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General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Pretty that’s exciting to be thinking about buying! My only pessimist weigh in is that you should be careful about how your purchase when buying with someone else. My stepdad is so shady about money, so my mom buys everything with him as business partners not domestic partners. Biggest pro being if she dies before him (unlikely but still) that he doesn’t get her half. She dictates where it goes so she can make sure her kids are not screwed over by my stepdad who feels like he needs to leave everything to my stepbrother.

Gigs don’t look at it as quality. Just think of it as calories. For whatever reason, Myles needs more cals than is in your breast milk. Just like we can eat a delicious meal and then still want dessert when you are done. Totally not a quality thing.

I went back and forth on black outs then opted not because daycare is all windows lol. Sometimes I wish I had them for me! :rofl:

He is 3 weeks late on one payment and still no daycare. His excuse is not knowing who to make the check to. Mind you it says specifically check to me mailed to my attorney must be received by this date it’s late with this much interest after this date. Eye roll. So at this moment he owes me over $2k.

Meanwhile I owe
My mom just under 2k
Credit cards just under 37k

And not to get political but someone nameless f*ed up my deductions so instead of getting 9k from my taxes I am getting 2k. Color me unamused.

Meanwhile my union and district are getting nowhere. I’m ready to strike because I can’t leave lol
Pretty good luck with everything. Definitely be careful with buying a home with someone. However, DH and I bought a house together after dating 4 months :rofl: sometimes you know it looks "odd" from the outside but you know it's right. I can definitely relate to that. Oh and I can't wait for you to test this weekend!

Pacific oh no!! I hope the furnace is fixed or that you have some heat source.

Jez she isn't really able to understand. I think it'll go well though. She loves babies. She likes to push her baby dolls in the stroller too. I know things will be different as this baby will take much more of my attention and always be with us but I'm still optimistic. What a wild ride for your friend. Glad she got the 2nd steroid shot. I do hate that her baby is still in NICU. I'm blessed V came home when we did. My SIL asked if I'd talk about premature babies back at end of 2017. I declined because I truly can't fully relate to those parents that had their baby in NICU for days, weeks,
months. Hope you don't get sick.

Dobby sorry for sickness. I'm relieved he wasn't hospitalized. Oh and love our black out curtains in our bedroom. Got them when we bought the house. As for taxes, DHs jobs barely took any federal so it screwed us a bit. We have to pay but could be worse.

Gigs yay for 4 hours of sleep in his cosleeper :happydance: V struggled more with naps than overnight sleep. I remember having to lie beside her as she napped as if not she would wake up. I'm glad he seems to be satiated after feedings now.

AFM GBS came back negative :happydance: I'm feeling pretty crampy this evening. I'm kinda hoping 37 weeks but part of me is like "I'm ready". I suppose it's more of I'm not afraid of what condition she'll be in and getting tired of work at the moment.
Dobs sorry about all the money problems. The tax thing sucks, I’m sadly not surprised :( also sounds like your ex is continuing to prove that he is a POS. I hope he sends the checks he owes you.

Flueks yay for negative! Hopefully she comes at exactly 37 weeks so she’s baked long enough but you can get that break from work (though a baby is also work, of course).

AFM no big temp rise yet, but I saw a tiny bit of blood in my CM today so hopefully I’ll get that rise in the morning. I have to get up early for clinical though, so hoping that won’t affect it too much.
Finally got a round of bd! I had to remind hubby that the mw doesn't want me to go over too far, especially as a vbac! Fingers crossed, legs wide open :haha: sorry bad joke...

Gigs, yay on the 4 hours. Fx you are now on the on and upwards trend!

Dobs, sorry about your troubles still. Any way you will still see that tax money?

Flueky: same here: gbs negative, not that they make a big deal out of it here....

Feel like I am forgetting a bunch...
Hospital bag is backed, sort of: some baby clothes, some for me, hospital provides wipes and diapers, shampoo and shower gel.... Phone charger and toothbrush, hair brush will go in when we go. It sounds too simple, probably forgetting something, but at least we aren't a ferry ride away from home this time around!
PL yay for BD and packed bag! Sounds like you’re ready for baby to come any time now!
Dobs ugh money is such a bitch. We're living off our loan right now which means our debt is at an all time high (as we're using the HELOC to fund the business). It does not feel good having this much debt...hopefully it pays off. Before we had kids we both worked full time and had 20k in savings! The irony is we moved in part to have less financial burden. We ended up putting a lot down on the house and then getting screwed by the contractor...oh well! Anyway here's to hoping ex pays you, including interest.

Pretty My house advice: make sure your names are both on the deed. Maybe that sounds obvious but I recently found out my SIL is not on the deed with BIL so it's caused issues...that said they are married so she is entitled to half anyway.

Hubs & I bought our first house before we were engaged. Pretty much everyone was opposed to it but we figured we could always sell it if we didn't work out. In the end we worked out fine and sold the house for about 90k more than we bought it after about 4 years :thumbup:

Fluek glad your test was negative. Is everything prepared at home for the little lady?

Pl somehow i missed the pic of your deck in the snow. I had to do a double take because i thought it was my deck! They're very similar. If it snows again i'll have to take a comparison shot. Don't forget sone hair ties in that hospital bag! Any labor signs?
Pretty lol at 5dpo testing, we all been there :haha: Fx for that line in few days time! Great news on looking to buy somewhere together though!

Flueks im glad you had no more early labour signs. Im sure V will be ok with new baby, maybe act up a lil more than usual gor attention but if shes generally really good I’m sure she’ll be fine. My friends new baby is 2 wks old & her lil boy is 20 months, hes so loving & gentle with him, kisses the lot, its so sweet <3

Gigs dont beat yourself up re the bf’ing & Milk thing, as long as Myles gets fed & gains is all that counts, i agree with Dobbys analogy of think Calories :thumbup: Also, bf’ing is tough on the body & your doing an ace job, supplementing with a couple of bottles here n there is great & also means if your mega tired or need to do something like Bath, go out gor the eve, another person can do the feed & it gives you a break. :) Ooh & congrats to your SIL & to you on becoming an Aunt! Hope you feel better soon Gigs & then get some new baby pics of the boys together <3 Myles looks toooo cute in his crib!

Lol Pacific.. i hope the jiggy helps bring labour on! I remember with Nuala i told SO i want it hard hahaha seemed to do the trick as i went into labour the next day later afternoon :haha:

Ah Dobs im sorry to hear A was in Hospital, im glad he was discharged ok though, fx he gets lots better real soon, colder months makes them worse i find :hugs: He will eventually grow out of catching every bug & virus thats lurking, Riley caught everything, by 2-3yrs he started getting ill less & less. Your ex SO needs to pull his finger out hus butt & cough up what he owes you, i really feel angry for you!

Jez, congrats to your friend & arrival of new bub, i couldnt imagine leaving Hospital without my baby that mustve been so hard on them :( I hope she recovers quickly from the csection & baby is staying strong!

We had a light sprinkling of Snow but yes Badingstoke got LOADS! I saw some fb pics if friends up there, so jealous haha there was literally loads of it! I hope Tillys temp goes down & hubs feeks better & you dont catch anything!

Urhh I keep getting on/off period like cramps its so rubbish! If i do get one, it should be quite light as im bf’ing still but maybe my body is just practicing it lol!
Good morning ladies, I’m up early for clinical as it’s wednesday. Temp went up 0.32 degrees, so not sure if it’s enough to be O but I think there’s a decent chance it is, I’ll have to see what the next few temps are.
Spunds like it shae, from your other symptoms

Cb you are hilarious.
I'm jealous of your snow! We're having unseasonably warm weather and it's bringing out spring peepers (frogs) and bugs...I hope the frogs make it but as far as bugs, maybe a snow or deep frost will get 'em and keep the bugs down this year!

I hope your period isn't back so soon!

Which gives me a brain chain thought...i am going to miss sex with no pull out :(
Gigs if your still bf’ing & using booby as soothers in between & doing odd formula bottles im sure your period will stay away, i was abit crampy last wk for couple of days & then nothing.. fx none of us get the big ‘P’ :)

On the subject on sex, ive finally managed to do it, only took 8 wks lol! It was very uncomfy more than painful, tbh im highly suprised with SO that he lasted more than 5 mins given how unbelievably tight i am down there atm Lol!
CB yay on sexy time. lots of lube ;)

Gigs, frogs! You are ahead of us :) we are still frozen, which is unbelievable for our area that snow lasts longer then 12 hiurs. Oh well, at least the bears are hybernating. There have been a few mornings where I can hear seals in the far distance....

Afm: I did feel crampy after sexy time last night, baby has been super active most of the night so sleep wasn't that good and then woke up at my usual time of 430am. Nothing at the moment, but I feel like labour is more imminent then last week.. if that makes sense.
Pl is IS more imminent so that does make sense!

Cb on plus side feeling ovulation means i can have safe no pull out sex afterwards :thumbup: but i only trust it if it's strong enough and after a few cycles of testing it so not sure how long it'll be til then :/ hmmm yes maybe lube? I think there's also like estrogen cream or something you can get from ob if it's a dryness thing.

Pretty still early!
Shae hope clinicals go well today :) oh and I'd say you Od today

Pacific yay for finally getting some ;) have to enjoy while you can. My only concern with being gbs positive would be not getting 2 doses of IV antibiotics in before her birth which may result in longer stay for baby. I also have some snacks, breast pads, hairband in my bag. Oh and labor should happen most likely within a week I'd say :)

Gigs that's funny that we both bought a house with our DHs before we were engaged. I just have a few things to wash but I'm pretty much ready for her. I feel so much better that I'll be prepared this time.

We also are very warm, possibly record breaking. I'm enjoying the nice mild temps. Oh and I'm going to miss carefree sex. However, I will give it up over taking bcp, depo, or IUD. I might do bbt eventually or order an ava bracelet to temp/track for me.

CB thanks for extra reassurance. I do think me being in the hospital will be a bit hard on her. She is used to me lying down with her for 15 minutes at bedtime. She doesn't have to be asleep, just wants me there for a bit. My mom is going to stay with her though. Hope that awful AF doesn't come back for a bit. I was 15 weeks pp when mine came and I combifed through 12 weeks. I'm not looking forward to first time pp. We got through it and it got back to normal though.

Pretty hehe another POAS addict. My first faint bfp was 10dpo with IC this time.
Flueky, my mw didn't push the gbs swap... But to be on the safe side, I decided for it ;) no harm in doing the testing.

Lol, our first house we bought as well before we were engaged. I had a lot of worry about it, especially since we were classified as "common law partners". DH at the time had a few financial issues which made it near impossible to be on the mortgage, so we kept him off. It was a bit of a blessing in disguise, because our next home purchase a few years later we financed only on his name and I still have house #1 (we are unable to sell it so far! ) Had we both been on mortgage#1 our budget would not have bought us what we had. House #2 sold last fall, so our next purchase will be again just on dh, mind you: I don't even have any significant income to show at the moment anyway!

Sleep has been bad for me the last few days: I worry that if labor starts late evening ill be too exhausted by the time it's time to push.
Just checked my cervix and it’s like long? Like it’s low and firm but also it’s like it has a neck to it and I’m confused. Anyone ever get that?
PL I’d imagine it’s definitely more imminent. Fingers crossed for a safe and healthy delivery soon!

Pretty you’re still super early, but I totally get the urge to test early, I’ve done it before 9 dpo sooo many times. Hopefully in like 2 days we’ll be seeing a line on your tests!

Flueks I also want to get an Ava bracelet, mostly cuz I wouldn’t have to temp every morning. It says it can’t be used with hormonal birth control but since I still ovulate tbh I think it would still work, but it’s too expensive to take the risk. So when I finally get off all bc and am ready to get pregnant I might get one, if I can spare the cash.
Also it was super warm Monday and Tuesday here as well, it was 60 degrees and yet it was -1 on Thursday! Crazy change! We call it false spring around here. It’s like 30 degrees today.

Kitty hm that’s interesting, it’s odd considering where I am in my cycle but I’m glad it’s happened to other people.
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Gigs - yes loadsa lube was used & will continue to be haha its just tight uncomfy but im sure it will ease up over next few times :) Ive also read about those Estrogen creams, thankyou, def helpful if bf apparently:thumbup: How did Myles sleep last night?

Flueks Nuala likes that before bed aswell, 5 mins cuddle or storybook time while she drinks her Milk & then off she goes, im sure she’ll be fine with your Mum whilst your in Hospital. My pp period with Riley was around 6 months & was mega heavy but Nualas was just slightly heavier than a normal one, just depends i guess..

Pacific does L still nap inbthe daytime? Are u able to have a nap when he does and/or go to bed abit earlier with lotsa wedged pillows & try & relax abit into some zzzZ’s, i had real sh**ty sleep in many wks leadung up to Hayden being born, its awful! Hugs hun! Hoping it wont be too long now, how long will they let u go overdue? (fx u dont)

Pretty you are super early so keep testing hehe

Kitty ;) hows things in the new abode? Are u guys unpacked properly yet..

Shae, ive never felt my cervix so i cant comment hun.. looks like u got a temp shift though! Hope clinicals went ok today :)

Just finished giving Hayden a bottle half hr ago & hes snoring in his baby bouncy chair, off to the basket in a minute i think!

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