OMG majooooor screamfest with mom earlier I was thru the ROOF!
The woman simply can NOT admit she has EVER done a damn thing wrong and I'm so F-ing sick of it!.
The only reason she pulls this BS is bcuz she knows I CAN'T move out yet- biz not profiting as I have to keep reinvesting to start it again!
I can't even get a cater job/market opening to sell till after New Year.
It may sound like the worst thing ever but I swear to God, Budha, The great Raccoon in the sky ...When I can get out of this house I am Soooo done with her.
She can figure her own way since she knows EVERYthing and Perfect in every way.
I was literally heaving as she refused to acknowledge she has done sooo many major things.
Oh how I loathe thee...let me count the ways...
1 I got drunk ONE time last year and she had me sent away to Rehab for SIX months - FL has this BS Marhman act- anyone can file on you and even if you test CLEAN as I did, the court mandates 6 months INpatient ( they get $5000 a month for every woman there - there were 82 of the math) I had over 200 random NEG tests and lives with mostly ex prostitutes, drug dealers, and HIV/HepC girls. I literally watched them snort pills for 6 months
2 When I refused to talk to her other than required once out, she called them AND my exhub because SURELY you are drunk or high for being pissed about that?? That got me 3 MORE months random testing outpatient.
3 I could NOT take any sleep meds during last year, and imagine me taking naps! The nerve of me! She kept waking me up every time saying what did you take WTF?? I cursed her out..and locked my door so she'd leave me and DS alone.
20 mins later I have 2 SHERIFFS at my door saying she called 911 saying I took something and locked myself in room with DS...I told the cops test me I've been up 30 hrs I'm tired. The cops laughed and left.
She got mad they didn't listen to her ...Sooo she then called my exhubs FATHER and said the cops were just there and they came racing over to get DS Fiasco
Well exhubs lovvvved that and then I had CHILD PROTECTIVE services pop up 2 days later asking where I hid my drugs and alcohol???WTF
4 Xmas EVE last year, I finalllly get free and am wrapping presents for DS...doorbell...
THREE SHERIFFS with a warrant for my arrest for missing a court date? WTH I didn';t have any court date. Cuffed and booked and NO ONE could tell me when I missed court- 9 hoursss in booking, squat cough alllll that shit.
NINE days later my atty said "Oh , your mom just gave me a subpoena she had in her room" WTF?? She called court AGAIN saying I must be taking something because I refuse to talk to her and am
To this DAY she refuses to admit she took my mail or called the court EVEN tho it's IN court docs AND her signature is on the Process Server Form....
So pls understand ladies when I say this woman has put me thru HELL, and helped my ex, lied to everyone, and if I could leave this minute I would NEVER look back for her and not feel a bit bad about it.
Thx for letting me vent...