General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Jez, I haven't used or heard the word extra in that context either... But I don't hang with the "young" crowd???

Gigs, thanks! Yes that is the 24 acre lot, RV living for a while, grape growing....I am a bit nervous already, meeting isn't until this afternoon. Hopefully hopefully I'll have a positive report tonight. Dh is a good negotiator... Just aaaaaah!!
Thanks ladies. And ya, I'd love to be a SAHM. The only major issue I'd have is not being able to make my own money and not feeling like I'm contributing to the household. But we'll crunch the numbers and see what works best.

It feels like this MS is sticking around a bit. Like, when I wake up, I need to eat immediately and a decent portion or else I feel really sick. It seems to clear up by about 10am though. Hopefully this won't last long.
Future I don't see anything on my phone, do you see anything irl?

Random side comment but i learned this weekend that an acronym doesn't mean what I thought. It's only an acronym if you can pronounce the initials as a like "CSA" is not but "NASA" is. I've been living a lie.

Also...Lev is super cranky, I made him go to Target with me this morning which he enjoyed but it's about 40 minutes away and he fell asleep on the way home...I tried to get him to keep sleeping, and he was quiet for maybe 20 minutes? Then he starts whinjng from his room. I figure I'll give him an afternoon nap, so I go to get him and he's totally undressed except his diaper! I had no idea this kid knew how to take his clothes off! Wtf?! we had to basically train Des how to do it when he was older. Night and day, these two kids! I am dying to learn the personality of #3 :-k
Pretty I get what you’re saying about being a SAHM. I’ve previously said that I don’t want to be a SAHM, but it’s because I don’t want to waste my degree and I want to contribute monetarily to the family. At the same time, I’m sure once I have a kid I won’t ever want to go back to work. If for some reason I end up failing out of the nursing program, as long as SO can make enough to support us, I’ll be a SAHM. If I successfully complete my BSN, I’ll probably end up working part time once I have kids in order to spend more time with them. I don’t want them to be raised by someone else, ya know? No shame in that, but it’s not for me.
Anyway, I’m on a tangent. I hope your MS gets better :(

Gigs I didn’t know that about acronyms! That’s so funny about Lev undressing himself lol
Future im pretty sure i can see the haziest of lines on that test pic! Is it a fmu or smu or lotsa pee’s later in the day test Lol

Omg Gigs yes this 3rd pg has gone whizzing past aswell its quite scary! I reckon because our older Boys are now school & the weeks go by so quickly now.. i need to do a 34 wk bump pic, i missed my 32 wk one lol! Is Des excited about another baby bro in the house or is he quite laud back about it? Rileys very excited, he kisses my tummy all the time <3

Pacific, hope the meeting went well this afternoon, my SO is soooo much better at negotiating aswell!

Pretty im keeping my fx that the MS is signs of a pink one for you :)

As much as i love my babies, i dont think i could be a f/t sahm.. i need my break lol but theres always Wine i guess ha! I only do 2 days work a week atm (14hrs) but i love it! I am looking forward to my Mat leave though, 3wks & 2 days encounting ;) eeeee!
I see it on both!

I’d totally SAHM it up. F*ing bills lol

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Ohhh thanks for the edit Dobs!

I second that I would too lol. But also bills. I do have a nice balance since I work from home so she only goes to daycare two times a week and traveling for work to other parts of the country is hard sometimes.
Ohhh thanks for the edit Dobs!

I second that I would too lol. But also bills. I do have a nice balance since I work from home so she only goes to daycare two times a week and traveling for work to other parts of the country is hard sometimes.
Shae glad you got that appt. It seems as though it's the best option of bc for you.

I really don't think she will fail you over it and if she tried I'd fight it. In any case, I'll pray for you too.

Pacific I hope it went well today!!

Future I didn't see it on morning test, but I see a super squinter. FX it's early bfp and not indent. Bnb kills early bfp lines.

Pretty yeah that part would be hard to give up. Also feeling like I had to ask permission to buy sonething. Lordy, that's not me at all.

Hope your MS stays mild.

Gigs lol about him being nearly naked. V unfastened her diaper overnight. I do not know how she managed to keep herr bed and clothes dry!!!!

CB yes do a bump pic!! Lol at the end last time I rarely took it at exactly start of new "week".

Dobby wow you really captured it with that edit.

AFM ugh DHs work isn't doing well. Well, the company not him. All employees got a letter yesterday saying the company was having to cut their budget next year. They laid some people off on dayshift today. I'm praying he keeps his job until his paternity leave. He'd already planned to find something else on leave, but getting laud off before would hurt us a fair bit l, particularly his insurance coverage. So please pray for him or positive thoughts.

Started christmas shopping on amazon this week. I'm wanting to get it done "early" this year. Ordered norwex products for my mom and MILs.
Ohhh thanks for the edit Dobs!

I second that I would too lol. But also bills. I do have a nice balance since I work from home so she only goes to daycare two times a week and traveling for work to other parts of the country is hard sometimes.
Good morning girls! It’s super early here but I have a flight to catch. Tested this morning and definitely prego for now atleast! I’m pleased with that progression from yesterday so I hope it continues!

Future - Ya, definitely see a line there. Congrats!

If there was a way I could have the kids looked after, that didn't cost so much that it wasn't worth it, I could probably see myself working 2 or 3 days a week somewhere. I wouldn't wanna work weekends though cuz that should be time for the 4 of us to be together. Not just dump the kids on SO and then no one gets to relax during the week.

So, Alex hasn't really been himself for the past couple days. Hardly eating anything and only drinking milk. No fever, but he's been so clingy. I had to skip my lunch break and go to his daycare yesterday to sit with him and get him to calm down. He seemed to have his fingers in his mouth, so I'm thinking it's his teeth. I hope he feels better soon though. And I fully expect to be called at work to come pick him up from daycare today.
Yay future!! I saw a line on all 3 so it’s looking good!!

Regarding the SAHM thing, I would be a SAHM if we had to pay for childcare, I would only be taking home about £60 a week if we had to pay childcare and in my head that’s not worth it! So me and Lewis never see each other but we have £1400/month spare to play with (when we get a chance) so it makes us happy! :rofl:
Future huge congrats!!! No denying that line :)

Pretty sounds like teething to me. V does the same things. Drinks milk but poor solid food intake, clingy, no fever, and can't keep her fingers out of her mouth.

Kitty yeah it's sad when people barely take any money home after paying for daycare. I still do pretty well and there's no way we'd make it without my check.
My great grandmother passed away

Future that line is so awesome!

Pretty maybe a molar? A is acting up like that too with his coming in. Plus DST poor kid lost an hour of sleep every day this week and just couldn’t even yesterday at a little before 6. Been out since. No fever either

Kit lol I always disagree that money can’t buy happiness. Cuz having extra money usually means less stress and more fun things therefore happiness

I had a dream when I hit a parked car and then hit a pedestrian. Like hard both times. Idk if this is from watching South Park or my life feeling out of control
Congratulations Future!!! Dang you really ARE fertile! Well done, can't wait to keep seeing the progression!

Sahm--that's me! We do struggle a bit though. We are basically paycheck to paycheck. It was easier when I was doing my paint classes, both financially and mentally. I'm still trying to do a little art on the side for some money but it's tough. If I wasn't pregnant i'd be looking for a part time seasonal job.

Looks like things are moving forward with this new business though so here's to hoping & praying we can make a better living with it!

Prayers & good juju to you Fluek . What a stressful situation :(

Oh new art endeavor pics lol:

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