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General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

CB thanks. I never quite got that basketball bump with V. I really think my longer torso makes my buml look the way it does. But you may be right will have to wait and see.

Hehe bits and pieces of both parents then. I think V favors DH except for her eyes and hair color. Hoping S takes after me a bit more. Her nose wasn't quite as big as Vs at 19 weeks.

Fam is fertility awareness method basically. I reverse my ttc knowldge to prevent. I kinda do my own thing. Avoid around my usual fertile window snd anytime I have fertile cm. Will probably use IC opks.

Bcps really made ttc#1 tough. My body had a hard time regulating. I told DH I never wanted to go back on it. I mean maybe if I wouldn't be advanced maternal age when we might try again, but I don't want a repeat of ttc #1.

Mmmhh sounds lovely. Hope you enjoy. I'm making chickrn fricasse tonight. Yum yum :)
I agree on the BCP, Flueks. Never again. It’s nice to see so many of you guys having no trouble conceiving this time around despite it taking longer before. Hopefully it would be more of the same.

CB damn you for mentioning the roast beef and crispy ‘tatas! Don’t tell me there was Yorkshire pudding too?! Oh and those 3D scans are adorable. Probably among the best I’ve seen so far actually, in terms of baby’s face being so clear and of course so cute.

Pink, very strong lines! Good luck at your appt tomorrow. Looking forward to the update.

Shae actually the other thing I was going to say was asking someone else’s advice, like your instructor. I would like to think someone would have enough integrity not to betray a student’s wishes when clearly they’re feeling vulnerable and just looking for advice, but even if she does and then the other women gets mad, I struggle to think she’d have grounds to fail you for that. Same with sending an email. Sure, there’s a chance that even a very tactfully worded email would rub her up the wrong way, but she can’t fail you over that, and it’s easy to refer others to that email when disputing her actions versus risking her providing her own biased account of whatever you said in person. I guess another option may be to speak to your instructor, tell them your perspective, and ask for the three of you to meet together to discuss the issues. I would hope that the other woman wouldn’t be so abrasive or unreasonable in front of the instructor. There would also be a third party present who has already heard your side, and the rationale for the inclusion of your instructor could just be to make sure you’re all on the same page about your clinical progress and the areas to work on, since you want to make sure you’re improving in necessary areas but also being assessed accurately bla bla bla. At the very least, please speak to someone at your school that you trust (like faculty, staff, whoever). I’ve had many friends have similar issues with their supervisor and be too scared to say anything for YEARS because it seems like the only people they could tell could potentially be on the supervisor’s side, but it’s still better than saying nothing, being miserable and treated unfairly. The power imbalance is such an issue but there should be protocols in place for pursuing grievances. This shit sadly happens all the time in some form or other. I guess if you don’t think things are really bad right now and there’s a chance things could blow over and be okay, you could see what happens. I’d still document everything for myself in case it is useful in future. Sorry for the essay.
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Jez, yup Yorkshires aswell lol! Im still uncomfy now, we ate just before 5pm & its now 22:45 lol big ol fatty here, i think i ate waaaay too much but i was starving lol! Thanku re the cute pics, for nearly 34 wks they are really clear, esp considering hes head down & he was snuggled into my Placenta, she said i had a good amt of fluid in there though, bonus! We have a usb stick with a video bit on aswell if all the lil bits, he was yawning at one point :)

FAM - this is what me & SO were doing when i got pg twice this year lol but he wasnt too quick on the ‘pull out’ part of it - not that im complaining- before that happened, it was fine like that for a few months :thumbup:

Ive fallen pg very quick the few times after having Riley, pg really did boast my fertility.

Flueks, S may indeed be more like you then, did you have any 3/4d scans with V & will you be having one this time? With Riley & Nuala i was on a study & had them for free but no study this time around so I felt like i should have one done.. plus i wanted to ha ha!
Not sure why this just entered my head but thought id ask, Flueks V was born early just before 35 weeks, did u have a Hospital bag packed & have everything ready at home like newborn clothes etc?? I have no clothes bought & no bag packed yet & it just made me think...
So I had to email back my plan for improvement and I sent this email with the file attached, hopefully to send the message to my instructor that I do care about the course and respect her input. Hoping it gives a bit of an ego inflation effect.

“Hello Professor —,

Attached is my written notice with the plan for improvement section filled out. Please let me know if you would like me to edit or add anything. I value your advice and input and truly appreciate your efforts to help me get back on track.

Thank you,

My Name”

Hopefully that’ll make her not want to fail me quite as much.
Jez it really is nice. My OB told me at pp check up last year not to expect to take as long to conceive. He was right!!

CB they actually routinely do 3d/4d at your anatomy scan. With V I had scans at 7, 11, 19, 26, 28, and 30 weeks. 28 and 30 were awful because of her positioning. All were elective except for 7 and 19 weeks. With S we had/will have at 7, 19, and 24 weeks. May pay for one at 26 or 28 just wait and see.

Yes she was born just before 35 weeks. I had actually laundered her 4 NB outfits, and all her 0-3 months. I fully expected a big baby. Step MIL bought us quite a few NB outfits so we'd have more than 4 outfits. Her nursery wasn't fully finished, mainly decorating but essential laundry was done. Labor bag was not packed. I didn't grab everything I needed either when we left for hospital. Plan to be packed around 30 weeks I think. I want to be prepared this time, plus I'm nervous about how quick labor will go this time.

Shae I think that sounds alright.
Shae I’d stop after appreciate your efforts. I wouldn’t type get back on track because it implies you agree that you are off track
Dobs well I already sent it, so too late lol :shrug: and I agree that in some ways I was off track, so that’s fine with me. I disagree with multiple specific critiques, and I don’t think I’m nearly as off track as she thinks I am. But oh well, I will give less agreement and more appreciation in the future.
Sorry! It’s not the end of the world and i’m just hyper sensitive to wording in emails. It’s not a big deal and if ever questioned just explain it truthfully as you just did. Hopefully things get better!

Sorry everyone else read but in the car all day cuz my mom thought it’d be fun to drive four hours to get a pie..........
Dobs I’m confused... what kind of pie is worth a 4 hour drive? Is there a pie shortage within a 4 hour radius of where you live? Is the pie in question a particularly majestic pie?
(Also, thanks for the advice and well wishes)
Shae, good luck, I hope you get the response you are hoping for.

Cb, mmh! Toast and taters! Beef or pork roast is fine with me! We had snapper fish for dinner tonight, oven baked. With rice and green salat.

Dobs, now I am curious too... A 4 hour drive for pie??? I can make one in less then half that time...hmm

Flueky, wow thats some early arrival, were there any signs that lead up to that?

Gorgeous ultrasound pics! Hmm, I probably would not.. I have barely drank any water lately. Bad me...
Shae, good luck! I think your email was worded great. Hopefully she takes it a good way, and things go well from here on out.

I agree... this had to have been some stellar pie, Dobs!

On birth control.... I agree with the ladies who said never again. I tried birth control for about 5 months 6 years ago... and nope, not for me. Tried several kinds, all with weird side effects. I just track cycles instead.

It was two hours each way at some farm in Watsonville. That sounds legit in theory but did not live up to the hype. We were bored and my mom’s coworker was raving about it so we went. They were not even good. Rather just grab a Safeway pie r_r and A will not sleep
Re: birth control, I’ve been taking Zofran (anti-nausea med) with my 1/4 dose of my Zoloft (depression med) and thought I’d be okay without the Zofran today. Wrong. I took my Zoloft around 10 pm, immediately felt like my lower esophageal sphincter was failing me, and ate some Chex mix, it went away for a bit, came back, ate a peanut butter cracker, went away for a few minutes, came back, repeat. Took a Zofran around 11 pm. Still eating crackers occasionally. I told my mom, she says this is not sustainable and I agree. I never had this issue pre-BCPs. She asked if I want to schedule getting a new IUD during thanksgiving break if the OB/GYN is available (my mom works in the same practice as her and can ask her). I said yes. I told her I’d like a milder dose IUD because it seems BC works well for me re: preventing pregnancy, so I’m not really worried about the lower dose making it not work. I’d been thinking about trying the mini pill first. I think if my OB/GYN isn’t available during thanksgiving break, I’ll ask her for a mini pill prescription until I can get in with her. Likely during winter break, since it’s a month long.
Dobs wow the pie wasn’t even good? That’s so upsetting considering the drive...
Dobs, Id be upset about the pie... Dang! But that could be hormones. Lol
On a side story about pies; remember the baker who used to bake pies in our basement commercial kitchen? Well, she left a lot of stuff out and attracted us a lot of rodents. Since her stuffing sat out thawing for a whole night and then another night of pies cooling, DH and I could only guess how many mice ran over that food. Don't even mention the open sugar and flour bags. So when she gifted us pies, we'd feed them to the chickens. Eventually we cancelled her as she insisted she was "clean".

Shae; good plan for the bcp. If you can't see her over Thanksgiving, maybe stop the birth control completely until youbcan get an appointment over Christmas? Give your body a break from those hormones and a chance to normalise the cycle. Your SO should understand.

My DH is too seriously considering getting snipped after this one. I do feel bad about it, because it's so final, especially to him! While we may not want any more, it's so final. Can we not just turn off my fertility? Or turn the clocks forward 10 -15 years to my menopause?
PL hm it’s a good thought to give my body a break, but I’m pretty much unable to resist my own urges, SO is much better at saying “no, it’s not worth the risk of a baby”, whereas I’m the dumbo who in the moment couldn’t give less of a shit about the risks. So while he’d understand, my sex drive sure wouldn’t. We could do FAM but coming off of birth control my cycle would be all messed up so that wouldn’t really work. And condoms just aren’t gonna happen. He can’t finish with them, and they’re uncomfortable for me (not a lube issue so idk). I have thought about FAM but I think both of us would be too terrified that I’m not on any bc. SO would probably be so scared he wouldn’t be able to get it up.

Also, gross about the pie lady. Nobody wants rodent hair/poop/germs in their pie.

I agree that a vasectomy seems scary even if you know you don’t want more kids. I wish there was a temporary off button for my fertility, or just a plain old on/off switch that I can flip any time I want.

I can’t sleep because I can’t stop thinking about the lies my instructor wrote about me. To calm myself, I’m trying to think of different ways she could have misinterpreted events so I hate her a bit less. Some things could have been misinterpretations due to lack of actually seeing what was happening. But then I get mad that she would put such accusations when she couldn’t actually see what was happening or wasn’t present for the activity she’s making claims about. Ugh. I don’t even know who my faculty advisor is. I need to figure that out. I might have to figure it out before I can convince my brain to sleep. I’m terrified she’s going to have me dismissed from the program based on her lies so that’s keeping me up as well. Ugh.
I’m sorry. I have no real advice other than approach her about it. It sounds like you’ve been getting solid exam scores, so I doubt you would be a candidate for dismissal. My other worry is like Jez said it looks worse on you if you didn’t talk to her about it and we’re waiting until something bad/major happened to speak up. But I had two bosses unfairly evaluate me. And talking to them about it got me nowhere lol. Other than figuring out it was health discrimination. So shrugs.

As for final bc methods I hear you all. The finality of it is scary. For what it’s worth, my mom had the twins after having her tubes butchered (and yes I use butcher instead of tied because the man that did it is an ass). It was expensive and unpleasant with all the shots but she did it. So never say never?

Pretty all the best at your appt and telling SO tonight! Line looks fab

Abywho forgot what else
Based on those results, he might just have a speech delay or something. 50/50 sucks but it could be worse. Either way, you said he’d be high functioning, and you’re strong, I know you’d figure things out and help him be the best he possibly can be.

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