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General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

CB haha you know I was just thinking I might run to the store and grab some wine or Smirnoff ice or something. I should try to get ahead on my homework though... but I can do it drunk, I’ve done discussion posts sitting on the toilet drunk off my butt lol. I’ll just not submit it and proofread it tomorrow lol
Aaaand of course the close lot that was half empty earlier today is back to full, and I’m scared to move my car, cuz it’s a front spot that you can see from the road is empty and also most people check the lot anyway. I’m sitting in my car letting it warm up hoping someone else will leave to give me a little extra chance of there being a spot when I get back. If nobody leaves I might just not go lol

ETA: 2 people left so I went to the store. They had that alcoholic root beer stuff so I got that. Yum.
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have u cracked that root beer stuff open yet? ;)

Lol @ drunk on the toilet :haha:
Gigs thank you. I started out a few lbs lighter this pregnancy. I weigh a little less at this stage as well. I'm not sure how as I've craved chocolate like crazy this time :rofl: DH also likes my longer hair.

CB thank you. I will miss some things, mainly fetal movement. Something amazing about feeling that little baby moving/growing inside you.

:rofl: omg I would have died seeing my car sliding down.

Pacific how's your dog this evening??

Shae sorry for a hectic week next week. I'm sure you will ace it :) yay for ppl leaving so you should get to park in the close lot again.

AFM S is so low tonight. Ugh, I keep feeling like I have to pee, but barely go. Hemmrhoids (sorry) are awful too right now. As I don't think S will be born today as it's almost a new day.... yay for making it to 35 weeks!!

Been trying to get everything ready. Most things are. Need to set up bassinet. Was car seat padding, and wash bottles and nipples just in case I need them.
CB haha yes, and I haven’t eaten since 6 so it’s hitting me a bit faster than expected. I watched the latest episode of Grey’s Anatomy and now I’m not sure what I’ll do. I might rewatch a Disney movie or something. Or maybe I should work on homework... idk, I’m tipsy on the toilet again, I’ll figure it out when I get back to my room maybe.

Flueks yup, I got my same parking spot back!
I agree with the others, you look healthier this pregnancy, though I noticed the difference in your skin actually, and the long hair looks lovely as well. Yay for 35 weeks! Every extra day helps. Good luck with getting everything ready!
Flueky, yay for 35! Keep baking little one! I don't feel like this little one has lowered much, but my mw did say that 2. babies don't necessarily do that until birth..., Some days I definitely feel it lower, but then head is engaged! So who knows

Dog: we kept him fairly calm all day, his limp does not appear as strong as this morning

Cb, you mean you jumped into a rolling car! You got guts girl!!

Shae: have another drink and sleep well ;)
PL I only had 2 drinks and I’m practically drunk, idk how this happened. Someone was showering and playing music and I was bouncing to the beat on the toilet. Whoops. I watched the new Gabriel Iglesias comedy special on Netflix, and now I think it’s time for bed.
Glad the dog’s limp isn’t as bad today.
Sleep well young Shae hehe fx for no hangover:)

Yup had to get in the car whilst sliding slowly eek

Im glad the dog seems better though.

Flueks u nearly 35 wks woop!! Im still havin haemorrhoid issues aswell hun, was hoping being non pg would sort it but no :(
Cb i wish i could have seen that
Ugh damn hemmorhoids...i got them with ds1 &2, ds3 just exacerbated what was already there. Fortunately they don't hurt and kind of deflate/somewhat gonaway after pregnancy...but definitely still there. No issues though...Just unsightly, I imagine. But when isn't a butt hole unsightly?

Fluek :happydance: 35 weeks! Hurray!

Shae your message was surprisingly typo free! I'll echo cb and say i hope you don't have any ill effects from booze this morning.

Blah took 2.5 hours to get Myles to settle for sleep last night. He was fussing pretty bad but it turned out he had wer his diaper again, like immediately after i had changed it a second time. He's very mich like Levin when he was a baby--the slightest amount of pee made him so mad! But i am so thankful i have a baby that fusses with purpose, and it's an easy fix. He's really been a good baby so far.

Still fighting that co sleeper fight though :/ he really can not settle in it though. I set him in it after he was asleep; he waa up and squirming within 3-4 minutes
Flueky - Good job making it to 35 weeks. And I also agree that you're looking good this pregnancy. Definitely like the longer hair and the lighting in the pic could be a contributing factor.

shae - I just watched that Fluffy special too. It was pretty good. "Hey, look, it's the fat and the furious". lol. I hope you got a good night's sleep and aren't hung over today.
Gigs - FX it gets easier to put Myles to sleep soon. Good to hear he's being a good baby otherwise.

PL - Best wishes to your dog for a speedy recovery.

AFM, I did not end up doing it with SO that night cuz he was sleeping in a bad position again. My opk on Thursday was kinda borderline negative, so it looks like Wednesday was my big O day. And this was the series of events during my fertile window...

Fri 25 - CD13 - DTD am
Tue 29 - CD17 - DTD am
Wed 30 - CD18 - O

So, as much as I would've preferred one more session, I guess that's not bad. I know I conceived the last pregnancy on O day, but I know Alex was conceived on CD13/14. So, I guess I'm in my TWW and I'm now 3pdo?

I took pics of several opks together, if anyone is interested.
Your def in the running Pretty with dtd the day before ov’ing :) only takes once.. talking from experience lol

Gigs - Riley was just like that funnily enough, no feed & crying because of wet/poopy nappy & if he went whilst feeding he would stop & moan uhh! I wonder if Myles is just in the newborn cuddly stage still, in the very early 2/3 wks i used to fall asleep alot with Hayden on me so he may of been the same as Myles but now where he goes longer between feeds, im more awake so i put him down, Myles may start snoozing better in a couple wks after big growth spurt.

& yes butt holes aren’t the prettiest thing lol
CB haha thanks, no hangover today. Didn’t expect one as I only had 2 drinks, and I think I’ve only been hungover once, the first time I ever drank I got super nauseous after eating breakfast.
It’s so scary that you got in the car, I think I would’ve let it slide down tbh

Gigs I’ve found that even when I’m drunk I care a lot about fixing my typos. Plus autocorrect is a lifesaver when drunk.
Sorry it took Myles so long to settle, but glad he’s fussing with a purpose like you say.

Pretty haha yes I love Fluffy! “It’s the king of the Mexicans” was one of my favorite parts.
Your timing looks pretty good. I’d love to see the OPK pics!
shae - You'd think George Lopez would be king of the Mexicans, but whatever. lol. Oh, and SO saw (from over my shoulder) the pics of yourself you posted and he said "she's cute".

So, here are my opks, all dry except the bottom one. From the top, CD15, 16, 17, 18 (the one that was blazing positive), and 19.

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Pretty fair point re: George Lopez. Lovely OPK line porn! CD18 is definitely the blazing positive one! Also thanks @ your SO haha, Snapchat filters do come in handy though ;)
Pretty you're definitely in with a chance and have aomw girly and boy timing in there :) fingers crossed!
Dude I don't even know what that means :rofl: fat fingers?

Ok ladies cross your fingers for me! Baby is in the cosleeper and not fussing!
40 minutes in the co sleeper...then a poop :roll: back on my chest I suppose!

I will say I am quite surprised that my former sleeping position on my side now causes some discomfort in my boobs! They are not noticeably larger but man do they feel like it!

In other news, hubby's shop already has an appointment set up and people have expressed interest in setting up appointments and they don't even have an official opening date yet! Everyone is really excited. Obviously we all want it to succeed & this feels like a really promising sign.

I am watching jtv and daydreaming about a time when we'll be out of debt and hubby can actually afford to gift me diamond jewelry :haha: i hate to say it but it's probably my favorite gemstone...
Gigs, just be careful sleeping wrong on the boobs: clogged up milk duct: speaking from experience!
Exciting about the appointment! For some reason I thought they already had opened... I pay good attention, sorry! Brilliant time to throw some paid advertising on social media even without the opening date "coming soon" or "coming in February" ;) DH has done it over the last few months and he can reach thousands with the tip of his fingers at a fraction of the cost of the old fashioned ways (newspaper).
Have you thought about going to work for/with your DH eventually when all kids are in school? Do some admin work, keep the cash in your own pocket rather then pay a stranger...? Just some thoughts, I am bored, still waiting for DH to jump me or some good contractions!

Shae: wait you drank root beer with alcohol in it? Root beer alone more to you ;)
Haven't had a drop of alcohol in probably a year, and can't say I miss it right now. Id probably be drunk on half a glass of wine by now. Out of practice... :haha:
Gigs that’s awesome about the shop! So glad it’s already looking like it’s going to do well!

PL yes, it’s called “Not Your Father’s” rootbeer, it’s 5.9%. It’s technically ale flavored like root beer I think. It doesn’t taste like beer to me (thank god cuz I hate beer), it really tastes like root beer. It’s quite good.

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