General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Erin do you get a scan at the doctor’s? I’m not sure how far along you are. I wouldn’t worry about the spotting and cramping since your recent frer was so crazy dark.

AFM I’m so bloated I look pregnant rn, so that’s fun. I used to get bloated all the time but in the past year or two I haven’t been getting it too bad, and tonight it’s insane. I guess I just ate way too much mashed potatoes (which I do once a week but whatever). I told my sister I looked pregnant from bloating and she was like “that’s a mood” and I sent her a pic with the caption “I don’t think you understand” and she sent back “omg you do, you sure you ain’t pregnant?” :haha: pretty sure if I was I wouldn’t already be bloated, soooo yeah. I look how I did when I was in the hospital for severe constipation and my abdomen was super distended. Yikes.
I am 5 weeks and 3 days as of this morning. the spotting isn't very heavy like I said I only really notice when I check internally. I don't get a scan until 8 weeks, but perhaps if I bring it up again (3rd time) with my dr they might do one sooner
Pretty - wow a 4 hr nap, Nuala would not sleep that night after that lol! Did he sleep ok that night?

Erin - cramps very early on are completely normal hun, its the uterus adjusting & starting to stretch :) re slight spotting its probs sensitive cervix, i had it in later pg & scared me but its caused by hormonal changes, you could poss avoid jiggy to let the lil un settle in if ur worried.. i hope your Drs apt goes well today:)

Pacific - how was the Sweep with mw today?? I have to lie to Nuala to get a nappy change atm, she simply has a meltdown about it! Its just a phase i think but maybe potty training intro soon for them both??! We have a toilet step up & seat insert ready :) fx she gets it as quick as Riley did! If L’s aware of when he poops & pees thats a good start

Michelle - i hope your tiredness passes soon, its even more draining when its baby no2 as your on the go with a toddler aswell :hugs: Tantrums - hmmm possible terrible twos as they say but i notice Z has strawberry blonde hair just like Nuala, she has tantrums over absolutely nothing & i swear its the fiesty ginge in the hair lol! I tend not to get involved with her tantrum & leave her to it & walk away, its mainly attention shes seeking. It annoys her but then she’s fine 5/10 mins later. Girls #eyeroll

Gigs - thats great Myles is settling in between feeds, as he gets bigger & feed more in the coming wks the night sleep stretches will go longer i bet & you’ll start getting a few more hrs zzzZ :) i find if Hayden naps a lil bit after feeds in the day aswell he’ll sleep alot better at nighttime! Wknds hes always rubbish though as Riley not at school, he annoys Nuala & then she screams & then vice-versa urghhhh then Hayden wont sleep in daytime because of noise & so his night sleep is crappy then, pfft!! How are u finding doing the school run or is hubs doing it atm?
Erin on one hand it’s not that great to do early scans of you can avoid it, but it’s not uncommon for a scan between 5-6 weeks if there are cramping and red bleeding concerns. Hopefully you at least leave with serial betas if not a scan or both.

Headache setting in catch up later
Erin ah okay at 5w3d you won’t see a heartbeat or anything so it’s likely better to wait so you don’t stress out more from not seeing it. A scan at 6 weeks should work, if you want to push for one. I agree with Dobs about serial betas. Definitely tell your doctor about the spotting and cramping, just so they know it’s happening.

Dobs boo for headache
Pretty hm I don’t see anything pink yet, but fx’d for tomorrow!

Got my crosshairs today! It’s good to confirm that I’m consistently getting a tiny amount of spotting on O day the past few cycles, I was pretty sure that’s what it was but the temping confirms it. I haven’t felt ovulation pain except for my first cycle off bcp’s, which I think is because I hadn’t ovulated in 4 months and my ovaries were going nuts. Feeling a bit nauseous this morning (still in bed, just woke up and temped) but it’s probably because I didn’t get enough sleep or something.
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Cb my mom is staying with us until the end of the month so she's been doing school runs. Basically I've been exclusively taking care of Myles because he was nursing constantly, then my mom got a cold and can't handle him, and hubs has been at the new business nearly every day. I've barely seen him this week.

I am getting increasingly anxious about handling these three kids by myself...

Pretty not seeing it yet but my personal belief is 10dpo is "THE" testing day.

Erin the wait will be worth it for the scan. It's the difference between a black spot on the screen with maybe a circle and an actual blob with a beattheart you can see and hear. Three weeks goes by quick.

First lesson in pregnancy: pregnancy is all about waiting. It's just incremental waiting. Beta. The next beta. First scan. 12 week scan. Anatomy scan. Appointments. Tests. Cervical checks. And eventually, baby's arrival!
Dobby pretty insane about the weather there. I think we swapped weather, but I enjoyed the warmth.

Erin yay for onesies arriving. I would stop checking internally if it's causing spotting. It'll just cause unneeded anxiety. Spotting can be very common after internal exams and sex. As long as you aren't having strong cramps and heavy bleeding should be okay. I also think scans before 6 weeks are generally a bad idea because it's too early for heartbeat. If you are off even a couple days it can cause unnecessary worry due to "measuring behind, no heartbeat, etc" when embryo is developing as it should. However you do what makes you feel best, I just wanted to throw out it may cause more worry than relief.

Gigs glad he's sleeping decently. I'm also glad you have help for the month. Hope she gets better soon though. That's great your mom is able to do that. Hopefully Des can help with Lev (keep him entertained) once she's gone.

Michelle 1st tri exhaustion was very rough. As for tantrums very normal at her age. I try to either redirect or ignore as long as she is safe. I also try to explain why she can't do this or that. Don't coddle or give in as it reinforces their negative behavior to get what they want. V is throwing less tantrums but is the worst if hungry or sleepy. Diaper changes are often a challenge, I try to give her something to occupy her to help.

Shae how did your exam go?? I think one of my fav clinical experiences was getting to cardiovert someone. It was pretty simple. I pressed the button to deliver the shock and it would shock at right time. Pretty neat, but hope I never have it done on me.

Pacific I'm kinda hoping to start potty training at end of my leave but will just depend on Vs readiness. Not sure she will be ready. Any signs of labor since the sweep??

Pretty not seeing a line yet but my IC at 9dpo was bfn. I thought maybe a ghosty squinter so I tested that afternoon for frer bfp that was fairly faint. I think I implanted early though.

AFM feeling okay. More pressure in pelvis and crampy intermittently. Still increased discharge. Trying to tie some loose ends up at work so I'll have things organized for whomever does my role while I'm away. If she's not made her appearance by end of the month I'm considering starting my leave on the 3rd of March. Get a small bit of time to "relax".

V is doing really well. Sometimes I feel guilty to take away her only child status from her so young. She was really cute yesterday and told Mocha "No" and pointed at her while holding a cracker. Poor girl gets some treats taken from Mocha and gets her all upset.
Gigs hopefully you’ll see a bit more of your DH soon and your mom will get over the cold quickly so you’re not dealing with the kids all alone.

Flueks I think it went well. I got a 94 on my pathopharmacology exam Monday, not sure when I’ll get my grade back for the med-surg exam I took yesterday. I’m expecting something in the 80s.
Sorry about the cramping and pressure, that can’t be pleasant.

Someone is covering my shift at work study today so I can get home earlier because it’s my mom’s birthday! My dad ordered a cake for her and we’re going to Teppanyaki/hibachi for dinner (at her request). I was gonna make the cake myself but my dad had already ordered one when I mentioned it, so oh well. It’ll be much more aesthetically pleasing than mine would’ve been :haha:
Thanks everyone, I have stopped checking internally and just see if anything happens when I wipe in the loo. I notice that when I lay down and watch something the cramps subside or when I am distracted. I noticed I spot more when I'm moving around as I didn't have anything in loo this morning but after doing a light house clean there it was.
it was so frustrating in dr yesterday. she told me that the cramping with spotting wasnt that normal and that I should get a scan (mind you that is 3 hours away) this weekend, then she went and spoke to another dr and came in 5 mins later and said the spotting can be normal and to just wait and see and that 8/10 women have spotting and have healthy pregnancies. then she tells me to not worry about the scan. I also read online that 5 weeks cramps are common due to things stretching. I wouldn't say most of the cramps are that bad just annoying and only 1 or 2 every couple of days are a bit more painful. but this honestly didn't reassure me at all in fact it left me even more confused... she did order a HCG test for monday and wednesday though so will wait and see if it's multiplying. sorry for the rant but geesh talk about a whirlwind in emotions
:hi: everyone! I'm still alive, just took a MUCH need few months break from LTTTC chatting:blush:
I have been VERY busy working on my youtube stuff, videos, editing is an alllllll day and night thing daily, and I just started a 2nd one, and tik tok :wacko:
Hoping to bump things up to earn $$ from it now.
Quick update on me:
never stopped TTC, broke up with my last BF- too far away and overly dramatic :roll:
Annnnd, if you've seen the latest vids, me and exhubs are trying to give it a go again.
We are actively still TTC at our ripe old ages :haha:
and plan to get some Clomid again in the near future.
I'm in cycle 59 :growlmad:....hoping things worked out for this cycle as I think it would be very cool having a 3rd generation Scorpio baby:cloud9:
:-k ....welll either that or it will be the spawn of satan :rofl:
Mom and I are both scorps and I would be due around Oct 29th:thumbup:
Otherwise, mom is still cray cray, DS's dad is still and arse, and I'm still groovy \\:D/\\:D/lol
Missed you ladies!<3
Just posting this morning's test. Looks negative to me. 7dpo.

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Pretty not sure if I was still posting when you came on board:haha:
but I am the line eyed ole lady of the board hehe
I can see a hint of a shadow where the test line should be, assuming the test was still wet in the pic, but can't see pink yet.
Hope it become a BFP for ya!

:hi: Shae! Glad you are still tackling school! Proud of ya!
J ahhhhhhh :) its so nice to hear/read from you hehe! We been wondering how you are <3
Pretty I see a shadow too but my screen is cracked af lol so take that with a grain of salt

J good to get an update! Are you and ex hubs trying again for a baby or the whole everything?

Shae yay for O! And for getting to go home! Hf celebrating

Fluek that is awesome how she is protecting her snack hehe. Enjoy the warmth!

Gigs you somehow will figure it out in the moment. You got this!

Erin glad you got blood work ordered!

Afm nothing new lol
Cant see anything as yet Pretty but hang in there ;)

Flueks yeah do it, go on Mat leave early March & give yourself a wee bit of relaxy time, you work hard & your bod needs it before baby girl arrives :)

Gigs thats nice of your Mum to help with school runs etc.. honestly having 3, i have lost my sh*t a few times with Riley & Nuala & its mainly on the wknd, they’re hyped up, he annoys her, she screams like a Seagull (ffs) makes lotsa noise, baby wakes up arghhh but school days, the younger 2 at home only is fine, you’ll rock it hun, i was mega anxious about it & managing school run with feeding times in the morning etc but its not that bad as we interpret,.. hope your mums cold goes away soon for her, are you feeling lots better now? Less boob pain?
J thanks! I’ve survived so far lol

Dobs thanks, we had a lovely dinner and my mom is very happy.
Shae that's great about Monday's exam and someone covering your work study today. Enjoy your mom's birthday :)

Erin I agree with what she said after consulting with another dr. Sorry she gave mixed messages. Is she new?? Betas would better ease your mind than a scan at 5 weeks. So glad they are doing them next week.

J welcome back!! Also curious if you two are just ttc again or more. :haha: sorry I'm being nosey. Your cycle looks like it has been insanely long. Are they getting more irregular??

Cb I would do earlier but maternity leave sucks in US. I will brag that oddly enough TN has 16 weeks of leave vs only 12 by federal laws. I really loved having all my leave with V, but in some ways a few days of rest would be nice. One nice thing is I shouldn't be looking for a sitter this time while I'm off. Ugh, it broke my heart last time.
Just checked my cervix and it’s like long? Like it’s low and firm but also it’s like it has a neck to it and I’m confused. Anyone ever get that?

Yup Shae, totally normal:thumbup:
it sits "in" the vag canal when low, and even when up high usually you can kinda run a fingertip around it. You're good!
J! Been wondering where you are! Glad to hear you back, hope long term!?

Erin, since doctor was so wishy washy id take it all with a grain of salt, was she young and inexperienced? She's probably never been pregnant herself, a lot of times us "mom's" or "TTC mom's" know more about these things then the professionals :haha:

Shae, wow, that's a mark on your test! You are passing this whole program with flying colours!

Afm, mw was by yesterday, sweep: did nothing.. gahh!!! Although head was nice and low, cervix felt riper then a few days earlier, but she figured at least a few more days. Weve seen so much snow (for our area) and it's still coming down, mw found out the hard way that her new car does not have all wheel or 4x4 drive, so we agreed to judge situation over the phone and meet at the hospital should anything happen over the weekend. (She lives much closer to the hospital, we are probably 40 minutes away from her, she drives by the H within 10 minutes.)
And somehow I have a knack for getting her to open up about information that she hasn't shared with anyone in years when it comes to "dirty tasks" to induce labor :haha: we had such a good laugh!

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