General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

PL eek I’m so excited! Cannot. Wait. To. Find. Out. Sex.

Shae I’m sure you’re not preg but I appreciate the thought often comes up! It would certainly be a plot twist if you are. I’d be lying if I said a tiny part of me didn’t also hope you are each time you go through this.

Gigs how scary with the meds. I’m going to heed your warning. Child lock meds seem to be okay but vitamins are easily accessible and also can be bad in excess. DH accidentally took twice the amount of magnesium the other day and freaked out hard, called poison control. Yes he has health related anxiety. I was also just thinking the same thing re: access to things like cleaning chemicals and whatnot. I trust Tilly now but you never really know.

Dobs Defo do the wedding dress shopping! Whatever happened to that friend of yours who you were thinking of getting together with btw?

Pretty congrats! I’d say you’re pretty fertile!

Flueks I think you’ll make it past 37 weeks no prob! Just an unfounded hunch of course.

J glad you’re doing well! Stick around this time!

Green wow 20 weeks AND team yellow. I feel team yellow is getting more and more common. Oh and I agree you’re a hero for handling twins singlehandedly for three months. There’s not a week that goes by that I don’t reflect on how much admiration I have for people parenting alone, let alone with multiples.

CB sorry to hear Riley’s sick :( I always wonder how parents of multiple kids do it when one or more child is sick.

Wooks ditto on sickness. Your poor wee ones. I can definitely relate, though only with one child! Sympathy too on dealing with O. I’m bet you handle things with way more compassion and patience than most. I am definitely not patient a lot of the time.

Speaking of sickness, I can’t remember if I said Tilly’s toddler room at daycare ended up going into “outbreak mode” last Friday coz there’s been four separate cases of vomiting in the same day. I’d been freaked out two weeks prior to that with multiple vomiting cases but luckily Tilly didn’t get sick. But it seemed to be vomitfest last week. As it happens, Tilly was home with flu so wasn’t exposed to it THANK GOD, because norovirus really is my worst nightmare, but now I’m terrified of her going back there on Wednesday. They did a thorough cleaning, they claim, but I know that this virus can live on stuff for a long-ass time. I’ve been obsessively googling things about the virus and even research articles on whether it’s possible to be resistant to it (it is, but depends on strain) and hoping that coz hubby and I aren’t vomity people in general that’s she’s inherited similar genes. Wishful thinking of course, since everyone tells me that ALL daycare/preschool kids get a vomiting bug at least once a year.

If anyone wants to swoop in with some contrary anecdote, please, take the stage...
Jez haha yeah I’m pretty sure I won’t be pregnant, like every other time, but I always wonder. And I admit more than a tiny part of me wants me to be pregnant. It’s awful timing and it would really mess things up, but I just desperately want a baby anyway. It’s annoying. I thought about how it would work and basically I’d either have to take a year off or I’d literally give birth in the middle of a semester and have to be back in class in days, and the baby would be with my parents or something for the first 6 weeks (we can have babies in a certain dorm building once they’re 6 weeks). That’s not what I want, I want to spend that time with my baby. So it would be really horrible awful timing. But I always have that part of me that wants it anyway. Ugh.
No clue on vomiting bugs in kids. I was always sick as a kid, but only mildly, not anything severe. I’m sure I got the occasional stomach bug though.
Fluek glad to hear your contractions are unconcering. Not long now! Forgot if you mentioned but what's your nursery situation? Will the girls share a room?

Green glad to hear all is looking well! To answer your question the c/s wass just as shitty initially--still rather painful--but i feel like i was on my feet a bit sooner. The experience in the OR was also much better...i guess because i was actually fully conscious this time lol. I did not end up with my first choice of doctor but i think i ended up with the best one for me. She was very nice and a good surgeon and we were actually joking back and forth during surgery (i was asking her to doba little "nip/tuck" while she was down there).

Jez i have nothing reassuring to say except since she already had the flu, hopefully she won't get a bug so soon. Purely anecdotal but i find when my kids catch one thing they seem to be good for awhile after despite what else is making its rounds. Maybe because white cell count is already up? Who knows...
Good morning, ladies. I'm so sorry I haven't been replying to everyone's posts. After work, I'm usually busy making dinner, eating dinner, and putting Alex to sleep, but I've generally been falling asleep with him. Will really try to get back to everything tonight.

Here are 11, 12, and 13dpo. Newest at the bottom. Does that progression look ok? Maybe my hcg levels are doubling slowly?

IMG_20190212_0704232.jpg IMG_20190212_0704445.jpg
I see progression but i'm not familiar with these tests. As a general rule of thumb I don't use cheapies for progression.
I see progression also. Remember to look between two days. I think having the one in between makes it look slow, but when you just compare top to bottom (esp on the invert) then you see it.

Pl excited for you!!!

Green I love your resolve going yellow this time!

Michelle glad your appointment went well!

Shae I agree I know you want it so part of me is also pulling for it. But I also want you have everything you want pre baby because that’s nice too. So win either way hehe

Jez it’s outbreak season in our daycare as well. It’s scary but honestly I just accept it happens. A caught everything last year, but this year it’s only been a few colds. I will say he was out with an ear infection for a day and a half when I got a HFMD and RSV exposure notices. EVERY kid and a few staff in his room got it, and A was fine. So maybe Tilly was out with good timing? Fxed. We don’t get a lot of stomach bugs here though thank heaven.

Re friend I stopped talking to him. He came on really hard after I asked him to slow his roll. But mostly it was because all I could think about was my one I let get away when we talk/ when he called I groaned because I would rather do chores than talk to him or sleep. So it just felt like yeah I could but then I’m just settling and that’s not fair to either of us. And I’d rather be single than with him. He’s still where he was ten years ago. No growth. I love his daughter, but idk that I’m ready to be the stepmother to a soon to be middle schooler. It was a nice thought to not be alone but definitely settling.
Michelle that's great news!! I love seeing that heartbeat flicker. It's so amazing and beautiful.

Greenie I definitely am being careful. I'm not taking Victoria to grocery store at the moment as it's a common place to pick up illnesses. Oh man that stinks you have to wait to hear about results until Wednesday. Also even worse about getting sick, hope it was just allergy related.

Shae I wish I liked oranges. I love their smell especially when someone first starts peeling it. Yeah I suppose it would make it feel more probable when you actually know someone that got pregnant with IUD.

Jez my hunch is somewhere during 37th or 38th week. Maybe it's wishful thinking :haha: as for illnesses. Just depends a lot on her immune system. I've never been really prone to "stomach bugs". Main time in my life I got them was when I was a CNA in nursing home. Cleaning up vomit and diarrhea all night for multiple people doomed me. That was 10 years ago and I've only caught one since then. V has only had it once but was prettt mild.

Gigs the nursery is still the nursery. We didn't do much decorating to begin with either. V has her own room so as long as I plan to be two and done they will each have their own room. V has taken really well to her new room thankfully. I tell her it's time for bed and she walks right to her new bedroom.

Pretty I'm not sure about that brand but as a general rule I hate IC for progression. Also hcg doubles every 48 hours so bigger difference between 11 and 13dpo test. Also consider doubling in early days doesn't result in huge jump in numbers. If you want tests for progression I recommend frer. You have to remember frer dry darker so I don't recommend comparing old test to new but rather compare fresh pic of both old and new. I also had a day where it didn't really progress on frer so I finally started testing every other day.

Dobby it sounds like it was for the best as it's not a good sign you'd rather do chores than talk to him.

AFM today is rough. I have terrible hemmrhoids right now. It's from her being low as I'm not constipated anymore and try not to sit on toilet for long. I was waking every hour or two from pain from them. I was using prep h and tucks pads like crazy too. I'm using my donut cushion today and plan to leave early and have a sitz bath before picking V up. I just have a lot of discomfort to pubic region and thighs.
Fluek maybe she's engaged now. Hope the discomfort subsides soon! That is so cute about V and her room. When you say "night night time" to Levin, he runs the other way lol
Eeee Pacific!! Keep us updated

Jez, when Riley was in daycare Nursery he was always ill with snots & colds, tummy upsets & only then had i started being ill aswell, think it had been like at least 5+ years since i last threw up gag! But re Noravirus, we’ve never had this (touch wood) but the vaccinations newborns now in the uk, when babies have their first lots of injections the do an Oral one which is Noravirus! Its a live vaccine that remains in their poop for like 5-7 days after they have it so we always need to be hot on washing hands etc so im guessing if this went around Tillys nursery, the bug could remain for 5/7 days after the first was infected? Not sure if this info helps.. i hope she gets lots better after her illness frim last week though, all viruses although crappy, they at least get their Immunity higher :thumbup:

Shae theirs always a tiny piece of me thats hopes your preggers when you mention weirdness lol!

Flueks, re haemorrhoid creams, prep H is naff, you want to get yourself some ‘Germaloids cream’ its in a blue box, it has local anaesthetic in it & numbs the pain real quick, its all i use! A fellow BnB member recommended it when i was pg with Riley all those yrs ago :) & you want the cream not the Ointment as the ointment doesnt have the same effect! Im sirry their waking you with pain, they literally are a pain in the butt!
Pretty I see progression. I’m not sure how those tests work re:darkness of lines, so in that respect I’ve got no clue, but as long as the lines keep progressing like they are I think you’re good.

Dobs glad you didn’t settle, you should always want to be with your SO over doing chores lol

Flueks sorry about the hemorrhoids, they’re the worst. Mine have all been internal thank goodness, but they’re still super annoying. Fx’d they get better.
My temp didn’t move much this morning so unless it goes up a bit each day I’m gonna wait for AF to arrive. I’m pretty sure it will, anyway.
Gigs thanks it seems to come and go, but it is here more often than not. I'm going to leave in 30 minutes and go home for a sitz bath. Maybe she knows resistance is futile :rofl: Nah she's a fairly consistent girl with bedtime. I will let her play in her room alone and she will put herself into her bed. She has always loved her sleep though.

CB thanks I will have to see what US equivalent is as I've not seen or heard of it. Your advice on pullout to avoid BV was spot on!! I'm wondering if mine is a thrombosed one as to why it's extra painful. I may take a look at home later. If it is it says pain tends to ease after a day or two.

Shae I am normally fine but pregnancy is not kind to my GI system. I had some bad external ones pp too. I'm wanting this better before I push so they don't get worse than the present hopefully.
Pretty definate lines on those IC’s hehee

Dobby, good call on the friend thing there :thumbup:

Flueks, im sure they sell it on Amazon, its def worth a look, highly recommend! BV omg i used to suffer real bad with it, so bad that it hurt to have sex sometimes, i can only use a water jelly like luve aswell, anything else triggers it, urhhh female stuff is a nightmare lol! Has your bv come back again?
Flueks yeah that’s one of the reasons I got my rectal prolapse surgically fixed, they said pregnancy and birth would make it way worse and it was already pretty bad. Pregnancy and birth really mess with women’s bodies quite a lot, despite it being natural and all.

AFM I’m so tired today. I took a nap in my clothes after lunch because I was just so exhausted. I woke up a little sweaty, not soaked but enough to notice, so I wonder if it’s my progesterone dropping already or if they finally turned up the heat in my building. Now it’s after dinner and I cleaned off my car to get a head start before clinical tomorrow (snow was powdery and easy to brush off thank goodness). I’m back in my room lying in bed with my candle going and just my string lights so I can watch the snow more easily. I just wanna have a cup of tea and go to bed, despite the fact that I’ve done almost nothing today and have only been awake since 1 pm (I woke up at 8 to temp then fell back asleep) and I napped from 3-5, and it’s 7 now. I have to shower before clinical tomorrow so I can’t go to bed, but I just want to sleep. I’m tempted to nap a little then get up to shower. I’m just exhausted.
CB I've only had BV while pregnant except for once. Crazy how it messes up your flora. I've never had it where it made sex hurt, just the yucky discharge. Even though it's not from being "unclean" it makes me feel dirty and gross. I haven't had BV since your recommendation which was 10 weeks ago :) so thank you so much!

Shae so true. I think the fav line I heard was how labor and delivery was compared to a bomb going off down there :rofl: hmmm think you might be coming down with something?? I get insanely exhausted from the flu. I remember having DH drive me 25 minutes to walk in clinic because I didn't have the strength. In any case hope you rest up tonight and are ready for clinicals tomorrow.

AFM omg that sitz bath and an ice cube have brought some sweet relief. I still have some discomfort, but it's sooooo much better. I might even sleep more soundly.

Oh I finally called about my short term disability. Hoping it gets approved. My only concern is I'm not sure on all their rules. I'm hoping as long as you got pregnant after your policy started. I've heard of some women have to be on policy a year before delivering. I'll just wait to find out I suppose.
Michelle - Good to hear everything went well with your appt. :)

Jez - Alex has only been going to daycare for close to 7 months, but so far no vomiting. There were apparently 4 toddlers in his class that had pink eye, but it looks like it missed him. And he was the only baby in his infant class to get roseola. So far this year no sick days for him though. *knock on wood*

Dobby - Good for you for being mature about the situation. Hopefully someone really great comes into your life soon.

Flueky -Sorry that you've been so uncomfortable, but that's good to hear your contractions aren't anything to worry about. FX that you're feeling better soon. You're so close to 37 week. Way to go!

shae - If you're tired, just sleep. Listen to your body. Can't really comment on temping though cuz I've never done it.

Thanks for all the input everyone. Still gonna do an IC tomorrow morning, but maybe just won't post the results. That FRER I did on Sunday was 1 of a 2-pack. I think I'll use the 2nd one on Thursday.
Also, I got an email from the MW clinic and they have a spot for me again. Not sure how things work at every clinic, but this place has 2 MWs paired up and you deal with both of them, so that they know you well and when you're in labour, the one who's on-call shows up and she already knows everything about you. My team last time would've been Ashley and Daina and it looks like I'll be dealing with them again this time. Not sure if it just worked out like that or they did it on purpose but, either way, FX I'll get to deal with them for more than one appt. :/
So, I've been debating when to tell SO. He took it well the last time, so that's not a concern. I jst don't wanna jinx things, as dumb as that sounds. With Alex, I told a close friend at like 10 weeks and him at 24. Obviously, that's not gonna happen this time. But the 2nd time, I told him first and things didn't go well. Should I tell her first then him? Should I wait til I'm out of 1st tri? One thing I was thinking of is telling him on Valentine's Day. I'll tell him I got him some stuff to go along with the colours of the day; red (hand him a bag of licorice), white (hand him a bag of Lifesavers Winter Green mints), and pink (hand him the FRER from that morning). Thoughts?
Flueks I have a mild URI, just the sniffles really. But if this is just the beginning of something more crappy then that could make me exhausted.
Glad the sitz bath helped. Hopefully you get approved for disability.

Pretty I really need to shower so I can’t let myself sleep, I’ve been too lazy to shower though so I’ve been on my phone in bed. Gonna get up and shower soon then get to bed.
I think you should tell your SO sooner rather than later. The Valentine’s idea sounds adorable.

I’m really hoping we have a delay tomorrow due to snow but I’m not sure if we will. Only issue is that it makes parking a nightmare.
Flueks I hope you get your haemorrhoids and the short term disability sorted.

Dobs makes sense re: friend, but I appreciate it was a nice idea. That’s lucky A happened to miss HFM and RSV because he was off sick. I hope the same continues to be the case with Tilly, I’m just concerned because noro can survive on surfaces for months, like wtf. I know I have to just deal, but it’s hard coz even just the fear of vomiting can induce panic attacks in me.

CB I read there isn’t a vaccine currently for norovirus, though there is for rotavirus which is similar. Tilly’s had that, but then again there wasn’t any warning to us of it being a live virus and needing to take precautions so maybe you had something else. If there is a noro vaccine I’ll move heaven and earth to get us it.

Michelle I totally neglected to say congrats on seeing healthy bean and heartbeat! Tell me you won’t be another team yellower ;)

PL any news?

Pretty ditto on what a couple of the others said about looking for progression two days apart instead of one. I could never see discernible progression between single days on my ICs. Looking good though!

Shae I was due with Tilly toward the end of term but could easily have given birth prior final papers and exams being due (I actually had a final oral exam on my due date). All that would’ve happened is that I’d have had an “incomplete” on my file and I could finish the missing components another time. They were very flexible and I assume most universities are. The other good thing about having a baby in school is that you can be way more flexible with time off, and at least you’re saving money by not having to pay tuition. Not that I’m trying to convince you, of course. Re: going back to classes after a few days or even at any point in the first 6 weeks, I cannot imagine that even being a possibility when baby needs its mama around the clock, not to mention there’s no way you would even want to be away when they’re so tiny. My bff is already anxious about how she will leave her two-month-old (with family) for a few hours at a time to do work on her business when baby is six months old. But hey, everyone’s different.
Pretty I agree with telling him ASAP and then you’re kind of in this together no matter what happens? Your V day idea sounds super cute. I totally get the tempting fate thing, but I always try to remind myself that who I tell doesn’t REALLY influence the outcome, it’ll just make me bitter if it did happen. As for testing tomorrow, I’d definitely test daily too (and please do still post along with the other progression shots!) but would just compare it to the one two days before it.

Shae hope you managed to get your shower!
Jez unfortunately the nursing program is very inflexible due to clinicals. It would either be go back to classes immediately or take a year off, basically. No other option with my program. I know someone who had a baby right before the semester started last year, and she only was able to breastfeed for 5 weeks because she was always going to class and couldn’t pump in class so her milk dried up. She’s still in school and her child is doing well, but she’s not in the nursing program, she’s studying psychology with a criminal justice minor. I’ve heard of women in nursing programs having their baby and going back to class days later, and the only way they survive that is that they commute from nearby and have family or a babysitter watch the baby while they’re gone. I live too far from my school to commute. The most logical thing for me to do would be to take a year off, I think.
Oh, and I’m about to go shower now.

Just went to the bathroom and had a little streak of blood in my CM. So there’s 3 possibilities, in order of likelihood:
1) I’m just going to spot for a week until I get my period. Last cycle I started spotting at 8dpo.
2) This is the shortest luteal phase I’ve ever had (7 days) and I’m about to get my period.
3) It’s implantation spotting.
Only time will tell.

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