General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Fluek Lev's favorite toy was a toddler sized toy dyson vaccuum :rofl: why kids love cleaning supplies, I'll never know. Here's to hoping you don't gave a UTI although if meds can give you relief versus waiting on baby to move...

Keeps I am mostly ready at home. All the major stuff is dobe. The rest, like setting up the co sleeper, can be done quickly after baby is here. Mentally I'm not quite ready for an infant but I am so uncomfortable these days that I am ready to not be pregnant. Especially now with the lifting restrictions etc. i feel like a useless blob. Even more so with my sick kids that mom & hubs have been taking care of.

Shae we kind of joke that finding a girlfriend who supports your gaming habit is one key to a successful relationship:thumbup: lol
Keeps - Those are some cute pics and good looking kids. :) And I dunno much about horomones and BFing, but if the test was positive, I guess you O'd.

Texas - We have a Great Wolf Lodge in Niagara Falls, which isn't too far a drive for us, and I've looked into it too. Holy hell. Ya, that place is expensive. :/ Glad T is doing better now.

Flueky - IMHO, I think I can pull off most hair colours, but I have to want to have them. Like, confidence helps make the colour look better, if that makes any sense. lol. And I remember being pg and feeling comfortable while sitting, but once I stood up, I needed to pee really bad. Hopefully it's just baby pressure.

shae - My SO uses Steam too. lol. I also have an account, but haven't logged on in years. He plays the shot 'em up stuff though and I just played Bejeweled Blitz and puzzle games. Enjoy your party tonight.

PL - Some people are just like that. Just gotta deal with them however you see fit.

AFM, I've been having a fair amount of EWCM. Haven't been taking any opks though. I wanted to DTD last night, but I fell asleep. We're having SO's cousin over tonight for hang outs (and cuz it's her BDay), so I doubt we'll do it. Maybe we can get in a quickie this afternoon while Alex is at daycare. And I dyed my hair. It's a little more orange than I'd like (in person), but I'm mainly pleased. :)

Keeps it is hard having them go off to daycare/sitter. It broke my heart with V. It'll be a little easier this time I think as we know her sitter. I hope the opk was a false positive. Delayed AF is a nice perk of BF. I got mine 15 weeks pp, but I combifed and went full formula after I was 12 weeks pp.

Shae ty, it's up in the air if UTI or not. I hope you guys have fun at the party. Just be safe as in "no drinking and driving". I have my sparkling grape juice ready :haha:

Pacific grrr how annoying of MIL. I'm also working with my mom on nit calling V a "baby". It's hard, I understand as I catch myself doing it myself from time to time.

Gigs :rofl: I agree. Thankfully DH and I were/are gamers. I don't play much anymore which makes him sad. One day I will. Oh and yes if only they would love cleaning items when they are older. I almost bought V one of those toy dysons.

Pretty, hope you get a chance to BD!! Oh and I like that coppery red. I did mine that color once, it wasn't too bad, but I prefer my natural or auburn.

AFM appt went fairly well. No BV, yay!! No glucose in my urine, yay!! Heartbeat 140s to 150s. I do have WBCs and RBCs in my urine. UTI symptoms aren't really bugging me today so going to wait on culture before treating unless I get stronger symptoms.
All good news Fluek! Hazah! And thanks for reminding me we need BOOZE in this house! Not on my mind I suppose. I was just at Wegman's, too.

Pretty I am digging that color on you.

Ladies any get money quick schemes you suggest? Scratchers aren't working out :rofl: I want my new couch!!! Only $700 short! :rofl: at least I have decided on exactly which one I want. I am CRAZY indecisive so this is an enormous feat.

Ultrasound on Wednesday! I grt tonsee how short my cervix is, how big the baby is, how my c section scar is, and, most importantly, how much hair Myles has :haha:
Thanks ladies.

Flueky - I haven't seen my natural hair (except for a little regrowth) in years. I don't even know if I've started going grey. Good to hear your appt went well.

Gigs - No get rich quick ideas from me. I just play lotto. lol. Good luck with your scan.

So, no BD-ing this afternoon. I was dropping hints at SO for 2 hours about getting busy before have to pick up Alex and he was watching youtube videos and reading stuff on his phone. He then started playing a computer game an hour before daycare closed and I walked out of the bedroom and was like "so, are we doing it before we pick up Alex or what?" And he said something I couldn't really understand, gave me a one-armed hug and went playing his game. So ridiculous. I STG, one day, when I have at least 3 kids by him, I'm gonna start losing my shit at him and telling him to stop being a lazy, uninterested POS or I'm leaving.

Anyway, I said F it and took an opk this afternoon. I guess this is why you shouldn't pay attention to results after 5 mins. From top to bottom: 24, 26, 27, 28, and today (older than 5 mins, but noticeably fresher). I think that looks pretty positive. You get positives the day before the egg is released, right? Maybe there's still hope for me yet.

Pretty in orange! I love the color! DH keeps trying to convince me to go red. But I have enough when my hair gets a shimmer of red in the sun ;) and bleached blonde by the sun in the summer.

On mil: so my mom has a friend who was an instructor for making flower bouquets, table decorations, door Reeves, etc. Before Xmas she invited us to make Christmas table center pieces. Since we were staying at my parents house I decided to bring my center piece to mil so our table would not have 2. Let's just say my piece was ignored from the point it arrived at mils house. Never again!

In other news: DH and I splurged yesterday. We had been shopping for a couch (to replace the stinky brown one left by the landlord), 5 stores and 2 days in and we were overwhelmed. Still hadnt found what we like at the price we like. Store #6, and we sat on a few couches, liked them, saw a fitting bedframe in king-size and decided to upgrade from our queen. Awesome deal on the matching set which included a dresser (since we left ours behind 2 moves ago). Still hadnt picked out our couch which was next and then of course we needed a new mattress. We saved 75% on that one! I am so looking forward to the new mattress, I have not slept painfree in a long time, nor has DH. I am bouncing up and down (in my mind) in excitment for when we get it!
Those big items we got on a fantastic deal from a locally owned store, but the bigger requirements for bedding was some online shopping ;)
Happy new year! Health and wealth to us all & our families :hugs:

Haha PL if you get a couch first I'll be jealous!

I need to sell my damn old POS car. That may be the key to my couch!
Happy New Year ladies!

So, here's what happened last night. We got back from fireworks and SO's cousin said she was gonna walk home, but SO offered to drive her, so she accepted. While he was gone, I tidied up a bit and then got into bed, naked. Not too long after, he came back and went to the living room. I could hear a little bit of sound, so I thought he might have been watching something on his phone. So, I waited and waited. The last thing I remember was it being 1-ish and then I wake up and it's past 2 and he's still not in bed. I was awake for about 30 mins, then went back to sleep. A little while later, Alex woke up, so I brought him in the bed and he went right to sleep. A little while after that, SO came to bed and fell right to sleep. When I finally got up and out of bed at like 8:30, he wasn't in the bed; he was asleep in his arm chair. Why does he test me so? -.-
Gigs I'm interested too :haha: would be nice to have extra money. I do think I'll buy some lottery tickets soon. I like to play 3 to 4 times a year just to give into the dream a little. Honestly, winning a huge jackpot isn't my dream. Paying off the house and maybe the vehicles would be great.

DH had his booze. My SILs really enjoyed their wine. I would have liked some, but I have a strict no alcohol stance during pregnancy. I will have plenty of time to drink later. I did manage to stay awake for the ball drop so that was nice. Can't wait for ultrasound tomorrow and nearly 36 weeks. Have contractions got any less?? Health and wealth in 2019 to you as well :)

Pretty I havea few grey strands. I will be dyeing my hair for sure when I get more. Don't want the girls getting teased for having a grey headed mom. Definitely positive sorry there was no BD. Seems men flake out sometimes during fertile window.

Pacific awesome deal!! I love getting new furniture/appliances but hate the cost :haha:

Kitty happy new year to you too! How is E and the new house? DH doing better?

Happy New Year everyone!! Hoping it's a great year :)

We had a great time an my in laws last night. V loved playing with her cousins. V got loads of presents including a play kitchen and small 6 volt power wheel.

I had some moments of quite painful urination last night, but feel better this morning. I'm really confused on what's going on. No vaginal infection per my wet prep and I know I don't have STI. I'll just try to stay hydrated and flush my kidneys out.

Anyways V's woken from her nap.
Happy new year lovelies <3 Hope everyone has had a relaxed one.

Its been hectic these past few days, Hayden has been a cryer but he seems more settled today! Sleep pattern is still up in the air, i coukd cry with lack of sleep but on the up side, hes hada couple of bottles this afternoon & this eve so ive had a couple of wines to unwind :) love it lol!

I havent read back, but il be reading more going forward :thumbup:

We took all the Crimbo decs down today & cleaned right through everything. House Smells lovely & back to some kind of normality now.. we had Hayden registered yesterday aswell.

Gigs i hope baby is being good & not scaring yoi still with early contractions!
CB- ohh he’s so cute! I love them when they have their baths and they just float there all relaxed and smelling a scrummy! I’m jealous youve got a newborn and still organised and taken all the decs down! Something I keep putting off doing!

Pretty- love your hair colour really suits you. And men are idiots at the best of times! (Bit of a man hater over here.) lol does he know when you’re ovulating? I think for some men the pressure can put them off - if so maybe try and keep it secret next time? X

Shae- Top girlfriend points right there! ‘A couple that games together, stays together’ Lol. I would loved to have had a geeky gamer boyfriend , but ended up having 4 kids with a caveman so hey ho. Glad you had a lovely Xmas x

Flueks- sorry I didn’t understand what it was you tested positive for- so do u have a UTI? I definitely found a lot towards the ends I thought I had one, constant peeing but nothing really came out, and that achey pressure all the time, but always came back negative so think it was just a pregnancy thing. Hope it lets up for you soon x

Gigs- bless you there’s nothing more frustrating then wanting to be able to help or do stuff but can’t. Just try to relax and enjoy the break as much as u can now, (I’m sure that’s probably impossible with little kids lol!) what pram have I gone for? I’m a sucker for prams- I’m always customising my bugaboos - just got some tan leather upgrade handle bar covers the other day for mine.

Happy new year ladies!
I tried to do the whole drinking thing- had a glass of Malibu and thought all I want is my PJs and tv so hopped into bed whilst my 6 year old was out in the street at midnight banging pans with her dad hahaha my kids literally can stay up later than me - I’m so old. Having a rough time with my hips atm the pain is horrendous! Had an hours sleep so far and back awake again now. It’s deiving me mad!

How is Dobs anyone know? I know she’d had a rough time recently so been thinking about her!

My two littlest babies are poorly - theo keeps making a whimpering noise that is breaking my heart. He’s got a high temp, sticky eyes, chesty cough etc, and seems achey he’s constantly whimpering every time he moves. Docs said he’s clear of infection and used the same words as always ‘it’s viral.” Lol I hope it passes for them quickly! X

Looking like my OPK was a true positive but holding out hope that it wasn’t! Stay away AF please!!!

Cb, he is so lovely! Fx to finding a sleep routine!

Gigs, we might just put the old stinky couch in the basement for the landlord to deal with when we leave, it's theirs anyway although they gave us the clear to do with whatever we please.
The new furniture we won't get until the 12th. Some items weren't immediately available and our remote new location comes on top of that... Aka: they don't deliver there! So we will rent a uhaul and get it ourselves on our first free weekend where all items are available. We do have a livestock trailer ourselves, but it's currently filled to the rim with farming stuff: fence material, log splitter, etc and we just don't want to empty and clean it
Keeps i hope af stays away! What made you take the opk in the first place? Hope the virus is gone soon and no one else gets it!

Fluek i echo above, did they test for uti?I've never had one but my friend who is prone to them swears by cranberry juice (the real stuff, not cocktail). Personally I can't stand the taste.

For those who asked my contractions have spaced out a ton. They just feel like run of the mill Braxton hicks now. I have my ultrasound tomorrow and an appt Thursday--hoping I'll get my restrictions lifted. At 36 weeks I'm not sure they'll do much, if anything, to stop early labor anyway.

I GOT MY COUCH! I am so excited! It's definitely out of my price range but my mom offered to pay up front and i'll pay her back when i sell the car. It's coming in 2 weeks :dance: so hopefully before the baby arrives!

Cb he is so cute <3 His pics give me conflicting emotions of nerves and excitement for my own little one's arrival!
Keeps, haha id skim on the word “organised” :haha: we were going to do it yesterday or NYE (now just looking at the time) & start new year with clean house etc but i think SO had a mini hangover lol! Sorry to hear your youngest 2 are poorly:( i hate the Drs term ‘Viral’, with mine its very rarely its an infection, not that i want my kids to be ill but when its a chest infection at least they can give u meds to clear it up..! Hope the girls had a lovely Xmas though :) & you did better than me for NY, least u managed a glass of Malibu, I managed 2 sips of my wine pahahaa useless!

Gigs, yay for getting the couch woop!! Mums are great hehe! Is this your old Car? Didnt u just get a newer one with a slidey side door? The newborn stage tiredness is the main factor atm for me, i keep thinking its not forever lol but hes like 3 wks old already, it goes quick! Baby Myles will be here before u know it & wks old in a blink of an eye. I should start making bets who will pop first, you or my best mate who is due 15th Jan but she reckons she’ll go overdue!
Gigs, pretty sure at 36 weeks you'd be considered full term (or baby that is, haha), here they would not stop labour after that.
I actually woukd not mind if baby came at 36 weeks, even though it means I have no one to watch L while DH and I are in hospital. (Mom is planning to come up here around 39 weeks). Everything is loosening up in me: I turn in my sleep and my pelvis/lower back cracks just from my slow turn...
I doubt ill go over! Or if I do, maybe a few days, no longer.
Yay on the new couch!! We'll have to share pictures ;)
Keeps I’m good just busy af. I try to pop in to at least read a page every now and then, but no energy or time to really post. Things are good. I have sole legal and physical custody now, so that’s fun. Got tenured at work so yay job security. Massively in debt but new year means news taxes means big refund. A picked up a few words last weekend so feeling a bit relieved (of course his first words were ball and doggie), but still having him evaluated in a couple weeks by the developmental pediatrician. Sleep sucks. We are one week no paci but I have become a human pillow and he still wakes a billion times a night. Have a painful bump right off my vag from chaffing because I gained back all the weight I lost over the holiday but no regrets lol. But yeah just using this week off of work but still have to pay for daycare to do some major cleaning and catch a movie and just get stuff done I can’t ever do because A is clingier than a koala on a branch hanging over croc infested water. Thanks for thinking of me! <333
Dobs when I was reading up on speech out of my own concerns for Levy, I read if they don't say any words by 18 months that's when to address is with the pediatrician. So yay that he's made that cut off! I bet the words start rolling in now, just watch :hugs: and side note, Levin only just recently (like the last two weeks at best) has been saying "mommy" when he sees me. That was not at all one of his first words.

So, as for me...

Had my scan baby looks good. I was hopin for some clear cut news or info that would help me make a "for sure" decision on the vba2c vs. csection issue, but instead, I'm back completely on the fence instead of leaning towards a c section.

Turns out, even though baby is a respectable size, he will be my smallest yet. Even further confusing the subject, his head is in a completely normal size range, just slightly above average. He is already head down, too.

My last two babies: 9lbs2oz, head in 97th percentile at birth; 9lbs6oz, head in (i think) 92nd percentile at birth.

This one is predicted 8lbs8oz and head in roughly 50-60 percentile range.

So now what to do? C section scar looks good. I am tempted to see if I go into back labor again and let that be the deciding factor...ugh I hate the unknown!

What would you guys do? I am so afraid of an emergency c section though...

Also the platelet thing is still a factor but that aside, what to doooooo

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