General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Tex hi lady!!! I enjoy when you pop in. Sorry lttle lady has been a pill recently :/ I wish I knew what to suggest. We have Des do deep breathing when he get the rage/frustration melt downs (I know you knkw what I'm talking about) but they aren't always too effective. I hope he gets better at managing it as he gets older.

Jez I want to hear the name suggestions! Even if pl isn't really in the market for them and i made that up...

Green i am starting to hope pl names him Myles and then you have a boy and use that name too :haha:
PL - Congrats on a healthy little boy! Also, on a successful vbac! Names...hmmm. Boys are harder to name IMO. We were going to name #3 Cecil James if he were a boy...or CJ for short. I love Rohen, and I think Benjamin/goes nicely with Logan... Dane is a nice name, too.

Jez- My whole house is now ailing. It sucks so much. Ozzy has the dry croup cough, so I busted out the nebulizer this a.m. Char's nose is nasty. Hannah started having tummy stuff last night, and Brad has had serious diarrhea, and a fever. I'm literally the last one standing around here. I hope Tilly feels better soon!

Pretty- How are you feeling?
Tex so glad to hear af least hubs mood is up! I know that was rough. Hopefully the money follows. No real suggestions other than typical mindfulness stuff. But that doesn’t work for everyone. I need to break stuff lol hence krav being amazing therapy

Wool I feel you! A had the croupy sounds coming through last night. I’m away from his nebulizer until tomorrow so debating if it’s worth getting it today.

I’d be down to do weight loss thread! Idkhow successful I will be though. The protein shake is amazing. I feel full all day. Problem is I am still depressed and exhausted so I want to eat junk all day. And still no time to exercise. But one problem solved

I like Landon, and I like it as a sibling name to Logan. I am still sad that I let ex talk me out of Dylan. I have had two students named Dylan and they are amazing. I love A but I don’t actually like the name Aiden
Pl- I hope you were able to go home already and that meeting between L and baby went well.

Tex-good to hear from you! Sorry about the pre-teen lol I was horrible around 9/11 years old but a pretty good teen. Maybe she'll be the same? Bad now, good later. lol

Gigs- Myles all around! Lol
DH thinks it's a boy. I think it's a girl. We both saw the radiologist look at the legs. I saw nothing in between, he says he did. Lol

Has anyone had to go back for more pictures after an anatomy scan? I have to go back. I'm waiting for them to call and schedule. They said they couldn't get one picture of the heart and of the face. Idk how much I believe it Lol I know they couldn't see much of the face but they were on the heart for a very long time.
Greenie I did this time. They didn't get all pics of spine they needed. They couldnt rule out spina bifida but there were no other indications. They weren't too concerned but wanted to make sure.

Having contractions about 8 minutes apart and sometimes sooner. Stronger than the cramps I've had......
It's very common to go back for more ultrasounds if baby is in a bad position. They take a long time if they are waiting for baby to get in a better position. Sometimes the window of opportunity to get a good pic is very small/short! So they hover. Worry not!

Ohhh Dobs I love the name Dylan. It's one of hubs' friends name though. I also love Taryn (which i see as masculine) but that was the name of hubby's first lady crush in elementary school.

Hey if Aiden ever gets a brother you have a name picked already!
Fluek any pain with them??? Do they feel like "the real deal"?
More painful than cramps, but not enough to make me scream like once I get to 4+cm. I don't feel like talking through them. Trying to drink more water to see if they fizzle out
Green I echo gigs super common. Just boils down to position. A’s first anatomy was forever and then I went back again. The tech was saying I was on the verge of having to come in a third time but in the last few minutes she got what she needed. Phew but it was like over an hour each time. Crazy

Fluek omg is this it?! I did say 38w hehe

Gigs right I like Dylan. Taryn is new to me though and yeah I am against naming my kids after crushes cuz just no lol

I would really hope for a girl. I don’t have names. My brother was just asking me about this lol. I think that I want a second kid but it won’t happen for various reasons so I don’t really spend time thinking about it. I still like Aria for a girl, and then she’d have an A like A. But idk. Also never had a Sabrina I didn’t like. I wouldn’t do Dylan because I wouldn’t want A to feel like the only A name after three generations of Ds.
Fluek is if possible you are more dilated than you think? They generalized in my labor class that you get hype and chatty during early labor but active labor you’d stop talking. Sounds real deal to me eeeeeee
Flueks omg keep us updated!

Green I echo the others on a second scan, sounds normal to me.

Dobs both Aria and Sabrina are on my list! I understand not wanting to make A feel left out of the D name tradition. My mom and little sister both have virtue names and I don’t, and it bugs me a little.
Will do guys. I think I'm in early labor but not frequent enough to go in yet.
Flueky - Good luck with everything. Wishing you a speedy labour and a healthy little girl. :)

Re: names. SO and I haven't discussed anything this time around, but last time (as far as I was concerned), our 2nd, 3rd, and 4th picks were Matthew, Auston, and Liam (William). In that order. I'm still gonna do everything in my power to get my Emma, or possibly Emmalee. I don't really have a 2nd choice, buuuuut SO seems to like the song "Layla" by Eric Clapton. I wouldn't mind that, but maybe spelled Leila.

wookie - Sorry to hear most of your house is sick. Here's hoping everyone gets better soon.

I'm doing ok. Still taking daily tests, but I'll probably stop that now. I was feeling like my uterus was "full" for a few days, but not so much today. Just trying to take it one day at a time and not get my hopes up for another few weeks.
Pacific that’s amazing, im so jel lol! I hope you & baby boy are doing well & your enjoying newbie snuggles <3

Omg Flueks!!! Good luck hun, hope all goes smoothly for you aswell :) So exciting hehe

Shae, whats a virtue name??

MrsG, i nearly got called back at my 20wk Scan because she couldn’t get full ‘ok’ view of the heart but then baby started moving about & then all was ok & she got what she needed, they like to see all 4 chambers in full view & if baby isnt laid right they’ll call you back in, im sure all is perfectly fine :hugs:

Names, for a Girl I really like Lana & Lara, Nuala would’ve been one of these had Nuala not of popped up- Boys names i quite like Otis but just love Wyatt, its abit “out there” but i just love it, SO was like ‘wtf??! Erm nope!’ Lol

Urhh this baby of mine will not settle this eve, its like hes been given a Caffeine shot! In end ive laid him in his basket in the dark, itsbeen 25 mins & i can still gear him arhhh! Its 12:45AM & i know i wont sleep in the bedroom if i hear him as il keep listening for him, man im soooo tired i keep nodding on sofa :( May try bf’ing him again to see if he’ll settle..
aaaaaand sleep!! He self soothed woop! Fx a start of good things to come re sleeping habits..
Sorry for selfish posting. Seems to be fizzling out. So think she's waiting a little longer. Have an appt at 1 tomorrow.
Cb that was me today! He was up in the 4am hour and i was just absolutely exhausted. It wasn't until 11 that he finally napped...thank goodness for my mom watching Levin so I could snooze too.

Fluek I still think 39 weeks! Will ob check cervix? Might not be true labor but hopefully it's still changing your cervix

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