General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Jez, wow how is Tilly still up so late?? L would be the Grinch himself by that time ;) does she sleep in in the mornings then?
Weve found L needs a pretty consistent bedtime/naptime routine and schedule or he gets pretty grumpy, whiney and just wanting to be carried around. Although just before bedtime he gets quite hyper now, almost like a last hurrah, and then passes out easily :haha:
Ahh thanku my lovelies hehe! Hes adorable, milk not come in yet but hes having wet nappies & did a poop early hrs :) hes been very snoozy.. im trying not to jinx it ;) very painful walk to the toilet this morning, had some more pain relief but morphine makes you constipated so il be having something different now lol

Haha Gigs i know i was checking out the Ticker yesterday & i said to SO yesterday look im tastey Ribs & then i was starving lol!

Jez, the other lady was BdB84 i think, i was thinking the other day we not heard from her in ages, so i tracked back TONS of pages on our thread but her Ticker just says shes awaiting baby i think.. but shes been online, pretty sure she was a couple wks ahead of me, hope all is ok.

Riley & Nuala not been up yet, Riley’s back at school today & Nuala be coming up with SO today i think. We forgot to call the school yesterday morning to let them know Riley wouldnt be in - oooopsy! I FaceTime SO yesterday eve & Riley was thrilled to see the baby, Nuala was yelling ‘look a baby’ hahaaa!!!

Flueks, did V wake up in the night?

Gigs, i love Myles Reece, it flows really nicely! Is the family still pestering with the name David?

MrsG how lovely of hubs :) hope you had a lovely meal out, please tell us what you ate? Im so hungry for yummy food right now, all im thinking of is the Brie cheese in the fridge at home & Paté on toast ha ha
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Hey ladies , just been having a nosey-

Congrats CB!! So glad little man is here and arrived safely! Wow what a good weight x and not long until Xmas holidays, (I had Theo in the summer hols and found it helped not having to rush for a school run etc) it gave me a few weeks to find my feet and adjust to a new baby. Congrats again he is just scrumptious x

Gigs- eek not too much longer for you either. I also love Myles Reece. Super cute!

I couldn’t catch up on the millions of pages so not sure if it’s been asked - but I need to see your Christmas trees please!! Love Xmas so much and getting super excited x

My little Theo has just turned 4 months and is a real porker. Ella adores him as they’re always together, she’s forever kissing and cuddling him. Ella starts nursery in Jan so will be strange :-(

Cb i hope by the time you read this you'll have had a proper meal! Ugggghhh walking after a c section:( so not looking forward to that.

I know i'm crazy but i've been researching vba2c's again :blush: i was resolved to the planned cs but back on the fence a little now the closer i get to surgery. The recovery just sucks so much!!!

Keeps hey lady!!! Awww how sweet about the kiddos bonding. How is life with a boy? I know you were super concerned about it.

Hubby shot down "Reece". He said it made him think of the malcolm in the middle brother who was a dirt bag :roll: oh well. He actually is starting to favor David! Ughhh boys names are always such a challenge for us!
Jez, I hope that means Tilly slept in this morning!

Got crosshairs today and a proper temp rise! FF says I’m 3 dpo. I’ll take it. If so, that gives me 1 day and 3 days before O timing.

Will post more tonight, got to finish getting ready for work!
Eee exciting mich! You should link your chart in your siggy ;)
I forget now...who is actively ttc?

Kit how are you doing? How is the house? Are you all officially moved in?

Pretty how are you feeling?
Jez, hope Tilly did let you sleep in!?

Michelle, fingers crossed for you! Lots of baby dust :)

Gigs, Reece reminds me of Reese cups, :haha: and who doesn't love chocolate!
As for vba2c, in my area it's actually supported and even more so in the area we are moving to.
I spoke to my "new" midwife (the one in the new hometown) and she said I could even do a homebirth not a hospital birth after my previous csection. Say what! If your natural delivery failed due to a small pelvis or something like that you aren't a good candidate for vbac, but in cases like mine where a fever set in due to infection, I have as high as a chance to deliver naturally as a first time mom! Her words...
I'll have to see. Lev turned his head and got himself wedged/stuck in the birth canal so i'm not sure what that qualifies as. I will say if this little guy sets himself up for back labor I am not even going to bother attempting labor. Forget that! But if all went OK it would actually be less risky for me to have a vba2c as the risk for hemorrhage is lower, however if I end up with yet another emergency c section that risk shoots up.

Blaahhhhhhh I just want my uneventful vaginal birth!
Gigs, thanks to my back labour with L I am much more inclined for a hospital birth and epidural! Heck no to back laboir. Once I had the epidural (20 hours later), I actually progressed!
In my attempts to avoid it, ill be seeing a chiropractor shortly, so that my own potential miss alignments don't mess with a clear path for baby to come out ;)
Last minute turn, I'd say you are a-ok. Babies do unpredictable things.
Gigs - I'm doing ok. Kinda too ok. I was pretty torn up about everything up until work ended, then I needed to go home to my mom (who didn't/doesn't know), and I just got into packing mood. I spent the night with a headache and puffy eyes and my mom just thought I was tired. She hugged me twice and said she was so sorry that I was this tired. Moms, eh? Even when they dunno what's going on, they still know the "right" thing to say.

I haven't cried or anything since. It's like my mind set has switched from "I can't believe this is happening to me, I don't deserve this, why?" to "ok, let's pass this tissue naturally and ASAP and get back to trying." I really don't want to have a d&c. Luckily, I just started bleeding a couple hours ago, so hopefully everything comes out and that'll be that.

Also, my SneakPeek results were emailed to me. I was just talking to SO about this yesterday. You have to wait til you're 9 weeks along so that if it's a boy, there's enough Y chromosome in your blood to be detected. Now, the fetus stopped growing at 8w5d and I did the test at 9w4d, so that's 6 days for anything to dissipate. The result was girl, but that could totally be cuz it was only picking up my X chromosomes. So, really, I have no idea what it was.
Hmm guess you'll never know. My SIL once told me that females are more prone to miscarriage/chromosomal issues but I have no idea how true that is. She says some weird stuff sometimes.

So will you be officially ttc then? Is SO on board? I hate that timing is going to be reset for you but hopefully the birthday will be better, plus your experience telling SO will be completely different this time around. Maybe it will be a blessing in disguise to have another chance to celebrate telling him :hugs:
Gigs - I haven't actually talked to SO about it yet. I've been meaning to ask him how he's doing, but we haven't really had much quiet/alone time. But ya, he seemed to take the news well before, so hopefully it'll go just as well next time. I dunno when I'll tell anyone though.
Gigs I read in a genetics book that males are actually more prone to miscarriage, and are weaker during pregnancy and as infants than females.

Pretty I’m glad you’re processing everything okay. So sorry you’re going through this.
:-k weird then that there are many boy only moms...hmmm. Either way I should have known my SIL was wrong :rofl:
Gigs perhaps that’s more to do with conception, Y sperm being faster and maybe some men producing more Y sperm. Idk.
Well, the birthrate of boy/girl is not 50/50, I believe to have read that there has always been more boys born. One of the reasons being the higher mortality among the male gender through fights, wars, higher risk takers, dangerous encounters etc. (Think back more then 60 years, more like the last 3000 years ;) )
Women generally stayed home, took care of the fields etc where as men faught wars and ran off predators.
PL yes the birth rate is 105-107 males against 100 females. I’d say that pre-conception factors probably cause it.

Gigs I saw an article from 2015 that said in one study of IVF babies, girls miscarried more than boys, so perhaps that’s where she got that info. Most studies show the opposite, though. The study did show that male embryos miscarried mostly in the first week or passed late term, whereas girls miscarried after the first week. However it used flawed logic when saying that more boys are born because they miscarry less. They said that at conception they didn’t see any differences between males and females, so it must be factors during the pregnancy. BUT they were lab embryos, so they were not conceived under normal circumstances, so pre-conception factors weren’t at all tested, and using IVF embryos means the sperm are specifically selected, at least most of the time from what I know. And the eggs are selected based on quality too, right? So they already chose strong healthy sperm and the best eggs the mom produced.

Anyway, that was a long way of me saying that study did a bad job of considering variables and limitations.

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