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General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Hmmm I don't think I've had a significant amount of alcohol since before i was pregnant with ds2. I get (harmless) heart palpitations that are worse when i drink so I generally avoid it. It's not by choice though...i miss the buzz! But the palpitations give me anxiety even though i know theyvare harmless.

Nope PL not open quite yet. They have some painting to do and some lifts to install and a bit more things to get in working order first. Actually we got in a spat over the interior paint color yesterday :haha: they painted it this light minty green and it's just soooo bad for an auto shop! One owner and his wife love it, one is indifferent, and hubby and i hate it. This battle ain't over!

Anyway I feel like my opinion should have more weight because 1. I've actually been helping with the shop (logo design, sign design, the entire website, etc) where as the other wives haven't done shit. The one wife keeps interjecting her opinions on design and it's driving me nuts.


Yes. I may eventually wofk as the receptionist there. My background is in customer service so it makes sense. Not sure at what point that would happen though.

I will start advertising more when they are closer to opening. Right now i just threw a teaser ad up on Nextdoor which is a website for local neighbors only. It was up less than a day and they got an appointment, two people wanting appointments when they're open, and 2-3 more wanting to be notified when they open. Pretty cool!
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Gigs you probs have mentioned it but is it a Garage/Auto shop? Great news all going well & will be opening soon :) SO is self employed & i help out with typing & doing all invoices for him, he would do them himself & wouldnt pay anyone but im super quick in the laptop.

I cant lay on my sides properly esp when boobs are full, so painful, i was suprised that after a couple of weeks I was able to lay on my side comfortably which was great esp after csection etc.. At least Myles went abit longer in the co-sleeper, progress :thumbup:

Ive never had Root beer? Is it sweet tasting? I like normal beer/lager but not Ale plus Ale (to me) gives me stinky wind Lol! Wine is my drink but only couple glasses here n there. Gigs - drinking white wines give me Palpitations esp the next day, but Red & Rosé wine im fine with, i think its how its filtered.

When i think about it i only got abit tipsy drunk once last year in March as i was pg all year practically!

Pacific when is hubs about so u can get jiggy ;) get those contractions started hehe!

Diamonds & Silvery White gold/Platinum is def my jewellery colour set, so sparkly i love it!

Its just after 8am here atm, Hayden went from 10:40 until 7:20 this morning, boobs were massive so he’s having a loooooong feed lol
Wow nice stretch of sleep cb!!! What an amazing little sleeper you have <3 yes, it's an auto shop that will specialize in European cars. What is it your SO does?

Despite its name, root beer is usually non-alcoholic and is actually quite sweet. It's more like a soda really...something akin to maybe cream soda meets dr pepper...?

Yessss white metals and sparkly diamonds! Winning combo
Ohhh also forgot to say Myles' umbilical stub fell off last diaper change! Those things completely gross me out. His was doing what Des' did, which was just hang there by a shriveled string bit *vomit* so glad it's gone!
No bd... DH thinks that sex can give a small chance of baby going breach which is what L was and we had sex the night before.
So that's why he hasn't jimped me yet..

On the other hand, it's snowing, I don't want my mw or ourselves on the road in that. Ugh!
Gigs definitely fight that paint color. Minty green for an auto shop? Ick. Awesome that the umbilical cord stub fell off, not so awesome about the hanging by a string thing.

CB like Gigs said, root beer isn’t real beer. The kind I got was specifically made alcoholic, it’s not normal root beer. Normal root beer is like a sweet dark soda.
I love diamonds and white gold! I think yellow gold works better with my coloring, but for rings and such white gold is pretty, I just prefer yellow gold near my face. I hope I won’t need to get platinum, it’s so darn expensive but white gold often isn’t nickel free. SO doesn’t want to get the cheap ring I pointed out, he wants to spend more and get something nicer. Good luck to him on that. He also wants to wait to get engaged for another year, year and a half. I said fine, but he’s still got the deadline I set of November 2020 before we changed the wedding date. Deadline isn’t changing too :p I’m slightly needy :haha:

PL sorry about no BD but since it’s snowing it’s probably best to wait, like you said. Never heard of sex causing breach, not sure if that’s a legit thing.
Pacific was L breech then? Did they not find that out until you were in Labour?
Men crack me up, theres no chance this far along that sex will bring on breech lol! But i echo you on the driving in snow with mw to hosp etc..

Yeah Haydens sleep pattern isn’t consistent though, i wish it was ha, i bet hes up alot tonight!

Gigs my SO is a self employed builder/Carpenter, hes done our extension & loft conversion himself, i always recommend him lol! Hes very anal about getting it right & to a angle & if a job cant be done, he’ll find a way lol!

Glad Myles belly plug detached ok, Haydens fell off around 1-2wks aswell, they ick me out aswell! Nualas held in there for 3 bloody wks, gag!

Oh i never knew root beer was non-alc, i love cream soda but not a fan of Dr Pepper, SO loves Dr Pepper with Dissarono
Ewwwwww on the belly raison! Des' hung there for 3-4 weeks before i finally was grossed out enough to plucked it off. That was one of those things no one prepared me for. The soft spot also freaks me out a little but i try to just light pet his head as to not feel it :rofl:

Pl i would remind him that if you had the baby today, he'll have a minimum 6 week wait before he can get his jollies again...

Ok let's talk mastitis! Who has had it? My boob feels like a sore muscle. Does not feel lumpy, is not red, not swollen, no visible signs of swollen duct. But i am feeling undet the weather and have a temp of 102.2f. Myles has a weigh in tomorrow so i'll be asking about myself while i'm there.

I'm really thinking this kid has gained no weight and i'm on my way to formula supplementing *sigh*
Gigs, I have told him that numerous times, but he puts my health fiirst, and an easier labour then last time. Remind me why I love him?? Just kidding!!!!!

Mastitis: fever and extremely sore boob(s). Like can't touch it with the pinky finger. Temperature yes and you'll usually feel quite under the weather. I have been able to avoid meds by having baby use the effected boob more then the other, massage especially during feeding and under a warm shower. The massage hurt like hell as well as the feeds, but I have been able to resolve within a day. Sounds all counter productive especially since it all hurt so bad, but worth it.

Weve been outside playing in the snow twice now and it's only noon ;) L loves it. Takes our big snow shovel and makes paths, even picks up the shovel full of snow, carries it around and makes a random pile of snow. Then the next path... he Hates going inside today! ;)
Oh wow PL it isn't nearly that bad. It's just sore like a sore muscle but closer to the surface. Maybe it's just early stages? Or it is unrelated and i just caught some bug.

Little Logan sounds so cute! I love when kids get focused on weird tasks. Makes me wonder what they're thinking...like why that specific spot for a snow pile? Lol
Awww bless him, lil uns just LOVE the Snow & toddling about in their snow suits hehe! I hope he didnt get too cold :)

Sounds like just a bug Gigs, ive never had Mastitis but my boobs get reeeally sore & tender some days, like on the underside of them? .. i bet Myles has gained weight & you’ll be suprised how much, how old was he when he was weighed last? Was he at his birth weight or just under still? I just did a little googling & it says preemie babies/early babies the gain is lesser.. even if their early by just a couple a weeks!

Pacific bless your hubs, i reckon hes holding out thinking u def go into labour if u jiggy, my SO was convinced with Nuala & Hayden so he wouldnt gimme any in the last 2 weeks - not my overdue wks with Nuala though! You could always give yourself a treat lol that being said, im pretty sure its the hormone in the semen that gets things going..

Oh the soft spot - if u look at it in the light like your looking at the head straight on almost, you can see the pulse in it bobbing up & down .. weird! I was too scared to pull the Belly plug off incase it tore her skin open lol im weird like that
I prefer not to look that close!
He was under his birth weight by about 10oz when he left the hospital and still about the same at 10 days. I hope he's gained but we'll see...i guess it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if he needs supplemental formula. At least I could get help feeding him.
CB, L wasnt in the ideal position for an easy delivery. One if the smaller reasons the obgyn was suggesting C-section. (Main reason was infection and baby's high BP).

Tmi: We'll, I hadn't cleaned up my hoha in a while so attempted tonight, should not have done that without sight :haha: it's now irritated between the lips. baby feels like it's pushing on the cervix too tonight.
I would not ask my parents to drive up tonight if anything happens. It was snowing pretty hard earlier.

Hopefully, for L, the snow will stick for tomorrow. DH promised him he'd get to play in it again tomorrow. Next winter I definitely want to take him for a long weekend of skiing, etc. We do have a gorgeous Alpine Resort not far from us. (Seriously the only one with meters of snow base with ocean views, drive a half hour and you can play golf on green grass in +10c on the same day by the ocean)

Gigs, yay for less weirdness to look at ;) fx Myles will have some weight gain. How long has it been since his last weight in?
As for boobs, sounds like it could be the start of mastitis, probably would not hurt to massage it just in case. The breast is full of milk ducts, I had issues on the sides being a side sleeper but have read that certain bras can be contributing to clogged ducts. (Wires, etc)
Hey ladies! Pre-post disclaimer: I’m not sober right now :haha: I got drunk on alcoholic root beer watching the super bowl.

Gigs I hope it’s not mastitis!

PL hopefully he’ll agree to jiggy when it’s convenient for baby to come, and if not, hopefully baby comes at a good time.

CB yikes that’s scary about the pulsing soft spot, even if it’s normal it’s kinda freaky lol

AFM I had a weird ass dream last night. Multiple actually, SO slept over and I woke up a few times so that may have contributed. I also threw out my temp cuz I kept waking up sweaty and his presence definitely made me hotter.
Anyway, there’s multiple dreams but one super weird one. I’ll briefly summarize the earlier weird ones. I had one where my mom and dad and I had to kill some lady who was apparently my bus driver (played in the dream by Abby Lee Miller) cuz she tried to kill me first. And she let all our cats out and we had to differentiate them from random strays.
I also had a dream where I kept trying to escape this compound and I escaped multiple times but kept getting found and brought back. It sucked.
Final dream that’s been messing with me, more since I’m thinking about it while drunk: I dreamt I realized I was pregnant but not until I started showing, I realized in clinical, and then I went into labor early and found out it was twin boys, but the first boy sadly didn’t survive the birth (oddly enough named Hayden, sorry CB, idky) and the second boy (named Cameron, idky) survived and I was trying to breastfeed him but I was making legit zero milk from either breast and he was getting nothing and it was just really sad and then I went back to clinical not pregnant anymore and told people what happened and it was just shitty and sad. So yeah, it’s messing with me now that I’m inebriated lol. It’s making me want to cry and it was just a stupid nightmare.

I’m frustrated about having to throw out a temp at 16dpo cuz like it’s bad timing to have to throw out a temp. Still getting little bits of EWCM mixed in with creamy CM. Uterus felt a little crampy an hour ago, idky. Feeling super broody again, maybe that’s why the dream is affecting me.

Okay so that super bowl was the most boring game ever, the halftime show was even super boring. Bleh. But my team won, so that’s a success I suppose.

I have a pharm exam tomorrow afternoon that I’m not even close to ready for, then a bunch of homework to do after the exam. I did the stuff due Monday morning today, thank goodness. I have to memorize RBC indices and the differential WBC percentages, and then a bunch of names of medications, and the coagulation cascade. I’m kinda doomed.
Gigs i bet he had lost more than the 10oz after u got home & then started gaining again & just coincidentally be the same weight when he was weighed again, ours get weighed at birth & then 2/3 days later & then again around day 5/7.. if u did feel you need to give formula, you could do formula & bf, Hayden has 3 bottles throughout the 24hrs & the boob in between, hes chubbed right out lol 8 wks today, Let us know how the weighing goes :)

Pacific, fx this birth will be more straight forward for you :thumbup:

Omg Shae your dream about killing the bus driver & she let out all your Cats :rofl: How many Cats we talking here??
Your dreams aound crazy vivid Shae. I really like the name cameron....hmm maybe you're due to ovulate.

Cb he was 2 days then 5 days then 10 days at weigh in. It will be day 16 today.

Is inadequate breast milk a thing? I feel like supply is not my issue but maybe quality is? Like it's not rich enough...

I've been (here and there) pumping out .5-1oz of foremilk before feeding him in hopes he gets more hindmilk. Guess we'll soon see...he certainly doesn't appear to be gaining. Hoping I'm pleasantly surprised!

Still feeling under the weather meh.

PL that resort sounds beautiful! I can't wrap my head around the visual of skiing whilst looking at the ocean. Logan reminds me a lot of Levy -- he would live outside if we let him. 21 months and he know how to get his feet into shoes. Des had to be taught. Yesterday Lev put on his boots and walked up to the door and said "outside! Outside!" Lol
Hey Lovely ladies

sorry I've been out for a few days, been a bit hectic. bean is still hanging on in there. almost 5 weeks now since lmp. just got all of my bloodwork and urine results back and I am 100% healthy which is great, bad news is because my mum had diabetes, preclamsia and a stroke during birth I'm classed as high risk. even though is there is NOTHING wrong with me. so now I need an OGTT test this week and in a few months, double to ultrasounds and double the checks. good news is it's all bulk billed whoo.

we have finally decided on a reveal
we have managed to organise to get all of our close family together (divorced parents and all) and lied (said we were planning our wedding)
right before dinner we are going to hand out "wedding gift basket" ideas but they will actually be bags with little onesies in them personalised for each person there. We will get them to open them all at the same time
Erin that sounds absolutely perfect <3 bonus if you can record it! Yeah that's annoying about additional tests but those things really have no warning signs. The healthiest of people can still get them. But yay for more ultrasounds! Also, they may release you from high risk assessments if you continue to have no signs of anything.

Shae I forgot to comment on super bowl -- i watched up until the very sad half time show was over. I am not a football fan but I usually watch the super bowl. Terrible game, commercials, and half time show.

Evidently it is the lowest scoring game in super bowl history.
Gigs, i am not even going to pretend I know anything about football, we did have it turned on for the commercials and half time show of which we missed half....

As for weight gain, are they using the same scale every time? They could be off from each other too. Also: you look at the him every day, you might not see the growth just because your eyes are constantly on him ;)
21 months and he puts his own shoes on! Holy Crp! L still needs some help, but maybe because his shoes are on the taller side. So for example when he wears his rain suit, it's still a bit big which makes his rubber boots a bit tight to put on. After his failed attempt to put on shoes hell bring me mine with "mama ..oes on, out.ide!"

Erin; sorry about being classed high-risk. They may back track later, but in the meantime enjoy the extra attention and views you get of baby!

Afm: my boobs have started to leak at night.. L is so right"baby out the belly!" Enter a deep sigh here... Or maybe my body is refusing labor until I pack the hospital bag? Definitely should do that today...
CB re: cat dream well I have 5 cats but in the dream I remember one of the cats I had who died a few years ago was there so I’m not sure what the dream number was, exactly. I also remember distinguishing one of the newer cats... I’m just gonna guess about 5, and there was like 1-2 similar looking strays for each cat outside the house. But of course we didn’t stab her with kitchen knives over letting our cat out, she tried to kill me on the bus and then followed me into my house.
*At this time I’d like to remind the FBI that this was a dream and I’m not a murderer.*

Gigs I really hope he’s gained! The only reference to inadequate nutrition from enough milk I can think of off the top of my head is an autobiography I read where the lady was breastfeeding her baby and he wasn’t gaining weight and her neighbor lady said her milk wasn’t nutritious enough or something and the neighbor started breastfeeding him instead and he gained weight. So it’s possible I suppose, but I haven’t asked Mr. Google.
Yeah they were really vivid dreams, but for some reason I don’t remember any of my dreams from last night, and my temp didn’t spike at all. My temps have also been messed up by alcohol Friday and Sunday, and sleeping with SO Saturday night. But I think I still would’ve noticed a spike, whereas I’m getting a weird upward trend instead.
Yeah it was honestly the most boring Super Bowl ever, only one touchdown, lowest scoring ever, halftime show was awful (like compare it to Katy Perry’s crazy show), nobody wanted Adam Levine to take off his shirt, and they teased us with the spongebob thing and just used it to introduce Travis Scott instead of actually playing the victory song like everyone had asked. The AFC championships was actually entertaining to watch, the super bowl was like watching paint dry.

Erin sorry about being classed as high risk. My grandmother had pre-eclampsia only with her first child, my mom was considered low risk but perhaps because it was only with my grandmother’s first of 6 births. Considering your mom had multiple issues it makes sense to do extra monitoring just to be safe, like Gigs said even the healthiest people can get pre-e or gestational diabetes.
Your pregnancy announcement sounds lovely! I hope everyone is super excited and happy!

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