CB he's adorable. So amazing you got all that accomplished right now. I hope Hayden continues to be more calm. Ugh so hard when they are crying and can't calm them.
Keeps yeah I'm used to that for 3rd tri, but pain while peeing isn't normal. I had white blood cells and blood in my urine. Hope your hip eases up some. Also poor little babes. I hate when they are sick especially when so young.
Gigs yeah they did UA but want culture results to confirm if UTI. If blood wasn't from urinary tract then I suppose from vag, but we didn't penetrate the night before as I was going to mention increased discharge and didn't want to hear semen was in my wet prep again
so would be a little concerned if I'm bleeding from there without any "trauma".
I doubt they would stop it now. Granted my waters broke so they didn't stop as my risk of infection would be high. Glad he's made it cooking this far. I'm sorry ultrasound didn't help you make a decision. I haven't been through a C section so I can't fully weigh in. With him being head down and able to progress in prior labor , I would probably try vba2c especially with v delivery having faster recovery. Awesome news on the couch
Pacific if baby2 decides to make his/her appearance before 39 weeks will you have DH wait with him in waiting room?? Oh and sorry no advice on getting rid of that smell
Dobby yay for new words!!! Also sorry for sucky sleep. We ditched pacifier at 13 months. First night or two she cried out, but thankfully she was fine after that. It was hard, but I understand you don't want to go that route with A. Also your metaphor
I've been debating about trying to watch aquaman. We haven't watched wonder woman ir justice league so I'm afraid we might miss something.
AFM ugh had a rough night. I cut my thumb while cutting a cheese log... only me. Wasn't having UTI symptoms yesterday. Woke up at 2 with that urgency feeling, basically dribbled some measly amount out that burned badly. This continued to hurt til I finally fell asleep at 4ish. I called OB office and nurse said maybe yeast infection since my pain comes and goes and recent antibiotics. My wet prep was clear and I'm not having itching or cottage cheese discharge. They want to wait for culture which may come back tomorrow or Friday. I understand it, really I do, but that pain was rough and I need sleep. Got okay to take pyridium for bladder pain, but won't take unless it's bad. I hope culture comes back by tomorrow afternoon.
Anyways, hope you all have a good night. Going to try to nap a bit.