General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Selfish post but i'm lying here timing BH contractions...coming every 5-6 minutes and I'm wondering if i should get checked out...? It's so late though...and I'm so tired waahhhhhhhh! No real pain though :-k but this has been going on for a couple hours now...
Flueky - Ya, I'd be down for a September baby. Alex has a cousin whose BDay is Sept 8 and then the next cousin BDay isn't til Oct 13. And Alex's birth month and year is 7/17, so 9/19 sounds good to me. And then maybe 1/21 or 2/22 and we're good. lol

Hope your throat clears up soon.
Flueks what’s “in-service”? The videos that were mentioned are on my Instagram. For some reason I post most of my personal stuff to Instagram rather than Facebook, though it used to be the other way around. Not sure why. I try to keep my “followers” very minimal on insta so maybe that’s why. My Facebook feels a bit more public and exposed (even though it’s not public) and I’m too lazy to delete people. Not that you asked for a thesis on this... Oh, and what’s the anaesthesia consult for? I’ve never heard of that before.

PL - that’s brave of you to attempt Christmas shopping with L. Tilly would be exactly the same, especially around toys and other fun things. She always hates having to put things down and she freaks out. I usually just hug her and tell her I know it’s sad and luckily she recovers fairly quickly, but I’d really rather not deal with it. It’s the uncertainty over whether she’ll refuse to walk and insist on being carried or refuse to get in the stroller and insist on walking that gets me, esp if she’s in the kind of mood to refuse to hold my hand. We live right downtown so I don’t really want to take my chances on busy streets. Oh, and also I took her to a wildlife photography exhibit at a museum yesterday which was a mistake. As a bunch of upper-middle class older couples stood around “taking in” the displays and reading the moving stories behind each piece of work (it really was a fascinating exhibit), Tilly was routinely cutting through the silence with incredibly loud monkey sounds (there were several pictures of monkeys) and when I told her to whisper, of course she just shouted even louder. EYE. ROLL. I definitely was being judged, but can a mother not enjoy a photography exhibit while with her child?! Not everyone can just easily pass a kid off to an expensive babysitter just to appease strangers. K so I actually didn’t realize it would be an art gallery atmosphere and probably wouldn’t have gone otherwise but I still believe kids should be welcome in principle (and they are, since there’s no age limit... though maybe there should be coz there were quite disturbing pics like a grieving gorilla mum holding the corpse of her baby and two wild puppies playing with a severed chimp head, yikes). It’s like kids on planes; I’m not going to not fly and visit family and have holidays with my child just coz children annoy some strangers on planes. Anyway, not sure how that turned into a rant, sorry...

Kit I can’t believe you had to go into work despite having fever! Surely they’d want you to stay home. I hope you feel better anyway, and E too.

Shae well done on your final grades and dean’s list! Hope you can relax now and enjoy the holidays.

AFM, I’ve had brief bouts of breastfeeding aversions over the past 6 months, usually during the daytime if Tilly demands to nurse, but lately it’s been really bad. Last night she wanted to nurse ALL the time and I actually felt rage inside each time and could barely sleep (and felt guilty of course). Googled it and it’s totally a thing, including the feeling of rage. So hard to describe but it’s just the desperate feeling of needing her to get off my boob. I feel less guilty knowing it’s an actual thing and I’m hoping it is linked to my cycle as it seems to be for most people. I can put up with a couple days of it a month but if it keeps going I’ll probably have to wean to just bedtimes, which will be a difficult process but ultimately probably better than getting annoyed with her every time and her sensing my negative vibes.
Ugggghhh headed to l&d alone to be checked. I am so tired :cry: it's 11:20!
PL yay for high chances of successful VBAC! Sorry L was difficult at the mall.

Michelle ah well about this cycle, I’m glad you’re cool with it bein a practice cycle.

Pretty get it on, pretty lady!

Kitty I’m sorry you’re sick now :( Dean’s List is basically honor roll for college lol

CB sorry the bleeding picked back up :(

Gigs hm maybe call your doctor just in case? Are you dilated at all? I’d say if there’s no real pain give it a few hours, drink some water, walk around, etc, see if it stops.

Jez sorry about the breastfeeding aversions, I hadn’t heard of it before but it makes sense.

Flueks I echo Jez, what’s an in-service? Is it like an evaluation? It makes me feel much better that your first clinical was the worst. I know next semester I’ll be studying non-stop, which is weird for me, I don’t really know how to properly study, but I guess I’ll have to figure it out. I usually waste most of my day napping or sitting on my phone. Maybe if I try to get healthy and start going to bed early and exercising and drinking more water, I’ll have the energy to stay awake all day. I also think I may be low on vitamin D, so I should start taking some vitamins for that. I’ve been wanting to get in shape for years though, and it never happens. I’m too lazy. But maybe now that I’ve had to buy new jeans because I barely squeeze into my usual ones, I’ll have a bit more motivation. Or I’ll end up staying the same size/getting bigger from muscle and need to completely retire my size 4 jeans and only wear my 3 pairs of size 8s I just got a few weeks ago.
I wear jeans every day so it’s really crappy only having 3 pairs that fit well. After I get through the new pairs I have to squeeze into my old ones and have a mini muffin top on the sides and squeeze the crap out of my lower legs and my thighs and my butt and it’s just not ideal. Jeans are just too expensive. On the bright side, the high waisted style of the new jeans make the back pockets lay just in the right spot and it makes my butt look good :rofl: but I need more pairs cuz I can’t do laundry every 3 days.
Gigs whoops sorry didn’t see your new post. Glad you’re getting checked, sorry it’s late and you’re alone :(
Update...trying to get MIL over to the house to watch kids in case hubby needs to join me here...contractions are every 4-5 minutes and mild low back pain that feels awfully similar to early labor last time.
Not effaced at all but 2cm dilated. She said could be because i had a baby recently but when i was checked in early pregnancy there was no mention of it then...

Anyway they've given me meds to try and stop contractions. I am in triage just waiting to see how things go for the next hour or two.
Gigs, keeping my fingers crossed that baby stays put for a while longer! Keep us updated of you can. Are your contractions at a painful level yet?
Jez, I had to lol on your rant. Man I feel like I did get some evil eyes. Especially the few times my child let go of my hand, ran a 10 foot loop back only to come and grab my hand again. he still walked with me, although lagging trying to direct me back to where we came from. Thankfully he doesn't run far. I use a stroller for L when we go for our weekly dog walk with a larger group, but other then that, we tell him he has 2 healthy legs that he can put to good use. ;) He has no problems holding our hands in parking lots, etc.however if we were to frequent busier areas more often I'D probably have a stroller full time as well. (The one we do use is my parents and they also go on the dog walk with their dog. My parents usually push the stroller so I can have 2 hands when needed for my 4 legged problem chikd). When L does get tired, he whines more to be carried, and most of the time end up picking him up. Although I try not to especially at this stage.

I am impressed you are still breastfeeding, good job momma! I think L was fully weaned at 14 months and that came about mutually, just a slow draw back from both of us. And all of a sudden it was twice a day, then once a day then only every 36 hours. And once we were at 2 days, neither one of us had noticed. I think a week later he started digging into my shirt for the boob and I said "no", offered water and that was it. Felt like I got some freedom back. ... More then I had realized that I did not have.

Shae: do you drink a lot of pop/soda? A few years back I actually completely cut it out and just drank water again. (Often flavored with lemon juice) and I found myself with quite a bit more energy just from that! I really tried to make a point to drink 1.5L minimum of water during my 11-12 hours at work. I even started to loose a little bit of my inches that my desk job had added.
Gigs yikes! I hope the meds work and the contractions stop. Praying baby boy stays put for at least another month. Keep us updated when you can (no pressure though, you have bigger priorities).

PL I don’t usually drink soda, but I do drink a lot of iced tea. At college we have a Gold Peak iced tea machine and I drink sweet tea at lunch and dinner most days. One mug of coffee when I have breakfast. I only ate breakfast on days that I had microbiology followed by nursing 101, because I had a half hour break between the two and I had time to eat. I started drinking coffee at those breakfasts because I was falling asleep in nursing class. It stopped happening when I started drinking the coffee. Anyway, the iced tea does have caffeine so I may need to cut down on that, even though I love the iced tea. I really wish the machine had a decaf sweet tea, but I don’t think they even make that. Then again maybe the sugar is the issue? I’m not sure. I don’t drink enough water in general, I never have. It’s not on purpose, I just forget to drink water I guess. I need to work on getting my 64 oz in every day.
Been admitted for observation, official diagnosis: "premature contractions". Cervix is only dilated externally; further up it's still closed so that is good. Getting antibiotics in case an infection is looming and brought this on, also for baby in case he comes early. Also had a steroid injection (IN MY ASS, mind you! No one tells you that!) to help my platelets and his lungs "just in case". That. Thing. HURT. Felt like feeling a bruise form. Feels ok now though...I think.

Pl they started to get painful in my lower back so I was fa-rah-EEK-ing out thinking I was definitely in labor. Fortunately the meds seem to have helped. Still getting them but more spaced put and no more pain :thumbup: back to feeling like regular BH's.

Anywho how lucky L self weaned! I hear it can be quite the challenge. A stoller and a dog??? You are brave.

Jez those exhibits should come with a warning for the viewing audience, like a sensitive subject matter warning. That one sounded rather grim, good luck on weaning if you go that route! I totally get the "I don't want to be touched" rage occasionally but figured it was a pregnancy/hormonal thing.
SHAE DON'T DRINK THAT SWEET TEA! I mean do what you want but that stuff has an INSANE amount of sugar! More than an entire pack of gummy bears!
Gigs I’m laughing at the all caps haha, it just sounded so funny reading it in my head. I didn’t know it had *that* much sugar, though I assumed it had a lot. I’ve still managed to only gain 5 pounds for the fall semester, and I’m not sure if it’s the sweet tea or the fact that I eat way bigger meals, I just have so much more food available that I eat way more. My metabolism tends to adjust to how much I’m eating so when I get home and I’m eating like 1,000-1,500 calories a day because there’s so little food in my house I don’t lose much weight (a little, but never more than 5 lbs) and when I go to college and start eating 2,000-2,500+ calories a day, I only gain 5 pounds in the 3.5 months of the semester.
Anyway, I’m rambling. I know I shouldn’t drink the sweet tea as often as I do, I just love it sooooo much. When SO was trying to lose weight (he didn’t need to, his idiot doctor told him he was overweight and he’s 100% not) he stopped drinking sweet tea even though he loves it. Idk if it worked, we didn’t talk a lot about it. I don’t know if he was actually weighing himself. It was a few years ago. I know all that sugar could be causing the weight gain, but it’s sooooo good. It’s like my favorite drink lol

Back to you, I’m glad they’re taking this seriously and giving you all those meds. It’s great that the contractions are slowing down and your cervix is closed further up. Sorry about the injection, was it into your muscle? I never really thought about it before but thinking about it now the ventrogluteal site does seem like it could be pretty painful. Not sure if that’s where you got it though.
Yup right in the butt cheek. She said it tends to be painful because the solution itself is a bit thick, I guess not as easily accepted into the muscle.

And guess what? I have to have another shot! Yay! I have to have a second one within 24 hours of the first -.- i just found that out. I am not amused but it's for the baby so I will obviously do what I have to and endure the pain.

Hoping to be out of here by 3. I miss my kids :( I really want to snuggle with them then sleep in my own bed.

Contractions are ramping up again. Joy...
Gigs, fx!! Really hope for you he stays in for a few more weeks. Would they actually let you vbac in a situation like this??? I know you were on the fence about it...

Shae: gigs is totally right, there is still a lot of sugar in those, just not carbonated;) imagine gaining 3.5 lbs every semester until you are done with school. Do you really want to be 20-30 lbs heavier in a few years? And yes, metabolism does change... I didn't really believe it until I had to buy bigger pants. My inches didn't come off until I started bfing L and then went down to my teen size pants again!
I will attest to the metabolism change!

Yeah best choice would be to find a drinkable substitute to satisfy the craving. Can you make your own tea and sweeten with honey?

Pl i think a vbac is out of the question at this point. They'll probably want to control as many factors as they can.

Funny thing is the dr i really didn't want to deliver me next month was the one on call last night :dohh: still not a big fan :haha: but fortunately the nurses do most everything.

I am hooked up to the contraction & baby hb monitor right now. Myles is hiccupping and it's being amplified over the speaker and I'm giggling about it :haha:

Anyway may need more contraction-stopping meds, whatever you call them.
Gigs, sorry about the painful butt shot and the next one to come!

Loving the hickups, at least there is some joy to your night in the hospital ;)

As for Dr, his shift will probably end soon, maybe the other one will be in soon :) yay for nurses !!

5 am here, just waiting to see if they cancel the ferry. DH got back into the big island last night, missed the last ferry to our new area and took a hotel near the ferry. There is another storm hitting us ATM, the big ferries already cancelled. If dhs ferry cancels too, he'll come down the island to be with us a day early! My "windy" app is saying that waves and wind will favor the cancelled ferry ;)
Thinking of you Gigs!!! Hope baby stays in there a while longer and mama gets some rest:

CB baby is beautiful!!!! Awwwww newborns are just the sweetest.

AFM I did send in the sneak peek test! Says they should receive it Dec 28, not sure how long after them receiving it it takes to get results!
Thanks future! Definitely share the news when you get it!

PL you were right! New much better dr on duty! Yay! She should be in "soon" (hospital "soon" so not sure when) to recheck cervix and discuss a game plan.

Fx hubby gets to be he early! Will he be home through the holidays?
Gigs ah yes, the thick solution also requires a larger gauge needle so that doesn’t help either. Sorry you have to get another one. Glad you get to hear the cute hiccupping to cheer you up a bit. Also glad shift change resulted in a doctor you like better. Hoping your cervix hasn’t budged!

PL hopefully the cancellations go in your favor.

Re: metabolism, yeah I’ve always had a very fast metabolism but I think it may be slowing down a little. Last time I was weighed I was 137 lbs, which is totally normal and healthy at 5’8”, but I’m uncomfortable with the thought of being 140+ lbs. SO is quite happy with how my body has been changing, especially since a lot of the weight has gone to my breasts and I gained those 2 cup sizes over the course of the last year, and I didn’t lose them when losing the weight during the summer. Otherwise I think the weight goes to my hips, thighs, and a teeny bit to my stomach. So yeah, SO says I’m “thicc” and has the opposite of complaints, but I don’t want to get much bigger than I am (not that I’m big, but you know what I mean). I think I got up to 136 last year and went back down to 132 over winter break and then again over the summer, so the weight doesn’t seem to be compounding. But I should probably watch it since metabolism can slow a lot in your 20s. In high school I weighed 125-128 while eating whatever I wanted and never exercising. My mom thinks I shouldn’t be afraid of being 140+ lbs because 140 lbs is a perfectly healthy weight for my height, it’s actually often considered the ideal weight for my height, but I’ve always been the skinny girl so it’s weird to me. Also I hate buying new jeans, they’re super expensive, so I really don’t want to be gaining weight and being unable to squeeze into my older jeans.

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