General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Fluek will you measure her at 2 years? I think that's when they say you double the height for what your adult height will be close to, right? Might be at 3 years...Des was short, lol. Can't remember exactly but hubby's bro is relatively short (for a male) so i'm not entirely surprised he may be a shorty. We'll see..

Yeah fmla is pretty sad. You are only guaranteed an equivalent job, not even necessarily the same one. And no pay. And only if your company had enough employees to qualify.

Hubs and i were talking about how good car inspections are! You'd be surprised how terrible people can be with their cars. I mean to the point where they are dangerous to passengers and others on the road. Imagine, as a simple example, someone who neglects their break pad change and ends up crashing into someone because they failed. That said, some of the inspection rules are pretty stupid. For example you can fail inspection for a crack on your windshield that is not in your line of sight :haha:
Shae it does suck that we don't get mandatory paid maternity leave, but on the other hand, would you want to be the employer forced to pay wages to a worker who is out for weeks? She chose to have the baby and is contributing nothing to your business in the meantime. You would have to pay for someone who has chosen to do something that solely benefits her family and not your business whatsoever. Kind of sucks for the employer.

Just some food for thought :)

Random side comment...
Baby was so insanely active last night he woke me up. Not only that but when i was sleeping, i was dreaming about his movements! I was calling my friend over to feel my belly.
Anyway it felt like he was rapidly trying to punch his way through my cervix! Kept going after I was up, too. It's so painful and uncomfortable! I feel badly for those women who get broken ribs from baby kicks (or is that an urban legend?).
Gigs yeah I can see that, specifically for small businesses I agree, but big business and corporations that can afford it, I don’t have much sympathy for. It’s definitely a hot button topic.

Spotting update: so when I was spotting after the IUD insertion, it was just brown discharge, like Mirena periods. Just went to the bathroom and the spotting that started today has just upgraded to red blood. I am unamused. I’m on CD24. I’ve never had a cycle that short except artificially by stopping the pills early. So now I gotta take it day by day and see if this increases and is an actual period. I hate the adjustment period for new birth control. Blech.
Gigs, it's cheaper for most companies to keep paying someone (generally not even their full wage) knowing they will be back in a few weeks then training someone new. Until someone is fully worked into a job 3-6 months and in some cases a year goes by. Cheaper to know that the new mom will be back ;)

Our pediatrician has always said, measure at 2 years and they'll double into adulthood. According to that L measured to be on track to be just over 6ft tall! He'd be taller then DH, more like my brother, honestly, he is so much like my brother already!!
Hmm pl I think it depends on the job and how long the person has been employed, too. I am thinking back to the job i had when i had ds1; i was definitely irreplaceable. In fact when i quit to move they had to hire two people to replace me. Then there was the chick who just worked in medical records...yeah probably would have been more cost effective to replace her on her leave, especially since she got fired a few weeks after returning from maternity leave. But I can definitely see how this is a gray subject!

Eta: thinking back on this now and i still think whatever is in the company's best interest is up to them. I still don't think they should be forced into it. They could have it as a perk for employment there if they choose...just my opinion though!

Wow 6 feet! I think Lev will be closer to that too but we'll see.

Last night he was upset and calmed down laying against me in bed. He is such a cutie...makes me increasingly nervous about adding a baby to the mix and how he'll take it and how i could possibly find another human to be as cute as him!
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Gigs, hope Lev slept good for you last night. We had a couple of rough nights last week, but he slept better the last few nights. Honestly most nights I won't hear him unless he's consistent.

We have a couple of big windstorms hitting us this weekend and the ferry that connects DH (our new area) to us, has been cancelled. Dh wanted to see us, pick up keys from me and meet the moving company today. Tomorrow he is supposed to be in our rental, except I have no way to get the key to him. Then Sunday he leaves for a few days to Toronto from our new area. So even if he sees us, he may not make it back to the correct Airport due to several windstorms that are supposed to hit us. Complicated...
At least I can meet up with the moving company today, but it's a 3 hour round trip to our storage unit (which is in our previous area, we are currently staying with my parents) for what I expected to take 10 minutes.
Not long after you gigs, just over 8 weeks left.
If you decide to vbac, do you think baby will come early?
Shae no personal experience with IUD but hormonal bc can definitely cause itregular spotting or bleeding while your body adjusts. How did finals go??

Gigs yes will take her for 2 year check up and get her height then. Yes the rule is doubling height at 2 year for estimate of adult height.

I've seen cars have thick smoke trails over 50 feet and they weren't diesel. It would never pass VA inspections.

That's so funny how you were dreaming baby movements. I recall dreaming of throwing up and when I woke up my throat was burning from acid refux. Hope his movements get a bit gentler. Oh and yay for 6.5 weeks or less!!!

He will adjust. It's such a great feeling when they calm down or find comfort from your touch, hug, holding them, etc.

Pacific I agree. Cheaper to keep a ood employee instead of training a new one. I do wish we had at least part of our wage through our leave. Maybe one day. Oh and that's interesting L is taking after your brother so much.

Oh no, I hope they don't happen or aren't as bad as expected so it doesn't interfere with moving.

AFM today has been so so. Good news windshield was able to be a repair only so no cost to me. Bad news: On my way to pick up V, sitter called really concerned about V. She had rectal temp of 100.9, lethargic, not eating/drinking, increased heart rate and breathing slightly. She didn't appear in distress and with her having a vaccine yesterday I felt it might be related. I got her home gave her some tylenol, some pedialyte and after 30 to 40 minutes she started to really perk up. I got her to eat some dinner and drink some milk. I didn't recheck her temp, but she felt much cooler. Another possibilty could be the flu. Just have to see how she's doing tomorrow or earlier if she wakes up in the night.
Flueky, awe I hope V feels better! Some extra love and cuddles for the little one. I am with you on thinking it's probably vaccine related, hopefully itlli pass soon.

To me it seems so silly that each province/state has such different rules on cars just as an example. And some even take it to municipal level! Such as Vancouver and Uber. The only major north American city where they want to treat the driver's like an actual taxi driver: different class of drivers license, medical tests, higher insurance, driver tests, etc before you can call yourself an Uber driver... You can't just pick up a shift.

As for me, I think I am going to try and cut back on the "baby fertilizer" (aka sugar aka chocolate)... According to midwife sugar makes for bigger babies and I have been eating lots.. bad me!
Forgot to update. Restraining order went through so I have sole legal and physical custody for three years. Visitation will continue to be supervised and probably ignored.
Hi ladies

Urhhh my god im sooo tired :( Hayden likes to have a good 2/3 hr snooze from 9-11am which is when i cant lol typical! Hes gaining weight though & my Milks come in already on Thursday which is fab! He’s currently snoozing on my boob haha!

I havent read back as im like a nodding dog atm but hoping the delirious-ness will pass in few days - she says ha!

Dobby, thats still great news you have Sole custody for the next 3 yrs though!
Dobby that's fantastic news!!! Did his child support ever come through?

Awww Fluek I hope she's feeling better and it's nothing long term like the flu. Yay for the windshield being an easy fix! Yes, I do love when an upset kiddo finds comfort in my arms <3

Cb not sure if you're stalking but I hope all is going well!

PL damn weather making things so inconvenient! Any update on the property you guys were originally looking at? Sounds like the news ones have some potential.

Speaking of states and transportation...have y'all heard of these "bird" scooter things? Evidently we just got them. I hear they are the biggest PITA ever, they get dumped all over the city. Guess we'll see how they do here...
Cb he is so precious!!! Sorry the timing of the nap isn’t working for you :(. Hang in there hot momma!

Fluek I hear you that’s scary when their breathing is affected. Hopefully she is on the mend! Yay for easy windshield fix

Gigs what is that lol? Like rent an electric scooter thing?

I haven’t been reading much because I have had 8 court dates in the last month. So sorry i’m Out of the loop

I’m happy. I feel this is best for A. I was given the choice to overhaul the last name, but I think that should be A’s decision when he is older. Child support is garnished from his paycheck so that’s one thing I don’t have to stress over.
In other news, A is getting freakishly good at soccer lol. His uncle is home for Christmas so they are right back at it. Now that A has basic dribbling and ball handling (he knows how to put his foot on the ball and roll it around, so if it’s in a corner he will roll it backwards out of the corner), they want to work on his passing. Even the daycare director goes out and plays soccer with him during recess haha. And yesterday he helped his other uncle baked brownies by “holding” the mixer haha. He is very much loved.
Dobs- that's super advanced for A to be so good at soccer! Go A!! And I'm happy you got sole legal and physical custody.

Paid leave- fmla is different than the paid bonding time in California. Fmla is just job security for 12 weeks. All Californias paid leave (maternity and paternity) is paid by the state. Women get 6 weeks for baginal delivery and 8 weeks for a c-section. Plus an addition 6 weeks bonding time. So vaginal is up to 12 weeks DNA c-section is up to 14 weeks. The first 6-8 weeks is short term disability and paid that way. The second part is bonding time and paid differently.
Not even sure who cares lol but I felt like I left you guys hanging before.

I had to a glucose test already, because I'm overweight and I passed. Better numbers than last pregnancy so I'm happy about that.
Green that mat legal stuff confused me lol. I had to read my packet so many times. I only got $100 for short term disability :rofl: all I care about is that I got to be with A until he was 16 weeks because he was just about 4w when school started :).

Green yay for passing
Pacific thank you so much for well wishes. I'm still leaning towards vaccine. Oh and I've also been having way too much baby fertilizer myself. I love sweets this time. At least it was fruits I craved with V. S likes cookies and candy way too much.

Dobby that's fantastic news!! I read it last night and told DH because I was excited for you. Is having his wages garnished for child support helping you out now?? I know it's been a struggle financally for you lately.

That's amazing how he's doing with soccer. V is nowhere near that. Be proud mama ;)

CB I'm so happy to hear Hayden is doing so well. That's amazing he's gaining already :) and he's adorable. Riley looks happy to have a little brother. How are you feeling??

Gigs thank you. Thinking it's vaccine related but could be wrong. Oh and what are "bird" scooters??

Greenie yay for passing and having even better numbers!!

AFM V woke up around 130 with 101 axillary temp. Gave her some tylenol and milk. Put back to bed. She got up around 7 and temp was 98.2 so much better. She's acted mostly like her usual self just slightly less active and appetite isn't as big. Checked her temp at 5 this evening as she felt warm again, 99.7. Not horrible but I gave her Tylenol as she'd been a bit fussy over silly things. Gave her milk and put her to bed. Still leaning to vaccine side effect though. Thankfully she's done until age 4 exceot for flu shot which I'll probably have her take next year.

Had a nightmare I was spotting red blood and later I had a gush of red blood. Unsettling, but nothing out of the ordinary today. S has been moving loads. On a positive note, 3rd tri today!! Holy moly got to get things together but it'll have to wait until after Christmas.

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