That's cool Bree- My daughter's father has outright bright baby blues, so she def has a 50/50 chance of having blue eyed kids with her SO of almost 3 yrs.
My 2 sons - one has light brown like his dad, and the other got my mud puddles- they are so dark I literally thot I had black eyes as a kid
I was SOOO interested in the whole Punet Square gene transfer thing in college, I have always wanted to mix it up. My family is HUGELY diverse.
If I had the money I'd have that genetic breakdown testing that tells all your submissive traits, disease possibility based on family lines and ethnicity etc.
My mother is 100% Euro Portuguese( from Portugal not Brazil) BUT her mother was literally SUPER dark- from the Cape Verde Island lines, off the coast of Africa, and her father SUPER White with blue/green eyes
the pic of him is black and white, so I know they are either color, but my mom says they changed colors...
So I consider myself contributing to equality, as with a light eye/hair father I know they have a possibility to have light eyes etc down the line, or at least are def carriers of the sub gene for it...otherwise my Maternal g'dads pretty eyes end for sure with me...
Every one of his kiddos had brown eye obvi - since the dom gene, but they carry his sub gene for blue....but they alllll
with dark eye lines , and ALL his grandkids have dark eyes, married to same- so sad...
Yea I'm geeky like that.
Obviously there can always be an odd mutation for dark skin light eyes or hair, but it's usually a cultural thing- theres a whole like ISLAND of them!
Check out Solomon Island kiddos - most are Blondies
Also a few in Cameroon etc
I dated a guy in junior hi with eyes just like the girl below, and work with one now