General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Gigs- Like you, I would have freaked the frick out. Thank goodness he's okay! Phew. Kids keep us on our toes, I tell ya!

PL- I'm baby stalking youuuuuuuuuu.

Pretty- I'm gonna be a Debbie Downer, and tell you that I don't think I'd take that line too seriously as a BFP. FRER's have given me weird almost pinky evap lines well after the testing window, and I was most definitely not pregnant those times. But, I will tell you that with my youngest, I only got the slightest hint of a line at 12 or 13 dpo, and at 15 dpo, my hcg was only like 49 or something. By day 17, it jumped up to 120 (I think), but honestly, unlike my other pregnancies, I didn't get a good line on an FRER until I was at least 16 or 17 dpo. They were definite squinters before that. My first dark FRER with my first baby was on 11 dpo, and with my second, it was 9 dpo. But with my little stinker...she kept me hangin', as she could be classified as a "slow starter." So, keep testing. You're NOT out!

Shae- Char does has more going on then just a reaction from the MMR vaccine, yes. She also seems to have a cold-type virus in top of the side effects from the shots, and as of last week, she FINALLY cut her first tooth, and that's been giving us hell, too. She's a delayed teether, and as a young toddler, it's making things tougher than if she could have just slept it off like a younger baby can. The only reason that fever got anywhere NEAR 104, is because Daddy stayed home with her, and wasn't monitoring it. So by the time I came home, I felt how hot she was, took a quick temp, drew a lukewarm bath, and got a dose of Tylenol into her. Ugh. My DH is a great dad, but a nurse he is NOT. She's been in the 99-101F range since, and she's been pretty active. We're going to bypass a doctor's visit, as he would just tell us it's viral and a vaccine reaction, and there's nothing we can do. I'll change my mind if I start seeing chest retractions, or a dry barky cough, but right now we can ride it out at home.

It's snowing AGAIN. H & O went to church with their dad. I hope O behaves himself. He has been very stinkin' naughty the past couple of days. Like to the point where I am ready to snap out on him completely, and I have to collect myself, shut myself in my bedroom for a few moments, mutter some cuss words under my breath, and then come back out to deal with him. Ugh. He is definitely my tough kid. God grant me the serenity, seriously.
Wookie ah okay if she’s active again then I understand bypassing the doctor’s visit, I’d only be worried with continued lethargy that isn’t improving. I’m glad you were able to get the temperature down with Tylenol and the lukewarm bath, sounds like she’ll be just fine. Sorry Oscar has been difficult lately, it must be crazy frustrating.
Gigs - Wow. Glad Des is ok. Are you gonna call your Dr? A stitch in time saves 9. lol, sorry.

We actualy had a bit of a scary incident ourselves on Friday. We were leaving a restaurant and SO had sat Alex on a counter/ledge at least a metre (probably a little more so) high to zipper up his sweater. For whatever reason, he turned away for a second, and next thing I know, Alex is on floor. He fell head first onto one of those anti-slip mats. That actually probably saved him from being hurt worse. We kept an eye on him for the rest of the night, to check for a concussion, but he seemed ok. He just has a pretty noticeable cut on his head and the side of his nose.

Thanks for the input on my test, everyone. I did another and between it being an IC and SMU, I figured it would be a super squinter. I'll just keep testing every morning and let you know how things go.

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Pretty oh no poor Alex! I’m glad he seems to be okay, hope those cuts heal quickly.
Re: the IC... that’s no squinter. As long as that was in the time limit, I’m calling BFP.
Gigs, omg how scary is that! Good thing for poison control being a good resource to call any time of day!

Pretty, yikes, that's a good mark on his head but good thing for that mat... Glad it wasn't more then a bruise/cut, nothing a hug and a kiss from mommy and maybe a cookie can't fix ;)

Afm, still had more snot coming out of my hoo-ha, af Type cramps picked up again this morning.
We also did not bd since before the plug was starting to come out.. I just wasn't sure if that is an invitation to infection (since that was the reason for C-section last time I am hesitant), anyway: told DH I am ready for more cervix juice tonight :haha:
Aww pretty that sucks. A falls at daycare all the time they don’t even call me now lol. On his last sheet I laughed cuz it said / treatment given: iced then lots of hugs and love

Def not a squinter! I see it without clicking!

Pl hope that jiffy juice tonight is that last push to get things really moving so exciting!
Lol pretty i think "protein shake" is going to be my new term for splooge. Yikes his poor head! Is it also a rubber burn? Glad he's smiling. Is that test pic altered with a filter? I don't trust filters on pics but i will say i see that line clear as day...

Pl how are those contractions going?

Wook garrrrg i hate when kids get sassy! Hope it's a phase he soon exists.

Dobby lol hugs hahaha yeah all my boys were chronic head bumpers. Levin still face plants daily.

Here's one of the pics going on Myles' announcement <3 also my avatar pic.

Re: euphemisms for :spermy: I just discovered “baby batter” :haha: funny but also kinda grosses me out.

Gigs oh my goodness your little family is adorable! The boys are so handsome, and Lev looks so big now!
Omg a Pretty ahhhhh thats a definate positive on the IC & it’s darker on the Frer as they more sensitive! More test pics please hehe Congratuals <3 I hope Alex is ok bless him.. thats quite a bump & fall..

Pacific eeeeep on Labour watch girly yay!! Fx this is it chick!

Gigs, awww lovely piccy of new baby nephew & Myles <3 uber cuteness right there! Oh Gosh how freaking scary about Des & medicine :shock: i hope all is still ok with him, im calm & then always s**t myself after in a horrid panic! Im sure he wouldn’t of given Lev any.

Im always super paranoid about giving too much medicine in the time period, although my nurse at the Drs surgery said they are the safer limits on the bottle for children & if they ‘accidentally’ ingested abit more, its usually ok & yes always seek medical help out of caution. I thought i gave Riley 2 lots of Paracetamol (Tylenol) 2 hrs apart, shat myself quite frankly!

Shae, omg Baby batter Haha!!

Wookie, hi :) ahh i hope your lil uns feel much better real soon :hugs:

Dobby Lol at the daycares re to bumping his head! Riley was also a terrible head bumper, he even now says things like i fell over & i need a cold compress lol
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Omg me too! Thought Des was double dosed one time when hibs and I didn't communicate about when we last gave it and I was terrified!

Thanks ladies, I'm quite smitten with all my boys <3

I think I'm done with babies though. Did I say this already? It's just that I think I'm done having boys. If I was guaranteed a girl as #4 I might consider it but as it stands I am good. I can see myself changing my mind later though...I really do love ttc and being pregnant.

Not writing it off yet though...

Speaking of large families I wonder what ever happened to M&S?

La dee da...just waiting now for PL update and Pretty tests...
Gigs yeah I really hope M&S is okay, especially since she was struggling with mental health.

I am also waiting for PL update and Pretty tests :haha:
Nada new here.. L is having a melt down. He's tired, refused dinner, he wants cookies for dinner.
Still snowing, wondering if that means my mw will actually hold her clinic in town tomorrow if it snows through the night.
I like the drama of ttc lol like I enjoy fixating and planning so tempting and poas is like a high for me haha

I also just realized I want to marry myself :rock: I want a wedding and the experience but not actually get married to anybody. I was joking to my friend that I want to go try on dresses since I still have my wedding ring and instead of talking sense into me she was like i’m Going with you!!!! :rofl:

Gigs love the pic! Lev is so big now!!! And Des totally has your face. And Myles is so cute!

Cb awww that’s so cute I need a cold compress
Phone flipping out bbl
Hi ladies! I've missed you all. I'm horrible at keeping up.

Gigs- your family is gorgeous. All three look so much alike too!

Pretty- as long as there's no filter on the IC pic I would say that's for sure positive!! Congrats!

My life update: I'm officially 20 weeks and my anatomy scan is tomorrow! We still don't know the sex and we aren't going to find out. Boys and I are all sick so that's fun. DH got home 2 weeks ago so he was gone 3 months total. Almost the whole. First half of my pregnancy. But I'm only sometimes nauseous now, so that's good.
Okay it's 6pm and I'm ready for bed already.
Pacific thats interesting. Hope your labor kicks off soon and have a successful vbac!!

Wookie hope everyone is feeling better tonight.

Gigs oh wow that is terrifying!! Glad he is okay. Also, I would call OB about your dehiscence. I have had a couple of pp patients due to infected wound from CS. I'd also keep covered with a clean bandage if it's open at all. I love your announcement photo!! A bunch of beautiful boys :) I'm also thinking my family will be complete with S's arrival. I am leaving things open in case I change my mind though.

I also wonder about M&S

Pretty I'm so glad he's okay. It's scary what can happen in a split second. I see that on IC without zooming in. I'm calling bfp :)

Dobby :haha: that would be fun trying on all those pretty dresses :) also agree ttc can be enjoyable with all the obsessing and planning. I just need to use that same energy towards nfp :rofl:

Greenie I'm so happy to hear from you. I've been wondering how you were!! Sorry fatigue is still kicking your butt. I'm glad DH is back.

AFM been a little busy again this weekend. Yesterday I had cramping around every 10 minutes for 5 hours. Just random cramps today though. I have an appt tomorrow and will just mention it.
Hi Green!

Gigs, how scary with Des, I’m glad everything was ok.

Pretty, I definitely see all those lines!

PL, I can’t beleive you’re sooo close!

I have my first OB appt tomorrow. Keeping my fingers crossed we see a healthy baby and a heartbeat.
Dobs yes ong it is a true addiction, really (ttc). I know we joke about being a poas addict but whennyou hide it from everyone and compulsively spend money on wayyyy too many sticks well...what else is it, if not an addiction?

Also Lev totally ate it in the tub last night and bruised his face. The excitement never ends over here!

Green can't believe you're half way done! Y'all are killing me with this not finding out gender stuff. You are actually the same gestation as my close friend and she is also waiting to find out -.-

Mich good luck with your appointment! Share pics if you can!

Fluek hopefully all your contractions mean nothing but if they turn into something you're so far and so close to 37 weeks! Are you feeling "over" pregnancy at this point?

Pl did ya get your protein shake? ;)
Dobs I totally agree with the high of testing. I think I have a bit of a fixation/obsession with my cycles and stuff, even though I’m not TTC. Whoops. I wouldn’t call it an addiction though (like Gigs mentioned hoarding tests and keeping it secret being an addiction, which I agree with) because it doesn’t affect my life really. I do have a stash of tests but I don’t test every month and I don’t spend crazy amounts of money on tests (I buy one 25 pack of ICs and then replace it when they expire years later). So I’d say I have a fixation/obsession but not an addiction.
You should totally marry yourself :haha: but like, wedding dress shopping sounds like so much fun. I would love to go wedding dress shopping ASAP, but I’m young looking (guy at hibachi for mom’s dinner thought I was 15) so they would assume I’m just playing dress up unless I had a ring. And while SO and I are unofficially engaged in that we’ve agreed we want to get married and the plan is to get married, we’re not official with the ring yet. So I’d probably get shooed out. Anyway, you should def go try on dresses for the fun of it with your friend, it sounds super fun.

Green glad to hear all is going well! Sorry your DH had to be away for so long for work, that’s a crazy long time to be away while you’re pregnant with twins at home. You’re super mom, honestly. I’m glad he’s back home with you. I’m excited for your scan, will you be sharing pics?

Flueks you’re nearly to 37 weeks, just a few more days! That’s so awesome!

Michelle fx’d/prayers/thoughts/vibes for a strong heartbeat and everything looking perfect!

Gigs I forgot the meaning of “protein shake” for a moment there and was really confused :haha:

AFM temp has been going up every day but the past 2 temps are questionable, Saturday is faked to be between the legit Friday and sundays temps because I forgot to set out my thermometer, and I was sleeping at home in a warmer room than usual for the Sunday temp. My dorm room is pretty cold. Even so, I think my temp would still be high. I just don’t know if it’s legit that it’s going up every single day rather than rising and staying at that level.

SO’s birthday is on Tuesday and I just found out we’re supposed to get a snow storm on Tuesday both at my college and back home. I was gonna drive home Monday night, spend Tuesday with him, drive back to college Tuesday night for clinical the next morning. The storm is Tuesday afternoon to Wednesday morning. So I just texted him that I don’t think I’ll be able to come home for his birthday and he’s asleep rn so I don’t expect an answer for a while but I know he’s gonna be upset. Not at me, just in general.

Okay I have class in the morning and it’s nearly 3:45 am so I gotta end this post. See y’all in the morning!
Gigs i forgot to say the pic of your 3 lovely lil dudes is sooo cute, such handsome lil babes <3

I had the same on the one end of the csection scar where they sew the corner up, my stitch came out in the shower & the lil skin flap revealed a lil bit if flesh but it wasnt infected, another 2 wks later of keeping it covered over with my big granny pants & it healed up & stuck back together, im sure yours be fine soon hun!

MrsG hope you & your lovely Boys are all fine & they had a nice birthday! Wow 20wks :) Hope your Scan today goes well, im sure it will, cant believe we gotta wait another 20wks to find out the Sex ha!

Michelle i hope your apt goes well aswell & fx for a cute lil bean growing strong & you get a scan & piccy :)

Flueks keep us posted aswell

Pacific any news? Lol

Lotsa baby watching atm hehe!

Urgh so Riley was sick in the night & is full of a viral cold lurgy, hes proper awful & loojs washed out bless him! Lotsa meds & sofa rest today, although Nuala being loud is keeping the baby awake arhhhhh!!!!
Shae wait until youottc, you'll be s proper addict then :thumbup: :haha:

Dobs I soooo didn't embrace wedding dress shopping like I should have. I was too chunky and hard on myself at the time. I'm actually the same weight right now as I was when I got married I think! Hubby and I agreed when we're both down to our ideal weights we're going to go to one of those fancy clothes rental places, rent whatever we feel most awesome in, and have a couple's photo shoot done. Of course we had that conversation years ago so not sure if he remembers that plan.......

Alternatively maybe we could do a proper vow renewal in two years (10 year wedding anniversary) if this business takes off, then I can go proper wedding dress shopping! Ahhhh I love wedding dresses!

Cb sorry about Riley! Poor guy, hope all that ivk gets out of your house quickly. I've had a look at the stitch and it is closing up on its own, not really sore anymore either :thumbup:

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