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General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Pacific my office says 5-1-1. Maybe because my 1st labor was short and I'm 40 minutes from hospital. Im not too keen on waiting around. I may be surprised and have a long labor, but I don't want to be that woman that delivers on way to hospital. As for waters breaking I have to agree with OB to go on in. Being your second labor it will most likely go faster. I'm requesting intermittent monitoring so I can move around some. I understand if it's before 37 weeks it'll be continuous monitoring as they have to keep closer eye on baby though.
Sorry to come crash the party buy i'm in need of a vent; myles had his appointment today (11 days old) and hasn't gained weight since last Wednesday :( I am really worried he's on a downward trend and my milk is once again inadequate.

He goes back for a weight check on monday. Fx he is gaining...it's possible he was losing before he started gaining again.

Gigs if I remember correctly with V she only gained 1/2 oz from her first pediatrician appt(5lb 4 oz) to 2 week check up (5 lb 4.5oz). I did start giving more formula because she was such a small weight I was scared she'd end up in hospital. In hindsight maybe I should have tried holding off on formula longer, but I felt she needed to gain more weight urgently. What did pediatrician say??
Gigs, could he have a tongue tie? Besides your sore nips and now not gaining weight... It could be possible. Just wondering because I overheard a conversation with midwife and lactation specialist with a second mom who's 3 week old wasn't properly gaining weight. And mom's milk was declining too as a result.

Flueky: my mw wants to make sure I am in established labour before we leave for the hospital. No idea how fast I will progress, since last time wasn't textbook style...
I almost wonder if I'll recognize labour :haha:
Pretty yesss beautiful positive OPK!

Gigs hm I hope it’s just the loss then gain issue. If not, I know you and the doctor will figure it out.

CM question: I checked my CM and got a huge glob of EWCM, but then I got 3 more globs of super creamy CM. Which do I chart?
Gigs - PL could have a point about a possible tongue tie. Do you think you'll speak with a lactation consultant if his weight is still down at his next appt?

shae - Never really charted that before, so I can't really help you there.

Erin - It may take another week, or even a few hours after the birth, but you'll connect. Don't worry.

Kitty - I don't really have a career, just a job. But I'm considering doing something different if/when I got back to work after my next mat leave. I agree with Flueky, life is too short. Sometimes, you just gotta go for it.

Flueky - Good to hear you're just about prepped for S. Still keeping my FX that she stays put for a little longer.

Re: grade 13. That's been gone for maybe 15-ish years here.

AFM, I could stab SO in the face right now. He's friggen sleeping. I tried rubbing him, hoping he'd wake up and want to get things going, but he just wanted to cuddle. I'm taking a little break right now, but when I go to bed shortly, I'll try again. I realize DTD yesterday morning was potentially enough, but a little extra baby batter couldn't hurt. lol
I really don't suspect a tongue tie; i jave seen his tongue out and over his teeth. His latch is only painful initially. Also he is absolutely draining my boobs! I am amazed at how different they feel after he eats (they start extremely firm then are crazy soft and damn mear floppy after lol). I've pulled him off numerous time now where he'll have dozed off and milk poirs out of his mouth. Hubs is thinking maybe I am not eating enough (which is absolutely true; my appetite has been pretty nonexistent--last time I checked I was down 25 lbs on day 9 i think it was). But what I've read basically said food intake doesn't affect milk quality much, if at all. I am staying hydrated.

Pediatrician is not concerned yet. She agrees it sounds like he is eating plenty and having plenty of wet & poopy diapers. If he's down again (or not gained enough) then I'll see lactation if that's what she recommends. I'll do what I can to avoid having to introduce a bottle so early. I really don't want to mess this up a third time.

Pretty, maybe try and wake him up with a blowy? Always works here :haha:
Gigs I had a similar issue with poppy! Started taking fenugreek and blessed thistle until about 3 months and then ended up with an actual prescription for domperidone but BF for 15 months with that! You can get fenugreek and blessed thistle at health stores it made a huge difference for me! BF is so so challenging in the beginning I’m sorry!!
Gigs - I've tried that in the past and it's been kinda hit and miss. He was laying in a bad position though, so no BD for me. If my opk is still positive today, there's still some hope and I can try again tonight.
Gigs, the baby I am talking about apparently didn't have a bad tongue tie, they weren't even sure if the doctor would snip it... Hope you get your answers for myles!

Pretty, I second either try in the morning or a nice hi and when he turns a blowy always works here ;)

Afm: anyone else seen the meme of 95% of Canada under the polar vortex,. meanwhile our west coast is showing signs of cherry blossoms right now?
We'll, they are calling for snow starting Sunday. Wednesday is supposed to be the worst and of course my mom wants to come up here Thursday. I have told her don't come if it snows. Now they have a new all wheel drive, and my dad thinks his driving skills are the best anyone has ever seen... But one also can't trust other drivers on the road here when it snows . They literally tell you to stay home at 1 inch of snow because people don't know how to drive in snow. Schools close!
Adds more stress knowing my dad wants to drive
Also, me said sex 3x a day is the magic number to make baby come.... Who has time for that?
Pl can they come up a day or two early?

Myles was up from 2:25ish to 5:30 ish zzzzz i tried repeatedly to get him to go back to sleep in his bed but no luck. He kept waking up and yelling for boob. I finally just let him win and sleep on me again. My boobs were like two deflated milk sacks after all that feeding!

On the plus side he did sleep the first 2 hours of the night in his bed so...baby steps? Winning combo was the fleece blanket cover like cb suggested and a velcro swaddle :thumbup:
Gigs, a small win is still a win!
As for parents, the snow is so spread over the forecast, they'd have to drive up 5 days earlier, but then we are on the west coast, so chances are they are full of sh!t anyway....maybe not here "up island"... So it's anyone's guess.

Pacific it feels worse knowing when to go in 2nd time or after. I think my OB is wanting to err on side of caution for me since my labor was 6 hours with first. I definitely knew what active labor/contractions (4cm+) were. It was quite painful and I couldn't have missed it.

People around here are the same with snow. They freak out over an inch and most can't drive worth a flip in that small amount. I'm pretty good as long as no ice or many inches. I do err more on side of cautionwhen pregnant. I don't go to grocery store buying bread and milk just because they are calling for 1 to 3 inches.

Shae always chart most fertile mucus.

Pretty hope you get some BD in today!!

Gigs I'm hoping to make BF work this time as well. Both health benefits and financially.

Yay for small win!! It's a step in the right direction :)

Future how are you feeling?? When is your scan??

AFM lost my mucus plug, at least pretty sure. I wiped and it was about size of palm of my hand clear, EWCM. A few cramps here or there but nothing consistent. Feeling a bit emotional as this is gestational age my waters broke with V.
Fluek, oh no so sorry to read that :( hopefully it's nothing though. One thing by itself (dilation, or losing plug, etc) doesn't mean much, as long as you're not getting regular contractions or waters go. I lost my first bit of plug at 34 weeks. I'd be less inclined to worry since it wasn't bloody.
Flueky, i wouldnt be too worried about mucus plug yet. No contractions yet?
I have a few years of driving experience in snow, and DH even more. So we are confident and have winter tires on even here, but it's the other drivers that worry us. That plus the lack of snow plows that the cities own.

So mw did a gentle sweep, we dtd last night and nothing. When dh left for work this morning he said "call when contractions start", which he hasn't said before. So I reminded him of what's been going on the last 2 weeks, or maybe I haven't fully filled him in? Either way, he should be happy about lots of bd until the 6 week break time starts. :haha:
Gigs yeah I'm not calling or going in unless I get those other signs. Just a bit unnerving with timeline.

Pacific just some really irregular cramping. Yes if your town isn't equipped to deal with snow it makes a big difference. I remember you driving that truck across Canada when you moved years ago. Haha yes have to enjoy sex now before it's off limits for several weeks.
Oh and I forgot to say earlier. MIL seriously asked my husband what he'd do if I went to labor while he was working..... umm... really does that even have to be asked?? Especially with his job, it's not like people will die without him. I'm glad she didn't ask me
Flueky, that's too funny! My response would have been a very sarcastic "ummmm... Leave?!" I am curious to know your hubbys response!
Flukey Hope all is well. It never snows where I live :( but we're out in the sticks.

PL hope you're doing ok

Gigglebox sorry you're so tired... something I have to look forward to I suppose... sigh

I have been gone for a day and I can't keep up with the chatter. well the start of my LMP was 2 Jan 2019. and when I got my bloods taken 2 days ago to confirm the dr said my HCG was 565. so I guess it's a strong little thing.

just got another round of bloods to make sure I'm 100% healthy before we're too far along, it's compulsory here to have a full blood and urine screen test before the pregnancy is too developed.

I live in South Australia in a rural mining town, hence getting kicked out at 8 months. my mum lives in a city with hospitals so I will stay with her 8 months on & SO Will probably join me at 8.5
Flueks I echo everyone else on the mucus plug, you’re probably fine.

Erin wow that’s an awesome number for the hcg! That’s crazy that there’s no nearby hospitals. Sounds quite dangerous. If someone gets hurt, does the ambulance take hours to get them to the hospital? Do they have to come from the hospital or are there local ones? I live in a town that’s a mix of rural and suburban, so we have many of the suburban amenities (Dunkin’ Donuts, McDonald’s, multiple banks, a childcare center, a nursing home) despite being nicknamed cow town by the neighboring towns (yes, we actually have cows). The nearest hospital is probably 15 minutes away, one with a trauma center is 30 minutes.

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