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General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Shae I don't know anything about sponsgenon or that significance...explain!

Pl how's the weather? Are your folks coming up soon? Are you going to get hubby to do the deed? Or pity sex as mine calls it lol

In other news...
My SIL had her baby this morning! It was so fast she didn't have tine for any pain relief. He was 7lbs 8oz (one oz shy of Myles). Sadly I can't meet him yet since I'm sick :roll: pics are cute though. I mean he looks like every other swollen newborn in our family right now lol
Gigs there was this huge petition or something to play the sponge bob victory song at the super bowl and they were teasing that they were gonna do it, and then they teased us with a 2 second sponge bob clip and didn’t play the song and went straight into a rapper performing. A lot of people are unamused.
Congrats to your SIL! Sorry you’re sick and can’t see the baby :( super cute pic of Myles!
Hmmm ok I don't know what the victory song is but ok!

PL i am not knowledgeable in football either. Sports in general, really...except disc golf!

I wanted to suggest raun boots with handles for Logan. Have you seen them? They were great for Des. As i said he definitely needed some training to get his shoes on. I think the rain boots were what we started with.
Omg gigs! Such an adorable picture!

We'll, it definitely snowed a lot (for our region), id be willing to bet that most businesses and schools will be closed today. The sun us coming so I doubt it'll be around much longer. L is already asking to go into the snow. Guess I better take him ;) my are still supposed to come up this thursday but weather report is calling for more snow Wednesday.
Good news is: I brought up pitty sex with DH this morning (after we were all up already) and I said "I have given it to you, so it's your turn to give it to me". He laughed, but sounded agreeable!

Shae, I have vivid dreams too. Last night I dreamed that I was being transferred to my brothers school, but it ment my brother had to watch L while I had classes. My brothers teachers would be more linient since they were 2 years closer to graduation.... As a backstory: my brother is that akward uncle who doesn't want to break a child by just holding them :haha:

Pacific happy 39 weeks! Oh and silly husband sex doesn't make a baby go breech. Hope youcan convince him for some action. Glad L had fun in the snow :) I hope V gets anothet opportunity this winter.

CB I had bad hemmrhoids pp. I ended up buying a donut cushion so I wouldn't sit on them or my tear. It was a great investment and packed in my labor bag:haha: yay for a long stretch of sleep.

Pretty day before O is perfect timing. If I had option of day before or day of O. I would choose day before because it gives sperm time to meet egg before the egg starts breaking down. FX!!

Shae yay for no hangover!! Also that sucks about those awful vivid dreams. I often have nightmares and sometimes I'm other people including opposite gender. I had a horrible one the other night that I don't want to discuss on this site. Good luck on your exam!!

Gigs glad Myles is taking steps to sleeping in cosleeper :) and amazing news about hubby's business!!! Oh mit green walls, yuck!! I think in an auto shop it would really bring out every little speck of this or that.

My favorite is pearls then diamonds. My birthstone is a diamond :) also I hate the umbilical cord stump. It takes everything not to scrub it off. I'm a horrible scab picker, pimple popper, sunburnt skin peeler :rofl: yup I'm gross.

Yay for NB nephew!! Sorry you are still ill. I never had mastitis, have things progressed any? Has Myles had his weight check?FX

Erin sorry you are being classified high risk. I suppose silver lining is you aren't diagnosed with these conditions but get extra scans. The glucose test isn't as bad as people make it out to be imo. If you have bad MS I suppose it might be different. I echo gigs that sometimes healthy women develop conditions through no fault of their own.

Your announcement is going to be amazing :) it's nice when people are together for a "different reason".

AFM busy weekend again. It was supposed to be more relaxed, oh well. Had my appt this morning and no changes with cervix so that's good. OB said they won't check again until 39/40 weeks unless I had contractions or requested. I'll probably just wait til something happens as I think it's unnecessary if I don't have symptoms. I had gbs swab. So hoping it's negative but if not it's not the worst thing. Anyone else's office offer another HIV test in 3rd tri?? I signed a paper waiving it as I was tested in 1st tri and I'm in a monogamous marriage.
PL haha glad the pity sex argument seems to have worked! Also good to know I’m not the only one who gets vivid dreams.

Flueks yeah they can be awful, when I remember my dreams vividly they usually are nightmares. I think I may be fertile as well because despite the baby dream being nightmarish it’s making me want a baby anyway :dohh:, and for some reason it’s making me want to breastfeed? :saywhat:
The brain is a wacky organ, I’m telling ya.
Well, Myles only gained 100 grams from his last appointment so i am going to start supplementing with formula. I'm totally heartbroken by this news...crying and having a pity party over here. I can't believe once again I'm failing at breastfeeding and this time everything went "right". I just feel really defeated...it feels like I fail at birth and I fail at nursing, the two things that are supposed to be natural for women. Oh well...not much i can do. He needs some chub though. He is reminding me a lot of Levy when he wasn't gaining weight.

That first bottle is the hardest...feels like defeat. I remember this feeling well from last time.
Gigs I’m so sorry :( you did absolutely everything you could. Try to remember that fed is best, and whatever it takes for little Myles to gain some chub is what’s best for him. Let yourself feel all the feelings, and try to go easy on yourself. Women throughout history have always had trouble with childbirth and nursing, no matter how natural it is.
Gigs, fed is best, I agree with that! A C-section isnt a failed birth, it's just an alternate way. Any birthed baby is a successful birth doesn't matter how. Don't let your brain or heart tell you otherwise where so many other moms will correct you!

He'll Chubb out soon enough!
gigs: adorable photo, hopefully everything goes well. don't feel defeated he will get there :).

Shae: I have vivid dreams when not pregnant so can only imagine the doozies i'm in for now.

Flukey: hope all is well with the tests. I also have to take SEVERAL throughout this whole thing and i've only just started

on the plus side, I feel as though I am bonding a little more every day, and especially talking with SO about the big reveal with the family. they have all confirmed they can make it which is wonderful. I have ordered all of the onesies online and I'm looking for iron on tracing paper so I can start designing each one.
can't wait for another 3 weeks when I get my first scan! then it might feel more real. thank god I have work and onesie decorating to make the time go fast
Gigs I'm so sorry. I know how it feels to "fail" at breastfeeding. It was a horrible feeling and I kept getting all this advice to do this or that. Well I did this and that but it was never enough. I'm hoping that BFing works this time, but if not that it won't be so painful. Formula is not horrible, but I think the whole pro BF is so extreme that it makes you feel like a failure:hugs: also you didn't fail at birth. You gave birth to 3 beautiful boys and it doesn't matter vaginal or CS.

Erin I'm glad you are feeling more bonded now. Once you hear the heartbeat it'll mist likely grow stronger. Then for me finding out gender makes it even more real. Are you finding out or staying team yellow? Waiting for that first appt/scan is torture. Seems once you hit 2nd tri it'll fly by :)
Wow, there was a lot to read between my last post and this one. So, I'll do my best to reply to things I can remember...

Root beer - My dad (as a German man) once described it to some German tourists as "coke with soap." I think it tastes more like coke and mouthwash. Either way, gross.

Umbilical cords - I still have mine from when I was a baby and I recently just got Alex's out of that plastic clamp they put in it. Need to find a small, safe container for it. They're not gross to me. lol

Alcohol - I've had some drink here and there. Even had a couple this weekend, but FX that'll be it for a while.

Gigs - Glad to hear things are going well for DH and the shop. And that Myles slept a little longer in the cosleeper. He looks so sweet. I know how you feel about your "mom fails". I can't really offer advice, but I totally have the same mindset. Congrats to your sister.

shae - I've had some messed up dreams in the past too. Can't remember details though. Hopefully you won't feel shaken for too long.

Flueky - Thanks. And good job keeping S in for longer than V. Still keeping my FX that you'll make it to 37 weeks.

I hope everyone else is doing well.

AFM, I'm only 5dpo, but I got antsy and took a test. Negative, of course. I know I had a squinter at 9dpo last time, so I guess I should probably wait til the weekend to test again. SO and I have been looking up houses online in our area, but until he goes to the bank and talks to his realtors, we're not 100% on what we can afford, so it's just dreaming right now.
Pretty, having purchased twice and hopefully a third time this summer: find a mortgage broker. Don't bother with the bank because they will only give you their rates while looking at your credit score (each look will lower it). A mortgage broker will look once and shop at all the institutions finding you the best "deal". At least that is the case here in bc ;) ours worked a lot harder then the banks ever did to make the first home purchase happen! Been our experience every time. We've gone back to our mortgage broker for advice on home building (loans for that) etc. He's been a fantastic resource so we plan to use him again this summer with the next purchase.
Fyi: MLS and your financial institution has online calculators that should give you a fairly accurate idea of what you need from a financial aspect (income, down payment, etc)

Oh, it's cold outside and our furnace seems to have kicked the bucket somewhat... We can still manually get heat going, but not with the thermostat. Since we are renting, (hopefully onky until more properties come available on the market), we have notified the landlord. Fx for a simple solution soon. Only so much we can do as a tenant... Ugh!
Whew had a lot to catch up on. Spread it across several days so undoubtedly have forgotten a lot, but here goes, and apologies in advance for a monster post...

Pretty - coke with mouthwash sounds about right. Can’t stand it. Please share any future tests, hello!

Gigs - I hear you on the mum fails. I think perhaps rather than having failed at anything, these were just things you really wanted and so of course it feels really sh*t. Will you keep going with BFing and supplementing? Maybe some of the suggestions the other folks here had would help boost supply/quality/whatever, if you wanted to go that route of course. OH, re: diamonds, as I think I said before, I was obsessed too and then overjoyed since I discovered moissanite, coz it’s way cheaper, just as clear/hard/long lasting, and sparklier/throws more rainbows. Maybe put a bug in hubby’s ear that when the business is thriving he can get you a little bling-blang to celebrate your hat-trick. As for cosleeper success, I hope it keeps going well! I have no advice, since my “solution” was to just give in and bedshare for life. To be fair, it had a great effect on my sleep for the first year.

CB - your car story is wild! And did you get much snow? Can’t remember now. I’ve seen pics from friends in Basingstoke and they got soooo much! One friend fashioned a 6-foot snow slide complete with steps for her son, ALL from snow!

Erin - congrats and happy to hear you’re adjusting to the idea of having a baby. The onesie reveal is so awesome. I was never ever a baby person either AT ALL, though always knew I’d love my own. It did take a while to feel that all-consuming love, though. I find parenting a toddler a lot more rewarding (but also more exhausting) than a baby.

Flueks - you’re hanging in there, yay! I can’t rememver if you said, but how’s V feeling about her little sister arriving soon?

PL - I’m so on baby watch for you. I can’t tell you how intrigued I am about the sex (gender lol), whether it’ll all happen quickly, whether you’ll get your vbac, what name you’ll go with etc. Get some pork sword in already!!! There is NO way that baby is turning upside down with such limited space at this stage, esp just from a bit of willy.

Shae - I had something to say about something you said a while back but forgot, so just know I did have something to say that involved you. It was going to be profound, obviously.

Kitty - I think it’s great that you want to switch careers and do something you’ll enjoy more or find more stimulating. It sounds like you’ve got quite a solid plan. While I did do my A levels in the UK, I went straight into working in the financial sector and doing exams for becoming a financial adviser but I hated that. It was all sales, really, which is not my thing. My dad always expected me to go to uni and I always thought I would, so I started feeling like I’d let myself and him down as time kept ticking by. Then I moved to Canada at 22, thankfully did not get hired at the Toronto offices of the investment company I’d been at in London, and then enrolled in an undergraduate program in psychology at 24. I definitely have no regrets about that. Of course I didnt have kids at the time, but I do still have 2-3 years before I finish this PhD and that’s with a Tilly. Money’s tough esp coz where we live is so expensive but DH makes okay money, he works at my uni so my tuition is waived, plus I have scholarships. Do you have ideas about possible careers within those areas of interest you mentioned? Re: psychology, if you’re considering becoming a therapist, there are certainly ways to do it in the UK that don’t take forever or cost an arm and a leg. A friend of mine in the UK went through some counseling training program and I’m fairly sure she’ll have a pretty decent set-up. Kind of wish I’d done the equivalent here rather than literally over 10 years of postsecondary education just to get a doctor title. It has definitely been intellectually stimulating but perhaps a bit overkill.

AFM (coz my above biography wasn’t enough) I realized I hadn’t updated on my friend with preeclampsia. I think I’m gonna repeat a lot so forgive me. So the day I’d seen her in hospital, she’d said she thought it was a huge overreaction that they’d made her stay in hospital (which was one day after she’d discharged herself to go to an important work meeting because she didn’t want to wait for crucial blood results despite ALL the symptoms of preeclampsia being present, and was also the same day she was told her baby had a skip in his heartbeat). Can’t remember if I mentioned, but the docs gave her a steroid shot to boost lung development in case baby had to come early, but she and her hubby refused the second steroid shot (supposed to be two shots 24 hours apart) coz her hubby saw on google that the shot could cause ADHD and other learning difficulties later in life (he’s got major anxiety around health stuff). She asked our friend group’s advice and we all (including our med school friend) said ADHD is far less scary than potential respiratory distress, plus I’d looked fairly extensively on research databases and could find only one study that found a link (small sample, imperfect design yadda yadda yadda) but of course it had hit media at the time and therefore was now appearing to be a solid “thing” for anyone naively googling. Turned out all the docs there basically reassured her of the exact same stuff but they still chose to ignore it. The next day she went really downhill and they finally realized refusing the second shot was a huge mistake, and luckily, previously unbeknownst to them, they could just about sneak the second shot in within a 36-hour max window, so thankfully they did. She was induced the day after that coz she had signs of liver damage, and the poor thing was basically in horrendous pain from even just the cervical checks and foley insertion, so she got an epidural but then was still feeling extreme nausea from the magnesium she was given for the pre. After 36 hours, she wasn’t progressing much and they didn’t think baby could handle waiting for pitocin, so they did a c section. Their little guy was 3.5lbs and my poor friend didn’t even get to see him properly until two days later once she was out of some awful mental fog from the magnesium and the most exhaustion of her life. He’d ended up being born at 33.5 weeks and will stay in NICU for a while (he’s been there almost two weeks already). I feel for them a lot. She broke down when they came home without the baby once she was finally discharged. I can’t even imagine. Makes me realize how lucky I am, and all I did was moan about going overdue. Admittedly the haemorrhage wasn’t much fun, but taken together, it also just highlights how much we all seem to go through when bringing babies into this world.

In other news, we had awfully cold weather last week. We took Tilly to daycare daily (40-min walk each way) in the most intense subzero temperatures. One day is was -35 CELSIUS with windchill. Of course it was the only time we’d left our car seat in a different town so couldn’t even get cab. Anyway we survived. Except now DH has hardcore flu and Tilly just for fever tonight too so I’m just waiting for all of us to be bedridden corpses while trying to look after an equally sick toddler and each other. Fun times.
Gigs hugs. I know that exact shitty feeling. I felt so defective when I had to fortify my breast milk when he didn’t gain weight and was crying 8+ hours a day. I know it sucks a** but fed is best for sure.

Sorry skimming

Pretty gl with that timing!

Shae gl with the studying

Ugh done sorry I’m sick from eating bad food and being sick. A was almost hospitalized today for breathing issues. His oxygen was low but thankfully he responded to the emergency treatment so we went home. He’s been in bed for two hours and woken up three times. Had to get a sub so I’m missing my third staff meeting in a row. Literally only once a month but somehow I missed it each time. Thank god I am permanent. Life is just still kicking my a**
PL - I'll mention that option to SO. He works for a bank (with computers, not money) and he apparently got a bit of a better rate for the mortgage on his condo cuz he's an employee. We also bank with different companies, so I dunno how much of a hassle that's gonna be. 1 bed/1 bath condos in the area seem to be going for around $340K-430K. SO says he has about $170K left to pay on his mortgage, so he could potentially end up with at least $100K and I have about $28K saved, so that's a pretty decent down payment. But, like I said, he's the one that needs to get off his ass and make a few appts.

Jez - Wow, that's so crazy and scary about what your friend went though. Best wishes to her son and FX they get to bring him home soon. And it was pretty frigid here too, hopefully it won't be so cold going forward.

Dobby - Sorry to hear that life is still crap and you and A are under the weather. Wishing you both a speedy recovery.
Jez, so sorry for your friend. I gained a new perspective this pregnancy with the labor scare at 34 weeks and then having a 7lb 9oz baby...i know that is average but with him being nearly 2 pounds less than my last two, he just seemed (seems) so small...i kept thinking about how small he would have been at 34 weeks and felt so sorry for NICU parents. The emotional psin from that must be horrible. I hope they're able to take baby home soon and that your friend suffered no permanent damage. Also i'd wager she was more or less in denial, hence her reluctance to accept help & medical intervention. Glad she got the steroid shots in, hopefully they helped!

Dobs i'm sorry life is still being a bear. Any update on ex SO? Is he finally on top of owed payments?

Pretty i agree we need test pics.

There is some sort of chaos happening outside...not sure if it's an owl or dogs or both...but they won't shut up....and a car drove by then laud on its horn...guessing an animal in the road but who knows.

Formula feeding went ok. He wasn't a huge fan of the bottle but when he was done he actually looked satiated for the first time ever. Tonight was a 4 hour struggle to get him to sleep and i think he actually emptied both boobs. He hadn't done that before. So i ended up giving him an oz of formula then another oz of pumped milk and he again was satiated. I laid him in the cosleeper and he fidgeted for a bit but finally fell asleep!

Maybe I do have a supply issue...? But I've been able to express after feeds so i figured it was a quality issue. Regardless, the plan for now is to both breastfeed and formula feed at least a 2oz bottle a day and then as needed. Next weight check is next Thursday.
4 hours in the cosleeper last night :dance: 'course now he won't nap anywhere but on me :roll:

I want black out curtains

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