General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Merry Christmas Michelle- sorry your feeling under the weather aswell hun.. glad u had a chilled one yesterday:hugs:

Gigs fx your immune system is super high that your bod is fighting off that bug & you wont get it!

I was having colostrum leaking from 25-30 wks, had a habit of doing a mini squeeze in the shower most days lol! Hopefully its not an early sign of labour for you..!

Ooh a pic of the bracelet please :)

Pacific lol at L secretly playing with toys later in the eve, ive caught Nuala doing that before haha made me laugh :) hope he slept well in the end though.

SO got me some lovely perfumes & smelly bits n bobs from the kids, im the easiest person to buy for, i love anything ha easily pleased
Hi Mich! Hope you're feeling a bit better by the time you read this.

Cb ooohhh smelly things! We have a shop hete called bath & body works that is full of these things--lotions, shower gels, sprays,'s so fun to go smell all the stuff! I got a gift card for there. When I'm able I'll have to make a trip up there.

Glad I'm not the only one who squeezes her boobs to test them :haha:

Feelingva little icky this morning...hubs says he wasn't feeling right either; thinks it's the rich xmas food. I hope that's all it is. I am so scared of the stomach bug.
Hahaa my friend referred to me as the ‘tit squeezer’ :haha: im glad im not the only one who does it too Gigs haha!

Im a real sucker for smelly bath & body shops, i could spend a mini fortune in places like that! Hope u manage to get so yummy smelling products gigs :)
Merry belated Christmas, everyone.

Re: deviled eggs. I don't like eating cooked yolks, so I've never had one. When my friend was helping me plan my baby shower, she insisted there'd be deviled egg cuz it wouldn't be a proper shower without them. lol

Dobby - Sorry you were stressing over holiday stuff, but at least it's over now. Hope you and A was feeling better.

Marumi - Sorry about your losses. How's your bleeding today?

Flueky - Sorry to hear your DH's rash is still there and you missed out on your big XMas gathering.

Michelle - Hope you're feeling better today.

Gigs - Glad to hear your contractions aren't too bad and that it looks like the bug didn't get to you.

AFM, we spent the night of the 24th at my place, so we did XMas morning with my mom. Then we drove 30 mins down the highway to be with FIL's family. After being there for a few hours, we drove another 50 mins to be with MIL's family. Wasn't as hectic as it sounds though and it was nice to see everyone. Alex made out really well. Lots of clothing, several smaller toys, a few books, and a foam arm chair.

I took an opk on Monday afternoon, but I wasn't quite sure if it was + or close to +. It's dry and long passed the 3-5 min result window, but what do you ladies think? SO and I were able to DTD on the night of the 24th and I wanted to do it again last night, but he was looking at boxing day deals on the computer and I fell asleep waiting. FX we can do it again tonight though.

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Looks positive to me :thumbup:
We had "four christmases" on in the background yesterday and that is reminding me of your situation, jumping from house to house! I hope you can relax a bit now that it's over.

Cb lol "tit squeezer" :rofl: haha when I was in milk last time hubs would challenge me across the bathroom to hit him with it, and I did :rofl:
Just had my follow up appt
Things look good despite all the contractions yesterday. I am slightly more dilated, closer to 2 now than 1, but otherwise no changes and cervix still feels firm. So yay!
The bad news is I definitely have the stomach bug. I haven't thrown up yet but I know it's coming. Goal now is to stay as hydrated as I can.
...also I have started The Hunger Games series. Almost finished the first book. I am thankful to have these right now! I get so bored watching tv. I was so bored at the hospital! My perspective has certainly changed on it since getting rid of "normal" tv. I do appreciate the treat of watching HGTV shows though :haha:
Gigs- i loved that series.... don’t bother with divergent series. You will chunk the last book in the series out the window...

I love to read. In fact for Christmas i ordered myself a kindle paperwhite to replace my aging kindle fire. I didn’t really like the fire for reading anyway so I was more than happy to spend my Christmas money on a replacement.

In other news i have to help my baby sister move down to her new town in preparation for her hubs to start his job with border patrol once he graduates from the academy. We leave next week on Friday and come back Sunday. Then I start back to work on that Monday. Oh and i also have to help her pick her stuff up here too. I’m really gonna miss her... she got her iud out and now she’s ttc so I hope that it’s a short time for her till she gets pregnant.
Pretty, your opk looks pretty much positive to me, easily get in another jiggy sesh hehe! Glad u had a nice Christmas day & Alex got some lovely bits :)

Urhh Gigs nooooo... have all that have had this Bug still got it? Just hoping its a 48hr thing & it passes quickly should you get it :-/ big hugs! Your only 1cm away from what i was & i was in labour for 24hrs, fx you dont dilate past 3cm, could be your body prepping itself that in a few wks time your ready :thumbup: (should you decide m to labour)

Texas - hey hun, hope you are well & had a lovely Christmas :) Is your younger sister moving very far away from you?? Fx for you becoming an Aunt very soon :hugs:

Im not a huuuge reader tbh, both my sisters & my Mum are, I must’ve missed than gene to have good concentration lol! However, ive read all Harry P books I couldn’t put them down & the 2 ‘The unmumsy Mum’ books which are hilarious ;)
She’s moving 9 hours away.... we are up near the red river/ Oklahoma border and she’s moving down to the Rio Grande/Mexico border.... not excited about her moving so far away.... i already have a total of 7 nieces and nephews. But this one will be special...

Christmas was ok. T has autism and Christmas this year was rough: she was excited but it was too much for her and her excitement turned into anxiety and she cried for 2 hours Christmas Eve cause she thought Santa was going to skip her house. And every time we got onto her for doing something wrong she immediately started crying and saying she wasn’t going to get any presents... very hysterical. Poor kiddo...
Gigs, hope you feel better soon!
Lol on the tit squeeze, YES I have done the same thing: use it as a weapon across the room on DH! I think he's already dreading me being in milk :haha:

Christmas here was good, L got just the right amount of toys and clothes. Enough that all got paid attention to and played with after being unwrapped. At mils house I think everyone just wanted to see how he reacted to their gift so the speed was faster which was a bit more challenging to L. We managed to leave our least favorite gift there in an attempt to make mils house ' kid friendlier" with a toy we don't really need at our house. ;) I think it even came from her.....
As far as cooking the food went: mil made buns and cranberry sauce in the morning. Turkey and all the fixings were made by 2/3 of the sister in laws.... I felt bad and asked if they needed help but they were understanding that I am actually getting quite sore now and told me they had it. They both said they didn't mind doing the cooking and are used to it, but ... Yeah....
Pl final weeks are rough aren't they? Just enjoy people doing things for you! This time is so short. I have to laugh at leaving toys at the inlaws--we did the same thing. MIL has the ones that are noisy :rofl: glad L had a good Christmas! I think we also did pretty good with the amount of toys. Not too many and the kids aren't fixated on just one.

Tex so sorry she is moving so far away! That is rough :( my brother, who is also one of my best friends, moved to the other coast and that's where his wife's family lives. I doubt if he ever moves back into driving distance again. It's such a bummer...but hopefully with hubby's new business maybe we'll soon be able to afford flights out there. Right now the only time I see him is if he flys out here which is generally 1-3 times a year.
Sorry about T's meltdown :( how did she do on Christmas morning when Santa finally came? Des was very matter of fact and unimpressed. The only thing he said about Santa was, "we have to leave the door open because we don't have a chimney." Then the morning of he just came out of his room, said good morning to my husband, and sat on the couch :haha: his Christmas reactions are always very lackluster, until he's opening gifts. Hopefully the other kids get a little more amped up about it!

Cb thankfully this bug is just a 24 hour one! I feel much better this morning :thumbup: now just regular pregnancy pains haha. I'll have to look into the unmummsy book you mentioned, though my typical reads are in the fantasy genre. At least the ones I seem to get sucked into...Anywho how are you holding up over there? I hope Hayden is falling into some sort of decent sleeping pattern for you.
Gigs just noticed today is 35 weeks for you! Yay for another week with baby still in, and yay for baby not coming before Christmas! Looks like he’ll probably wait until January at this point, thank goodness!

I had a lovely Christmas. I got a few funny games, including Cards Against Muggles (like cards against humanity, slightly less crude but still very crude) and What Do You Meme (not sure how that one works, just know it involves memes). My mom got me a smart pen to help with note taking this upcoming semester.

I got my clinical assignment. I’ll be at a hospital 20 minutes away from my college. The bad news is that they start at 6:30 am instead of 7 am at that hospital, so I have to leave at legit 6 am every Wednesday next semester. Maybe earlier. I’ll have to see what the traffic is like at that time of day with Waze. I’d much rather start later and end later, I’m very much a night person. But there’s nothing I can do about it, so I’ll just have to deal with it.
Thanks shae! I am very pleased we've hit the 35 week mark. Every extra day is great but a whole week is such a relief. It's possible if I make it to 36 or 37 weeks they may take me off the meds and just let me go into labor if it's going to happen. I guess at that point I'll just have the c section when they can fit me in that day.

Ughh that early morning shift sounds miserable. I used to work at a dog daycare and the morning shift started at 5:30am! It was brutal!
Tex, sorry T had a meltdown, was all better once santa did bring presents?
I hear you about family being far away... Especially when you are close.

Gigs: I definitely did not feel like this with Ls pregnancy. I had all the energy and no pain after my activities. With this one: I can't even turn in my sleep without my pelvis giving a crack.

Shae: that's awesome, 20 minutes to work is nothing ;)

We finally made it to our rental in the new area! No storms or anything kept us away this time. Now to wait for our furniture and boxes. (Thankfully the rental does have a bed, couch (although smelly), and kitchen table). Supposed to have internet set up tomorrow.

Also as a side note: remember the small island we lived on before: well they got hit with a powerful storm 8 days ago. Our previous house still does not have power restored.. this is day 8! That also means no water (Wells require power) and as usual no cell phone reception.
Gigs - Glad to hear you're still hanging in there. :)

Texas - I can't even imagine a close family member moving that far away. And sorry about T's little meltdown. I hope she ended up enjoying the day though.

shae - Early mornings suck, but at least it's only once a week for 14 weeks(?)

PL - Looks like you got lucky with that storm and the move.

Re: Reading, I'd like to read but I can't justify spending $10+ on a book I'll probably just read once. And I can't read things for long periods of time off a screen. However, there are 2 books I plan on buying in March: An autobiography/anecdotal book by a hockey blogger and "Birth Without Fear". I'm really looking forward to reading that and feeling hella empowered for my next birth.

AFM, did another opk yesterday and it may have been +-ish and we DTD last night too. Almost as soon as we were done, SO asked if this was us trying again, or if this is a "safe time" where my body won't release an egg. I said I wasn't sure if my body is actually able to get pg again this cycle, but I just wanted to try and see what happens. Did another opk today and I think the line was a little fainter, so now we wait, I guess. Probably gonna take a pg test a little after the new year.
Pretty is he on board with trying again? Good luck to you!

I'm with you on books, I definitely prefer the book versus a kindle screen but I get the appeal. Personally I enjoy a tangible collection of what I've read. I also tend to re-read the good ones though, but after a long break when I can't remember details.

Pl I remember your high energy last pregnancy! I remember doing farm chores myself and, in my mind, thinking "I'm summoning my inner PL" :haha: fortunately this time our flock is a fraction of what it was and we are less paranoid about animals going to coop after dark so hubby just deals with them after work.

I am a bit relieved you're not on the island anymore. And what timing!
Pretty, fx!!

Gigs, lol "your inner PL". This time around I only have 3 sheep and they are currently staying with another sheep farmer. I am supposed to take them back in the new year, but we have to check with our rental if we are allowed them here... There is half an acre of land.....
Do you not have raccoons or mink go after your flocks? Owls? I had a huge great horned owl that learned my roitine of letting animals out at 520 am and lock up at 630pm. The owl I suspect came right after let out and daylight and after sunset until I came home. One morning I changed my routine and surprised her in the run and she couldn't find her way out. I ended up catching and relocating her to a new area with the ok from fish and wildlife. I lost quite a few ducks, it took me a few days to catch on, see the headless ducks in the large run, and make enough improvements to the run to keep it oit.
Pretty I agree that it doesn’t seem worth it to pay so much for a book you’ll only read once. All my books are gifts. My mom always gets me books for Christmas and birthdays. I haven’t even read half of them tbh, I like reading but I’m always in the mood to read when I’m too tired or don’t have time.
Good luck with this cycle, fx’d for you!
I believe it’s 13 weeks for clinical, 14 for class. And yes thank god it’s only once a week.

Just realized that if it snows or gets icy I’m doomed, it’s a highway route but if it’s actively snowing they won’t be keeping up with it, and my brakes are shit on ice and snow. Just got new tires though so that helps. It snows a lot in NH. I used to go to work in snow often but I crashed my car one year because of the snow so I’m worried. The day before I had turned onto the driveway of my work as I was leaving and my car spun. It wasn’t a great time. They do close the school if it’s too snowy or icy but they don’t do it often, I drove to clinical the last day in snow cuz they didn’t close at all and my brakes didn’t work twice. When class is canceled so is clinical. I just hope they’re better about closing for snow this upcoming semester. Although if we miss clinical due to snow we have to make it up so I’m more hoping that snow will happen during weekends or something so the roads are good for Wednesday.
I remember that! I believe you shared a pic of your owl friend. We have been pretty lucky with predators. I think the geese help a bit. Plus the flock always seems to stay together; the time we lost one small goose to a hawk (i think) was one that hadn't bonded with the other birds and was by itself. That was my favorite bird. We named him Fluffins...that's the only loss I actually was sad about. He was very sweet and woukd come up to you and let you pet him.

Anyway we had a fox come take out about 4-5 ducks until one day Hubs caught him in the act and chased him into the woods with a gun :haha: he wasn't able to get a shot at him but it must have been enough to scare that fox away because he hasn't been around since and that was a couple months ago.

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