We do have a hospital here and an emergency department which can cover the basics, if it is serious they get flown out by the rural plane, takes about an hour and a half each way. or depending on where the nearest plane is.Flueks I echo everyone else on the mucus plug, you’re probably fine.
Erin wow that’s an awesome number for the hcg! That’s crazy that there’s no nearby hospitals. Sounds quite dangerous. If someone gets hurt, does the ambulance take hours to get them to the hospital? Do they have to come from the hospital or are there local ones? I live in a town that’s a mix of rural and suburban, so we have many of the suburban amenities (Dunkin’ Donuts, McDonald’s, multiple banks, a childcare center, a nursing home) despite being nicknamed cow town by the neighboring towns (yes, we actually have cows). The nearest hospital is probably 15 minutes away, one with a trauma center is 30 minutes.
yeah the HCG was high, trying not to think twins at the moment as I got a line at 8DPO. unless I actually ovulated earlier than I though. SO and I dd every 2 days still even when not TTC been together almost 11 years.