General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Kit hi! Uggghh I hate when illness infiltrate the home! Hope no one else gets it.

Fluek, precious u/s pics!!! It will be exciting to see how much she looks like them when she arrives.
Fx the sickness doesn't spread!

Such precious ultrasound pics, we haven't done any additional ones, but seeing that I almost wish we had ;)
Green gorgeous announcement pics!

Flueks lovely ultrasound pics! I’m glad baby Serena was cooperative haha

Kitty I hope Lewis doesn’t catch the HFM :(

So it definitely is my period that showed up. It’s just a week early. Weird, but okay. It’s just regulating with the new hormones I guess.
Gigs I know. I'm so looking forward to meeting her. However, I can wait another 9 weeks or more ;)

Pacific it's really nice and I almost didn't do it. We paid for a combo package with Victoria and ended up with 4 electives (it was only supposed to be 3 but the 3rd was so bad she offered to try again for free) and 2 diagnostic scans. This time 3 diagnostic and 1 elective. I just felt I needed to do one for S and I'm not opposed to seeing my baby again ;)

Shae well at least AF shouldn't arrive on Christmas. Hope your hormones settle soon with IUD. How did finals go??

AFM rough night. V had a hard time sleeping. She kept crying out intermittently and all she wanted was to be held, poor thing. I held her and rocked in the chair for 20 minutes before setting her back down. She whimpered twice then drifted off. I told DH if that didn't work I was going to sleep in rocker in her nursery or bring her to our bed. She seems to feel okay today and rash is getting better.

I sheduled a natural childbirth class for next month. I want to be prepared to possibly deal with an unmedicated birth. If subsequent labors are quicker, I'm not sure I'll get to hospital and things done in time to get an epidural.

I also tried calling to schedule an anesthesia consult, but nurse said 35 to 38 weeks. I told her I was 34 weeks when I delivered my daughter, but she said to schedule at 34 weeks. I can't even do that now. When I call at start of year I'll try to schedule at 32 weeks.
Looks like you've got another cutie, Flueky. And that's smart to schedule that stuff. I should look into if there's a natural child birthing class offered in my area.
Hey lovely ladies! I feel bad im missing days at a time before messaging.. i forgot how tiring & how much time newborns take up Lol! Well.. good news is ive stopped bleeding woop but pretty sure i have a uti or cystitis :( no doubt its Catheter related from the csection, im drinking Cranberry juice like its going out of fashion lol!

Im bf’ing & formula feeding, only 1-2 formula bottles in the day, it gives me boobs a breather & Hayden sleeps abit longer in between.. trying a formula bottle later this eve around midnight to see if i can get him Milk drunk & snooze for a good 2/3 hrs in his Moses basket so i can get a couple hrs kip aswell, fx :thumbup: Haydens nearly back upto his birth weight, currently at 8lb 8oz lol lil porker :)

Awww Dobby, such lovely Crimbo pics with A, so precious.

MrsG your announcement is lovely also, your Boys are super gawjus, so blonde <3 happy 12 wks btw

Im still reading back on bits :)
Gigs your nearly 35 wks ahhhhh not long until the next baby joins the group hehee!! Hope your doing ok.. hows the feet/ankle swellings? Mine still are inflated but im peeing tons so water retention is gradually going.

Kitty & Flueks - kit i hope the HFM isn’t passed onto your hubs & Evie doesnt have a bad bout of it bless her. Flueks- poor V.. hfm doesnt really affect the unborn baby at all if you were to catch it but fx you wont, i didnt when Nuala had it back in October, its horrible watching them be ill :hugs:

Michelle - when are u testing ?? Eee!

Pretty, sorry your still going through the mc bleed hun, :hugs: you’ll get your 2019 rainbow baby no doubt <3

Seriously trying to stay awake ha ha
Cb those early days are rough! Hope he gets a schedule going soon or at least a longer snooze in!

I am so grateful my Mom will be staying with us starting end of January. I am so thanksful for my mom and MIL...makes me wonder what I did to deserve all this help...?

Prett what cd are you?

Fluek wtf can't believe they won't schedule you any earlier given your history. Hopefully it's a non issue though and you're destined for a full term baby this time. How are you feeling compared to last time?
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Cb swelling has gone down recently, thanks for asking! I still have that annoying pain near my toe -.- it was getting better then I wore a pair of shoes I hadn't put on in awhile and it got worse again :roll: think it may be time to toss those!
Ah, caught up on a lot and now of course I forgot most of it.

Dobs - the Santa pics are adorbs, especially the matching jumpers. I still can’t get over how much A looks like you! And ditto what Gigs said — why is Santa so grumpy? It’s like he and A have swapped roles, since it’s usually the kid who’s miserable. Kudos to A, though, coz most kids I see hate that sh*t.

CB - I love you checking in! I doubt anyone’s judging you for not responding more when you have a newborn and two other kiddos. Hope you get a decent stretch of sleep!

Green - your announcement pic is awesome. Love the natural setting and I agree the boys are looking more and more similar. Did you get some good responses to the announcement?

PL - so it looks like you didn’t come to Toronto after all! Aw, it would’ve been fun for T and L to have a real life play date.

Flueks - poor V. I hope she’s okay now. Tilly’s has some awfully high fevers and also hives and it really sucks. HFM scares me though so I’m dreading that (apparently it’s inevitable she’ll get it at some point), but I do have some friends who say it’s actually not as bad as you’d think.

Kitty - hope poor Evie isn’t having too bad of a time with HFM and that what I’ve been told (above) is true. So I’m guessing with crohn’s your hubby’s immune system is weaker and he’s more susceptible to picking it up, or is it something else?

Pink - glad the bleeding is calming down. A 2019 baby is definitely conceivable (pun not originally intended). Hang in there!

Gigs - Re: scooter share, why does Zipcar and bike share not work? I thought zipcar was pretty successful. We have a bikeshare program over here and it seems to be doing well and has done for quite a few years. If you don’t put the bikes back in their kiosk, you simply get charged, so people don’t tend to leave them around. Surely it’s simple to do it like that?

AFM thanks for the compliments on the pics/vids of Tilly. She’s a ham. She was so sweet with my friend’s baby, despite not being keen on the build-up (“Tilly no want to meet baby Vivian, no thank you mummy”). She’s also finally in a non-sick patch, and I’m aware that now that I’ve said that, she’ll definitely get sick again, probably in time for Christmas. And whoever suggested molars causing her irritability, she’s had all her teeth for many months now so I don’t think it was that. Maybe just the terrible twos? She’s so sweet atm though so I’m not as concerned. I love being able to talk to her properly now. This is what I’ve bloody waited for since the newborn stage. Gosh, is that awful? I just love this age, that’s all. Oh, it’s also a MIRACLE she hasn’t repeated any swear words because I swear a LOT and she does repeat even things we’ve only mentioned once (e.g., she still corrects me when I say “toot” and insists it’s “fart” despite me having consistently said toot for months now, eye roll).
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CB sorry about the UTI, they’re sadly very common with catheters. In class this semester I learned a bit about that whole situation. They used to throw in a catheter for everything and now they only use them when necessary (like when anesthesia is being used or for urinary retention). On my unit at the nursing home there were only 2 patients with catheters. Anyway... Glad you’ve stopped bleeding and you’re finding feeding methods that work for you and baby!

Flueks sorry V wasn’t sleeping well :( that’s annoying that they won’t let you schedule the consult earlier considering your history. With your Makena injections hopefully you’ll go full term this time, but I agree it’s good to plan like she’ll come early like V did.

Thanks, I hope my hormones settle too. I looked back on dates and I’m pretty sure the horrible pain I was experiencing on the 2nd was intense ovulation pain. I’d never had such intense ovulation pain like that before, as far as I can remember at least. When I was having it I was trying to figure out if it was ovulation or my ileum but hadn’t said that out loud, just where the pain was, and SO’s mom was like “are you mid-cycle?” Lol yes, yes I was. I mentioned it to my mom and we figured it was my body’s response to having not ovulated in 4 months, so when my body got the chance to ovulate again it was like AHHHH! RELEASE ALL THE EGGS!!! Well, probably like 2, but you get the point lol. My mom joked that my body was trying to give me triplets :haha: Anyway, my luteal phase was short, only like 10-11 days or something, but with the hormones I’m not concerned about that, it’s bound to be wacky.

Finals went really well, thanks for asking! I don’t know exactly what I got on my microbiology final exam, as she doesn’t post the grades online (drives me nuts) but the final course grade gets posted online by the registrar so I have that. I had an 88 in the class before the final and my final grade was a B+ so I assume I got something in the B range for the exam. For nursing 101, I got a 100 on my skills lab practicum and a 93 on my final exam. My final course grade was an A- and I’m super excited about that. My term GPA was a 3.591 and according to the college website my college’s cutoff for Dean’s List is 3.5, so it looks like I made the Dean’s List this semester!

We just got told what books we need for next semester for Nursing 102 (looks like only 2 new ones) and we’ll be getting our clinical assignments soon enough. I’m so nervous and excited at the same time! I’m scared about clinical because of this semester. Hopefully it goes better next semester.
Sorry... short response here as I’m so tired. We’ve all been dealing with sickness/allergies here. Baby has been coughing up a storm, poor thing. She’s such a trooper though. She’s started blowing kisses and every once in awhile will give me a big, open-mouth kiss.

I’ve tested the last couple of days, all neg. I think i’m out this month, but that’s ok with me! I’d actually prefer to get pregnant one of the next two cycles. This was just a practice one hehe. I just really hope we can have a healthy pregnancy in the next six months.
Cb, I am glad to hear you are finding your rythem. I dread the newborn stage....

Jez, no I did not end up going to toronto with DH. Part of the idea was to hop on a train and see FIL in Ottawa, but he was out here a week before and we may see him again for a wedding this weekend. So we decided against L and I travelling too. Plus the dates and flights were only confirmed 2 weeks earlier!

And the irritability could definitely be chalked up to terrible twos! L has his days, mostly they can be resolved with food or a nap or both. Or a gentle talk or a timeout as he's learning his new emotions and how to process them.

Shae, awesome, you did really well in college. You should be proud of yourself!!

Afm, mw appointment today and gynecologist for a vbac consult.
Mw, babies HB was in the 140-145 range which has me leaning towards girl. Ls heart rate this late in the game was always in the 125-130 range! Belly is measuring a little on the small size, so I can lay on the sweets and Christmas dinner... I guess something to keep an eye on....? Mw also warned me of the gynecologist one more time, apparently lots of women come back from consults in a panic ready for a repeat csection.
However that appointment was just insightful and he gave me a 74% chance of successful vbac! Apparently that's high, most women are in the 60%... I also learned (or maybe relearned) from his notes that baby L was "Sunnyside up" but later switched to sideways which may have contributed to backlabour to begin with.
Gigs - It's past midnight here, so I'm technically on CD9. I'm kind of expecting another late O, so I'm just gonna use opks and try to DTD as much as possible. SO and I are both off of work until January 2nd, so I'm guessing we'll just drop Alex at daycare and then "kill some time". lol
Thank you everyone for the well wishes, Evie’s feeling better today but I’m feeling awful and I’ve got work later! Every single one of my muscles hurts I go between being freezing with several blankets on to boiling hot and back again multiple times an hour. Couldn’t sleep last night either!

Lewis hasn’t got it so far but yes his crohns means that he has a much weaker immune system so is more likely to catch it and it’s much more likely to have complications if he does catch it.

Flueks I can’t believe they are being so nonchalant with your history!

Well done shae that’s fantastic!! Although I don’t pretend to know what a deans list is I’m guessing it’s very good!

Pacific, glad you are looking good for a VBAC, have you got a plan yet?
Kitty, how is Evie? Is she past the invectious stage?

As for birth plan: mine has always been to be flexible to allow for a healthy mom and baby ;) that's it. I am wanting to do a hospital birth rather then homebirth (DH is more comfortable with hospital too) so I can be monitored for uterine rupture. One miss conception I had was that once the monitoring starts I thought I'd be tied to the bed which apparently is not the case, thanks tv!! ;)
Pacific, the Hospital do tend to monitor you abit more after a csection when attempting a VBAC, they like to do the straps around the middle & if your fairly mobile in labour they may even do the monitor on babies head vua the vag which they did in me after they popped my waters.. fx baby is in a good position for you this time & vbac is successful :)

Fab news Shae :thumbup:

Gigs, im glad the swelling has eased off abit! It gets painful after a while! Awesome that your Mum & MIL are able to help out lots when the new baby arrives, it def relieves the stress of doing the school runs :) My MIL & Adam have been doing them last week & this week as its just too much to walk it & I shouldn’t be driving yet so i was abit stuck otherwise..!

Uhh i think i jinxed the whole ‘oh my bleeding has stopped’ lol! My uti pain has nearly gone now & i started bleeding again this morning but i was slightly crampy/twingey yesterday so it makes sense if it is, fx its not a heavy one :shock:

Flueks i forgot to say your ultrasound pics are beautiful <3
Pretty I was going to take the class last pregnancy but V came a week before the class :haha: I'm open to an epidural, but not sure how fast things will progress this time.

Also :rofl: "kill some time". In any case it woud be wonderful if you conceived this cycle and have a September baby :)

CB glad he's doing well. I do dread the lack of sleep stage. Especially since I'll have a toddler to contend with as well. Sorry about uti/cystitis. Definitely get that checked out as if it goes untreated can lead to kidney infection and even sepsis. If that UTI feeling continues or you get back pain be sure to call dr. I bled for 4 weeks I think :(

I'm also really leaning towards rash being related to strep rather than HFM. I'm just glad she's been acting like nothing's wrong. She's a trooper for sure. Oh and thank you. I think she's a pretty little miss as well

Gigs so glad you have help set up. DH is taking 2 to 3 weeks and I think my mom and MIL will also take some time off to help me. I'm blessed. Also, not going to beat myself up if BF/pumping doesn't pan out.

For real. She told me, "If you go into labor before 34 weeks then we will just do consult then." Really when my pain is 10/10 I want to talk about my medical history. I'm hoping whoever I talk to at start of the year is more understanding. Also FX I make it to at least 37 weeks. I think I will, but not to due date. I feel pretty good like last time.

Jez I will have to look for this video. Also, I'm really looking forward to that stage as well :) also happy belated birthday to her!!

Shae thank you. I'm such a plan ahead type person that things like that get to me.

:rofl: release all the eggs. Well I'm sure within a month or two it'll regulate. Congrats on making the dean's list!!! That's an amazing gpa in nursing school. My worst clinical was my first, after that it wasn't bad. I loved my preceptorship last semester, it felt more like being a nurse than the others.

Michelle when you tested it was still early, but as you said it was a "practice round" ;)

Pacific glad your appt went so well. We have both midwives and OBs in my office. I really feel the care is no different but midwife is more supportive of natural childbirth. Really happy with all but one at the group so I can't complain. Also I think having an open mind in that delivery room is best. We had one thing we wanted but didn't get because they took her to NICU. Oh well DH did get to cut the cord though :)

I think Vs was usually 150s or 160s. S has been 150s mainly, but was 146 Monday. So could be a little girl ;)

Kitty oh no. Sounds like you have a fever going between hot and chilling. That along with muscle aches reminds me of the flu. Feel better soon :hugs:

I know!! Ugh, I'm considering saying something to NP at my next visit. If I wasn't high risk I would semiunderstand making ppl wait until 35 weeks.

AFM had my in-service this morning. Fourth one I've done, but I still get nauseated prior. It went well and I've been a bit lazy at work rest of the day :blush: we had a christmas party for my department so it put that "I don't want to work " vibe out.

My throat is hurting some this afternoon, but not like strep feels so FX!!!
Flueky, fx you don't get sick days before christmas. I am right there with you, my throat started acting up last night, that icky feeling of "you are going to be really sick in a few days".
I am surprised they aren't listening better to you, especially since v Came so early!

Cb, I actually liked the gynecologist and felt like he was listening and answered my concerns and questions. When I didn't jump at "74% chance of successful vbac" he reassured me how good of a number that is. Haha too bad it won't be him there for the delivery if needed.
How are you feeling painwise?

I am ok with the monitoring, I think it'll give DH quite a bit of a breather too. He gets quite concerned for me ;)

32+ weeks and I am done with leaving the house... I just don't feel like being out and about, maybe with DH around again by friday I would not have to drag myself around as much.

On the terrible twos: I tried to do some christmas shopping today with L. First stop went ok at the toy store in the big mall. L picked out a toy truck which I let him carry around so we wouldn't be stuck in front of that shelf for a half hour. By the time we made it to the till I was able to "make it go away". Outside the toy store L saw one of those ride on cars where you pop a coin in. He ran over and sat in it. Ok, he was good about the vanishing toy in the store, let him sit and play for a bit my thought. When I was ready to leave he wasn't and started a fit. I made one small round through the mall with a crying kid at hand and I had enough. Left the mall, short a few presents....
Was Logan walking through the Mall with you? Your brave lol! Nuala would be a nightmare after 10 mins of walking & then wanting to be carried & i would end up dragging her about screamingas haha! The buggy is a godsend:haha:

Pain is fairly minimal now esp in comparison to what it was 6/7 days ago! Not needing pain relief or anything so thats great!

Has hubs let slip any hes or shes when he refers to the baby Pacific?

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