General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Not much new here: it's snow-mageddon here, dh called it a snow day and stayed home from work. He then was able to built a slide out of snow over the deck stairs for L, which was a lot of fun for both kids ;)

Little bit of bloody show here and there now.. hopefully a sign of 3 cm by now?? Baby has been pretty active...
Fluek fitting everyone else. Hope everything is sorted :(. So not fun to deal with lol

Jez yeah it’s crazy what can linger around like that. Hopefully after a couple days back you’ll feel more at ease and she stays healthy

Shae I second sleep. But I get it if you feel you need the shower first. That’s crazy they couldn’t accommodate her pumping. That sounds so not legal. Maybe CA is just more anal lol. I remember reading someone about employers having to accommodate my schedule not the other way around not to mention the other rules they broke. Anyway digress the thing is you find a way to make it work and don’t regret it. Obviously less stress makes for a more enjoyable experience but babies are awesome

Ummmm what am I forgetting

Thanks lol I’m just more tired than mature plus my chores are like cleaning dog s*. If I’d rather clean dog s* or dream about other guys then you’re not the one.

On CD 36 and weird junk is going on. Probably my bad cold screwing thjngs up but I am not digging these long cycles. First pp af was at 15 months pp then had cycles 43 days and 39 days. Bright side they are short. Been cramping for days and keep expecting her so hopefully my complaining here brings her on lol
Ok y'all having my first rough's midnight and i've been trying to get him to sleep for 4 hours. He's spit/three up twice and we've gone through a million diapers and he's on me nursing amd I'm falling asleep while he eats. He keeps screaming when I lay him down to sleep. He's been doing the first stretch of sleep in the cosleeper but sleeping on me the latter half of the night and my back's been killing me in the morning. I'm just over it right now. Nearly every waking moment of his, he's in my arms. I'm burnt out. Because of circumstances I'm the only one who has been able to hold him.

Uggghhhh wish I didn't require sleep!!!
PL ooo hopefully any time now!

Dobs oh they didn’t tell her she couldn’t pump, she just would’ve had to do it in class or in the library or something and she wasn’t comfortable with that. Some of her professors let her bring the baby to class with her (she was a newborn at that point and just sat in her car seat and slept). But she commuted by bus from 20-30 minutes away, and her parents watched the baby most of the time. This year is the same except she never brings the kid to class because she’s like 18 months or something, she needs to be entertained. I had lunch with them on Monday, and she splashed cheddar broccoli soup on my jacket :haha: we got it out with a damp cloth real quick though. Made me think I’m not ready for a kid cuz I’m not ready for my clothes to be ruined.
I seem to be getting my second wind after my shower. I ate ramen and now I’m eating 2 oranges to keep this cold as mild as it’s been. Gonna go to bed ASAP though cuz I have clinical in the morning.
Yeah it’s really bad if you’d rather clean up crap, I basically always want to hang out with my SO cuz I’m happy when I’m around him... unless he’s talking politics, then I want to put in headphones cuz we disagree on most things, but I still don’t want him to leave.
Your cycles remind me of mine on the mirena except my periods were light and long. The unpredictability sucks.

Gigs aw I’m sorry you’re having a rough night :( I hope he starts sleeping better soon. No advice cuz I’ve never been there, but I’ll keep you in my thoughts/prayers etc.
Gigs I’m sorry :(. My only advice would be to summon help but if he just needs you then I’ll tell you what A’s psychologist told me: you just have to be there for him and that sucks for you, so keep your mental health in check until he outgrows it. I was like damn no sugar coating there lol hopefully you get some reprieve soon

Shae that makes sense I’m tired lol. How cute! And yeah honestly I go to work at least once a week with baby food or diaper cream or spit up on my clothes. I stopped caring like b*es I showed up today be thankful I’m here lol

Pl sounds promising! Sorry about the snow hopefully it doesn’t cause any problems
Pretty I thought you were TTCing? Was he not aware? I’m confused and feel like I’ve missed something :shrug:
And of course after I say how exhausted I’ve been, I have insomnia and get zero sleep. I just want to sleep, I’m so tired, but it’s time to get ready for clinical so I have no choice.

ETA: I took my temp when my alarm went off but like, I hadn’t slept so it’s not valid, but it was lower than my last temp despite not having slept so I think maybe my progesterone really is dropping already?
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BLESS JESUS my college just announced a delay! I get to try to go back to sleep! I’m glad I hadn’t made the coffee yet :haha:
Shae I'm jealous lol
I'm feeding kiddo and hoping he goes back to sleep. He won the battle last night...i gave in to letting him sleep on me as 1am was creeping closer.

PL it just occurred to me you're in your 40th week :shock: how quick are they about clearing roads up there? I hope you don't go into labor while traveling is dangerous.

Dobs yeah I know I just gotta suck it up for this stage. I also know afterwards it will have all gone by quickly. But going through it is rough. I've never been a fan of the infant stage...I was also dreading it this pregnancy. I love him obviously and I'm trying to embrace it, this likely being my last, but damn I do not know how to embrace sleep deprivation.

Weird about your cycles. I'd personally be celebrating the long stretches in between but I can see how it'd be alarming, especially with cramping for days! How annoying.
Kit - Well, I'm TTC. He's just not preventing. I haven't been telling him when I'm O-ing and we're not looking for lines together. He knows I want another baby and I guess he's just kinda letting me do my thing. My issue with telling him was just not wanting to bother him with this too early if it just might end the same was as my last pregnancy.

Here's this morning's test...

Pretty I like your Valentine's announcement idea. I think telling him sooner than later is better. I try to think if things do go bad who would I like to be able to confide in. I couldn't imagine DH not knowing or understanding why I was depressed. Definitely darker and pinker today :)

Shae oh yeah sorry I forgot you mentioned you had URI. Oh and yay for delay :) yuck for spotting right before V day. I will always remember my instructors telling us not to get pregnant. We had a few but almost all were pregnant during last semester. I'm not sure that's legal about her options for pumping. In TN and we are "backwards" it is state law that employer must provide break to pump in a private room (not a bathroom). I know college isn't an employer but still.

Jez vomit is the one thing I have issues dealing with so I can empathize. I do hope Tilly manages to resist getting noravirus.

Pacific omg today might be it!! I hope roads are cleared by the time baby is ready.

Dobby sorry your cycle is off. Stress can definitely cause that and you've been under tremendous stress. In any case hope AF shows soon. The cramps for days would drive me bananas.

Gigs I also had times where I caved and slept with V in our bed. I tried not to make a habit but honestly sometimes you do what you have to in order to get some sleep. I hope he does better tonight. I agree it's very hard to embrace sleep deprivation.
Pretty that looks noticeably darker than the last one!

AFM had a lot of trouble sleeping again. I think I drifted in and out of sleep a little bit. I kept getting really sweaty, like night sweats. I know I slept 15 minutes between my 9 and 9:15 alarm, probably my biggest stretch. I’m pretty exhausted which sucks since I have clinical, but at least it’ll be shortened, 11-6:30 rather than 6:30-6:30. Coffee will be my best friend.
Thanks ladies. The length of the cycles just bothers me because I think it’s a hormonal issue from the depo shot. Plus I always get nervous since I have a history of large ovarian cysts and that’s what tipped me off. I always see periods are my body doing what it should and they don’t bother me too much. ESP since I have neither sex nor vacation on the brain lol

Gigs if you find peace with sleep deprivation let me know how because I want to punch people in the face. A still wakes up 3x a night min and ends up in my bed

Pretty forgot to mention lol at something pink that’s clever. I get your hesitation. How did he handle things last time? He seemed pretty stoic like sad but not distraught. So I say tell him. ESP since he knows you aren’t taking anything/that comment he made the other day he knows you are trying. He should be involved unless he doesn’t care about the early pregnancy care appts or tests. Idk. You know you and him best. But I’m pro telling him tomorrow

It’s pouring so hard ughhhh I hate indoor recess and idk how to move the computer cart across campus with no overhangs oh wait I have a tarp buahaha
Dobs- pouring over here too! We have flooding but I think you guys have flash flooding! Love the rain. Hate the wind that we've been getting that goes along with it.

Pretty- line looks good. I had bery minimal progression with those tests. In fact, even my frer didn't look like it doubled in darkness. It looked just slightly darker, if any at all and my HCG tripled! Lol
I agree with the other ladies about tell your SO. I never wanted to tell mine until I had my two beta HCG tests to make sure it looked okay... and honestly it just makes it more stressful. I think valentines is a great idea!

Shae- soooo jealous about you getting to go back to sleep. I'm a zombie over here haha

Pl- how's the weather? What happens if you go into labor and the roads are closed or blocked?
Green, we have a truck and competent driver in DH. The better question is whether my mw will make it to the hospital (we've agreed to her not coming here but judging situation over the phone and meet at the H). Or if she can't make it, hopefully the gynecologist will. He knows I am due now and coming in for a vbac.

Today is just above zero degrees and, so snow is melting. I suspect besides our small side road, the main roads should be dry soon. Our road doesn't get plowed.

Pretty, id say tell sooner then later.
PL- We're in the midst of Snowmageddon Part X. Lol. Any day for L's bro/sis to arrive. Bloody show means that it will be sooner than later!

Pretty- That is a kick-ass line on today's test! Tell DH. That way you'll have his support, no matter the outcome. Good luck! Nothing more thrilling than a positive hpt when you wanted one!

Flueks- I had the 'rhoids once myself quite a number of years ago, but it had nothing to do with pregnancy. They were horrible!!! Like really, really awful! I can't imagine having to deal with that in late pregnancy on top of every other horrible exhaustion issue of the third tri.
Jez yes you are correct, the vaccine is for Rotavirus but is similar to Noravirus. I really hope Tilly doesnt get this..

Gigs hang in there hun your doing an ace job! Is it possible that Myles has bad trapped wind? Hayden gets it sometimes & is miserable, i think hes burped all he can & then squirms when layed flat! I wouldn’t of thought it be Colic. Ive layed him next to me in bed for some zzzZ’s on the odd occasion surrounded with pillows on SO’s side of bed where hes not in the bed, i havent done it in wks but sometimes you gotta sleep! Fx hes better tonight for you :)

Pretty you should def tell your SO, will he be annoyed that you told him later rather than sooner? I know my SO was & was more annoyed that he thought i couldnt tell him something like that, i was more scared he’d flip out because it wasn’t exactly a planned pg. i think that Valentines gift be a nice idea:hugs:

MrsG are you & hubs doing anything nice for V day tomorrow? I hope you feel better soon after your sickness yesterday

Pacific your officially ‘overdue’ now!! Come on out Pacific baby eee!!

Rileys doing lots better today, thankyou all for your well wishes <3 i think he’ll be fine for school tomorrow:) roll on half term next wk!
Cb, I know! This pregnancy has officially been longer then my first! But not really -- ( Ls due date was moved back a week at the dating ultrasound and I knew when he was conceived so didn't agree with the date, but it meant no one would be concerned for going overdue!). L was born at 40+2 according to ultrasound dating.
Dobs sorry about the indoor recess, I always hated it as a kid as well lol. I get not being bothered by periods since they’re normal, I wish I could just be on no bc and let my cycles run naturally but I don’t trust myself to be perfect with NFP and I wouldn’t want to have to abstain during certain times either because condoms just don’t work for us.

Green honestly going back to sleep wasn’t great, I barely slept at all. But it could’ve been worse, I got a little extra.

CB I’m glad Riley’s doing better!

AFM spotting has continued, it’s very little and only when I swab internally, but it’s streaked in EWCM-like globs basically, which I think I got last cycle with the spotting. Not sure why it’s doing that but I’m 99% sure it means I’ll be getting my period. We’ll see what happens but like, I’m pretty sure. Especially since my temp dipped again this morning. Super nauseous right now, not sure why. I didn’t have much of an appetite today, all I wanted was my iced coffee. I only ate a protein bar, a few bites of my wrap, and a few chips, so that could be causing the nausea. I want to eat on principle but I’m not really hungry. Bleh. Wanna go to sleep but don’t want to wake up at midnight and be unable to fall back asleep. At the same time I worry if I don’t sleep now I’ll get insomnia later. Idk.

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