General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Sorry A was poorly again Dobby, your not overreacting either re your stepdad, that would totally piss me off aswell & hormones will just add to it!

Flueks i have a feeling you will make it full term this time around :) just my gut feeling

Gigs your nearly at term arhhhhhhh so excited for you hehee!! So your going to await labour yes?? How long will they let you go over if your body dont start labour itself? Will you be induced or then have an elective csection?

Flueks completely forgot to say, thanku for the chocolate pecan tart recipe, i only saw it the other day! Def thinking if making it, if I remember to buy a pre-made crusty base when i food shop tomorrow mmmmm yummers!
Dobs, sorry stepdad is an a$$ about the whole babysitting situation. How is your mom responding to that?

Gigs, wohoo for full term baby! I actually feel the same about being ok if baby comes right at 36 week for a smaller baby and better chance at vbac.
Then last night I looked on Amazon for diapers and the newborn size is so much more expensive then size 1, nor can I remember how long L was in the nb size :Haha: so big pack or small pack? Got frustrated and gave up....
I am also done with this pregnancy for how sore it's making my back and pelvis. Baby is still high up in my lungs, it gets so obvious when I slouch just a bit (especially when sitting) and it's pushing a foot over my ribs. Now I am whiney..

In other news, our boxes from the move are finally here and taking up the entire entrance. As soon as they were delivered we made our 5 hour trip to the capital city (of the province). DH had work there and L his doctors appointment. We have a new creme to try. This doctor (a dermatologist) also said eczema is not food/diet or allergy driven, but it's genetic. A bit of a relief as DH has 2 brothers with food allergies.
Right after we dashed back up here, only to find snow on the highway as we got further north and roads were total garbage. Still made the ferry and got back here at 8:30pm. I unpacked the car and DH assembled Ls bed. He was in bed 2 1/2 hours late, but at least he didn't fight his sleep from being over tired.
We moved our old mattress into our bedroom and finally met up in bed around 10! Long day!!!

Saturday is new furniture day!
Kit, "Not very much"?!!! We've been here for over 4 years and still have things in boxes! Your place looks great. I am also totally in love with your dining set, especially those chairs *drool* and the kitchen turned out great!

Pl whine away :hugs: I'm trying to appreciate being pregnant and able to lay down while I still can...still not looking forward to the infant days of no sleep...but being uncomfortable is so annoying. My biggest gripe, other than the pulled muscle, is that I get contractions that push against my bladder and make ne have to pee immediately. It's especially frustrating when I'm trying to lay down and relax/sleep.

Any who not much longer! And yay not food allergies for L!

Cb, I have my c section scheduled at 39+5. I'm considering compromising with the obgyn affice and agreeing to an elective section if I make it that far. Reason being because there will be a point where he may get too big for my body to deliver...but since baby size is such a mystery, even with an estimate, part of me wants to cancel the c section altogether haha. We'll see...I should have a better idea on my plan of action on Friday.
Gigs hoping his smaller size makes all the difference in your vba2c. I'm getting more anxious about labor. I've not got my labor bag prepared though :haha: I'm nervous about how fast it may go, not having option of epidural, when do I go to hospital. Going to talk to provider at my visit Monday. 3 weeks from Friday would put me at same delivery age as V. I kind of have a feeling I'll go a little before due date. DH feels the same. We are both thinking 37 to 38 week range.

CB thank you and so sorry I didn't convert them to metric. Honestly, it'd just be easier if US converted to metric like the rest of the world. If you make it let me know if you like it. It's quite rich so the vanilla ice cream tames it down.

Pacific oh man sounds hectic just reading that. It's so nice when they don't fight sleep even though their bedtime was adjusted.

Kitty I love it. It's so nice once you get things put in place. The process is tough and I can't imagine doing it with a toddler.

AFM been getting sore in my pelvis, back, and thighs. Turning in bed feels like an olympic sport. All I can think is I don't think I can handle 8 more weeks :rofl: I've started some prenatal yoga to try to help and get some exercise in again.
Fluek are you getting workouts from youtube? Let me know if you find any good ones, especially any to widen/stretch the pelvis or aid in that whole birthing thing. I've started rolling on my yoga ball...hoping it helps haha.

Hey what do y'all think of Myles Colby? Or Myles Troy? At this point I think I'm done trying to decide a name before he's born. We'll pick after we meet him I think.
Gigs do you gave another apt/Consultation on Friday? I hope you get to attempt a Vag delivery with Myles but wouldnt want you to struggle or worse if bubs is too big for you :-/ I know the weight estimates are literally only that but they had Haydens pretty much spot on around my scan at 35 wks, they estimated 6.5lbs then & the last 4 wks or so they supposedly gain half a lb a wk, so his birth weight was about right :)

Kit i love your house, your kitchen is sooo spacious its lovely! At least u guys are in now :thumbup:

Pacific & Flueks do u have one of those big pillows to wedge between your legs at nighttime? Def takes the edge off the pelvic pain, mine was agonising at night & I couldn’t roll over :(

No need to apologise for the measures for the recipe, it sounds bloomin lovely, i could eat some now actually ha ha
They are estimating him to be 8lbs8oz at 40 weeks. They were spot on with levin (same ultrasound place), estimating about 9lbs8oz to 10lbs at 40 weeks. He was born I think 2-3 days early and was 9lbs6oz. So I'm looking at Mykes possibly being a whole pound less, PLUS a much smaller head. I am hopeful!

Yes I have another consult with a different dr on Friday, the one who is doing my c section if i keep it scheduled.
CB, my pelvis now adjusts itself multiple times a night.. I can't turn without it going pop. It gives me hope that everything is loosening enough for baby to come out natural... As for extra pillows: I need to find some first, among the boxes! DH and I are currently also on a purge and update mission which we have just started. So a number of poor quality pillows are to thrown out. I want to get rid of a number of hand me down things (plates, pots, sad quality pillows etc) from when we first started off and replace them with "nice" things that we actually want. ;)

Gigs, L was 8lbs 5 oz...a whole pound heavier then my midwife was expecting. Like you, hoping this one is smaller.
I am feeling af type cramps down low in the bump today.
I like Myles Troy :) a Colby is a cheese to me :haha: don't listen to me..

How do you have so many names that you like? We still haven't agreed on one or even shortlisted any. I told DH he can do the thinking since he knows the gender... :haha:
Unfortunately we don't have that many we like. We have a family name, one i really like, and hubby's names. I still like Reece the best...David would be to make other family happy. I don't like it, not with Myles anyway. Hubby hates Reece. He likes Quinn or Quinton and I dislike both. I said if we are going to pick a name based on meaning and to represent a man I admire, then his Daddy is the only person I would pick...hence these last two selections.

Anyway PL remind me why you ended in a cs last time?
Gigs, ah I see with the name selection... Logan was a name we could both agree on, and middle name is DH grandpa. All of my grandparents names are very German and most would end up getting pronounced wrong in English. However, the middle name if it's a girl is based on my grandma and its the only name in my family tree I feel like won't get butchered. ;) Another boy and we are screwed if we want to base it on family as dh doesn' have a lot of middle names in his family tree (and that we like for our kid)

C-section: infection between umbilical cord and placenta which put L in distress. I had a temperature and his HB would not come down. A few weeks ago at the gynecologist consult I also found out that he wasn't in the ideal position to come out which probably added a bit to their decision to suggest C-section. Water were broke for about 30 hours but after 20 hours of backlabour I got an epidural and still made it 8cm by the time they rolled me into the OR.

Btw: my mw seems pretty positive on a particular position for moms in backlabour. The last mom she had in it: mom was in bl, not progressing so she told her to go into this position and then left her to labor. She was called back immediately, ended up giving birth 10 minutes later at home ;) see if I can describe it right as she showed me: kneel on the couch, and then hands on the floor, it's important to have the pelvis above the head. As she explained it, it gives baby and pelvis a "reset" through gravity as it allows baby to slide back out of the pelvis. my mw has used it a few times now and says it works pretty well.
This mw also has some kind of magical squeeze to the hip that eases the pain. She did it with me during Ls labour and even showed DH. However he wasn't getting it and I couldn't voice myself that I wanted her to do it full time, however now she knows ;)
Gigs I've been using amazon prime. Sunday I did/watched a few of tara lee?? prenatal yoga. I found her a bit too odd to me. Like I was laughing at her instead of going along with her. I dunno to each their own. She did have some clips specific for certain areas/problems. I tried Riki Jones last night and today. I like hers better. I only do her 3rd tri workout. As bad as it sounds it gets my heart rate up. I quit walking when weather got cold.

Love Myles Troy. Flows well with your last name as well. I don't like Colby as all I think about is the cheese. Go with what you like though ;)

CB I've been using a pillow between my legs/knees. Pain is worst when I first get out of bed or after sitting for awhile.I start out waddling then get a more normal walk :rofl:

Pacific your mw sounds pretty awesome. I hope your wish for vbac is a success.
Flueks I’m looking at your ticker and wondering where I can get an 11 lb jar of Nutella. I definitely need one to survive the upcoming semester :rofl:

Gigs I like Myles Colby, I have a young cousin named Colby so it doesn’t make me think of cheese automatically lol. But Myles Troy is nice too.

Kitty I think you were the one who posted house pics? I love the kitchen, it’s so gorgeous! I hope my future house looks half that nice.

AFM I’ve had nausea every day since I ovulated. Wtffff. I’m unamused. It’s usually only in the morning. It doesn’t make it so I can’t eat anything, it’s just a general nausea. I had a sample of seafood salad at the grocery store this morning hoping it would make me feel a little better. It didn’t, but it didn’t make it worse either. With the mirena I had nausea during the week before my period as the progesterone dropped, but this is straight from O so idk. I figure it’s a side effect of the Kyleena, and honestly I’m okay with it if it means I’m not actually puking like I was on the pill. I didn’t have nausea last cycle (which was first cycle on the Kyleena), I checked my chart, but I also had crazy strong O pains, a short LP, and spotting through most of that cycle, so it was a funky one. This is more like a normal cycle for me, I think. Just hoping the nausea goes back to being just a PMS thing.
Shae, I have a 3kg jar (just over 6lbs) of Nutella here.... A 11lbs jar would be huge! Like not at all what id imagine the size of a little 31+ week old baby.. thoughts to ponder! How does that even fit in the belly? Twisted and turned?

Shae, how odd on the feeling nauseous, I wonder if o is still outstanding? Or maybe it's a pms thing now?

Flueky: my mw is very open minded and relaxed, I really quite like her. (If i insisted on a home birth she'd let me or anywhere else really) But I also like how the midwives here in BC Work ;)
Ahhh so jealous pl! I think if we go on to have any more kids I may look into a midwife next pregnancy. I should have done it this time Plus I only recently got back on the fence about the vba2c. If we decide on one last kid that will mean we are in a better financial state, so I would like that experience (assuming another TOLAC).

So are you going to share those names with us? ;)

Shae sounds like your body may be still adjusting to hormones. I hope the nausea wears off!

Fluek thanks for the workout people names, I'll have to see if there are any youtube videos since we unfortunately got rid of prime :/

Contractions again tonight. They have been every 7.5-12 minutes, most falling in the 8 minute range. Not too consistent in timing and not painful so I'm just going to try and sleep them off. I've done this song and dance before however I'm not taking the meds anymore to quiet the contractions so....we'll see! I'm a bit nervous!
Gigs, fingers crossed for you! Keep us posted if you can especially if things turn serious ;)

So mws here are almost like a doctor and have hospital rights. From IVs to stitches, they do it all. Then she visits mom and baby every day at home until baby starts gaining weight, checks mom and baby. Then they slowly draw back over the next 6 weeks and do a final pp check up on mom and baby. At that point any care goes back to your gp.
So I have seen mine from 6-8 weeks to 6 weeks pp.
I really like the part that they do home visits. L was jaundiced when he was born, so I was really glad that we had a medical professional come and check L every day!
That sounds really nice! There is a midwife exclusive practice here that is probably similar but they don't deliver at my preferred hospital:(

I have been having contractions allllll night. They kept waking me up but not painful and i was able to sleep through most. Just a waiting game now to see what happens I guess! Still don't appear to be regular.
Ahhh jeeze y'all...upset stomach and (tmi) the shits. Something I ate or "the great clear out"?

I have a feeling this may be the near end of pregnancy...!

Irregular contractions still coming on this morning. In the past when I went to bed with them they'd be gone by the morning (or at least wayyyy spread out).
Gigs fx’d this is the beginning of the end of the pregnancy so you can push out little Myles before he gets too big!

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