Gigs I only hope I hit the sleep lottery again
Probably not but can only hope. Ah stinks he shot it down. Funny how some names give us bad inpressions. Also, maybe have a long talk with OB at next appt. I don't think their is anything wrong for considering vba2c or if you just want a planned c section.
Just like Shae I'm pretty sure I've read that boys are more likely to mc or have trouble if born early. I seriously had nicu nurses tell me she did so well because she was a girl. I haven't looked at the research though. Also lol apparently I'm a girl only mom. However if there is a #3 then we can say for sure if my body only likes girls or DHs best sperm are X sperm
Jez completely understand. I really love when their personalities come out. That late toddler to preschool age seems amazing. I do look forward to you ttc again. There is just something miraculous about pregnancy to me.
Hope Tilly is just having an off night.
CB sorry things are quite painful still. I was so afraid of getting constipated that I refused any narcotic pain meds. I only did Tylenol, the glorious numbing spray, and tucks pads. I waited to poop until I had to really go so I wouldn't strain. So not looking forward to the soreness down there. I suppose what I used won't really help c section pain
What a cute reaction they had via Facetime
glad they seem excited for their new brother. Oh and V woke up at 10.
Keeps he's lovely and chunky. Glad he's getting along well. How about you and your girls? My tree is pretty lack luster as I was afraid of what V might do. I'll try to take a pic sometime.
Michelle yay for tww!!!!
Pacific I also would want a hospital birth. More power to anyone that wants a home birth, but I like knowing that options are available to me. A birthing center would be pretty awesome. I really wish they did birthing tubs. It sounds so nice, but I'm also a bit of a germaphobe so I'd be afraid of getting an infection de to poorly cleaned equipment.
Pretty I'm glad you are processing it as well as anyone can. I hope that you conceive quickly and have your rainbow baby. It's understandable to be apprehensive with sharing the news. You have to consider how you process grief best (alone vs. support) and who you'd want for support if things have an unfortunate end. I was scared of announcing at 8 weeks on FB but DH wanted to because if we didn't my mom would.
Kitty yay for moving Thursday!!! Hope you love your new home
AFM poor V didn't nap today. Sitter said she wasn't herself and kept calling for me. She passed out on ride home and I let her rest. She's still getting over her cold though.
So funny/ironic thing. Last year there were 3 of us pregnant at work. One due in June, me July, and other December. We are all pregnant right now. June momma is once again due in June. December mom in June. Of course March for me. The one is a SAHM and the other went to another company.
I go back to OB Monday and also have my elective 3d/4d ultrasound so I'm pretty excited about that