General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Quick post;

Not moved in yet, just had all the flooring put down and the appliances installed, except the washing machine is too big for the space by Literally a fraction so we are spending tomorrow sanding down our brand new kitchen cabinets to make room :brat:

Delivery van is booked for the 13th so busy packing up our life, so many boxes, can’t even believe we have so much stuff
Shae, sounds like a bad study :haha: oh well, I think in the end it's easier to say 50/50 unless you are talking with someone who actually wants a bit of knowledge.

Kitty, exciting about the move in, but sorry about yet another hick up. Hopefully the slight sanding won't do any damages to the new cupboards.

DH has been able to secure us a pet friendly rental for a few months but we are continuing the search to buy. I actually looked at 3 potentials yesterday. #1, too far from town with questionable neighbours. #2, basically a tear down, but has the land we want and a barn! #3, move in ready, close to town on small acre, next to a trailer park. Would make an excellent rental income to us when we outgrow it in 2-3 years.
#3 is the best option, but we won't make any additional decisions about a purchase until the new year. DH hasn't seen it yet either.
Still have lots of things happening in the next 2 weeks, so January will be a month to slow down. Maybe....
Gigs I only hope I hit the sleep lottery again :haha: Probably not but can only hope. Ah stinks he shot it down. Funny how some names give us bad inpressions. Also, maybe have a long talk with OB at next appt. I don't think their is anything wrong for considering vba2c or if you just want a planned c section.

Just like Shae I'm pretty sure I've read that boys are more likely to mc or have trouble if born early. I seriously had nicu nurses tell me she did so well because she was a girl. I haven't looked at the research though. Also lol apparently I'm a girl only mom. However if there is a #3 then we can say for sure if my body only likes girls or DHs best sperm are X sperm :rofl:

Jez completely understand. I really love when their personalities come out. That late toddler to preschool age seems amazing. I do look forward to you ttc again. There is just something miraculous about pregnancy to me.

Hope Tilly is just having an off night.

CB sorry things are quite painful still. I was so afraid of getting constipated that I refused any narcotic pain meds. I only did Tylenol, the glorious numbing spray, and tucks pads. I waited to poop until I had to really go so I wouldn't strain. So not looking forward to the soreness down there. I suppose what I used won't really help c section pain :(

What a cute reaction they had via Facetime :) glad they seem excited for their new brother. Oh and V woke up at 10.

Keeps he's lovely and chunky. Glad he's getting along well. How about you and your girls? My tree is pretty lack luster as I was afraid of what V might do. I'll try to take a pic sometime.

Michelle yay for tww!!!!

Pacific I also would want a hospital birth. More power to anyone that wants a home birth, but I like knowing that options are available to me. A birthing center would be pretty awesome. I really wish they did birthing tubs. It sounds so nice, but I'm also a bit of a germaphobe so I'd be afraid of getting an infection de to poorly cleaned equipment.

Pretty I'm glad you are processing it as well as anyone can. I hope that you conceive quickly and have your rainbow baby. It's understandable to be apprehensive with sharing the news. You have to consider how you process grief best (alone vs. support) and who you'd want for support if things have an unfortunate end. I was scared of announcing at 8 weeks on FB but DH wanted to because if we didn't my mom would.

Kitty yay for moving Thursday!!! Hope you love your new home :)

AFM poor V didn't nap today. Sitter said she wasn't herself and kept calling for me. She passed out on ride home and I let her rest. She's still getting over her cold though.

So funny/ironic thing. Last year there were 3 of us pregnant at work. One due in June, me July, and other December. We are all pregnant right now. June momma is once again due in June. December mom in June. Of course March for me. The one is a SAHM and the other went to another company.

I go back to OB Monday and also have my elective 3d/4d ultrasound so I'm pretty excited about that :)
Added chart to my sig!

Kitty, how exciting that you almost get to move in!

Pretty, hugs. I hope you’re doing well. I know what you mean about wanting it to just be over with and try again.

PL exciting you may get to try for a vbac!

Jez, I selfishly can’t wait until you try for a second. I loooved the Instagram video of Tilly covering her stuffed animals with “blankets” for nap time.
PL - going to sleep that late is definitely not normal for Tilly. She’s generally always asleep by 9:00-9:30 these days and wakes up at 8 for daycare. I have no idea what was up, but she did it again tonight and was also periodically extremely okay and inconsolable... she’s almost never inconsolable. DH and I are paranoid coz a stupid pressure-mounted shower curtain rod fell on her head on Sunday, and today she slipped and fit her head really hard. She cried after both tones but was fine almost straight away. But I know heas injury symptoms can show later, so I was quite worried. Gave her a Tylenol and now she’s asleep though.

Glad you guys found a pet friendly rental!

Kitty - you’re on the hone stretch! It’ll be so sweet once you’re finally moved in, and in time for Christmas! How’s your sweet girl btw?

Pink - glad you’re feeling okay about things <3

Gigs - so if they are supportive of vba2c, does that mean you’d cancel those c section dates or would be induced instead?

Michelle - you’re too sweet. And that’s also why I’m excited YOU are TTC#2!

Flueks - poor V. Sickness sucks. Bad naps also particularly upset me.

CB - Nuala is hilarious. Can’t wait to hear how she reacts to Hayden coming home.

Shite, gotta run, it’s so late. I know I forgot stuff, sorry!
Flueky, the midwife that will be attending this birth doesn't actually have an "office", they do home visits the whole time. (Little different then the norm). She said that the hospital birthing rooms are more like a suite, quite large and comfy. Not a hospital feeling at all. It sounds like a good fit.
Mom's labour at home and when things get serious, they transition to the hospital for those feeling more comfortable in that setting. As long as I am able to "make an informed choice", I could even to a home birth after C-section. Definitely more comfortable with the hospital, and bonus: they have drugs if I need them!
This is the same midwife that told me she had a mom give birth in her goat barn with a casual "mom's can birth wherever they are most comfortable" during my first pregnancy.

Michelle: definitely a vbac attempt here . My body seems to know what to do, so do have the green light and same chance of success as a first time mom according to midwife.

Jez, I think it has something to do with how their brains are rewiring and learning their emotions. L sometimes is totally inconsolable after a nap. We usually let him cry on us for a bit and talk to him when that doesn't help, then offer some of his favorite snacks (normally he'll be hungry after naptime) and if that still isn't it, we put him back into his crib for a few minutes. After that he's better. It has only happened a few times afte nap time that he is like that.
Poor Tilly hitting her head, hopefully she'll be her normal self again tomorrow.
Just wondering if maybe the daycare let her have a nap too late in the day?
Sleep seems to be such a delicate balance. I have found that those days where L skips his naps: he either goes down so fast and early that he's up too early the next day. Or he'll fight sleep for a half hour or more that night but is up at an ok time the next day.
If he has a nap at an ok time, bedtime is no issue. Late nap and hes later to bed and sleeps in the next day therefore Less likely to have a nap so we are back to scenario 1.
Such a delicate balance...
Jez, i hate to say it but could it be 2 year molars coming in?

Regarding vba2c, I will wait until the start of January to make any choices. That's when I get an ultrasound to see baby's size, the state of my uterus/scar tissue, and where my blood platelets are at. Until I have all these pieces of the puzzle I feel like I can't make a call. As it stands I am scheduled on 1/29 for a c section.

PL i would be quite interested to know what mom felt the most comfortable in a goat barn...??? That is something new. Although I did recently hear about goat yoga so maybe they're peaceful to have around? Ha. Anyway i wish you a successful vbac! My friend who had her first as an emergency csection, nearly identical to my first, had a very easy vbac with #2.

Kit yay for being in thete before Christmas! How exciting. Bummer about the cabinets--we made a mistake like that in our old house buying a refrigerator. It was anout a half inch too big and it was the granite countertop that was in the way so we couldn't trim it -.- had to order a different fridge! We had a few days of 2 fridges in the middle of our kitchen lol. Still beats the WEEKS of no kitchen when we first moved in here! Stupid contractor lied to us about the completion date (by several weeks, and never finished the job). It was miserable, no entry into the kitchen, no cabinets or countertops...we lived off microwaveable foods and take out and did dishes in the bathroom sink.
Jez awww poor Tilly. I'd say she is most likely okay. Just watch her for changes. V fell off our bed around 5 to 6 months old and she was okay even though our bed is pretty high up. Also maybe her 2nd molars coming in messing with her sleep? Yes missing naps stink. She hasn't napped any for sitter this week :(

Pacific the rooms at hospital on matetnity floor are really nice and overall not very hospital like to me. I'm a bit scared to labor at home. I'm thinking if my first was 6 hours then how fast will 2nd one go. The hospital is 40 minutes away.

Gigs has your heel been bothering you anymore lately??

AFM been a crappy day, well just one really crappy event. It could be worse, but a rock cracked my windshield. They are coming out Friday to try to repair. If not then I'll have to pay for repair which is less than my deductible. So hoping a repair will take care of it.
Flu- sorry about your windshield. Mine has a big crack and a chip. But the crack is at the very top so you can't even see it. I can't believe how expensive they are to fix! Fx it's a Repair and not a replace!

Vbac/vba2c- first, I had to google the difference lol and then I felt stupid. Second, what's your doctors policy on it gigs? I'm really thinking I want to do a vbac but if my baby is too big or if I go past 40 weeks my doctor didn't sound optimistic on it. Basically it's a 'we'll see' right now.
(Get ready for rant on why I now want a vbac) so CA is pretty good on maternity/ paternity leave (compared to the rest of the US) We have 6 weeks of 'bonding time' that can be used anytime within a year of giving birth. Last time DH took the full 6 weeks as soon as the boys were born but this time we're thinking of having him take 2 weeks when the baby is born and then use the other 4 weeks around christmas time. We plan to go to Disneyland at that time and then he will get some time off for the holidays.

Cb- hope you're recovering well and at home resting as much as possible!

Sorry I really have nothing to add and it's mostly selfish post today. DH left last night to go back to work so I'm all alone again.

Does anyone have any potty training tips? Twin A doesn't really seem ready but is more verbal twin B is just starting to be verbal but is showing signs of being ready. He loves to go potty in the toilet, always takes his diaper off, and about 50% of the time will tell me he's pooped. So I'm thinking twin B will follow twin A but I'm a little worried that he's not very verbal and it might be hard for him to communicate with us. Also, like how do I even start to attempt to potty train? I was planning after their birthday, try for awhile and if they don't get it put it away and try in a few months. I'm in no rush.

Sorry selfish rant.
Green--dr (er, all of the ones I've met with) have no concrete policy but have advised a csection. Ultimately it is my decision though. I do want to ask what they would have done during my last labor. I'm just curious if they would have done more to pull him out the "right" way.

Regarding potty training...we got a training potty first (one that has sensors in the bottom and praises you when you pee in it) and just had it in the living room at first. We let Des play with it and sit on it, clothes on, before we did any training. We tried around 2.5 years and he just was not getting it. We had lots of pants off time and when he was showing signs of having to pee we sat him on the potty but no dice. When we tried again around 3 he got it almost immediately. I mean it was like 3 days. Pooping was a whole different story though...that took more time and a poop chart. The key is motivation. Find something they reeeaaally like (for Des it was m&m's) and give it ONLY when they use the potty.

Fluek sorry about your window! I'm also traveling around with a crack but it's way off on the passenger's side s--wait, forgot i have a van now :rofl: the crack was on my old car hahahaha

Thanks for asking about my little sore foot! It's sadly still sore, where the second toe joins the foot. It's one of those things where i'm not sure if it's improving or i'm getting used to the pain. But either way it's slightly more tolerable so...yay?
Gigs, yeah no idea what mom would want to give birth in any barn nowadays.... hippies???

Flueky, if the chip/crack isnt in your line of view I would not bother with it. My windshield has 1 repaired big chip and countless smaller chips that are barely visible. It also has had a big crack right across but it's way beneath the wipers. It was fine for a few years, until DH took it to a different climate, it got a heavy and wet foot of snow dumped on it over night and all of a sudden the crack split and moved up. Still not within my line of sight, so not spending a couple hundred dollars.
The thing is, you can have it replaced today and have another rock fling at it as you drive out the parking lot ;)
And even if you do have it repaired, it may crack further during the repair or soon after.

Green, what was the reason for the first csection? Just because of twins? One didn't turn? I would think (from what my midwives all have said here ) that you would be a great candidate for vbac! 40 weeks is term, so why be extra concerned unless you go over 41 weeks.
I thought fmla gives you the right for 12 weeks unpaid leave or are we apples and oranges lol
I think that's 12 weeks for mom, the 6 week bonus is for dad (i may be interpreting that wrong).

Also here it's 12 with c section, 8 vaginal.

Cracks: Per VA state inspection guidelines, if the crack is 3" from bottom, 1" from sides, or not below the as1 line on top, you are good to go :thumbup:
Hi Ladies. Sorry, I'm not really up to date on everything right now, but I just wanted to let you know how things are going with me.

*TMI/Trigger Warning, I guess...

So, at around 11:45am on Tuesday, I started bleeding. It wasn't any more than just a regular period. At about 9pm, I felt a gush of warm liquid and went to the bathroom. It wasn't blood, so I'm assuming my "water broke". Then it was just a bunch of small globs of tissue (the placenta?) and a constant blood drip. I would spend long stretches on the toilet and then be able to lay down for a little snooze. Finally, at about 3:45am, after being in the bathroom for 30 mins already, I felt a chunk of something come out and within seconds, I felt like I was gonna throw up, I got dizzy, and I was having trouble hearing. I raced to the kitchen and grabbed a can of coke and started drinking it just for the sugar. I felt better pretty quickly and was able to get 3 hours of sleep. The next time I went to the bathroom, there was hardly any blood on the pad, so I guess it was over by then. Just been having standard AF bleeding since then. Let's hope my next "labour" goes as quickly. There were actually a few moments when I was experiencing what felt like back labour, but it was definitely less painful than actual labour. So, ya, that's my story. FX everything came out and I don't get a fever or end up needing a d&c anyway.

And I finally got a chance to ask SO how he's doing/feeling. He said he can obviously see why it's sad, but he's not gonna cry and it wasn't quite real to him yet. He said it only feels real when he can actually feel kicking and see movement. Though there's always gonna be that wonder of what it was, what would the kid have been like, etc. That was a little more heartfelt than I thought it would be from him. And it's good to know when it's real for him. Maybe I'll wait longer before telling him and everyone else next time. And I got a little emotional while talking about it and typing this, so I guess I'm not as over it as I thought.

The only thing I feel a little bad about is not being able to see the fetus. I was reading other women's stories and one woman was able to get hers and bury it in her backyard. Mine is just out there in the Florida sewer system. :/
Gigs, so different that you guys have laws for thst! About 2/3 cars in the oilfield drive with cracks, unless they are commercial and get regular inspections. Even then they won't be replaced unless in the line of sight. However there were laws that to pickup truck be sold without mudflaps! Something that drives me mad in this province, too many pickup trucks without mudflaps, I don't think it's law here.
Flueky, I am sorry. Glad you and hubby had a heart to heart, big cyber hugs.
Pl the law varies from state to state. Here with state and emission inspections. Some states have one or the other, and some have neither.

Pretty :hugs: i know this hasn't been an easy process. I hope your heart can heal.
Awww Pretty, hoping you're able to come to terms with it and biggest hugs to you through this tough time. I know it's so common with miscarriages not to be able to see the baby or bury it. I wasn't able to with my 3. Not sure if that makes you feel better or worse. :(

Re FMLA, it gives you 12 weeks (unpaid). As far as I know, that's for the mom. I'm not sure if the dad gets anything under that. I'm lucky that my work gives me 12 weeks paid maternity leave. I know that's not the norm here in the US.

Randomness.. today right around lunchtime I was sitting at my computer working and I had a sharp pain on my left side. Enough to make me go "ow." First thought was.. oh no.. I must have a really upset stomach. Second thought was.. wait a minute.. I wonder if it could be super-early implantation. No sign of an upset stomach. Sooo totally some early symptom spotting over here.

I know FF says I'm 4dpo today, but I think I'm 5 or 6 dpo.

Honestly, I'm fine if I don't get pregnant this cycle since we technically aren't even trying yet, but it's fun to symptom spot!
Greenie thanks! Ah I hope you can havea vbac. I haven't has a cs but I dread the thought of recovery from it.

When does DH come back?? Sorry no advice on potty training.

Gigs mine is in lower middleish area (closer to my side). I'm afraid it'll get bigger. I drive a lot even with my new position I drive 20k vs 30k a year. Well I hope that heel doesn't get to bothering you again. Happy 33 weeks:)

Wait you only get fmla up to 8 weeks for a v delivery in VA??? Also, OMG I remember working with nurses from VA in hospital. They talked about how strict car inspections are there. We can basically drive any hunk of junk in TN :rofl:

Pacific thanks. I think I'll try repair first as the weather here is pretty bipolar. I'm afraid temperature changes and the amount I drive my car would increase chance of it worsening quickly. Oh and a day late but happy 31 weeks!!

Pretty :hugs: I am truly sorry you are dealing with this.

Michelle, hehe nothing wrong with symptom spotting for fun. When you do conceive do you have a special plan on announcing to DH??

AFM exhausted as can be today. Lack of sleep and so busy. V had her 18 month check up. She's 34 3/8 in tall (97%), 28 lbs (90%). A potential future basketball player ;) ah I just want her to do what she enjoys. That was the highlight of the day and now to get ready for bed.
Pretty I’m so sorry for everything you’re going through. Sending my love and hugs.

Michelle hm it’s a bit early for implantation at 5-6 dpo, but I guess not impossible. I’m the worst with symptom spotting, even though I’m always on some kind of birth control I feel queasy once and am like “I’m definitely pregnant” :rofl: even though I haven’t been once.

FMLA, I don’t have personal experience with it involving maternity leave. My mom used it when my sister was in the hospital with pancreatitis, as well as when I was in the hospital with the complications after my surgery. It makes me mad that women in the US don’t have paid maternity leave, but I won’t go deep into it.

Speaking of symptoms spotting, I’m spotting. I’m not thinking I’m pregnant, it’s nearly impossible. I’m more annoyed about it than anything. I spotted for 2 weeks straight after getting the new IUD put in. It just started up again. Except I don’t know what periods on it are gonna be like, so I don’t know what level of spotting is just spotting and what level is a period. I guess I could wait for night sweats or whatever. I think when the spotting ended last week I might’ve been ovulating, the dates would make sense, but no way to know.
I might start temping again just so I can figure out if/when I’m ovulating and when to expect my period or what is actually my period. On the mirena my progesterone would definitely drop, as evidenced by my night sweats, and since Kyleena is a lower dose IUD I expect my natural hormone cycles to be even more in control, so with the progesterone drop would likely come a temp drop. But I couldn’t take vaginal temps if I have a roommate, so I can try it during winter break, but otherwise I’d have to do oral temps, and I sleep with my mouth open so I recall they were a bit erratic in comparison. Too bad I’m not rich, I’d get one of those fertility bracelets that track skin temps for you.

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