General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Michelle hope your appt goes well!! Let us know :)

Gigs I kind of hope I've dilated and effaced a bit more. I'm over the physical challenges of third tri. I wouldn't really be bothered if she came now as we should avoid any NICU time at this point and V doesn't have any delays from being 5 weeks early. What'll be shall be though.

Fantastic that it's healing. Just watch for signs of infection.

Shae sorry the snow is messing up birthday plans with SO this year. Maybe reschedule for the weekend??

CB poor Riley hope he feels better soon. I hate it when they get ill.
CB aw poor Riley, I hope he feels better soon!

Gigs haha you’re totally right, when I start TTC for real I’ll probably go nuts. Glad the edge is healing up properly. Any warmth, redness, swelling, drainage, call your doctor. Looks like it’s under control though.
A vow renewal would be so sweet, and the perfect reason to get your dream dress!

Flueks I won a Valentine’s Day dinner at my college so I’m hoping he can come for that and maybe we can celebrate then. If he can’t, we’ll definitely celebrate this upcoming weekend.

AFM, HUGE temp drop this morning :shock: I’m so exhausted. My second alarm scared the crap out of me for some reason, I fell back asleep kinda and I legit jumped so hard when it went off :rofl: gotta get up for breakfast and to bring my clinical packet to my instructor’s office before my 9:30 class. I don’t want to leave my warm blanket cocoon.
Flueks is your next apt today or this wk? Fx the sporadic crampiness is slowly dilating you to at least 3/4cm so you’ll be straight onto actuve labor when it starts :thumbup:

Thanks girls re Riley, he sound asleep on sofa atm whilst im sat here watching Disneys ‘Brave’ lol!

Dobby was it you who mentioned the trying on wedding dresses? Your Muriel from Muriels Wedding haha love it! I would totally be up for that & pretending i was getting hitched, free champers & all ;)

Shae is a big temp drop at 6dpo & short cycles normal for you? Unless its your iud settling in still!
CB well I don’t think it’s indicating a period, it’s still above coverline, it’s just a huge drop because of how high my temp has been climbing each day since ovulation. But to answer your question, short cycles aren’t normal for me, and I haven’t temped in ages so idk about the temp drop being normal for me. Looking at my 3 mirena charts, my temps were pretty erratic in comparison to this cycle.

My nipples and boobs are being sensitive and annoying this morning. Blech.
Shae oh that would be nice!! Any idea on what the dinner is?? A steak sounds really good :) oh and getting out of bed is hardest part about winter. It's dark and cold out of the covers, definitely not motivation to get out.

CB yes my appt is in about an hour. Oh I need to watch Brave. Do you like it??

Pretty looking forward to tests today :)
Flueks yay for appointment soon!
The dinner is a choice between chicken saltimbocca, filet mignon, and three cheese arancini. We chose filet mignon, I requested medium rare if possible and they seem to be able to do that, so that’s awesome. We’ll see if SO can come though. If not, I’ll have to find a friend who likes medium rare filet mignon to bring with me :haha:
And yeah my dorm room is quite cold in the winter, apparently some people have been complaining about inadequate heating in my building. Getting dressed sucks lol
Pretty yay for bfp! Fx’d that line darkens!

Currently obsessing over whether this huge temp dip could be an implantation dip. I’m the worst. We’ll see what my temp is tomorrow. No spotting or anything so far, creamy CM had been a bit scant the past few days (common in my luteal phase, it starts a lot after O but then goes to very scant amounts from a few dpo until AF) but it’s back to a good amount today, not excessive but definitely not scant at all. I’m over analyzing again :haha: I’m the worst lol
Shae you're funny

Pretty!!! :dance: no filter or invert needed, that's an obvious bfp! Congratulations!!!
Gigs lol, do you mean funny rather than the worst or funny because I’m obsessing even when I shouldn’t be? :haha:

Suddenly getting hit with nausea (and some cramping, and on and off lightheadedness) in class... I ate breakfast, usually PMS nausea or sleep deprivation nausea is pre-meal and goes away after eating. But I’m concerned I’m psyching myself out and it’s psychosomatic nausea rather than anything significant. So I’m trying to just breathe and tell myself I’m being dumb. I can feel the nausea in both my throat and stomach, usually PMS nausea I only feel in my throat... I need to stop omg
In the waiting room for my scan...

Gigs- did you vbac?

Flu- good luck at your appointment! Are they checking your cervix?

Pretty- congrats!

Michelle- good luck today! Update us when you can.
Flueks i luuuuuurve Brave its great & all the Pixar films, has V watched many of them? My faves are Tangled & Moana :) i live the Songs haha! How did your apt go? Did they check you over seeing as you been cramping/light contracting?

MrsG enjoy your scan today! Is hubs staying team yellow (or team Green in your case hehe) Feel free to share some pics

Ah Shae bless you.. eager to test no doubt! Poas for fun, i know il get tempted at sone point lol!

Pretty thats a definate line there, you are very much pg girly eeee!! Congrats :) It could very well be girly esp with the timed jiggy..
CB lol I’m gonna try to wait a few days, I know I get tempted but I don’t like wasting tests either and I think I might only have one left at school (a bunch at home). It also depends on if my temp rises tomorrow. I wanna try to wait for Friday (10 dpo). If my temp doesn’t go back up I think I’ll wait to see if I get my period.
Green no I didn't get to vba2c. I went into labor and was contracting for a few hours with no change (cervix was still firm too) and it was back labor again (read: getting painful) so we just did a c section. It was a better experience than I expected :thumbup:
Pretty, not sure I see jt, I saw it on one of them but not the latest batch you posted....but I am a late tester.

Green, wohoo for team yellow! Hope your scan went well!

Afm, saw mw today.. hopeful for any day now. She thinks baby may come in the next few days...2 cm, so there is improvement. Either way, itll be born soon is our consensus ;)
Shae filet mignon sounds so good right now. Oh and sometimes you have a weird temp or cycle. I know it's been a few months and it's lower hormones than bcp but still think it could cause some issues regulating. Then again I never charted until about 6 months after starting to ttc.

Pretty I see that still :) fx it just keeps getting darker!!

Greenie thank you, same to you. I didn't plan to unless they offered/felt it was needed. I'm curious but at the same time it really wouldn't change anything as I'm so close to term.

CB she hasn't watched many pixar, more disney. We watched Coco and Moana in short spurts when she was under a year. She seemed to like Moana. She likes frozen pretty well. I think singing gets her attention. Appt update will be below.

Pacific sounds like things are definitely in process and hopefully soon. I'm sure you are over being pregnant at the moment.

AFM appt went well. Apparently I took last makena shot last week so yay!!! I did have a small amount of glucose in my urine but is currently thought to be from breakfas as I aced my gtt. I mentioned the regular cramping and he felt at around every 10 minutes was to be expected here and there. In any case I'm so close to term that there really isn't much or anything to stop. Knowing my cervix status wouldn't really change anything other than give into my curiousity.

In other news the flu is going around pretty bad at the moment. The other girl at work that's pregnant was diagnosed with it this weekend. A hospice nurse and one of the nurse's daughter too. Multiple county schools were closed at end of last week. Trying to be the biggest germaphobe I can be :rofl:
Michelle- great news about the scan! That's amazing news!

Flu- oh man be careful!! I had the flu around 7 weeks pregnant and it was bad this year. Glad to hear Appointment went well.

Gigs- thanks for the delivery update. Recovery easier or harder this time? Did you get your favorite doctor?

Pl- so exciting that it could be any day! I think it's a boy again for you.

Scan went well. Couldn't get a few pictures he wanted to so I might have to go back. We'll see. Doctor appointment Wednesday to go over scan. We went to lunch after and I got really sick. Not sure if it was something I ate not agreeing with me or that I had something I'm allergic too. I can't eat shrimp as it makes me really sick and I accidentally had some "lobster sauce" on my Mongolian BBQ. So it could be all shellfish, it's new so I'm trying to figure it out.
PL yay for baby in just a few days!

Flueks yeah it’s totally possible (and much more likely) that it’s just my cycle regulating with the hormones. I can tell this IUD (kyleena) has less hormones because I’m having normal length cycles, whereas the first months on the mirena were all over the place, I’d have 40-50 day cycles and it was nuts. But less hormones doesn’t mean it’s ineffective of course. It’s supposed to be as effective as the mirena I think. I just stress out because of my friend who got pregnant on kyleena, it feels like a more real risk when it’s someone you know I guess.
Anyway that’s awful that the flu is going around, especially that the pregnant coworker got it. Definitely be a germaphobe right now. I’m having a little URI but so far it’s not bad (nothing like the flu, I’m lucky), I ate an orange today because I don’t have any Emergen-C lol, I wonder what the equivalent number of oranges is :haha: luckily I quite like oranges so it’s not difficult to eat lots of them. I’m considering running to “late night” at the dining hall to sneak out some oranges, I need to stock up.

Michelle congrats on the perfect ultrasound and strong heartbeat!

Green glad the scan went well, sorry about getting sick :(

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