General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Lol jamming away! The pic just cracks me up!

Ah Gigs big hugs hun, the drop in pg hormones doesn’t help either & inlaws always drive us nuts! How long will both the mums be helping out for? I found my MIL was helpful with doing the school runs & that was it! She took Nuala off my hands (meaning out the house) & left me to tend to the baby in my immobile state after a csection & sterilisation & i couldnt move off sofa very well & get food or drink due to b.feeding & i just sat there alone & cried! I know you know It gets easier :hugs:

Poor Levin bless him, he probs having a moan because he misses being around you & having a new baby bro, i think some older generation forget what its like to have little people about..

Have any of you seen that film from last year ‘Tully’ with Charlize Thieron? I just watched it, loved it, it was me lol!
Oh Keeps your lil Theo is gawjus hun!! & 6 months old omg??!! Thats gone crazy fast! I hope you & your lovely girls are all well aswell <3
Erin, it sounds like things are moving in the right direction. Like I said before, I bled A LOT with my second baby, from the day of my bfp, until about 14 weeks. With my third, I had a lot of cramping and brown spotting, and discharge. At your appointment on Monday, they may want to do qualitative hcg blood draws, 48 hours apart, to see if your hcg is doubling well. Progesterone suppositories may help, too...they helped me.
Thank you for the heads up. I will see how I go, although the spotting has stopped for now and the cramps have died down this morning.
Thank you all for the kind words, 13DPO and still going good. my nipples hurt like MAD yesterday like sandpaper as well as my boobs but that seems to have gone down a little today.

Keepsmiling absolutely gorgeous bub you got there

Claireybell that's one adorable little rock star.

gigglebox sorry about the ASD, but you will get through t his. Sorry about MIL driving you nuts, I couldn't imagine someone else speaking to my one day kid like that
Keeps he is so cute! Look at you, a natural oy mom too ;) how are things in your neck of the woods?

Cb thank you that actually made me feel better! I know I'm going through the rough patch right now and now doubt hormones are at play, as well as sleep deprivation. But I was pretty sleep deprived at the end of pregnancy and still not this emotional...I tend to hokd my shit together fairly well when pregnant and fall apart after birth lol. I call it "the hormone dump", when your body is flooded with them. No one ever warns you about it!

Anyway I know it'll sort out in the coming weeks. I am through the first week though! Crazy how quick it went and that i had surgery a week ago. I am pretty much off pain meds. No narcotics for a couple days and ibuprofen when I remember it...which tends to be hours after its due lol. I was pretty wrecked this morning though, it was almost 12 hours after my last dose and I slept in a bad position. Oops.

Re: Tully, I wanted to see it but was afraid it'd hit too close to home and it'd make me emotional and afraid of the infant stage more than I already was! I would like to watch it when I'm out of the thick of newborn chaos.

But I will say I sometimes wish I had a wet nurse for night feeds XD

Thanks Erin. Ds1 was never officially diagnosed with asd; instead he has a speech delay diagnosis. It seems pretty evident he is high functioning but either way his speech will be what is treated so the diagnosis is sonewhat irrelevant. He is coming along though!
Gigs - Sorry your MIL is hard to deal with. At least it's only temporary. I'm sure you'll be up and at it again soon.

KS - Time sure does fly. Glad to hear Theo is doing well.

CB - That does look like he's playing guitar. So cute! lol

Hope everyone else is doing well.

AFM, I did something today to help me feel more like myself and better about my mom-bod; I got my nipples repierced. Before Alex, I had them done horizontally and vertically and my navel done since I was 16. I just got the horizontal ones done this time. I do plan on BFing the next baby, but I just need this, even if it's only for 9 months. My torso was looking so plain and blah. Also, when I told SO, he said something to the effect of "Why? Aren't you trying to have another baby?" So, I feel like that's a good sign. I forgot to take an opk today cuz we were out, running errands, but I'm sure it would've been negative. That's all from me for now.
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Gigs sorry about mil ... Hopefully you wont have to rely on her for too long.

Erin, my guess is implant was causing the rough start. On and upwards from here... Until morning sickness hits! It's dredded but reassuring.

Dobs, I can only second what has already been said and could not have said it better. The diagnosis may not mean anything yet (like cb said in the uk they don't test until later) but until it does take all the aid you can get for him to advance. Youll love A either way, so that doesn't change..

Afm: definitely have Ls cold. His didn't seem to progress into anything bad yet, so I remain hopeful mine will stay mild too..
L and I were able to avoid seeing mil today, very grateful for that. (Did I tell you that I had a dream 2 weeks ago that mil wanted to move in with us for the month of February "to help out" and I didn't know how to decline so had to voice it to hubby. In my dream I also didn't know where to put up my mom at the same time to help with L while we are delivering baby #2 and of course my mom would take priorities. In real life I have already told my mom that even she's out of the house when we leave the hospital for proper family adjustment time. So that's my opinion on that, short visits are fine but not over night at our house).

I also have to voice my excitement about something else: business related: I found a new supplier for some of the ingredients I use and by that can more then half my expenses for the ingredients. Not entirely a new supplier, since I knew they existed but didn't know their product range. They don't deliver to our area, but when we go to my parents I'll time my orders right and have them deliver to my parents place. Even the door delivery, is super cheap! So in order to do that, I had to purchase another freezer, but after 1 more order itll pay for itself in savings I had for using company B.
Pretty, power to ya. I had my tongue pierced but took it out when i had ds1. I still wish I hadn't! That said hubby likes it better gone iykwim.... ;) it's too bad the tongue heals so quickly. It was just a couple weeks before it wouldn't accept a barbell anymore (yes i did try!). But i'm too much of a weiner to do it now. Never had the desire to do my nips does that work with breastfeeding, post removal? And how long do they take to heal?

Pl yuck hope you don't get a full blown cold! You are a brave soul rejecting help after birth. I definitely get it though.

My MIL was only her for the day yesterday. My mom was gone for a funeral but is already back :thumbup: tomorrow my dad is coming to meet the baby.
PL I can't seem to catch a break cause cramps came back with a vengeance last night and I think I saw a tiny bit of spotting again. I didn't 100% know my cycle cause it's either 26,28 or 30 I just went off the last one with was 26. so AF should be due tomorrow so fingers crossed the tests are good tomorrow and all goes well with DR and the spotting stays at bay
Gigs, I have DH at home. While technically hes not off work, most things he can do from home remotely and may only have to go into the office for a few hours a day. If it's another C-section, I may change my mind....

Crazy: I had a conversation with a superstore cashier yesterday on when baby was due. Then she goes on to tell me about a mom she recently had at the till with a tiny baby. Upon asking how old it was: it was born the same morning! Cudos to that mom but, id have better things to do then a superstore trip the day I gave birth. Must have been a pretty uncomplicated birth... Can I envy that already?

Erin, lots of baby dust. Pregnancy isn't simple, lots of side effects they don't tell you about before you get pregnant, fx the cramps subside and you can enjoy the pregnancy!
Erin i just remembered actually i did have spotting with this baby at 5/6dpo & on the day my period was due then nothing! Around the time of af it can be breakthrough bleeding, Im sure all is fine hun :hugs:

Glad your Mums back Gigs, get those Ibruprofen down ye, they’ll def take the edge of esp if you slept awkwardly.. aww i bet your Dad will just fall in love with the new grandbaby <3 Im still having a few teary days esp when im sooo pooped, def a hormone dump!

Yeah that film Tully just brings it home that us Mums are just troopers & do it all sometimes!

Ouchy Pretty.. rather u than me with nip piercings lol!

Hope your cold goes quickly Pacific & before bub arrives, i still had slight cough/cold when i had my csection it was poop!
Gigs - I currently have 4 tongue piercings with zero plans to take them out. lol. And I never found that the scar tissue interfered with BFing. Really gonna do my best to keep them this time. Just take the bar out, feed, and put it back in. Good to hear MIL is gone now. :)

PL - SO, Alex, and I were out at a WalMart when he was 30 hours old. Can't remember what we needed, but the trip was necessary. Sometimes you just don't wanna be sitting at home. lol.

So, I tried to get things going with SO again last night, but he started having a crazy coughing fit that woke Alex. Damn. But last night may still have a been a little outside of my fertile window, so I'll try again tonight.
Wow your tongue piercings look awesome:)

SO had one but took it out yrs ago, didnt really do anything for me really lol but im sure he would love it if i got mine done :haha:
Omg pretty! Power to ya. Not my taste but you do you! My tongue is really fat so I can't imagine so mich metal in my mouth. I had to keep the extra long barbell in because the regular ones were too short and the bead would push into my tongue.

Ugh CB coughing after a c section! Blaahhhh to that
Sorry in advance for crappy reply, I read everything but can’t remember much.

CB Hayden totally looks like he’s rocking a guitar, so cute!

PL so glad you found a cheaper supplier for your business! What kind of business is it that you run?

Pretty wow awesome piercings! I’m a wimp so I could never get my tongue or nipples pierced, but more power to you if that’s what makes you happy! I briefly considered a nose stud but I decided I don’t have the face for it lol, I feel like some people can totally rock piercings (I bet you’re one of them) and on others it just looks odd (me). I definitely want a few tattoos once I have the money for them (I have 3 I specifically want) but I’m nervous about that too, painwise.

Just re-dyed my hair cuz it was getting pretty faded. I’m starting to get dandruff again, so that sucks. I used to get it a few years ago, happened all of a sudden, then I stopped using dandruff shampoo several months ago because it strips the red dye faster, and now the dandruff is back. So I’m gonna look for a color-safe dandruff shampoo. The internet recommends sulfate free for color safe, and I found a list of specific recommendations, so I’m gonna see what I can find.
Shae have u tried using tea tree conditioner & massage into the scalp aswell? Or add odd couple of drops to your normal conditioner.. dead sea mineral salt products are pretty good aswell for Dandruff flaky scalp, sometimes occurs when the body is run down aswell, i always get it when pg. i think the professional salon brand ‘Tigi’ do a sulphate free products which are safe on colour aswell, i think they called ‘S Factor’
CB I haven’t tried that, no. Walmart managed to have none of the online recommendations in stock at their store. I’ll def look into your recommendations, I’m probably gonna have to order one online either way.

My hair came out way better this time than last time, so I’m super happy about that. I’ve found the recommended times don’t work quite right for me, they say 20 min roots then additional 5 minutes for the rest, I did 15 roots then additional 10 minutes for the rest this time (not counting the time it took to saturate the hair in the dye) and it worked much better, it’s much more even. The ends are still slightly lighter than the roots but that makes it look better on me actually, I just don’t want it to be a giant difference like last time. The one time the ends were the same as the roots the ends looked too dark and less natural.

I wonder if my instructor will notice that my hair is redder. Last semester neither instructor knew I dyed my hair until I mentioned it offhand. They were shocked lol. While I’m salty that my mom didn’t give me her red hair genes, I’m thankful I got her skin tone that goes well with red hair.

Speaking of red hair, SO has dark brown hair, though it was blonde when he was really little, and for some reason I didn’t notice until Friday that he has little red hairs in his dark brown beard. I’m super non-observant lol. But since I had strawberry blonde hair as a baby and he has red in his beard, I’m holding out hope that we could pass on some red hair to one of our kids lol.
Shaescott you are so pretty. lucky

Pretty Awesome Piercing

I'm getting my blood taken Wednesday as we are rural and it's a Public holiday in Australia but had another really good test today.

I have a question about the dating scan/very first scan. I am confused about when I'm supposed to get it. my Dr said 6 weeks, now is that supposed to be by LMP or from what I assume conception is?
any help/advice would be great. I am heading toward my nearest hospital (3 HOURS AWAY UUUGGGGHHHH) at around my 8 week LMP. But I can go sooner if need be as SO has a week on week off roster at work

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