General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Oh no Flueks, your poor hubs, still, its good you havent got full whack of the HFM though, limited meds its crappy when preggers! What are Deviled eggs?? Never heard of them.. ioh & that choc-pecan pie sounds bloomin awesome!

Oooh Gigs your crimbo meals & gift traditions sounds great, us & the kids are too excited on xmas morning, we read the labels & then rip the paper straight off haha! Your Christmas dinner Italian style with MIL sounds like its gonna be yummy!

So your FIL’s gf - is she still married to an ex that she wont divorce?? Talk about dragging it out!!

We just do the traditional Christmas roast dinner, no turkey this year, we have a big ol Gammon joint with like a honey-marmalade glaze mmmmmm i cant wait to slow cook that bad boy Lol! Il be slow cooking tomorrow so on Christmas day it’ll just be roasty spuds & the vegetables to cook :) oh & mini pigs in blankets mmm droooool yum yum! We still have a lil bit of food Shopping to do, we’re all getting up super early tomorrow morning & doing it then, il be a walking zombie no doubt! That being said, Hayden seemed to snooze in between his night feeds last night so i wasn’t as zzzzZ this morning which was great!
CB omg you’ve never had deviled eggs? They’re pretty popular in the US as an appetizer. You hard boil eggs, slice them in half the long way, scoop all the yolks into a bowl, mix in some mayo and whatever else you like, scoop or pipe the yolk mix back into the eggs, and sprinkle with paprika.
Omg deviled eggs *drool* that is one of my faves and i hope someone makes them!
Deviled eggs are amazing. Until you make them yourself and you die a little. Like cheesecake. One of those I was happier not knowing what is in it but still gonna eat it lol.

I’m cranky. A is at 103. I probably am too. Fam has been in Hawaii so no help and then they were saying we were going to go to this ritzy restaurant on Santana row for Christmas dinner then spring it on me yesterday that they want dinner at home.

Just order the Safeway meal they said like ffs. 1. Not that easy 2. That’s still two trips to Safeway minimum. Luckily I had a pie in the freezer from a fundraiser

And I have been to two malls, three targets, and two Walmart’s and couldn’t find something to get Aiden for Christmas

Sorry just needed to b* about my first world problems
Sorry you're stressed Dobby! I barely got Lev anything because I know he's about to get showered with crap from family. I got him a stuffed deer (from santa) and a kick ball, because he loves stuffed animals and balls. The boys will also have a shared santa gift -- a mini indoor trampoline.
Also...MIL made deviled eggs! Had them for dinner tonight. Yummmmmmmmm

And we're moving oyster stew breakfast up to tomorrow morning "just in case" :happydance:

Shae it's nothing like clam chowder. It's in a cream stock but much thinner than chowder. Also the oysters are whole so you reeeaally have to like oysters to like the stew.
Gigs huh I’d try it but not sure if I’d like it. When you say whole do you mean still in the shell? Or not chopped up?

Dobs yikes it’s rough to suddenly be asked to host a dinner. And re: gifts for A, try not to worry, he probably doesn’t understand Christmas, so don’t stress yourself out trying to find the perfect gift, and don’t beat yourself up if you just can’t find anything. I say that knowing it’s very difficult not to be hard on oneself.
Thanks ladies. I also misplaced the gifts I did get him (couple books from the scholastic warehouse sale, teacher perks and there’s a warehouse 10m from my house and a couple outfits). It’s just a pitiful Christmas with everyone off in HI and coming back at 10pm Christmas Eve. Idk. Whatever. I don’t mind the shopping and cooking, I do it most holidays. But A has had some breathing problems and a 103 fever off and on since mid last week. So taking him out feels awful and he’s so ornary. Then the inhaler they prescribed him has an adult mask so it’s useless. And I have whatever virus he has so I feel junky

Just pissy. So so pissy lol. Hopefully it’s pms and I get my period at a decent cycle length this go

Gigs glad the oyster stew bonanza was moved up! Woot! I’d try it. But not a huge oyster person. Love it when it’s well done with the right little bit of stuff paired to it. But the look, smell, and texture are hard for me to get beyond. But I have had amazing oyster on the half shellat sushi places. So enjoy!!!!

Sorry I haven’t been catching up. Just so much going on at work. I think we are going to end up striking this year.
The ousters are whole, not in the shell. Some people get quite grossed out by the texture of an entire oyster.

Omg dobs I had raw half shell oysters the first time this past year and *drool* soooooo good. I didn't know what I was missing! I had the good fortune to have them again at my birthday dinner out and hubs' company dinner (no f's given on spending his boss's money! Ha!).

That does suck family isn't coming in until late. I just feel like family festivities should abound around the holidays :/ but i know that's not typical. Anyway sorry A is not in good health again, and you as well! Certainly doesn't help things. Has his illness ever been investigated? I feel like he gets those fevers frequently. With the breathing too...could there be mold somewhere? At home or in daycare? I am just totally speculating.
Cb I can post the recipe later or pm it to you if you're interested. It's very simple to make chocolate pecan pie. Yes I'm glad I didn't really progress as illness in pregnancy sucks.

Also, Shae described deviled eggs well. They are quite yummy and the more sour the better :) your dinner sounds yummy. I'm afraid we won't be having a traditional christmas feast, but it's okay. Glad Hayden slept through more. Hope he's an excellent sleeper for you :)

Dobby lol I don't care as long as it tastes good. I'll try about anything. I haven't braved raw oysters yet. I would try if someone else ordered. I don't want to waste money on something I don't like.

Sorry you and A are sick again. I hope that you both feel better soon. Also, I wouldn't do some big dinner when you are both sick. I think if they wanted that they should come home earlier and help out. Just my opinion on that matter. Also, sorry about not finding a gift for A. For real they usually like basic household items. Buy a thing of measuring cups. V would usually rather play with an ordinary object as a toy. :hugs:

Gigs yay for deviled eggs!!! You are halfway through 34 weeks!! Wtg :) every day is milestone. If he will just cook a little longer.

AFM DH is so so. His rash isn't as painful as it was, but still lots of spots. So looks like just a small Christmas at our house. My mom and stepdad are coming over and I think MIL. I'm still disappointed that we won't see rest of the family since his rash isn't gone, but I'm thankful for being with DH and V as they are most important.

I heard office was supposed to close at 2 today. It's so hard to work. I've done a few things, but still. I hope everyone that celebrates has a Merry Christmas:)
Merry Christmas to you too Fluek!
And everyone else!
Hope if y'all are at work today it goes quickly!
I just started bleeding on Christmas Eve...hoping its nothing but may be my third chemical in a row. I feel hopeless...
Merry Christmas ladies! SO just finished all the wrapping himself as i been feeding Hayden lol! Im sat in the lounge, watching crimbo films & havin a peppermint tea, going all out tonight ha ha!

Flueks ooh id love that recipe hun :thumbup:
Merry Christmas ladies!

Mom and I are in the midst of making Christmas dinner tonight, then tomorrow we are going over to mil for Christmas dinner. I was talking to future - sister-in-law 2 days ago and she was already apprehensive if Xmas dinner would turn out like Thanksgiving where she and sister-in-law cooked everything.... So we shall see. Mil had everything done by the 2 girls... She barely moved a finger. I don't mind helping, but I don't expect to cook a full dinner when I am invited either.

Dobs, i'd say cancel on the grounds that A is sick unless they want to do the majority of cooking!

Gigs, how are the contractions? Staying away hopefully?
Hope you have a lovely Christmas Pacific & your dinner is mega tastey! If im ever invited around for dinner I wouldn’t expect to be cooking most or any of it esp being quite pg lol! But thats me...
Agreed! As the pregnant one you should be waited on and pampered ;)

I am still contracting but they have been pretty spaced out today. In new news I've started to leak colostrum :/ not sure if that indicates anything impending or if it's just one of those things. I know lots of women leak before birth but I never had so I'm raising an eyebrow at it but not worrying yet.

My big fear currently is catching the bug floating around that both my kids had. My SIL, who was at our family gathering last night, caught it and was pretty sick today. My dad is here and had the shuts pretty bad this throwing up though. I am so scared that I will catch it and that the involuntary contractions of my abdomen either pooping or vomiting will set off labor.

Nothing I can do though...just drinking lots of water and staying on top of my meds & vitamins.

Marumi not sure if you meant to start a new thread but sorry about your repeat losses. Have you had them investigated by your dr?
I totally agree with you cb and gigs! I don't mind helping set a table or stirring a pot here or there, but to stuff the turkey or make a whole pie at someone else's house when invited... No thanks. We will see how today goes and I'll update.

Gigs: sorry about the lingering sickness, fx you don't get that for Christmas. Glad to hear the contractions are staying off. I leak colostrum too. Especially near the end. DH has already said he needs to be careful around my boobs when getting frisky ;), touch too much and they leak even by my hands. no more nipple play for you, that can trigger contractions I hear.

We were planning on doing presents last night as it's always been our tradition, but by 530 L was giving clear signs of "bedtime" even though he had a nap during the day. By 6 he was in bed. 40 minutes later dh walked by his room and he heard him quietly playing with his wooden train set, in the dark! Lol, at least he was quiet and in bed.
Trust me PL, ain't no one gettin' near these ta tas! I'm on pelvic rest, can't be doing any gateway foreplay :rofl:

Not sick so far but my contractions have started this morning, 4-7 minutes apart -.- I waited longer in between pills since contractions were so spaced out yesterday & last night/this morning...and they say take "as needed". took meds about 40 minutes ago so hoping it kicks in very very soon. They aren't painful though so that's good.

Anyone open gifts yet? I got a bunch of stuff this morning! I have to say my favorite is the cz tennis bracelet :haha: too bad i was planning to wear it to a wedding on Friday but it's 2 hours away so definitely having to cancel that plan :( I was really looking forward to it, too. Oh well!
Merry Christmas! Just popping in before heading to bed. Been battling a cold over here that I thought I was pretty much over, but woke up pretty sick today. Thankfully it was a low-key Christmas this year so I got to rest some.

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