General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

I think having a serious discussion about future plans is in order. I really have no other advice but I am a believer in honesty, especially with significant others. One more question though, i know you said he's never said he loves you, but do you love him?

As for me, timing contractions again :roll: they only seem to be getting. Further apart if I stay laying down, so that's the plan. I just don't want to spend any more time in the hospital on monitors than I have to, nor do I want him pulled out sooner than he's ready.

Which reminds me! I need to pack a dang hospital bag for Myles! I keep forgetting
Pretty, If he isn't giving you what you want it's time to consider what he wants. Talk to him and tell him your wants, if he doesnt clearly know what you want, it's unfair to expect it. But that's just me...

Afm: my DH just made a bump comment (which he rarely makes) on a changed shape... Sounds like baby might be dropping? Might explain why I get so pelvis sore so fast when doing things. Just vacuuming the bedroom after setting up our new bed did a number.

I like this new update bnb did, I just came back hours later to finish this post
Gigs, would you be able to get the doctor you want if labor cant be stopped?

And yay new couch!! I bet Wednesday can't come soon enough ;)
Ooo gigs hopefully when things kick up for the real deal you are not stuck in traffic or snow

Pl exciting!

Pretty I agree. If I learned any life lesson as a teacher, you can’t exoect anything you don’t explicitly ask for ;)

And this popped up in my newsfeed literally right after you made the comment about not having a label. Hopefully you get a good giggle and also to know you are not the only one out there in your sitch. And flip side he could tell you he loves you and wants to have your baby because he sadistically loves power and thinks he has ultimate control if he knocks you up and then convinces you to get the a word. So I take not saying a meaningless I love you over saying it just to say it. But you deserve to hear it and have someone mean it

Afm just tired and still busy so only reading random posts or pages :(

Ha how coincidental Dobs! And funny.

PL no if I go into labor I get whoever is on call to do the surgery.

Isn't the saved draft feature awesome?! It has failed me once or twice but wayyyy better than before when the page would automatically reload and erase your post.

Afm, I had contractions all night but had no problem sleeping through most of them, except for when my bladder filled up. The uterus pushes on it and I have to insta-pee. I hate waddling to the bathroom during a contraction!

Anywho they died down again this morning but definitely still happening. Ugh so annoying not to know if it's false labor or early labor.

I keep going through waves of being completely ready then being terrified lol. But my motto is "90% of the time, anticipation is the worst part"--in other words the worry and fear and wandering mind in anticipation of an event is after much worse than the actuality of it. Obviously not always but I find it true enough that I try to keep it in mind.
Gigs anticipation of anything is usually the worst for me. I get myself all riled up and anxious. Then the event itself usually isn’t nearly as bad as I expected. You’ve totally got this, whatever happens.

AFM woke up in the middle of the night with night sweats so I’m pretty sure my progesterone is dropping, although I was a little overheated already when I was falling asleep and was airing out my blankets lol. Because of that I won’t test unless my period doesn’t show up, cuz I’m pretty sure it will. Which is good, but always a little sad.
Gigs, your resident c-section queen Wookie here. My belly births were all planned...none of them were emergency, and I never experienced a TOL or TOLAC. I'm different from a lot of women in the sense that I've never yearned to experience labor or vaginal birth...I'm just "in it" for the baby, really. Your planned c-section is going to feel like a spa-day compared to your other experiences, however. Seriously. It's all very calm, quick, and without too much chaos. Physically, you'll probably feel like a million bucks compared to your last two boys, and the recovery is bound to be better. My recovery after c-section #3 was CAKE. I was shuffling around with a walker by myself about 6 hours post-op, taking a shower, getting my own coffee, pushing Char in her isolette to the gift shop. I bathed her myself that first night. I sent Brad home, and was like, "See you later." It was fine. I get where you're coming from with the health complications, the scar tissue, and the implications for a possible #4. I just feel that with this one being planned, you're in for a much more positive experience and recovery.

Shit, I've been away a while...hmmm.

Happy New Year, ladies!

CB - Congrats on little Hayden. May he continue to sleep soundly for you!

Greenie- Do I recall you being up the spout with #3?

Flueks and PL - You're up for babies next, right?

Shae - I'm sorry you feel like poop. I hope you get it figured out, sweetie.

To anyone I've missed - Dobs, Jez, Pretty, Kitty...I hope life is treating you kindly.

AFM - Charlotte is 14 months old, anid she's a wild one. Still toothless, but running, climbing, and she probably has a dozen words or so. She's into everything. She wants to do everything Hannah and Oscar are doing, and there is no slowing her down. Her favorite foods are spaghetti, chicken and rice, grapes, and peas. She loves her toy "tablet", her ride-on Minnie Mouse airplane toy, and her brother's cars and trucks. Her favorite book is "Brown Bear" by Eric Carle. She's really a delight.

I'm home today with O and C...O has had an on and off again fever, and a no preschool for him today, and it was just easier to keep little stinklet home with us too. Overall work is...meh. I have a tough class this year, and it resembles more of a behavioral disorders program than what I'd prefer. I keep telling myself that I "only" have about 12 more years until retirement. Haha!
Omg how is she 14 months already?! Time is flying. I bet that 12 years goes by quick ;) thanks for your words about the c section! I sure hope you're right!

Well some updates here, contractions are still coming and though I want to ignore them, I feel like today may be "the" day. I lost a little more chunk of plug this morning, and one of the drs at the practice called me today (the one i spoke with last week) to check on me and stressed the urgency of getting to l&d if i have contractions again. I didn't even have a follow up call when I was in at 34 weeks! So that has freaked me out a smidge...just laying here timing a few more before I call hubby.

And in other news, remember my SIL is also pregnant? Due 10 days after me. Well she said she's been having early contractions too and suspects she had her "bloody show" yesterday :shock: I don't want to see her have a pre term baby (she won't be 37 weeks until Sunday) but I am definitely wondering if we'll end up in l&d together...
Gigs, do they want you just to come in now, since you've been having contractions? Is doc thinking they'd just like to do some fetal monitoring, or do you think they'll admit you and just take baby?

Refresh my memory how many weeks along you are...
Gigs hopefully whatever happens things go smoothly!

I’m seeing the tiniest hints of blood in my CM that I wouldn’t have seen if I wasn’t checking and paying close attention. I’m also super sweaty down there, which happens when I’m PMSing. I had really bad nausea during class despite eating and didn’t want to eat my lunch, which also happens when PMSing sometimes. It’s always possible the sweating is an increased body temp and not progesterone dropping, but I’m leaning towards period is coming.

Friend of mine is currently miscarrying. She didn’t know for certain she was pregnant, and today she’s bleeding golfball sized clots and having contractions (like early labor she said) and got a positive HPT. She’s upset but she’s dealing pretty well. She has a 1 year old daughter to love on so that helps.
37+4. I am supposed to come in if my contractions are less than 10 minutes apart for more than an hour which has happened a couple times, but then they fade out...this has been going on since yesterday evening.

I am sure they'll check me and monitor me at first, but I wouldn't be surprised if they suggest an early c section. If baby is ok, I'm not progressing, and cervix still isn't soft, I suspect they would send me home at that point...but if the contractions don't let up they may just get me a room to keep an eye on me.

New development is my stomach feels messed up, similar to when I had that recent bug. Really hope this is just a coincidence and I'm not about to have another bout of puking or the shits...

It's making crazy sounds too. Hope it's not scaring the crap out of Myles :rofl:
Shae that is sad :( how far along does she think she was?
Jez just curious, what countries do women view having a vaginal birth as being "less fortunate"? Nothing wrong either way, but I prefer medical benefits of V delivery.

CB I saw that on FB last week and I really like that. It is sad about the sleeping babies, but glad they were included.

Shae sorry you are having digestive issues. I hope it resolves soon for you soon. Being more active definitely helps with being more regular.

Funny thing, I never had IB. If I had any spotting during LP it always lead to AF. I know IB does exist though.

Gigs I loved reading GoT. I tried wheel of time, but had trouble getting into it. May try again as I've heard it's fantastic.

Maybe they want you in sooner than later so it isn't an emergency CS? I know it still wouldn't quite be scheduled either. Oh and about SIL, if she thinks she had bloody show she needs to get checked asap!!!

Pacific yay for new furniture!!! I need new living room furniture before too long.

Pretty a bigger age gap might be a good thing. I keep hearing how tough it's going to be with 2 under 2. I think if V was a "tough" child I would have waited longer. Also, miscarriages happen to lots of women, your eggs aren't bad. So don't beat yourself over this. With ttc#1 I was so focused on "it would be perfect if I conceived this cycle because blah blah". I was definitely less concerned about timelines this time and went with the flow more.

Wookie glad to hear from you again. Glad Char is doing well :) but sorry you have a tough group. Oh and yes.. gigs, then pacific, and then me :)

AFM had a busy weekend with DH. Had fun though. Did get a bit of a bombshell of news. My BIL and his wife are separated and seeking divorce. Apparently he's been cheating over a year now. I knew they didn't have a great marriage but not to that extent. They are trying to be civil for their son.

Appt today went well. She felt and baby S is head down. Fundal height, urine, blood pressure, weight, and heartbeat all perfect. They are sending my urine off for a culture to make sure infection is gone.
Gigs, i am keeping my fingers crossed for you! I have heard it many times as well that planned is much more calm then emergency section.
I am a bit surprised they aren't going in now since you've been having on/off contractions for so long now.

Wookie, so nice to see you posting! Yes, I have a few more weeks left, but I doubt baby will be late at this point. L was right on time and aren't first borns often late!? I do get the odd contraction, especially at night..
I am ready for the pregnancy to be over, but not sure if I am ready to change up the family Dynamics if that makes sense.
Gigs she wasn’t sure how far along she was. I’m guessing less than 8 weeks.

Flueks yeah I’ve obvi never been pregnant but I’ve had spotting around this time and it always leads to AF (nothing to compare it to, though, since I’ve never been preggers). Also my mom hasn’t said anything and I feel like she’d just know, she called up my aunt to tell her she was pregnant before my aunt even knew herself. She’s got a bit of a 6th sense, as I’ve mentioned before. So I’m always reassured by the fact that my mom hasn’t said anything. She said if she had the feeling that she’d tell me to take a test, so I know she’d tell me if she had the feeling. That mixed with being all sweaty like I often get before periods, I’m pretty sure I’m out. Might test anyway for kicks and giggles but it’s harder at college with no private bathroom lol
Quickie update on my phone, while on break.

Gigs - I definitely care about him. And I told him I loved him like 10 years ago and all I got was a hug and a kiss on the forehead. A few years ago I started mentally trying to stop myself from liking him so much when it felt like things were going nowhere and then I got pg shortly thereafter. And now I'm just waiting for some concrete sign that he feels the same about me as I do about him. Maybe I'm broken and frigid. I only cried for a week when my dad died and just a day for my MMC. So, I'd like to love him, but I need to feel it from him first.

I hope today is the day for you and that everything goes smoothly.

Dobby - I've seen that before. lol. I would've shared it on FB, but we don't live together.

So, AF came last night. New pack of opks are on their way. I think my EDD right now is like Oct 23, so if I'm slightly early again, that would be acceptable.
Tested with a cheapie, negative. I can post pics upon request but since it’s negative I didn’t feel the need to automatically post them, ya know?
PL, I totally get it. I found that going from 1-2 kids was a tough transition. Going from 2-3 kids was honestly not much of a leap. But Hannah was only 17 months old when Ozzy came along, and looking back, she was SUCH a baby still. It'll take a while to adjust to having a newborn and a toddler. It's a lot of work, and sometimes frustrating, and chaotic. Someone will always be touching you, following you, attached to you, etc. Other moments are so when older sibling begins showing younger sibling affection. It's sweet.

Gigs, I had a tentative planned c-section date for all 3 babies by the time I was 32 weeks. I had Char at 38 weeks on the dot, and it was early so I could avoid contractions, due to my scarily thin uterus...they didn't want me contracting at all. My womb was in bad shape, though. Eeek. My other planned sections were done at 39+2. Good luck! Sounds like we'll be meeting Myles soon!
Wook I didn't realize you've always had a thin uterus! I thought that was just a complication with #3.

I am pretty worried about the dynamic between ds2 and ds3...ds2 is going to be very jealous I'm sure. But I also think they are going to be extremely close when ds3 is a bit older, like ds2's current age onward. Time will tell!

PL they left it on me to decide if my contractions were close enough to come in for evaluation. I feel like it's all just false labor though...but the plug chunk has me a bit more cautious. They got into the teens again so I just don't want to jump the gun on admitting myself :/

Fluek sorry to hear about the inlaws! Once again our lives run parallel, this time with family drama. Glad to hear all is going well with baby S!

Pretty you are in a tough spot, I wish you the best in whatever you decide :hugs: and not sure your lack of mourning makes you broken...we all mourn in different ways. I cried for a short time with my grandparents. With my dog I was crushed and still cry about him from time to time (he died 2 weeks before ds2 was born).
Life is shit. I spent an hour talking to A’s psychologist who kept offering suggestions like I haven’t tried all of that. So basically she said just make sure I don’t go crazy reassuring him and dealing with his extreme attachment issues by getting therapy (can’t do because A flips out if I am late for pickup), get a babysitter (no $ or desire to hand my kid to a stranger), or ask family (did and got bitched at). So yup. Good shit. Great talk.

And ex owes me money which is late so I can’t pay his daycare. I already owe my mom 1200 on top of my 40k of credit cards but I can’t ask for an advance from them because I just chewed her out for being an ass

I just want my w2 so I can get my tax refund :cry:

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