General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Cb, so adorable! Enjoy!!!!

Flueky, good thing the fever is coming down, of not permanently yet, but at least there is a break.

Dobs, yay for gaining full custody! That's fantastic, onwards and upwards from here on!
And wow on those great ball skills! At least your brother uses a ball, my brother picked an empty 4l milk jug to teach soccer with :haha:

Gigs, ill bite: what are bird scooters?

Green, thanks for suggesting blue apron a few weeks ago ;) I did end up getting my brother a gift certificate from them And he got his first food box today. So far we are both impressed, my brother with the quality;and ease, and me with the fact that my brother created food that looks edible.:haha:
Dang Fluek third tri??? How has this round of babies gone so fast?!

Dobs way wtg with the soccer skillz!

Birds: they're just rent-a-scooters. There are supposed to be pick up and drop off locations but evidently people pick them up then just leave them strewn about, occasionally in sidewalks and streets. They have trackers though so employees of Bird have to go retrieve them and put them back atvthe kiosks.
Jez those pics of Tilly's party are adorable!

And Green your boys look more and more alike every time I see them! Cute announcement and I am very impressed you got them to both smile!
Oh I hate those scooters. We have them where I live. People will leave them in the middle of sidewalks, which sucks when you’re pushing a stroller and then have to step into the street to get by. Very ADA-unfriendly too. Apparently the urgent care clinics around here treat a lot of scooter injuries every day. I talked to a physician’s assistant who says he’s become a pro at stitches because of all the scooter injuries he’s has to take care of.

And then people zip around on them on sidewalks, which is terrible for the pedestrians on sidewalks, especially small kids. Can you tell I’m not a fan? While in theory I see the appeal, in practice I hate them.
CB, Hayden is soooo adorable! Love the photo of Riley holding him.

Dobs, huge congrats on custody!

PL, I’ve tried Blue Apron before! It was super-easy and fun! Hope your brother has continued success with it.

Jez... I especially loved the photo with Tilly and the baby. Total heart eyes over here.

Flueky, glad V is getting better.
Oh those scooters sound annoying! Mind you we have something similar with bikes here. And a mayor who loves bikes and has put in bike Lanes in the most inconvenient tight roads downtown....bikers still think they own the road, yay green hippies who think all cars are bad.

Michelle, glad to hear you had a great experience with blue apron too!

L just ate my lunch after he finished his snack, this 2 year old eats a ton right now!
Pacific thank you :) and lol on using a milk jug. Nothing wrong with using some imagination ;) oh I bet he's going through a growth spurt :)

Gigs I know. I feel like a couple months ago we got our positive hpts!! I do love seeing all the new babies in the group.

I can see both sides as it's harder to transport your own power wheelchair/scooter so it would encourage more mobility in the community. However, things are often abused if they aren't your own. Maybe if people were fined for leaving them throughout the community similar to a hotel rental??

Michelle thank you. When do you plan to test??

ETA Dobby love the Santa pics especially matching shirts!!

ETA not sure why it posted 3x. Okay fixed it.

AFM V debeloped a rash around her rectum/perineum yesterday. Figured it was just diaper rash. She's been having on and off rash to chin that ped saw and said was from drool. Thay rash looked different yesterday and today broke out on thigh, tops of hands, and top of left foot. Took her to walk in clinic. She has strep and possible HFM.
Fluek omg poor kiddo!!! You be careful too, last thing you want to do is catch anything yourself. HFM? Does that cause an all over rash like that? Still sounds like maybe a vac reaction...I would highly recommend you report it to adverse reactions, just in case.

The scooters aren't power scooters for mobility, they are the ones you stand on with handles. I see the idea of penalizing people who abuse the things but there is no way to enforce it. If they get messed up the person could always say someone else did it after they walked away from it.

PL I had to laugh, I was telling hubs about the scooters and before I said anything he scoffed and said, "that never works! Look at everything they've cars...and bicycles!" Hahhaha

Dobs you and A are so freaking adorable, especially those matching sweaters! I have to say though...what's with Santa? He looks depressed!
He's got the alcoholic nose...I wonder what his story is.
Oh No flueky! Dang, maybe the vaccine was just the cherry on top to trigger all that. Hope V feels better soon :hugs:

Yeah, how are we all in 3rd tri, CB was the start to a new wave of babies.

Dobs, your pictures are worth gold!

Afm: DH is in Toronto for a few days now (never mind the drama of cancelled ferries and last minute flight changes). Now if the weather stops giving us storms we should have him back Friday again.
Then Saturday we have a wedding, and need to pick up one of the BILs from the airport before. I haven't told L yet, he loves airplanes and airports. We had to pick up DH from the airport last week too. I took L early and we spent 45 minutes watching the same plane unload, get cleaned, get loaded all the while we talked about the different parts of the airplane. L kept telling me that it was "bue" (Blue), had tires and wings, there were tucks, "doors open shut", etc he had some snacks near the end. What kid needs a movie theater when it can watch a plane....?? :haha:
PL is that what he's "into", airplanes? I swear all boys have a thing. Lev hasn't established his yet but Des is allll about trains, even now.
Love how L loves planes! We live about 30mins from a major airport so we get planes that go over pretty often and the boys always say "pane" and of course they wave just in case the plane can see them lol but max is totally into trucks. Every truck we see that is grey he says "dada!" His dad has a grey truck so close enough lol

Poor V! Try to stay as far away as possible. That wouldn't be good for you to get! At least most adults don't get HFM.

Dobs- why are you and A so freaking cute?!! Love it.

Attached is how we announced on social media yesterday.

Green, so adorable! I have to agree they now look so similar! We have been bad... I have not announced on Facebook, so anyone I don't talk to regular...oops doesn't know :haha:
L would love to see more airplanes, alas most of them are too far up or behind trees but he is very good at spotting them, otherwise they are "way up" according to him.

Gigs, he's into just about all vehicles. He started off with helibobos (helicopters) and big trucks, then air-mays (airplane) and even distinguishes to sea planes. Recently he's discovered ekavay (excavator), amulance (ambulance), police car, crane, Anhänger (German for trailer), dump trucks have been a regular. Every school bus gets pointed out thanks to that famous song and he does do all the hand motions that go along with it. We often end up singing and acting on the song in the car. Oh and trains... There is only one we see on the entire island, so his toy set has to do. So yeah, all in all, if it flies, drives or sails, it'll grab his interest. If we now point out a special machine and name it, it gets added to his list of known machines and will point it out to us next time we see it. It's amazing how fast they learn at this age.
Oh and I forgot his new fascination for garbage trucks, has his own motions that he follows when he shows us what a garbage truck does.
I am a proud momma, L is actually learning 2 languages and he has a clear understanding that there are 2 correct words for the same thing and has a clear understanding of instructions given in either language. When he is forming sentences sometimes every other word is the other language, but i am ok with that. Eventually he'll realize that he is learning 2 languages and start to seperate. Interestingly: on some words he will insist on using one language over the other where as with other words he' use both equally.
Pl- that's awesome! He's such a smart boy!
My boys are pretty far behind verbally. Twin A is slightly behind (not concerning and normal with twins) and twin B is pretty far but catching up to brother pretty fast. When we had him evaluated at around 21 months I knew he was behind but was shocked to hear his verbal scores in the 9-12 month range. With some help though he's grown so much. I'd say he's only about 6 months behind now. Hasn't put two words together yet but is starting to use actual words (not sign language or grunting/whining) to let me know what he wants. That's a huge leap.

Funny story about kids learning everything so fast:
Yesterday I was cleaning my laundry area while the laundry filled up with water (lid left open) and two bottles of paint that were previously opened fell into the washing machine. While I was looking for them (praying they won't open) I said "oh $hit. Oh $hit. $hit $hit" and then twin A goes "oh $hit oh $hit oh $hit" I felt horrible. Later something else happened and I said shoot. And he said oh $hit! *facepalm*
Kitty - I can't even imagine having to move. I've literally lived in the same house my whole life.

Flueky - So sorry to hear about V's rash. I hope she feels better really soon.

Gigs - I've heard of the double your 2yo's height rule to get an estimate of what they'll be as an adult. However, I read that for girls, it's 18 months, but 2yo for boys. Cuz I was 3' at 2, but I'm only 5'5". SO apparently measured the same and he is 6'.

shae - FX your body can regulate itself soon.

Dobby - Good to hear you have a long term custody agreement now. And good stuff with A and his soccer skills. Cute Santa pics. :)

CB - What a cutie! Here's hoping you can catch up on some sleep.

Green - Good job with your glucose numbers. And that's a nice announcement pic.

PL - That's pretty cool about L and the languages. My aunt was 2 when the family immagrated from German to Canada and she could speak both languages interchangeably pretty well.

AFM, still bleeding a bit, so hopefully it'll finish pretty soon. I ordered a 20 pack of cheapies and I still have several OPK strips. FX I can still have a 2019 baby.
Green, that was totally us a few months ago .. it's an age where we really have to watch what we say. Even if it slips out, chances are he's already picked it up ... Insert eye roll.

We just try to talk alot, reading books, make up stories even if they are totally crazy and make no sense to an adult.. :haha:
Flueky, If the parents speak both languages, and keep them up then I'd expect to be bilingual. We immigrated when I was 15, and my parents insisted on continuing to speak German at home. Made the process of me learning English slower, but I am still fluent in both languages without any or much accent. (The fine tuned ear will hear it). You loose it if you don't use it.
I think Evie has HFM but I’m more worried about Lewis because he has crohns!
Gigs, I know. I read in some cases it affects buttocks region. She acts like nothing is wrong with her at least. Well other than being a mommy's girl.

Okay so Paul blart mall cop scooter. Yeah that's pretty silly then. Makes me think about the movie Wall-E.

Pacific lol it must be fascinating seeing a plane as a child. I think boys tend to love some sort of transportation (planes, trains, cars, etc.). I can't weigh in on girls as I've not really been around many toddler girls except V. Hope DH doesn't get delayed by weather.

Wow that is very impressive on his language skills!!

Greenie I love the announcement!! Are you feeling better, getting more energy?? Lol I think it's easy to let swear words slip out. I'm just waiting for V to say one.

Pretty, I hope you get your 2019 baby.

Kitty oh no. I hope she recovers quickly and Lewis doesn't catch it.

AFM appt went well. S cooperated better than V at this stage.

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