General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Aww MrsG lovely scan piccy hun :) i cant see a nub to determine a guess - poss to early? I couldn’t see anything on my 10wk scan pics either but the 12wk one was much clearer. Any other scan pics you could share to warrant a guess?

Uhh ive woken at 2 & cant sleep arhhh!
Green yay! The angle isn't good for guessing but never hurts to throw it in the gender prediction forum for guesses ;)

Awww cb sorry you're getting these feelings! Just focus on the pain and discomfort and maybe how it's not so bad you don't have to do it again! Hmmm sorry to hear about the blood issues :( they told me under 100 was a knockednout delivery but different doctors have different protocol. They said if I get too low they will give me steroids in the days before surgery as they can temporarily boost platelets enough to help; is that what they gave you? Ughhh how annoying you weren't told earlier so you could try and remedy it beforehand! When are they testing it next?

Also my sympathies/empathy to thise of you suffering from preggo insomnia! So annoying!!!
Pretty, I’m so sorry for your loss. Rest up and take time for yourself. It’s so hard.

Sex close to due date seemed to work for me too! So DH and I only had sex ONCE while I was pregnant because I was terrified of miscarriage after already having three. We had sex, I got all crampy and weird feelings that night, then my water broke the next day. Not sure it was all related but she was born a week early! I know I was already at least 2.5 cm dialated by that point per my last OB check.

Now that I know I COULD be pregnant, I think... why not go all in? I may try to jump DH tonight. I’m thinking O day may have been today.
Go all in Michelle hehee but then do u want a drink at Crimbo? Lol .. but u may already have conceived so why not I guess hehe

Gigs they not given me anything yet but im worried now arhh! They did a blood draw yesterday & probs will do on Monday morning again :-/ im pretty pi**ed i havent been told sooner, paranoid about constipation aswell, so im drinking prune juice like its going out of fashion lol!

Im sure il feel more fine & less hormonal after bub has arrived :)

How u getting on with your iron tabs Gigs?
Michelle eeee so exciting! Do you feel ready for a second?

Cb i have been fine on supplements. If anything i have been more regular on them :blush: my iron has actually improved. At last draw the platelets were up but still out of normal range (they were 120) but it's the only number in my cbc that was out of normal limits. They tested my thyroid too just in case, all good. Hope whatever they gave you boosts things enough that you have no issues. What did they give you?

3:38am and i've been up fir a half hour like I'm ready to start the day :roll: still laying in bed...hope i can get more sleep but if not i may just wrap some gifts lol
Meh, I don’t really care about drinking at Christmas. Thanksgiving is more of a drinking holiday in my family. On Christmas some people will have a glass or two of wine. At thanksgiving there’s always many many glasses of wine and champagne with dinner.

Am I ready for a second? Kind of. Lol. I don’t want another baby around right now, but in Aug or Sept of next year I do. But we’ll see what happens. I could be pregnant this month, or it could take 6 months or more. So I’m just planning on going with the flow, whatever happens happens and be happy with it.

No temp rise today and still super pos opk, so we shall see.

CB, you’re sooooo close! It’s so exciting.

Gigs, I was up some in the middle of the night too. Ugh. Thankfully DH let me sleep in until 8 this morning and he took care of the baby.
Wohoo, I actually slept through the night last night. Helped that we were out for a family potluck dinner and board games after. We were home at midnight, and thankfully L slept until 8 this morning!

Michelle, yepp might as well jump DH! Lol, I got less then 10 weeks to go and I am dreading the upcoming change in family Dynamics. DH calmed me down this morning saying that we knew 1 child would not be enough for us, but maybe 2. Just the way he said it made me think he's open for a 3rd!

Cb, fx on those iron numbers. Iron makes me regular too, and gave me black poop for anyone needing more details :haha:
They gave me Ferrous Fumerate instead of Ferrous Sulphate, the Sulphate Iron absorbs more quickly that the Fumerate but Fumerate is gentler on the tummy “apparently”??! Last time i had the Sulphate tabs with Nuala & it was the Opp of Constipation which was fab, just paranoid as it would be typical Constipation as i have haemorrhoid issues atm :( Pacific, my poop was black too hahaa!

Would you be up for bub No3 Pacific? I am excited but scared mainly of school run & routine haha!

Oooh Michelle u had a lay in you jammy minx ;)
CB sorry for the insomnia. It's a bit mean that we don't get well rested before the newborn stage.

Ugh I get hemorrhoids too. I don't have external at the moment thankfully.

Oh and Hayden should be herein less than 24 hours :happydance:

Michelle when will you test?? Haha might as well try if they is already a chance ;)

Did you get a temp rise this morning?? Your timing is fantastic.

Gigs that sucks waking up so early and being wide awake. Was DH home so you could nap??

Pacific yay for sleeping through the night!! I also have had a few, "how am I going to manage 2?!" I'm sure we will get our groove :)

AFM cold is nearly gone for both V and me. I got a new bassinet yesterday for S as it was on clearance :)

DH and I finally dtd again. He's going to try to do pullout to prevent BV so that's good news.

Started snowing overnight and still coming down. V hasn't got her snowsuit yet but we went out for a lil bit. She LOVED it. She threw a small tantrum when I brought her in as her clothes was wet. Not much else going on. Hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend :)
CB ahhhh good luck with delivery! Details and pics as soon as you!!!

PL glad you got a rare good night of rest!

Obviously adding kids is always an adjustment but I am telling you, none is as bad as the first. Your entire lifestyle is altered. You will rock 2. And I am also giving this pep talk for myself and 3 :haha:

Fluek hope your new "sleeping arrangement" (hehe) works put and no more bv.

The snow is hitting us today, we probably have 2-3" now and expecting 2-3" more. Hoping for no or delayed school tomorrow (who doesn't like a lazy morning?).

Heading out soon to play in it...
Snow? What is this snow you all speak of? ;) We had a few frosty nights, but are back to warmer temps and rain.

Good night sleep wasn't meant to be last night. Between cat sleeping on us, leg cramps and general soreness in my hips, I tossed and turned a lot (ok, not so much tossing at this stage)...

Anyway, starving for lunch
Snow??? Ahhh u ladies are so lucky!!

Shae, yes the csection is tomorrow 10th Dec arhhhhh!! We have to be up on labour ward in Maternity Hospital at 07:30, just took my first lot of pre-op meds & from midnight tonight up until 6am all i can have is Water bleugh! Il miss my morning coffee atm & my cold is still lingering around uhh!

Thought id upload my 39wk Bump which looks tiny lol & my dinner that SO cooked me (my last meal lol) Omelette, Rocket & cherry plum tomatoes mmmm! I could’ve eaten it twice it was so yummy!

BD802474-6755-486F-A308-FFE3A346C912.png A27597D9-19F6-4267-BFC4-21AF0956C5B5.png
Aww what an awesome gesture! And thanks for the food porn :p

PL ha, your weather--how different from you Eastern neighbors! We didn't last too long in the snow. I accidentally broke the zipper on my jacket the other day so with any wrong bend the damn jacket pops open. I may, much to my extreme reluctance, need to invest in a winter maternity jacket. But I am going to try and wear this one until I can't anyore lol

Anyway Lev's stuff was starting to soak through. He reeeaaally didn't want to come back in though!

The snow looks like a blast! A little chilly here today and lots of clouds but no rain yet

Can't wait to hear how everything goes CB!

so Friday night DH showed up and surprised me. He is leaving Tuesday to go back but I was so thrilled to see him I cried! We've been having family time. Tonight DH and I are going to dinner, my first break in over a month! Haha aside from going to the doctors by myself once.
CB, what a great bump pic! You look fantastic! Good luck tomorrow! Or today... England time.

Flueky, I still haven’t gotten a temp rise ugh. My opk today was still positive, but not as dark as the three before. Sigh who knows.

Green, how wonderful about the surprise! I hope you have a nice time.

Gigs, your boys look adorable!
CB so bloody exciting! It’s 2am where you are now and I’m wondering if you can sleep. Feel free to update as while you’re in surgery ;)

Gigs your boys are the sweetest and they look like they had the best time in the snow. I bet they’ll all be the best of buddies growing up.

Green that’s awesome to hear hubby was able to come back. And I loved your Santa pics btw!

PL if you think hubby may be open to third, do you think that means he knows you’re having a boy?

Michelle TWW soon!! Ahhhhhh!!!!

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