General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Pl- I keep getting on here thinking you'll be in labor. Baby is stubborn! Haha hopefully the tricks your MW gives you will help her labor started and baby into position.

Jez- I remember how upset you were going last your due date. You were convinced I'd have the boys before you had Tilly. Lol

Dobs- unions can be so great or be so annoying. DH is also in a union and although it's great benefit wise, it's having more political problems though. Pretty frustrating.

I've been having cramps. Almost constantly. I went in Tuesday and they said it was a gastrointestinal problem, or something I ate to put it simply lol BUT it started money and it's still happening. I have my phone appointment to do over my scan this afternoon so I'll ask my actual OB. I also got a call today from the radiology department. They need me to come back in for more pictures. Slightly annoyed since my copay was $100 last time!!!
PL crap, hopefully the exercises work and he spins around to the right place!

Green sorry about the cramping that’s no fun. Hopefully your OB has answers for you.

AFM I’m sweating my butt off, ugh. It’s the progesterone drop, happens every time. Spotting is increasing. I’m expecting full force AF tomorrow. This was an oddly short luteal phase. It seems my progesterone starts falling at 7-8dpo now on the kyleena. Last month I started spotting at 8 dpo and kept spotting for days before AF arrived.
Sorry your cramping MrsG, hope you get it sorted & then you can relax abit :hugs:

Do the boys know or understand theres a new baby on the way? Whens your due date btw? :)

Shae, if the hot sweats with the hormone drop is normal & it annoys you, Sage extract is supposedly great for hotsweats/night sweats, i know alot of older women use it in menopause to help, liquid form, i know this as i used to work for Holland & Barrett - health & dietry stores, it amazes me how much i still remember from back when i was 18/19yrs old :)

I also keep thinking your suddenly gonna do a labour update aswell Pacific! How can they tell baby is face up/back-back?

Gigs how did Myles weighing sesh go today?

Pretty wow thats a clear Frer eeeee!!!! So excited for you! Hope the Valentines gift goes well <3

Awwww Kitty lovely photo, you & Evie look so cute :)

Hayden has his Vaccinations tomorrow.. i need to brace myself for getting upset lol! I was fine when Riley had his, got abit emosh with Nuala but i think il be abit blubbery with Hayden, last baby n all ..

SO brought me home a big ol bunch of lovely Red Roses for V day today, hope you girls have a nice time with your men folk lol
Myles is back up to bIrth weight :thumbup: last recheck on Monday then hopefully some time before I have to go there again.

Pl yikes I hope you can get him to flip before he lands you in back labor!

Pretty that test looks great! Can't wait to hear how telling SO goes.

Jez ha I remember that well, I remember thinking how funny it was that you were upset when ttc didn't go as quickly as you hoped and then you were praying for it to be over at the end.

Awww cb pics of the roses!!! Hubby told me to get myself chocolate lol...I'm looking at jewelry though :p

Dobs if they have money that's terrible.
Gigs that’s great that Myles is back upto his birth weight! Well done lil dude :)

I’l take a piccy tomorrow as im in bed now, SO is snoring like a boar on the sofa lol! Typical V day eve after a quicky :rofl:

It’s when they try & give you the money back to pay for what you just purchased, when they’ve forgotten or not bothered lol i been there :haha:
Any particular Jewellery items your looking at? Im actually wanting another Pandora bracelet charm for a Boy so then i have 3 for all of my babies :)
Since mw thought that flipping baby could trigger labour, I am holding off until my mom goes to bed. I don't like audience when "exercising" is falling asleep on the couch, so hopefully she'll go to bed soon. Currently feeling some (back?) Contractions about every 20 minutes.

Mw did do a sweep, which was the most comfortable one so far, so it was a good long one. I forgot to ask about dialation...haha oh well, I suspect 2-3 cm somehow.
Dobby - That's so ridiculous that they're being so shady and cheap. FX this gets resolved quickly and you don't need to strike.

PL - Good luck flipping the baby. Hopefully things get going for you soon and your labour is nice and short. :)

Kit - Cute pic.

Hope everyone else is doing well and had a good VDay.

So, telling SO went pretty much how I thought it would. Presented him with the red, white, and pink items. His response was "Oh, shit, is that for real? How much of a yes is that?" lol. We made some jokes and he said some thoughts out loud. A few of the comments I remember were him thinking having 2 kids close together would be good so they could play together, but also "fuck that" at having 2 kids so young at the same time. He also said he really didn't want to be forced into moving this year, but we might have to. That kinda threw me a bit, but we can make it work at his place for a little while the new baby would be less mobile. Once he sees how much less space there'd be, hopefully he'll want to move sooner. He also said he'll have to really lose some weight now cuz I won't be able to run after Alex anymore once I'm near the end of my pregnancy and once it's born and I'm busy feeding it all day. Just standard guy stuff. I told him let's just take it one day at a time and focus on other things til I'm out of 1st tri. Also made an appt with my DR for my first prenantal visit: March 1. In all honesty, I'm not in a huge rush to get all the medical stuff done. I almost feel like the longer I put things off, the longer I can put off the possibility of another heartbreak. :/
Oh, and I've been feeling like my uterus is full/heavy/solid. And I don't think that's just in my mind. Hopefully that's a good sign.
Pretty I’m glad it went as expected! I’m sure he’ll warm up even more to the idea. I totally get putting medical appts off too re: heartbreak.

Gigs that’s a nice pendant! I love big coloured stones with small halos. Did I really complain about not TTCing as quickly as I wanted? I guess I could see that. Feel bad in hindsight because it was actually pretty quick. And re: wanting it to be over, omg my bump was huuuuuuge by even 25-30 weeks and all out to the front so the weight of it being concentrated in one area was just ridic. People frequently joked about whether I was having twins, which made me almost murderous. I could barely turn in bed, could barely walk, barely dress myself and just felt very much unable to function. As a result, I have the most unsightly, saggy pouch you can imagine, and there’s nothing I can do about it *sad whimper*

Kitty that’s a super cute photo - you look stunning and it’s so nice to see E after so long. What a cutie! I’d love to see more pics.

PL keen to hear how the turnin’ goes.

Green ditto on wondering what boys think of baby. Hope you get the insurance/scans sorted. I have no idea what copay means tbh.

I’m missibg stuff for sure, sorry, but gotta sleeeep.
Pretty im glad it went well & just as you expected, blokes always take a while letting it sink in i find, he’ll get very excited about the baby soon I have no doubt <3

Gigs i love that pendant aswell, i love white stones surrounding coloured ones :) The silver bracelet that you had made, you could always look to get something like that done agsin with maybe just 3 simple stones set in it - maybe in diff colours to represent their birth stone perhaps? Hmmm.. i quite like that idea aswell for me lol :haha:

Jez im sure the lil ‘pouch’ is fine, i have mini puffiness down there because of my csection scar, not as bad as it was as they tidied my s ars up with 1 thin scar but still have a lil bit of puffy pouch below bikini area.. every pg is def different & 2nd time around you’ll probs carry completely diff & the pouch may even go ;)

Pacific the same thing happened with a school mum friend re the most recebt sweep being not uncomfy, after her 2nd sweep she went into labour in less than 48 hrs! Fx hun
Ohhh those are beautiful cb! I am jealous. Hubby hasn't gotten me flowers in some time. He used to get them for me a lot, not just holidays but out of the blue and would sometimes bring them to my work. Now it's a money thing though...that was back when we both worked full time.

I have been thinking of birth stone jewelry to represent the kids but they are diamond, emerald, and garnet -- white, green, and red. When I see those colors together all I can think of is Christmas! I have a locket I want to put pics in and may just end up getting myself a chain for that.

Pl I am excitedly awaiting an update especially with the cramps you mentioned!

Jez I bet anything you see as a pooch isn't as bad as you perceive it! I've got it bad this time...they kind of firmed back up (to a degree) with ds1 & ds2 so hoping this time is no different...

I am NOT looking forward to the post-breastfeeding saggy boobs. They were unsightly last time. Thank goodness they did perk back up a bit but I have a fear they won't this time!

Eh, you weren't overly whiney about ttc. I think you also acknowledged it was only the start of your journey and knew it could take time...but man who doesn't get impatient when ttc? Especially with the tease of a chemical. I definitely felt that with ds2. I was impatient with ds1 too but that was while wtt.

Woooooooweeeee i'm chatty this am!
Jez, what did I miss? You are ttc?

Contractions eased over night, man is that baby stubborn or what! Must be a girl ;)
It was a bit depressing that the mw did want to discuss 41+3 yesterday... Basically our options are limited: no pitocin for me to induce at that point because of a higher chance of rupture for a vbac. They may want to try depending on how things look, but not the best option....

Based on the kicks, i don't think baby has flipped. DH is doing a short day at work, may go for a long walk later, but for now I am getting short contractions ever 7-8 minutes.
Pl - any update?

Gigs- do you have a Shane Company near you? I have a beautiful heart necklace they added the boys birthstones to and can add more as we add kids. Shane Co is the only place we buy jewelry now because they're so amazing!

Pretty- I think the second (third, fourth, etc) is never as exciting to rational/ planning people. I'm a planner and even though I was soooo excited it was still like "oh crap" we have to do this, this, and this. Plus men take time to warm up.

That's all I can remember. I need a nap.
Oh about the boys and the baby. They know where the baby is, max is more interested than Michael and max gives me belly kisses sometimes too BUT I don't think they get we're actually having a baby lol
Green checked them out online; not as cheap as jtv! :haha:

Pl oh heck no Jez isn't ttc as far as we know haha...I was just reminiscing when she was ttc Tilly.

We're expecting snow this weekend. If we get any accumulation I'm taking a pic of our back deck to cross reference with yours :rofl: I definitely showed it to hubs who said something like "freaky" hahahahha
Gigs, you and I have mirror lifes... Haha sort of! I can see you and I being those crazy mom friends if we lived near each other :haha:

Re jez: I thought she was waiting, hence my confusion.. I think DH and I are done after this one.. no more crazy 5 hour road trips for ttc. But oh the memories ;)

We probably accumulated about a foot in total for snow, with a few warmers hours in between each snowfall. The weather prediction for the next few days is wishy washy, snow and rain at just above freezing: so it's anyone's guess. It's raining right now...yucky snow on the ground! So unusual for us to have more then 2 inches of snow for more then a day.

Well contractions have spaced out again, like 20+ minutes, I am frustrated. I have been able to get foot rubs out of DH every night though, so there is a positive side to this. ;)

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