Yawwwn.... OMG soooo Tired

Sleepo meds are NOT working - was 445am before I fell asleep then kept waking every 30 mins ugh

thats how i felt...
And everytime I woke up to Amy Winehouse in my head singing Back to Black...
Weird, can't hate on her tho I LOVE that song...
Gigs Yep they have to be tuned up every so often...I got implants after having a non cancerous lump removed in 95- left me with a huge dent in my left breast - back then implants were kinda scandalous still unless in porn or stripping here lol
I paid $3500- saline meh def would go with the newer materials or silicone.
I was a 36B/C before surg, full 38C after, then had daughter and went to 42DD ugh huge...then back to 38 C, had surro twin, same size changes, then DS, same size changes.
They def are past the 10 yr mark, but look great in shirts, tanks, bras etc.
Loose they are not as full and def sag a bit, but look natural to the guys I've been with.
Oh I also went over the muscle so I could be back at work on the ambulance in like 2 days literally, and told no one.
I'll get them redone once I'm past kiddos
No idea why the donor asked ME of all ppl lol.
Then he sent a few more texts about wanting to do it again...but he didn't say donate...He wants US to do things regularly

Kill me now- no way he's same age as my oldest son, and Im not into the cougar thing
MrsG That's awesome he is comfortable with who he is.
Also I think have a small pickle is worse than small boobs- we can fake bigger boobs, but the pickle needs to actually be FUNCTIONAL, and I am very understanding, but
super small D*(^ men...not fun guessing are they all the way in, are they actually all the way hard?? Certain positions are terrible cuz if they have a bit of belly they can get IN very far- too much pretending for me lol.
Gigs lol Bangers I have only heard in Bangers and Mash- which is like UK Sausage and mashed potatoes

I immed pictured you with mashed taters smothered on your boobage
DobsAwesome on the winter break!

Im exhausted...gonna drag ass to go make my final

cheapie, then get some much needed coffee. I also gotta find a holiday market ASAP to start money moving.
Me n mom had our usual bitch fest 2 days ago- where she doesn't acknowledge ANY thing I do in the house, and tries to blame me for her depression and lack of friends BS bla bla- she wants to separate housing blah blah

The ONLY reason we live together is she BEGGED me to get a home with her so she didn't have to live alone anymore - I fought it forever, but after divorce I got GUILT tripped by all the relatives to be a GOOD daughter, Take CARE of your mommmm!
I knew it wouldnt work cuz she is a control freak and does NOT respect boundaries or privacy.
And she told me my SO can't spend the night

Give me a break I'm friggin 42- just cuz you closed up shop on your love life and vajay YEARS ago, doesn't mean I have to