General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Dobby sorry for indoor recess. I bet it's more stressful.

Greenie wasn't your appt to review scan today? How did it go??

Pacific glad to hear main roads are clearing. There would have to be an ob gyn there or nearby I assume. When I worked in hospital we had to be there before bad weather as it wasn't accepted as a reason to call in. You could be fired for that. They had some empty rooms or help pay for a nearby hotel.

Wookie thanks! Mine usually aren't painful and rarely get them when not pregnant. My pp ones were awful though which scares me to push if I already have a bad one. Ahh, I'll get through it though.

CB so glad he's feeling better :)

Shae have you tried anything for insomnia?? I can't imagine sleeping so poorly.

AFM it flared up as day progressed. Not quite as bad as yesterday though. I'm pretty certain I've dropped as well. I've read 2nd time and more moms drop sooner to birth than FTM. May have a baby by end of the weekend??

I'll try to upload a pic... bnb is being a pain...
I honestly can't tell Fluek but I hear they can bob in & out of engagement :shrug: might explain why some days are better than others. Fx your hemmorhoids go away after birth! Mine did this time but I didn't push...but I will say the ones from Levin's pregnancy never went away, they just kind of deflated and hung around. Totally painless though, albeit probably unsightly, but as I've said before, when isn't an anus unsightly? And no one is staring it down so I remain unconcerned.

Anyway I bet you go to 39 weeks D: don't hate me for saying that!

Looks like the start of tonight will be easier than last night...he's already in bed and it's just 9 now. Unfortunately my mom is on the phone and loud...I can hear her through the door. If hubby and I get out of debt and have enough extra money for home improvements I really want a bedroom built on the back side of the house or a second level...or just move into a two level house. I have a bedroom right of the main living space and it's so annoying sometimes!
Flueks hm I can’t really tell due to the angle but it looks like the top of the bump is lower maybe? Like it starts coming out a bit lower? Maybe just the angle though, I’m not sure.
Re: insomnia, it’s not my normal to be awake for hours trying to sleep. It usually happens once every few weeks, tops. I should probably get a bottle of melatonin or something for those nights.
Gigs agree no anus looks "good" :rofl: oh and I don't hate you for saying that you are thinking 39 weeks. Glad tonight is going better so far. Keep it up little M!!

Shae yeah might be good. I rarely have insomnia. I used to in middle school. I couldn't get my mind to shut down. Before having a child, I usually passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow.
I second Gigs. Heard the same thing about engagement. I’m leaning more 38 weeks just to be different lol sorry the roid rage is real

Green yeah I live near a creek so my phone flips out with flash flood warnings but the creek bed is sooooooooooo deep and there’s zero water in it haha. So it’s a joke warning. BUT it’s not uncommon for part of the freeways or expressways to be flooded and unusable. We also have this pothole thing in our playground that I stepped in twice now. Like legit up to your ankle in water. So annoying.

Pl glad the snow is melting! I’m so shocked you haven’t had to go in yet. I keep checking hoping for a baby update :)

Day was fine lol they had outdoor recess but basically it’s a walk and talk recess cuz everything was soaked. We did a theme day today and it was a success. Our union pres gave us the shake down and we’re actually using the s word. So if things don’t change I wouldn’t be shocked if we end this year or start next year on strike.

Anyway that’s all my tired brains has for bow
Dobs so am I!

My mil sent DH a text message yesterday asking for my due date... Then today she told him to remind me that DH was 2 weeks late. I just said to DH: "thats a very inappropriate thing to say" ... It was the kindest thing that came to my mind.
Um wtf lol just wtf

She reminds me of A’s “grandmother”. She says stupid shit and then when you call her out on it she acts innocent and plays victim
Lol PL :haha: hope she wasn't expecting a "thank you"! How are you feeling compared to last time?

Dobs, Des' playground at school had that same shit, the random water holes in the mulch. They finally just fixed it after months.

Myles is up already for his snack & snooze... this usually happens around 2:30 but it was only 11:45 :( so we'll see how the rest of the night plays out...I'm thinking early morning! No worries though, he's got an appointment/weigh in tomorrow at 10. Fingers crossed his weight is finally up!
Dobs yikes re: strikes. I wish schools would just pay teachers more and give them good benefits. Well paid happy teachers are better for students, I think. What specifically are they talking about striking for?

PL wow your MIL’s statement was not helpful at all. I honestly don’t understand how it was *inappropriate*, but I might be missing something and it could also be a cultural difference... obviously it wasn’t necessary or helpful though. I can be a bit oblivious to social rules though, so maybe that’s why I don’t quite get it. My parents kinda forgot to teach me social rules and faux pas and what’s considered rude etc so I’m awful at it. Honestly I can see myself making the same comment as her, not realizing the overdue mom is frustrated and my statement isn’t at all helpful. Idk. You don’t have to explain it to me if you don’t feel like it of course, but if you want to I’m always happy to learn social rules since I’m so behind.

Gigs fx’d for Myles’ weight having gone up!
Shae: it's just something that a due mom does not want to hear...
At this point I am even fed up with a certain friend who keeps asking "how is the belly"? We'll, for f- sake .. ask me how I am doing, or baby, but the belly? I stopped reading her messages, bad me.

Gigs, lol feeling slightly frustrated, but I don't think that's what you meant ;) even DH is getting impatient which is unusual for him, but it's work related to him. He won't schedule his next appointments until baby is born, yet he still has to spent 2 days away this month. He was planning on being gone this Saturday. So again overall frustrating for me to know he needs to leave me alone all day with newborn and L. It's all just getting to me....

Mw is coming over early this morning, hopefully she'll confirm cervical changes. Still been having bloody show.

Dobs; my mil told me that women that go back to work run away from their children. That's how wrong she can be...... I stood up for myself and all other women, btw: she too went back to work after each kid! So yeah.... Don't get me started....
Parents due dates means nothing, both Lewis and I were 2 weeks late and Evie’s was a little early!
Pretty omg that darkened so much!

Kitty aww how cute!

PL ah okay gotcha, thanks for explaining!

AFM my temp plummeted nearly a full degree this morning. I’m absolutely exhausted, I haven’t missed breakfast before class once and I’m still in bed with 30 minutes til class debating not going and just sleeping instead. I haven’t skipped a single class yet this semester so if I sleep through my morning one it’s not a huge deal.
Kit omg so cute the two of you!!! Look at that hair on Evie! Ahhhh!

PL i had a feeling you were going ro start contractions over night...premonition? Hopeful thinking? We'll soon see! I am excited to hear about your cervix :haha:
To be all about me lol

So why we specifically would strike in a nut shell

1. Our district pays zero percent of our healthcare. For ex, to cover myself and A it costs nearly $1700 a month.

2. They are being petty and retaliatory. When we worked the rule last year and this year, they started telling principals to give us more staff meetings, started denying family leaves blah blah petty

3. (The big reason).
Each year, the city/Stars gives additional money to the school districts to give to teachers. Called Cost of Living Allowance, or COLA money. It is usually between 2-3%. Every other district I worked for gave us this money plus some. We settled last year after fighting for six months at a 1% out of 3%.

This year, COLA is 3.71%. First they offered 0.71%. Now after protesting, 2%. We want 4%.

4. Why we are pissed
A- they lie to our school board saying they don’t have the money but long story short they can pay us and still have crap tons of money. But they have money to give themselves huge raises
B- they move money illegally to other departments to look like they have less money (is moving 9mil out of the gen funds account to facilities to avoid paying us more than 1% last year)
C- their actions show they do not respect or care about us and think we are replaceable
D- it’s feb and there are still over twenty classes with substitutes and jobs online for this school year because we have so many vacancies because people leave and nobody wants to come here now
E- bargaining is confidential but immediately afterwards they post only saying well we offered _ and the teachers rejected and offer a one sided thing that makes us look like a**hats
Last edited:
Dobs yikes that’s some nasty stuff going on. You teachers deserve better.
Selfish update: baby is sunny side up and deep down in the pelvis. All she could palpate was shoulders. Mw gave me some excercise to pop baby out of the pelvis and then when it pops back in just a slight position change may trigger labour she thinks but hopefully we can spin it.
Whoa PL, sounds like some baby gymnastics. Did she check your cervix? I appreciate your frustration. I was so so so fed up past 40 weeks, esp coz I thought I had mild contractions weeks before. And everyone due AFTER me was having their babies before me. I was so hormonal and angry and cried a lot, and eventually accepted I’d never give birth. Of course I accepted the first possible induction date at 41+3. Re: parents going overdue, I heard there’s a slight relationship with when the mum was born, but shrug. If true, what MIL says wouldn’t matter.

Dobs that’s some nasty stuff indeed, and really sad and really infuriating. It always surprises me when people are against unions, coz we all know what would happen then. And it’s education we’re talking about, with kids being our future, hello! As for $1,700, just shocking. What’s the point?! I’m still baffled by how paying a tiny tiny tiny fraction of that to the government in order to get universal healthcare can be seen as worse. I hope you guys get what you want and deserve.

Oops Tilly awake, gtg!

Gigs update on weight pls!

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