General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Pacific oh man shopping with V can be stressful. Shopping carts are a must for us:)

CB sorry about your pain.

Pretty FX then for September baby :)

Jez it's an educational meeting basically. They basically want everyone to do an anesthesia consult even if you are adamant on not wanting epidural. It's going over medical history and other things prior to delivery so you aren't answering all that while in labor pains.

Sorry about having those negative feelings. I get a feeling of dread when V wakes up in the night so it's understandable but I'm not her food source at all.

Shae studying for nursing school is hard. I found a buddy and we group studied reviewing our notes from class and disease processes. You have to know it and apply it to scenarios. It might be different for your school but that's how mine was.

Cutting out drinks other than water is a great way to lose and keep weight off. I typically don't have drinks other than water, but have more lately.

Gigs so glad you got checked out. Back pain with consistent contractions whether they are painful or not need to be looked into. As for steroid shot. Try your best to relax your muscle as you get it. If you tense up in antcipation of the pain it will hurt much worse as your muscle is tight/contracted with the medication going in. In any case, keep on cooking Myles!!

AFM ugh, went to dr. Strep was negative, but throat is red. Also I have glucose and leukocytes in my urine :( when I went to OB Monday I didn't have glucose in my urine. I'm a bit concerned, but I don't feel like I have GD. I passed my test at 24 weeks easily with result of 77.

Dr told me to take it easy, drink more, and put me on amoxicillin. If things get worse or reduced movements to get back or go to hospital. She also flagged to check up on glucose at next visit on 31st. I'm going to try to lay off sweets. So hard this time of year.
Fluek noooooo we need to stop having issues together :rofl: now i'll be in anticipation of my kids grtting sick! Ao sorry you're dealing with that. I can definitely relate to the anxiety of the unknown and waiting on further results. Hope everything is fine and best of luck resisting sweets!
Oh and thanks for the advice on the shot!

I am sad to learn my platelets have reduced from 120 back to 113 :( on the plus side the steroids should boost them [-o<

Ughhhh stupid contractions are starting up again. I am not amused.
Also tv is sooo booooorrriiinng

I am going to be extra annoying today. I have nothing to do here but phone and tv! I am watching some magician/prank show. It was entertaining at first but now it's become redundant and kind of annoying.
Gigs, how long are they wanting to keep you in if contractions subside?
Do you have the Netflix app on your phoen?
Not sure and no, but i brought my ipad! And that does have netflix! I ran the batteries down last night though so waiting for them to charge.

Stilk waiting for a cervical check. If there is no change I think i'm just gonna hold out for my next steroid shot then check out. I don't see a point staying here if there are no changes. I can always leave a bag packed and come back within 20-30 minutes if need be. I just want to go home and see my kids.
Flueks sorry about the glucose in your urine, that’s odd for that to show up all of a sudden especially with the negative GD test a while back. Hopefully whatever it is gets resolved quickly and the amoxicillin helps with the UTI (I assume that’s what it is based on the leukocytes?)

Gigs I’m sorry you’re stuck in the hospital. I totally understand how boring it is, being in there for just 5 days with my complications post-surgery was awful, I was so bored all the time. And I couldn’t eat so I spent a ton of time looking at pictures of burgers on Pinterest. It’s annoying that they still haven’t checked your cervix. Hm. Still hoping things aren’t budging.
Ah why did I miss so much at work!!!

Gigs FX baby stays put a little while longer!

Evie’s now completely better, the spots are almost completely gone which is good.

I however have developed many spots on the back of my throat, on my tonsils and is slowly travelling forward, I’ve also got 3 on my hands and 1 on my left foot. So I’ve pretty much definitely got HFM!

Been to work the last few days but if my face is broken out tomorrow I’m not going! Currently using lots of meds to keep me from passing out but I can’t eat anything because everytime I swallow it’s like swallowing razor blades.
Unfortunately i am now 1cm dilated and 50% effaced :(the nurse has tried to reassure me that it's entirely possible things will stop/not progress from here and the contractions can slow/stop but I am so insanely nervous. My contractions had slowed to 20-30 minutes but are back up to 5-6 minutes apart. We'll see...going to be rechecked in 30-90 minutes I think.

You know i was kind of thinking about this little man and I couldn't ((got cut off hete cause dr came in)) i think i was going to say a part of me has been thinking in the back of my mind i'll meet him early, before all this started. I also kept thinking of all the projects i could do if i end up on bed rest. Irony!

Just trying to take things as they come.

UPDATE: no change in a couple hours and contractions have slowed! Yay! I will be on meds to try and stop the contractions and on modified bed rest but I get to leave :thumbup: i do have to come back if the contractions come on again or (obviously) any fluid leaking, bleeding, etc. best case scenario for now so i am happy.
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Gigs I’m glad you get to go home and baby seems to be staying put for the time being. Fx’d the contractions stay away with the meds and you don’t progress any further.
Gigs I know. We both need to have our bodies cooperate :rofl: I hope your boys don't get sick especially right before Christmas. I can't imagine how much you missed them yesterday. FX the steriod shots bring your levels up again. Did relaxing your muscle help?? It helps me. I used to get them more as a child because it was only thing to help me after bee stings.

Glad things didn't progress further and hope he keep cooking another 5 weeks. I'd say best to be prepared that he may come early so have a bag packed.

Shae thank you. Yeah between my throat leukoesterace in my urine and low grade fever she wanted to be proactive. My micro came back with WBC 1 which is wnl. So not sure on that. I do feel much better today.

Kitty that sounds more like strep to me with swallowing razor blades description. It can also cause a rash so best get checked as untreated strep can cause kidney or heart issues.

AFM feeling much better. My temp got up to 99.9 so it wasn't horrible but I felt awful. I put V down around 7 and basically laid in bed the rest of the night.
Ugh you poor ladies, I really hope you all feel better quickly. Being sick is miserable, and especially if you're pregnant, and especially if swallowing things is painful! Fx for a quick healing process!

So the latest here...none of the pharmacies have the meds I need to help stop contractions. I am waiting for them to be delivered to my local walmart which won't be until after 4, go figure. I am supposed to be taking it 3x a day and as of now it'll be almost 22 hours since my last dose. I've defbeen contracting today but they are spaced out a ton so that's good, only a couple in an hour or so. I am supposed to go in if they start coming less than 10 minutes apart.

The thing that has me mildly freaked is I may have lost a bit if blood in it but that super gelatinous glob, maybe the size of my thumb nail...

Fluek the second shot wasn't as bad as the first but definitely still hurt. I got it in my thigh this time. Hubby reports my butt is bruised where the first one was. I forgot to check for myself...

Anywho on the plus side of things at least i have the steroids so hopefully that helps both Myles' lungs and my platelets should he make an early arrival. His heart looked amazing on the monitor and he is still super active so those are also positive things. Sorry if I'm repeating myself!
Flueks I’m glad you’re feeling better!

Gigs yikes I’m sorry the pharmacies don’t have them on hand, I hope the meds get to the Walmart in time and everything is okay. Did you call your doctor about the mucus plug, just in case?
UGHGHH THE F***ING WALMART LIED!!! They tell me NOW the meds are back ordered!!! And I'm contracting again, next closest place that has this med is 25 minutes away and they said it may take an HOUR to get the script sent over!!! i am freaking out y'all.

Shae no didn't bother about the plug cause it was only a bit.
Oh gosh gigs this must be so scary for you!!! :hugs: have you managed to get your meds?? I wouldn’t worry too much about the bit of plug, I lost a huge think piece of plug at 14-16 weeks or something and lost fingernail size pieces frequently after that and still went well and truly full term! I really hope everything’s okay xx
Ah Flueks im sorry your feeling ill hun.. have u tried any of those throat sprays thst mildly numb so you can swallow without pain? Not sure if their safe in pg or not though.. glad your temp went down a bit, pg & illness is pants :( big hugs

Kitty, oh noooo.. & right ontop of Christmas aswell, hopefully the worst of it will come & go before Tuesday, big hugs aswell hun

Omg Gigs??!!! Jeeze I bet you were pooping ye self :shock: & ive just seen your latest update about the Walmart prescription issue, arfghhhhhhh!!! Will they not be able to re-forward the script over for you to the other Pharmacy or will it need to come straight from the Hospital??? That lil baby Boy best stay put! :hugs:

Jez, i used to feel that stress & annoyance when i was bf’ing Nuala! Until I discovered it was comfort feed in the night & she was actually quite happy to suck on a Dummy/Soother & so the bf’ing then stopped at 5 months old! Its amazing your still doing it hun, are u trying to get her out of having the feeds at night?

Currently 23:54 here & im night feeding Hayden, my boobs are like rocks atm lol & he keeps drinking & then falling asleep pffft! He needs to deflate both me boobs their hurting ha ha! Bf’ing joys eh?!! Thinking I may buy a manual breast pump & use it on next feed etc..
They crapy pharmacy forwarded the script to the other place, I finally got the meds when my contractions were getting about 9-10 minutes apart. They finally slowed, to the point if i had any I didn't notice them, but they're picking up again :cry: last three have been 13 minutes apart. Pllleeeaaase slow down! Please hang in there until 2019!

Oh yeah cb I was definitely shittin'! I get nervous poo lmao! Sorry about the sore boobs :/ i bought a manual pump with Lev to use at night, especially for those time i woke up needed a bit of relief and he was still snoozing. Worked great!

Kit thanks for the reassurance. I will be more worried about the plug if i lose more, especially whilst contracting...

Just got another at 12 minutes...

My doctor warned me if I am going to go into labor no meds will stop it. Those words are echoing in my mind...blah.
Gigs yikes about the meds. You’d think they’d have better availability of such time sensitive medications. I hope the contractions slow down!
I know right?! Or you'd think the pharmacy could have known the thing was on backorder, then i could have called around for it first thing in the morning instead of going nearly 22 hours between doses...

Anyway I've woken up to 9-10 minute apart contractions. I took another dose of meds 40 minutes early...hoping they work and I don't have to go back to l&d tonight (this morning?). It's just about 1:30am. This is reminding me a lot of Lev's birth...blahhhh.
Eeek Gigs!!! If you went into full on labour would they try & stop it???

Forgot to say i love your latest commission on Instagram you talented lady!

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