my written notice that I “spent pre-conference going through the snack box”. As if I spent the entire time doing that. I’m totally dumbfounded, honestly. That’s only one of many things she did that with, but I won’t explain every lie/extreme exaggeration she told about me in the notice unless people really want to know each one, which I doubt lol.

So anyway, I’ve been stressed out of my mind the past few days. I’ve felt like I needed a Xanax multiple times, and I’ve never even taken a Xanax. I shouldn’t be so scared of repercussions by my instructor, but I am. I want to fight this, because there’s so many lies going into my file, and I’m absolutely furious, but if I stand up for myself, it’ll backfire. Questioning your instructor can be nursing school suicide. She has the power to fail me, and if I say something, whether to her or to an advisor or something, she will no doubt punish me for it. I’m basically half functional because my anxiety is through the roof over this. I’m so terrified of failing, because if I fail clinical, I can’t get back in. If you fail lecture you can get back in, but if you fail clinical you’re out, for good.

So yeah, that’s my current situation. I’ve seen all the adorable pictures and they’ve been so lovely. Much love to everyone.
Oh, also. Another stressor. I have to switch birth control methods.

I threw up from a migraine after clinical on Tuesday. I had a full vasovagal reaction to it. I’ve never ever thrown up from a migraine before then. The week before I had a migraine at the end of clinical and I nearly threw up from the insane nausea. I never used to even get nausea from migraines. Ever since starting on the pill I get nauseous and throw up so easily. My NP says a lower estrogen pill won’t help as much as I think, and I need to get rid of all estrogen from my birth control method. So I could go on the progesterone only pill, or I could go back to a progesterone IUD. I shouldn’t try a systemic method like the shot or implant because if it gives me bad side effects I can’t just stop taking it like a pill, I’m stuck with it for 3 months or until after removal with the implant. I still had nausea on the IUD, just only when I was PMSing, and since it’s not systemic, a systemic one could be much worse with those effects. All that according to my doctor. So basically, I can get a new IUD, possible a lower dose IUD than last time, or I can try the mini pill, even though it’s less effective and I might spot all the time. I’m so frustrated. I wish I could just use FAM but I feel like it’s too risky. Condoms aren’t gonna happen, my SO just can’t finish with one on, we’ve tried. I just started my last pack of my combo pills today, so I have a few weeks to decide what to do. Any advice is much appreciated.
You need to advocate for yourself, Shae. If you don’t, it’s only her word. If you do, you can’t make the situation worse. You say you’re scared she will fail you or retaliate, but it sounds like that’s already her plan. Even if she does retaliate, i’m sure there is procedure for that.

From a teacher prospective, you may need a heart to heart. Maybe this has happened, but that would be my first step. You’ve corrected her, you’re eating during meetings (with permission or not), you aren’t standing up for yourself. If I were her, i’d think you don’t care/are too good for my class. And while we can say we remain neutral, we are human. If you feel she is being unfair, talk to her in a non accusatory tone and be polite. Inflate her ego a little without going overboard. If that doesn’t work after a while, then go over her head and do whatever formal complaint procedure there is. And worst case, if it boils down to it ask for a support person/witness in your meetings.

My brother and I are mini pill babies so my only suggestion there is only do it if you are going to be rigid. I remember you having some trouble adjusting to taking your pills at the right time, and the mini is far less forgiving.
Shae are you in a state where you need permission to record?

If not then I’d record her, get a proper camera and record your sessions with her, if you need to, tell her you want to record the sessions for revision later.

This serves 2 purposes, to clear any allegations against you, and to gain evidence against her.

I’m so sorry this is happening and I really have no suggestions apart from above. :hugs:
Gigs it's small bits of hamburger meat, pickles, tomato, and the sauce is "big mac sauce". OMG I like it when not pregnant, but I'm like over the moon excited right now. I don't believe I've tried Dominos philly cheesesteak. I'll look into it after Papa John's stops their pizza.

Dobby hehe. I know when I drank after having V it felt like I was drinking for the first time.

You could at least look at the pizza :haha: I think it's the pickles and the sauce that win me over. I do like big Macs but rarely indulge. Oh and yes I hope she can make it.

Jez if I was to guess cheesteak also has onions and green peppers. The sauce is probably more like ranch dressing than tomato based.

As for the cheeseburger pizza see response to gigs.

Shae not really sure on this. I think that's crap you were written up. My first clinical instructor was an adjunct. She acted like we were last semester nursing students instead of first semester. There was really no guidance and she asked if I was "on something". At the end she bragged that I'd really improved. I think we all left negative feedback on her prior to her eval of us. Can't recall the timeline of events. In any case I probably wouldn't grab any of her stupid snacks since she's being a witch about that.

Hmmm, the progesterone only pill requires almost perfect timing every day. I don't think that would be a reliable method for you. Maybe an IUD again??

AFM I'm also wondering what I want to do about birth control after S. IUD would be easy in regards of not tracking or remembering to take a pill. I don't really like the idea of something foreign in my body like that. I know it probably sounds crazy. Not a fan on the injections. I'm considering doing FAM again but worry about a slip up and expect #3. We both are unsure on #3 but both leaning towards we are done. I suppose I'll have to research more.
Havent read back to reply yet, work was quite busy yesterday..

Just to say im waiting to go in for my Baby Bond 3/4d scan ahhhhhhh
CB that is so fun!!! Exciting!

Fluek yeeeah I’ll look but pass on eating. I don’t like sandwich pickles anymore it’s weird. Hope the pizza is everything you are craving!

Re bc I hear you. I swear I could feel my iud. Injections were ok but the whole take a crap ton of calcium was concerning. But it was safe while bfing (after 6 weeks) BUT I had supply issues and I don’t remember if that was related
Shae as a teacher, i think Dobs' advice is sound. Talk to your teacher first and maybe even tell her you are worried about being thrown out of the program. Is anyone else having issues with her?

Regarding bcp you may be havig a reaction to a filler in that particular brand of pill. If i were you i'd try a similar pill but different brand, and compare ingredients. I am suspicious because you've had these hormones before with no ill effects...

Fluek i'll have to check that out as a big mac fiend...but to be honest it doesn't sound all that appealing! Do you dip in in ketchup?

Hmmmm well why not just wait and see how you feel after #2? One of people's top regret in old age is not having that last kid...just a tought.

We are going to see how this business goes and then make a decision. Hubby has been talking about swaying for a girl on the next one, lol! We'll see. Another kid is going to mean either a different house or some major renovations to this one to accommodate. Alternatively if we are sure we're done and have the money, i may opt for a partial hysterectomy. Thinking about donating my uterus, I hear that's a thing now! Or alternatively just giving it to science. Idk. Just sick of periods.
Oh wow! Gigs did not know that was a thing! Big kudos to you for even considering it.
Thanks for the advice ladies!

Dobs that’s fair that she might think that. Though I really don’t understand the logic of telling people to eat and then being upset when they do. I do participate a lot in the conferences (which she wants) and I do all my work, and the assistant mentioned something I can’t remember that she said showed I cared, so idk. I do care very much, but she may not be getting that. While I’d love to have a heart to heart with her about it, I’m scared she’ll just say I’m correcting her or questioning her and freak out at me.

Kitty the issues never happen during the conferences, as all 5 students are present. She’s only lashed out at me during quick private conversations on the unit and in writing, so I can’t record that. I also can’t record what I’m doing because there are patients involved. So idk the permission laws, but it wouldn’t be an option anyway.

Flueks mine is also an adjunct professor. She just dropped us on the floor first day and expected us to figure it out. She didn’t pay much attention to me at all until this past Tuesday, so she would’ve had no clue if I was doing something wrong, so I could’ve been going weeks doing stuff wrong (accidentally) and not being corrected.

Gigs nobody is having issues to my extent with her, which means I basically have nobody to corroborate anything. That’s another reason I don’t want to fight it, because it’s her word against mine, and without other students with similar claims, they’re going to take her word for it. It does also make me think that maybe I’m the problem, and I’m not perfect so there’s things I’ve done wrong and things she’s said that are valid, but there’s also a lot of false claims, so in that way I know it can’t just be that I suck.

Re: birth control, since missing the 2 pills 2 cycles ago I’ve been pretty spot on with my pills, actually. I’ve taken them all within 45-60 minutes of 8:30 (always later, not before, so we could say the average is 9 pm and I’m always within half an hour on each side). With the possible filler issue, I was on a different manufacturer with a different filler for the first month, then they switched to a different one with same hormone levels, and I had the issues from both. I also had never been on an estrogen birth control before going on the pill. I’m thinking since the mini pill doesn’t have a break week, it’ll mean I won’t have regular periods on that either, so I might as well get another IUD. Ugh. I wish birth control wasn’t necessary. I need a button on me that says “no pregnancy please”.

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