General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Omg pl...our "two moms, some kids, and a bunch of farm animals" youtube channel would be an instant success :rofl:

I just had the impulse to write "5 boys" so I officially think you have a boy in there. Disclaimer: I'm usually wrong on these things.

And hey never say "done"! In your farm house with a million acres you may find room to fill...or at least the need for another farmhand.
Pacific omg what an ass of a comment from MIL. Soooo not helpful to a pregnant woman. Will DH still go Saturday if you haven't delivered?? I'm so sorry your contractions keep fizzling out. I hope they quit teasing you soon.

Kitty what a beautiful pic!!

Dobby that's outrageous what you pay for insurance. Holy moly!! I don't blame people for considering a strike. I hope you guys get what you deserve.

Jez omg I remember you thinking greenie would go before you. I can't imagine. I really hope S isn't "late"

Greenie any updates on the cramping?? Sorry for the copay :(

Shae did you have V day dinner with SO??? Mmmm filet mignon

CB I hate seeing them cry from their shots. I know it's for the best and a quick bit of pain is better than a serious and/or deadly disease. Oh and those roses are beautiful. DH doesn't really get me flowers as I have allergies to many flowers. My fav flower is an iris though.

Gigs yay for being back to birth weight!!! Hope he continues to pack on those lbs and ozs. DH went out night before to buy me some chocolates. I have waaayy too many as I've been a chocaholic this pregnancy. I also want to get some jewelry with the girls birthstones. So far emerald. If she comes this month I think amethyst and can't recall March. I think it's a light blue stone.

Pretty it sounds like it didn't go too bad. Maybe he's just a bit guarded. Men take longer to bond.

I'm wondering how..... lord I brainfarted her username. The Australian girl that is round 6 weeks now. Had cramping and mixed messages from OB. If you read this! I'm so sorry for forgetting your UN. I'm thinking about ya though.

AFM oh man yesterday didn't go as planned. Had dentist appt and scheduled Vs first appt at dentist. That was planned and went well. DH got a kidney stone flare up. Wasn't bad enough to go to ER but bad enough where he couldn't care for V or drive. So I dropped her off at sitter and took him to dr. I'm hoping he can pass it and pass it soon. We did get to have V day dinner together.

Hemmrhoid still around but not really painful which I can handle. Been having loads of irregular cramping today. Just a tease. Will make it to term in 3 hours so that's good. Now if she'll come in the next 2 weeks :haha:
PL sorry the contractions slowed down :(

Flueks yes we had out Valentine’s Day dinner and honestly the filet mignon was the most tender and soft I’ve ever had, I was super impressed. He brought me a bottle of wine and we had a nice night.
Sorry about your DH’s kidney stone, but glad you still got your Valentine’s Day dinner with him. Also glad the hemorrhoids aren’t hurting much anymore, and yay for making it to 37 weeks!

Kitty aw what a cute pic!

Pretty hm sounds like he took it about as well as expected. I’m sure he’ll warm up to it at some point.

Gigs yay for weight gain! Glad the formula supplementation is helping.

Sorry to those I missed, I’m exhausted.

AFM, AF has definitely arrived, bright red blood today. It’s so weird that I had a 9 day luteal phase and the progesterone started dropping at 7 dpo. Hm. I suppose it’s something to do with the new iud, my progesterone dropped and I started spotting at 8 dpo the previous cycle. Weird.
Yay for term Flueks! That’s a big deal! And yes, I’m hoping S will soon. Dare I say it’s become a head-to-head between you and PL.

PL Gigs is right, defo no TTC here. I’m sorry 41+3 came up, though when it did for me it was a sweet relief to at least know it WAS gonna happen (and then when I called up the morning of and they said they were busy and to call back at noon, I went back to being convinced I’d gestate forever). I think I was already going into labour anyway. Why didn’t mw tell you how dilated you were btw? Re: induction can they still do foley balloon thing or cervadil? My friend had just a foley at 37 weeks and baby came within hours.

Re: jewellery I’ve wanted a name pendant for ages but I can never find one I love. Also thinking first initial on jewellery or as a tattoo but now slightly annoyed we picked a name/nickname starting with two different letters (Tilly and Matilda). Not REALLY annoyed, just would be way more convenient to have them start with the same letter.

I had other things to say but forgot.

OH. WOW. How couldn’t I forget?!

Tilly only went and bloody got the stomach bug after all!!!!! After just one stupid day at daycare, AFTER it was supposed to have been thoroughly disinfected. She puked on me this morning several times and on DH and the floor a few times. It was seriously unnerving and I felt bad inching away from her in fear as she approached me to puke on me after the first two times instead of comforting her (poor thing just stood there and vomited and looked so sad... gosh I’m the worst... her daddy hugged her though) but it wasn’t as bad as I thought. Half the fear was also over how infectious it is. Anyway, she puked on and off for 3 hours and hasn’t at all since then (it’s now almost 13 hours later). She was also super spritely this evening. Hoping it means she’s okay from now on. If I get sick, that’ll be a whole other story. That’s panic attack territory right there. I might as well expect it though, so watch this space.

Wow, this has been a surprisingly selfish post. I also think I’m starting to feel nauseous. Better be effing psychosomatic.
Just popping in to say LMFAO Green

I wanted to trade my engagement ring in for some of their family jewelry but ex put the ring under his name. I was in too much pain at the time to fight him on it. I was deeply disappointed with the quality and service of the place I got mine from. Should have stuck with Shane Co. I couldn’t find one with the whole open weekdays till 8 and Saturday and Sunday til 5

Jez oh no I’m sorry Tilly got the stomach bug! I hope you don’t get the bug! Are you deathly afraid of vomiting or am I thinking of someone else?

Dobs I looked up Shane Co despite not living anywhere near their stores lol, they ship so it’s an option. They have white sapphires! They’re less than half the price of diamonds and look similar. I’ve just sent SO some info about them haha.

Re: jewelry, I really don’t wear jewelry except for a ring on my ring finger, so I don’t buy myself jewelry. I’ve only bought myself earrings and I almost never wear them so it’s dumb of me to buy them. But I buy them from Claire’s (meaning crappy quality but it’s fine cuz I rarely wear them) so I don’t waste much money on them, Claire’s is cheap.
I think jewelry is very pretty and if I was rich I’d probably have lots of it but I’d still probably never wear it. I’m really just lazy. I don’t like having to take off a necklace to go to bed, bracelets either are loose and go up and down my wrist or are tight and pinch my arm hairs, I sleep on the side of my head, so earrings are uncomfortable to sleep in... I’m just picky and lazy. I also lose everything, SO got me a lovely simple necklace years ago and I lost it and still haven’t managed to find it. All and all jewelry will be wasted on me so I don’t buy it and I tell SO not to buy it for me, except an engagement ring. I remind him relentlessly that I want an engagement ring :rofl:
Jez yikes I hope no one else get the bug. On the plus side, though awful, at leadt they are short lived. Silver lining? Eh don't feel bad about avoiding being thrown up on. We do the same here. I'm the one that shys away; hubby is the one that picks the kid up with arms completely extended and sets him on hardwood or tile for easier clean up/disinfecting. No bug hugs here until the vomit is cleaned up.

Fluek woohoo for term! Only 2 weeks and three days to go! :haha: and I believe March is aquamarine.

Shae your dinner sounds amazing! You've reminded me i need to eat a nice rare steak now that i'm not pregnant.

I'm the same with jewelry: lazy. I am almost always wearing my necklace, wedding set, and small hoop earrings. These items stay on when I sleep and shower. This is why purchasing pendants is kind of a big deal for me -- because they will almost always stay on for awhile. I love my earrings because they are small hoops that kind of "snap" closed so they never fall out and I can't feel them at all, even sleeping.

Myles won the battle of the bed last night. He fell asleep way early so woke up early. I just laid in bed tryyto get him back to sleep and watched Russian Doll. Anyone else seen this Netflix series?

Dobs, got this text message from my bro and thought I'd share with you: Where can you see people selling meth, shooting heroin, jumping a turnstile, having their dog shit on the floor and walking away, and someone fighting with the police all at the same time? Civic Center BART station!
Slowly trying to catch up and just gotta laugh at Jez’s “I’m feeling sick, best be effing psychosomatic.” :rofl: I always love your posts, you should be a blogger or something!
Pl how exciting! Hoping for a smooth delivery!

Shae that’s awesome! I heard of those somewhere but never actually looked them up to see. Hopefully he takes the hint soon lol

Gigs yup I don’t do BART. Can’t. Won’t. Hard pass. I do love super close to a bart station though. Great for resale. Haven’t seen RD but heard of it. Do you like it?

Jez I second Keeps was literally thinking the same. I am sorry she got sick and that you’re starting to feel it :(

Fluek congrats on going full term!!!! Erin? Is that her? I did notice she went radio silent hoping just busy

Btw I love that we are so connected that we’ll be in labor and update each other. It’s amazing how connected we are :)

Nothing new over here. Lol my life is so boring. Wish it wasn’t raining so I could take A to the zoo
Im wagering it to be a Girl. :)

Oh Jez nooooo... id def call that Nursery & complain that they need to decontaminate again & that you’ve had to take time off work etc.. poor Tilly, I hope that was the last of the sickness for her & you guys dont catch it.. :-/

Oooh ive not had my medium-rare steak yet, i keep forgetting i can ha! I been bingeing on Brie & red wine though lol! Haydens doing ok today, currently on hour 2 of snoozing.. its 15:20, debating whether to stur him for a feed ir leave him be??! I know il regret waking him lol
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PL so exciting!!! I’m guessing girl. Can’t wait to find out! Good luck, you’ve got this!
PL wooo! Waters breaking all on their own! Hope you get to update before bub pops out. Remember Dobs’ words of how connected we are. You CAN’T let us down. I’m feeling girl too for you!

CB Brie and red wine sounds like you’re doing okay. It’s family day long weekend here so I might get some beers in tonight. We were supposed to go to my mum’s but Tilly’s sickness ruined those plans, which is sad because she’s actually been Totally fine since vomiting yesterday morning and she never gets to see my mum :( Not sure on waking Hayden. Do they say never wake a sleeping baby? Who even is “they”?

Dobs what is BART? Is there an aquarium you can take A too instead? Or are you against those (i have mixed feelings but want to take T again).

Gigs I’m the same with wearing my rings, earrings and necklace all the time, including to bed and shower. I keep meaning to find some little hoops again but atm I’m wearing the ones in pic below 24/7.

Shae check our moissanite for engagement ring! I’m telling you, it’s the closest you’ll get to a diamond and I actually prefer it because it’s more sparkly. Virtually indistinguishable from a diamond unless you compare side by side and know to look for a slightly greater hint of yellow (though I think these days you can pay extra for a whiter stone) and more rainbow sparkle. But if your heart is set on a natural, mined gem, it ain’t for you. But if you want to avoid mined for ethical reasons, it’s a good choice.

Keeps you’re too kind. Luckily it was psychosomatic after all. I do have really old blogs that I wrote on fostering cats and acne treatment (two separate blogs, obv).

CB I agree Brie and whine sounds so divine. Def had a few nights of that the last couple months haha

Jez right who is they?! I quote they all the time :rofl:

I’m voting girl as well for PL no real reason just feeling girly lately. All my friends are having girls haha

I don’t mind aquariums but they need to be well run. I LOVE Monterey Bay Aquarium. We are members, so I did consider doing a day trip. But it’s hard now because it have steep stairs and A is OBSESSED with stairs. He’d rather climb them than watch the fish now lol

Well end up somewhere im sure lol. He’s laughing so hard rn playing with his favorite uncle haha
Jez I was actually just looking at moissanite this morning, I read that it’s more sparkly than white sapphire and the website I was looking on had them cheaper as well! I sent stuff about it to SO already haha!
Glad the nausea was psychosomatic.

Dobs lol at obsessed with stairs. Glad he’s laughing and having fun. Also lol at Brie and “whine” :rofl:
Haha yeah the typos are real I’m really exhausted today. Had terrible sleep after an oddly exhausting day that should have been breezy. Probably subconscious because I drink wine and whine :rofl:

In other news I’m like 155 which is about how much I was when I gave birth. Ordered some protein to drink in the morning because my issues boil down to three things:
1. Skipping meals because I’m too busy the eating one heavy meal
2. Depressed eating and snacking
3. No time or ability to exercise

So this will hopefully help with the skipping breakfast. Figure I’ll blend it into a berry smoothie then snack on some walnuts at recess.

I agree it always is ‘they’ lol! I suppose it sounds better than saying ‘lots of people always say..’ i ended up stirring him just after 4pm so he had a lil over 3hrs sleep in his basket, he drank his bottle & now hes a whingey moo.. given that it’s approaching 8pm hes getting tired again *sigh* scrap that, hes passed out in his bouncy chair, get in!!! :thumbup:

Jez i love your ear stud, its like a beautiful shooting star :) i would wear something like that! Totally Sods law about Tilly being fine now & not seeing your Mum this wknd, although its great no more sickness for her.

I havent worn any of my Rings since a few wks before having Hayden, thought id try them & my fingers must still be slightly puffy even though they look back to normal but the Rings felt rather tight pfft! So i left them off! I feel naked without them though :-/

Dobs have u tried cutting out carbs or mainly pasta & bread & replacing with Rice or quorn? I found the my completely bloat me out although i eat them still lol! Little & often is ‘supposedly’ good aswell as it keeps the metabolism ticking over & burning fats more efficiently :) You look lovely as you are anyway hun :hugs:

Pacific.. uuuuuupdate heheee eagerly awaiting new bubba pics eep!

I should really hop in shower whilst Hayden is snoozin, SO is out tonight & i hate trying to have a relaxing shower with a screamer in the background lol!

Flueks yes it was Erin from Oz!
PL good luck!!! I can't wait to know what you had and the name and see pics! Eee!

Jez are the ear climbers comfy?

Shae look on youtube "moissanite vs. diamond", lots of comparison vids that are good.

Dobs maybe we can start a weight loss thread on here. I've been thinking about it but felt silly starting it sonce I can't fully embrace weight loss efforts until 6 weeks postpartum...looks like i'm settling at about 176ish lbs which puts me 30 down from birth weight but 20 up from pre pregnancy weight :/ i'd ideally like to get to 135, but would be happy with 145, and unsettled but ok with 155. I'd like to at least get to 155 before disc golf season really kicks in (really it's year round but april/may is kind of kick off).

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