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General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Hey ladies. Just a quick update while I'm on my break. Will read back later.

So, my upset-ish stomach hung around on and off all weekend and a bit this morning. I never actually threw up, but (TMI alert) I had super watery diarrhea all yesterday and last night. Really hoping this is just a virus that'll pass soon.

As for my appt, all the Dr did was check my heart, lungs and stomach. So, woot to that. She gave me my req for the scan and a prescription for some MS meds, but I'll only get it filled if I need to.

SO knew I wasn't feeling well all weekend and, last night, he joked about it being MS. I guess that would have been a good opportunity to tell him, but oh well. I'm still worried about his reaction, but I think I'll be able to just get it done tonight.
Dobby wow thats crazy to drive 4 hours round trip for a piece of pie. Even worse it wasn't very good.

So will someone contact you for an official eval regarding the mchat??? I'm sureit is hard to see those statistics. An outsider thinks there's a 50% chance he's not, but as a mom you thinkomg there's a 50% he might be positive for autism. All I can offer is empathy and :hugs:

Pacific, I did have some but you could explain some stuff away.
3 days prior:had some AF like cramps that didn't go away with drinking or repositioning. I did finally sleep through them.
2 days prior: change in vaginal discharge, likely infection but didn't want to go to walk in clinic as it was a Sunday.
Day before: discharge continues. Walk in clinic diagnose me with BV.
Day of waters breaking: had horrible diarrhea overnight that I blamed on the antibiotic. AF like cramping. Working so I didn't time them. Plus I really didn't think AF like cramps was how it could start the real deal. Water breaks and that's that ;)

Oh gross. I wouldn't have ate them either.

Do you think you will talk him out of getting a vasectomy?? I know it can be reversed but it's pretty costly and they can have issues I believe. I suppose maybe I just don't like the finality of things.

Shae hope you can get seen that week and get an IUD placed.

I'm sorry you can't sleep over worrying about this. I hoe it gets resolved with a positive outcome. :hugs:

Pretty sounds like it could very well be MS since it's been off and on for multiple days. Hope it's an indicator for team pink for you. My MS was moderate with V and almost non-existent this time.

Have you scheduled the scan?? How did it go telling him?? Thinking about you.

AFM my makena injection went a lot better this time. Didn't burn as much. My arm is a little itchy even with premedicating. I looked at back of my arms this morning before the shot and the rash had cleared. Seems benadryl is helping for now.

V didn't nap today so she passed out on ride home. Hope she sleeps extra long tonight. At least until I wake up at 6 a.m.

My next appt is in 2 weeks and get to see my S again. I'm so happy about that.
Well, I did it. The first thing he did was kinda chuckle and ask how sure I was. After that, he said we better do the math and figure out how much daycare would be for 2 kids or if it'd be cheaper for me to stay home or whatever. So, that's good. No mention of getting a new place for all of us though, but it's early days. He's had a few more questions as the evening's gone on, like what the age difference gonna be between them and if my upset stomach this weekend was MS. lol. One of the last things he's said was he hopes I get my girl, but he still doesn't like "Emma". I told him "let's cross that bridge when we come to it; I don't wanna fight about this until we have to". lol. Overall though, he seems to be taking it pretty well.
Pretty that’s great news. How would you feel about being a SAHM? I have a lot of teacher friends who took years off for that exact reason. Why pay daycare more than your salary? So they stopped working until their kids were in school.

Fluek yay two weeks will hopefully fly by.

Someone will call me in two weeks or less to schedule formal testing. It’s weird because I already knew this but seeing it in writing sucked. And report cards are due. And my great grandmother is in the hospital. And I f*ed up my credit card payment and paid it to a card that doesn’t exist anymore and so I paid my attorney on my card that I just transferred my balance off of but can’t get my money back for two weeks so i’ll Have to pay interest. And my favorite professor from college passed away. And DST is messing with A. And i’m just so over everything.
Hi girls! 8 DPO so obviously tested today because I can’t resist. Our timing was so good so I’ll be disappointed if it doesn’t happen. I thought I maybe saw a haze but im not sure.

Dobs.. I am sure everything is fine but you are an incredible mama and so on top of things. I’m a bit envious of that!

Pretty I’m glad SO took it well.

Shae wow on your clinical instructor I hope you get a positive resolution!

Everyone else I hope your doing wel!

Hi girls! 8 DPO so obviously tested today because I can’t resist. Our timing was so good so I’ll be disappointed if it doesn’t happen. I thought I maybe saw a haze but im not sure.

Dobs.. I am sure everything is fine but you are an incredible mama and so on top of things. I’m a bit envious of that!

Pretty I’m glad SO took it well.

Shae wow on your clinical instructor I hope you get a positive resolution!

Everyone else I hope your doing wel!
Had clinical today. It went better than last week. Met with instructor at the end because we have to meet each week after clinical. She said I was making everything a “production”, basically that I wasn’t just doing things, I was being extra I guess. Kinda confusing to me (except first thing in the morning, I was really nervous so that’s valid for that but she said all day I was like that). She said that I know what I’m doing and I’m nice and polite but my “behavior” is an issue. Ooookay. Whatever ya say lady. I’ll just work on being focused and not stressing myself out.
Future not seeing it et but still plenty of time!

Dobs time will tell but because he smiles and makes eye contact I'd be inclined to lean toward just an LD, if anything. Biggest hugs, I know any little struggle for our kids rips our own hearts out--we just want things to be easy for them! Hopefully any intervention needed is helpful. Personally I wish I hadn't waited until he was 3 to investigate so I admire you for looking into things early. Kudos lady.

Pl ewww wtf with pie lady?! Did you mean to say she was kicked out? I didn't understand what you wrote at the end of that story.

Afm shower went well. It almost felt like a bday party even though I shared it with SIL, so that was good. A xouple of my out of town friends even came from 1 & 2 hours away, toddler and baby in tow, so that was really nice. I am bummed I don't have any really good local friends but my long distance ones kick ass.

My mom and MIL put the party together and it was fun, fun game and delicious food. I'm about to get down on some leftovers. Mmmmmm.
Gigs, yeah, basically we gave her a 1 month cancellation notice "get your shit together and find yourself a new place to bake at". She ended up baking until the last day and then brought her friends over to move some stuff out (she had a bad understanding of you are out of here at this date, don't come baxk). Anyway, the big commercial mixer is still in the kitchen to this day. She wanted to take it, but due to its size one needs machinery and a torn down wall to take it out. So instead of dealing with it herself, she donated it and left the non-profit kitchen and us to figure it out.
Gkad to hear your shower went well!!
Pacific - Eurghhh gross pie lady!! Hows the move going? Was Logan ok at the parents for a few days??

Gigs - im glad the bubba shower went well & you & SIL enjoyed it :) I love party food lol at parties you’ Always find me where the food is :haha:

Dobby - 4hr pie drive??! Lol! Sorry it tasted crap! Re the report, i def reckon later development if anything.. :hugs:

Flueks - wow thats fab the amt of scans included!! U must upload some if you get some again hehe! Ohhh i so need to to pull my finger out & start my Hospital bag! Im less than 5wks away now :shock: Less than 6wks by official 40wks due date though! Apart from getting the bag packed, we only have left to get sorted is Moses basket & Cot-Bed bits, Mattress, sheets etc..

Pretty - im so glad SO took it so well! Such a relief on your part :) Early pg did cause me some horrid bouts of Diarrhoea so you never know, along with ickiness it could be MS!

Future, can kinda see something & then not lol! Give it another day or so hun! Fx this cycle

Shae, still cant believe shes now saying its your behaviour?! How odd! Or im guessing she means it in a way of how your acting in class not that your behaving bad or acting up?! Is your combi pill safe to take with your other meds? Maybe its having adverse reactions on your bod.. id be inclined to stop it all, have apill free cycle or ‘normal period bleed’ & the restart a fresh cycle..

Im having serious heartburn atm, disgraceful & vile wind (LOL) & baby boy is doing full flips in there at the moment which feels weird af!
Pretty glad it went well. If you could afford it would you like to be a sahm?? I would. I enjoy my job, but I love my girl(s).

Dobby I know they have to make a living too, but the price some people have to pay for care is ridiculous. mine is $150/week and once they are watching both girls it'll be $220/week. I know I'm lucky compared to others. Salaries are smaller here too though. I'll count my blessings that 2 kids in daycare is a mortgage payment instead of one kid costing that much.

Sorry things are crappy right now. I hope things turn around soon for you. :hugs:

Future I'm not seeing it yet, but still early :) fx for bfp in the next couple days.

Shae sounds like it's just a personality conflict. I mean you are nice and polite as well as doing what you should. What more could you ask for. Sheesh, when are clinicals over?? Anyway you can make sure you aren't paired with her again??

Gigs I'm so glad you had a good time and got to see some good friends. I want my sprinkle to feel more like a birthday party. A nice gathering of family celebrating. The baby shower stressed me out last time, but ended up being nice.

Also. 2 days and you'll be in 3rd tri!!!!

CB well, only 2 were covered by insurance with V. 3 were elective that I paid $250 for. 1 scan was a repeat after the last elective pics were so awful. She offered to try again for free.

This go round I suppose insurance will pay for my next one as they were unable to get all the views they needed from anatomy scan. Other than that only 2 are covered by insurance.

Ah not much left to do!!! Also getting close to you starting your leave :)
Cb i forgot to comment on little man's pics! So cute!!! I have my last (i think) ultrasound on monday, hoping he'll flip on the 3/4d imaging for me. And AHHH such little time left! Is it just me or is the 3rd pregnancy the fastest yet??? I can't believe you have 5-6 weeks and I have about 11 :shock: seems like it was just a month or two ago you were secretly timing your joggy sessions :haha: I can't believe it's been six months since I found out I was pregnant. So crazy.

Pretty, glad telling SO was a lot better than you were anticipating! I put so much stock in my symptoms last pregnancy, I was wayyyyyyy more sick with ds2 than ds1 and I was very convinced I was having a girl. You can see how that turned out!
CB since my anniversary with SO is Monday, and we’re celebrating this weekend, I’m waiting until 5 days after the inevitable sex to discontinue the pill. I have an appt to get a milder IUD (kyleena) put in on the 21st of this month.

Flueks maybe you’re right about the personality thing. She did mention a generational divide with behavior a few weeks ago. She’s in her 50s-60s I think. It really seems like she’s calling me extra in older generation speak. I only have 2 clinicals left, last one is the 20th. I’m just praying she passes me. I’m not the type to pray very often, but I’m probably gonna be changing that for the next few weeks. Idk if that’ll help, but maybe if I ask God to soften her heart and feelings towards me... idk, I didn’t grow up very religious so idk how people ask for these things.

Sorry I’ve been crap at responding to other people lately. I’m just so stressed out about the clinical situation, it’s all I can think about. I read the posts and just don’t retain anything most of the time.
Cb, L did really well for my parents. A few times he'd ask for us, but then carried on when told that we were with the cat and dog. WhatsaWh call once a day and he smiled, said hello and then moved on to play a few minutes in. Story changes if we showed him our cat: huge smile, jumping up and down, cheering her name!! Much much more excitment for the cat... Lol
When after 4 nights we Came to him, he had a nap. Grandpa got him when he woke up and it didn't even clue in to him that mama and dada were there although he saw us. Lol took him a minute to fully wake up and want his hugs. We deliberately left the cat in her carrier... :Haha:

For now we are staying with my parents, however: tomorrow (wednesday) we have a meeting with the owner of the big lot. Wish us luck that he is agreeable to our terms (which actually benefit both sides).
It's ok shae, that's the biggest thing in your life right now so it makes sense that it is dominating your mind right now.

Btw i have never heard anyone use the slang "extra" but this is probably the first newer slang term i like, lol. It just makes sense and rubs me right :haha:

Slang terms i hate: "basic", "turnt", "ship"

I hate "netflix and chill" but do people even say that anymore?
I used to put that I love to drink a glass of wine and watch Netflix and chill on my dating sites and would get so pissed when guys come over and kept trying to DTD when I put on Netflix lol.

We use extra here all the time. I tell my bff at least once a week she is being extra haha but she is.
PL good luck with the lot!

Gigs thanks for understanding my crappy replies. Honestly, I can be a bit extra sometimes, but being extra isn’t always a bad thing, at least in my opinion. It depends on the situation. It’s not like I’m doing things to get attention in clinical, so I think she just hates that I get chatty when I’m nervous and that I actually talk to patients and make sure they’re okay instead of just doing something to them and fully ignoring them and/or their potential abilities to participate, specifically with taking BPs. I’ll work on the nerves. At the same time, I have a big personality, and I won’t let some nit picky old lady put out my spark. I mean, in clinical I’ll have to hide the spark for the next 2 weeks, but whatever :haha: What I said to SO about it is “ya know what, maybe I am extra. Fight me, bitch.” :rofl:

With Netflix and chill, it’s rarely used in memes these days, so it’s not as popular anymore. I would say it’s still used occasionally and it still means put on a movie and ignore it whilst having sex instead, but it’s no longer the trending phrase. I feel like the word “basic” is just used to shame teenage girls and young women for liking things, like PSLs and leggings and UGGs. It’s kinda annoying cuz they’re popular for a reason, I think PSLs taste good, leggings are comfy, and I’ve only had fake UGGs but they’re warm and fuzzy. Just my opinion, though.

ETA: Dobs yikes sorry about the guys doing that. And yeah I feel like I’m like that, I can be extra but in a way that my friends would tell me I’m extra, not in a mean way but just because it’s true, I’m a bit much lol
Can someone please define extra? I’ve heard of it, but am only vaguely aware that it’s negative? And who on earth came up with it?
No idea the origin as shae is the first to use it in my life :haha: but "extra" is slang for doing extra, being kind of over the top. An over-achiever I guess? would be the equivalent. But I can see how that could be construed as eager to please, which annoys people sometimes.

PL good luck on the meeting today!!! I really hope everything works out for you and the stay with your folks is only temporary. Remind me, this lot, does it have a home? Or us this the one you'd get an RV with and build your place?
Extra can refer to anything. Like going overboard on your outfit. Being hyperactive/someone’s personality. Overreacting to something.

You can be varying degrees of extra.
That’s a little extra.
You were being extra.
You are beyond extra, just stop right now.
((All things I have said at some point))


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