Jez just curious, what countries do women view having a vaginal birth as being "less fortunate"? Nothing wrong either way, but I prefer medical benefits of V delivery.
CB I saw that on FB last week and I really like that. It is sad about the sleeping babies, but glad they were included.
Shae sorry you are having digestive issues. I hope it resolves soon for you soon. Being more active definitely helps with being more regular.
Funny thing, I never had IB. If I had any spotting during LP it always lead to AF. I know IB does exist though.
Gigs I loved reading GoT. I tried wheel of time, but had trouble getting into it. May try again as I've heard it's fantastic.
Maybe they want you in sooner than later so it isn't an emergency CS? I know it still wouldn't quite be scheduled either. Oh and about SIL, if she thinks she had bloody show she needs to get checked asap!!!
Pacific yay for new furniture!!! I need new living room furniture before too long.
Pretty a bigger age gap might be a good thing. I keep hearing how tough it's going to be with 2 under 2. I think if V was a "tough" child I would have waited longer. Also, miscarriages happen to lots of women, your eggs aren't bad. So don't beat yourself over this. With ttc#1 I was so focused on "it would be perfect if I conceived this cycle because blah blah". I was definitely less concerned about timelines this time and went with the flow more.
Wookie glad to hear from you again. Glad Char is doing well
but sorry you have a tough group. Oh and yes.. gigs, then pacific, and then me
AFM had a busy weekend with DH. Had fun though. Did get a bit of a bombshell of news. My BIL and his wife are separated and seeking divorce. Apparently he's been cheating over a year now. I knew they didn't have a great marriage but not to that extent. They are trying to be civil for their son.
Appt today went well. She felt and baby S is head down. Fundal height, urine, blood pressure, weight, and heartbeat all perfect. They are sending my urine off for a culture to make sure infection is gone.