General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Pretty I like those names, and I agree with the spelling of Leila, it’s very pretty :)

Flueks sorry they fizzled out, hopefully at your appointment they’ll say you’re more dilated!

CB a virtue name is like Faith, Grace, Hope, Joy, Chastity, Temperance, etc.
Also I had a friend growing up whose brother’s name was Wyatt, so it’s not that “out there”.

Good luck to the ladies doing the weight loss thread! I’m not trying to lose weight at the moment (plus I’m not postpartum) so I won’t be joining you but I’m sending my love and encouragement!

I think I actually lost a bit of weight from cutting out sweet tea. I haven’t weighed myself but I’ve noticed one big difference: my boobs are smaller. I’m unamused :rofl: I honestly might go back to drinking it more often because I want my boobs back :haha: also because I know I’m not at risk for diabetes, no family history plus a few weeks ago, just under 2 hours after eating lunch plus drinking sweet tea, I had diabetes sim lab and we checked our glucose, mine was 73. Very low for someone who had sweet tea and all that sugar. My pancreas is functioning perfectly, maybe slightly on overdrive. I’ve only ever had hypoglycemia, never hyper. On the other hand I’m sure all the water I’ve been drinking instead is good for me. Idk. When I gain weight, I gain it in my boobs and butt, and when I lose weight, I apparently lose it in the exact same spots.
CB I also know a Wyatt who’s Tilly’s age, so I don’t find it odd! Might be more common in North America though. Glad you got to get some kip!

Gigs I believe the ship has sailed on baby names for PL coz I see she’s announced on FB. I won’t spoil the name but I like it and goes very well with Logan.

Dobs what middle name did you end up giving A? I was going to suggest just adding Dylan in there as a middle name and then casually calling him that instead. That’s probably weird though. I hear you though... I don’t dislike the name Matilda or Tilly but there are a few other names I sometimes wish we’d gone with. I’m so indecisive.

Flueks in sceretly disappointed the contractions have fizzled out but I guess it’s good to keep her in as long as possible.

Wooks I’m sorry to hear you have a house full of sickies too. This is surely one of the hardest parts of parenting.

I had other things I was meaning to respond to but now forgetting of course.

It’s nearly 11pm and of course it’s one of those nights where Tilly’s refusing to sleep. Currently being rocked by a very weak and tired hubby to Harvest Moon. Why weak and tired, you ask? Because he was up all throughout last night with explosive diarrhea and vomiting. Yes, the frickin bug got him too. Not me yet, but I’m TERRIFIED it’s only a matter of time. It’s like waiting for the grim frickin’ reaper. I’ve had a pretty sh*t day not getting anything done around the house coz DH is sick (again, after having influenza for 8 days), Tilly’s still recovering and clingy, and I’ve been obsessively trying to clean, even though it’s impossible. I’m so behind on my school stuff too, so I just spent the day feeling sad and angry, mostly with Tilly stuck to my boob and with inane cartoons on coz she won’t let us watch grown-up stuff. Just sucks coz I was looking forward to a nice long weekend at my mum’s coz we never see her and it’s my only weekend off from seeing clients, and instead I’m just stuck in a dirty house unable to do almost anything but sit around and have my nipples annihilated while living in fear of confronting my biggest phobia. Also just feel drained from constantly looking after sick people the last two weeks with no time for any work or anything enjoyable. This is also why we really don’t want a second anytime soon. We get zero help from anyone here at all. Zilch. Everyone I know has at least some family able to help out when they really need it. My mum might as well live a thousand miles away. It’s hard enough doing everything on our own with one; I really can’t imagine more. Sorry, I was feeling okay and then it turned into an angry rant, which was compounded by stupid autocorrect BS.

PS Tilly still wouldn’t sleep so came back to ruin my nipples some more in bed and is still wide awake.
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If anyone watches grey’s anatomy (no spoilers don’t worry), I just watched the most recent episode and the promo for the next episode and I swear to god this show is gonna give me a heart attack from the stress it puts me through.
On that note, I still have to do my clinical paperwork due tomorrow morning. At least I have pizza.

Jez sorry everyone’s sick and nobody helps out :( I hope you don’t get sick!

Can’t wait to find out the new baby’s name!
Yes, we have named baby: Ethan Friedrich, middle name is very German and after my mom's dad. Ls middle name is after dhs grandfather...

My lady bits get pretty sorea fter peeing but mw thinks in 2 days it should feel better so I am hopeful. I also keep thinking my abdomen should feel sore so get up very careful but obviously that's just memory from the emergency C-section with L and not happening this time.

G: I can only compare my emergency C-section. Not a planned C-section like yours with the twins. 3 days after my section walking out of the hospital I still felt like I got hit by bus, I did nothing for 2 weeks after and 6 weeks to feel great. Having boys at home, I'd go vaginal again knowing that they will be all over us and can't avoid moving around more then I did after the first delivery.

Out of curiosity I did ask my mw on rupture risk for a third baby today. Since I now have a successful vbac, I could even do a homebirth again. She suspects another delivery would be even quicker... I went from 30 hours to just over 5... Haha, a potential 3rd and she thinks we may not have time to make it to the hospital.
The way things went down this time; my mw does trust mother's intuition: we were all surprised how fast of a labor it was especially since it was my first vaginal birth.

Sorry I can't recall anything else, so very selfish posts..

My mom left today, so we can settle into our own routine now. L is taking alright to baby Ethan, he gets very concerned over his cries. Bfing is off to a decent start, and E sleeps a ton so far.

What else am I missing?
PL aw I love the name! I agree with Jez that it goes very well with Logan. It’s so awesome that your midwife says you could even do a homebirth for a 3rd baby! So cute that L is all concerned over baby E’s crying.
You are missing pictures pl! :haha:
Well, while I am sad I didn't get to name your child :haha: the name you picked is lovely. What were the ones hubby tossed out?

That's great to hear about your experience. Damage would probably be less next time, too. Have you heard of the tea bag trick? My friend and SIL talked about how great it was after birth to help with the crotch pain. That said, i have no idea exactly how it works or what you do. They spoke about it like it was universal knowledge and I never asked for details since it was irrelevant to my situation.

Shae less sugar all around is a good thing! As is more water! Don't sacrifice your health for slightly larger boobs! Would you advise a patient to do that?

Jez you poor thing, I'd be freaking out too. And I absolutely feel you on being sole caretaker with no help. Heck my mom has been living with us and i am still overwhelmed by the demands of baby and terrified of demands of the other kids when my mom leaves. Sometimes i feel like an au pair would be amazing but I also feel like they'd be raising my kids....idk
shae - Hmm, I've never heard of a virtue name. Learning new stuff everyday. lol. My middle name is Joy and my sister's is Honour. I remember crossing into the States and the border guard read my family's full names off of our passports, except for her middle name. Apparently the "u" threw him off. haha. Can't really give you advice on the whether of not to cut back on the tea, but more water is always good.

PL - That's a good name. I have some German heritage and want to use a couple of those names for my future kids. That's good to know you could go for #3 and going from 30 hours to 5 hours of labour gives me hope for next time. Wishing you a speedy recovery and I'm sure you'll do great on your own with 2. :)

Jez - So sorry that the last couple weeks have sucked. FX everyone get's better soon.

AFM, not too much to report. Today's test was blazing positive, so I should really stop now. SO and I haven't really talked or joked about it cuz I guess there's not much to say until I'm "safely" out of 1st tri. So, that's it, I guess.
Gigs lol well no, I wouldn’t advise a patient to consume lots of sugar in order to get slightly larger boobs. But I’m not overweight and my pancreas is great, so I might ignore my better judgement :haha: idk, I think maybe a healthy medium would be a decent choice for me. I’ve had sweet tea maybe once a week the past few weeks. Letting myself have one a day (not one at each meal like I used to have) could be a decent compromise to see what the effects are.

Pretty yay for blazing positive, fx’d for a good scan and healthy first trimester.
Fluek I second Jez. I wanted to be right lol but it is better this way

Jez big hugs! I know what you mean. I had a good handle on my emotions until a friend of a friend had a kid. And so his wife is always posting about the baby and he comes to me with his parental freak outs because I’m a teacher/have a kid/have a kid who had a lot of complications. So I get super angfey lately about how it’s not fair that I have to do everything alone and how overwhelming it is. But I do get help. My friend walks my dogs once a weeks. And when I’m about to have a mental breakdown I can go to my parents and at least get 30m of baby free time. I hope everyone feels better and you can do something for you soon

PL love Ethan! I meant to type that as well but I couldn’t remember what it was when I was typing. A was supposed to be Ethan. I forget at what point it changed to Aiden, but we had settled and announced Ethan. Also love middle names after family! Forgot who asked but I set my foot down on my dad’s name for the middle name.

Pretty congrats on an awesome test today! we had an au pair for the twins until they were in preschool. First was a long time Thai friend. She annoyed me (because she had rules lol). But she was awesome. She cleaned and helped with the kids and helped my mom cook. My mom was a SAHM but she had a rough recovery and also was caring for my stepdads mom who was basically on hospice at our house. Extra bonus she got to speak Thai with her and feel like she had her culture around. Then she moved back to Thailand and we got some older, super Catholic. She only agreed to help with the boys. But she was cool. We did always worry she might run off with one but right before my parents were going to let her go (that plus other things), she met some dude on a bus and got engaged and was like peace out. It’s not for me. I’m too territorial.

Shae I’m glad I’m not overanalyzing. I almost didn’t type it because I felt silly thinking it might be an issue, so it’s nice to hear that I’m not overthinking and it’s a legit thing to consider.

PL I second Gigs!

Also am I the only one who is not fb friends with everyone in this thread? Lol. I periodically think about it as y’all talk about fb posts vs here but I have watched too many criminal minds :rofl:
CB I like Lara and Lana. I think of Lana from the show Archer though:haha: so glad he self soothed. Here's hoping he's a great sleeper :)

Gigs I'm definitely asking to be checked. I feel like it has caused some changes. I kind of feel this is the week, but maybe it's wishful thinking.

I've never heard of some teabag trick so I'm clueless too.

Shae thank you. I tend to lose weight in my boobs 1st. I hate that as I'm not very big to begin with. Oh well, better a healthy body with smaller boobs. Once a day sweet tea is a start, but I'd definitely try to essentially eliminate it. I do like to indulge occasionally though.

Not really a Grey's anatomy fan. To be fair I've never seen an episode. I'm not too fond of medical shows as I get irritated at certain inaccuracies. For instance when people put something in the mouth of person having a seizure. That absolutely KILLS me. So many people think they should do that because they saw it on tv. Sorry, silly rant:rofl:

Jez I'm so sorry you haven't got to relax as planned. I also hope you don't catch it as well. I hope everyone fees better soon and you find a moment to relax. Also, I'm a bit disappointed too :rofl:

Pacific love the name :) I hope your mw is right. I was sore for at least 2 weeks but pain improved over time. Glad your labor was much quicker this time. Hope BF continues to go well.

Pretty yay for blazing positive. I'm looking forward to your scan :)

Dobby I didn't FB friend anyone until recently. I actually joined tge secret march group on fb. Oh and criminal minds is such a good show!! It does kind of make you paranoid though doesn't it? It does me, but I haven't watched in awhile.

AFM only odd occasional cramp. Losing lots of pieces of plug since last night. I'm anxious for my appt. I woke up at 4 a.m. wide awake so I went to work early. I think I'll leave a bit early too.
I think i'm just on fb with Fluek and green but I barely check my fb feed or their stuff. My apprehension cone from being friends with a group of ladies from b&b, we had talked for two years or so then decided to move the group to fb. For whatever reason that was the beginning of the end. People fought, had strong opinions they expressed on fb that they were neutral about on here. The group went from like 9 chatty ladies to 4 and then we all gradually stopped talking. I actually met one irl. She was nice...but then i got butthurt about something stupid, and she was unsympathetic and started internet fighting with me via pm's. I didn't feel like fighting so I just started quoting Hook ("Bad form, Peter!") :rofl: turns out she'd never seen it and thought I was being a huge a-hole and stopped talking to me after that. I still find it hilarious though...
Dobs I mean it doesn’t drive me nuts all the time or anything, it’s not some huge grudge, it just bothers me a tiny bit. But yeah, still valid.
Also I’m not fb friends with people on this thread either, don’t worry. I like to keep it separate, I prefer to only be friends with people I know irl on fb. Not that I don’t trust you guys, but you can’t be too careful lol. Plus I post way too much politics.

Flueks I have basically eliminated it already, I’m considering bringing some back into my diet to get the boobs back :rofl: at the same time I think my waistline looks a little nicer but I’m not sure. I know I should prioritize my health over bigger boobs but I hate being a member of the itty bitty titty committee.
Shae may I suggest investing in an extremely good push-up bra? Might be a nice compromise to give you biiig boobs when you’re clothed.

Dobs oh yes I think you mentioned Ethan was an original name of A’s. And re: FB friends I believe I’m only friends with PL and Flueks on FB and Gigs, CB and Michelle on Instagram. I rarely ever use FB for personal things anymore though, and my Insta is basically for Tilly + life pics/vids and for following home decor, food, art, parenting and miniatures accounts. Not that you asked for a summary of my social media consumption... Oh, and I feel a bit insensitive for moaning about feeling overwhelmed lately. I know you sometimes have help from fam, but believe me, I’m under no illusion about how much work it is to be a single mum, and with two dogs! Sometimes I feel like my largely self-sufficient cat is too much of a responsibility:

Gigs that’s sad what happened re: FB. I could see that happening when you suddenly have access to a platform on which differences in views become apparent, especially in this day and age. Wish we could all accept our differences and realize that we’re all normal human beings underneath and that most of the time no one is “right.” I have to say I laughed at the idea of you going with a Hook reference, even though I never would’ve remembered the quote myself. It’s cute and smart and funny. Oh I’ve never heard of teabag trick!

Pretty that’s so funny about not being able to pronounce Honour. I wonder if some Americans aren’t aware of the “u” thing if they’ve never been exposed to British or Canadian (or any other English-speaking country’s) spelling? When is your scan btw?

PL I feel like a huge asshole for forgetting to say Ethan and Logan are sooo cute and yes you definitely have to post here! I haven’t seen pics of L in ages so it was so nice to see his sweet face. And now I’m that asshole that again has made reference to something others haven’t seen.
Jez - No scan date yet. My first Dr appt is Mar 1, where I'll get the requisitions for blood work and scan. I can probably make appts for both ahead of time though. I'm gonna make my blood appt for right after my Dr appt and then make a scan appt once I see what my hcg level is.

I'm feeling really traumatized about getting the scan though. With my first pregnancy, they told me what the baby was measuring at, the hb rate and all that. With the 2nd pregnancy, she showed me the screen for less than a min, printed a pic and sent me on my way. Wouldn't tell me anything, even when I asked her. Just kept saying my Dr would contact me. My 2nd and 3rd scan with Alex were just as nice. They were able to tell me a bit and even told me I was having a boy, even though signs around the clinic said they wouldn't say. With the 2nd scan with the 2nd pregnancy, obviously it wasn't good news. I was asked if I'd had cramping or bleeding and then they didn't show me the screen or give me a pic or anything. Obviously I UNDERSTAND why, but it was still super bullshit. The tech even brought in another tech for a second opinion, but they only spoke Arabic to each other. So, they're literally standing there, talking about my dead baby in front of me and I have no idea what's going on.
Jez lol @ the push-up bra. I don’t care so much how my boobs look in clothes, it’s more how I look naked that I care about :haha:
Pretty yikes that’s crappy. Unfortunately techs aren’t allowed to tell you when something is wrong, the doctor has to tell you. But it’s crappy for them to be talking about your scan in front of you in another language. They should’ve got a doctor to come in ASAP so you could get immediate answers.
Gigs that's sad. I rarely post on my FB. Occasionally, I post about V or share something. I tend to avoid any conflict so prefer not to post political or religious things. It took me awhile to be open to FB friending from bnb. I actually didn't get on it for a long time. It was too much drama from my brothers girlfriend's sister. I finally unfriended her as I read the most ridiculous thing from her. Saying my family wanted nothing to do with my brother's supposed child because she was a girl. We tried and they pushed us out other than to give a sap story needing money. DNA test was refused so we don't believe she is my brother's. I really don't wish any harm to that girl, but I just can't pretend she's my niece. I hope she gets on well with life and has loads of success and happiness.

Shae :rofl: I'm a 40C right now, but usually a 36B or 36C. I was actually planning a boob job when I met DH. Had a consult the month after our first date. He made me appreciate my body. I was in much better shape then too. He doesn't say anything about the weight though. I just want to be healthier for V and S. Well and for myself :)

Jez not an a hole. I think we all feel overwhelmed at times.
Pretty that's pretty harsh they are speaking another language in front of you like that. I know that techs aren't qualified to "diagnose" you so they can't say, but you'd think there would be some better procedure such as a dr there to come in and talk to you. I'm hoping for a happy and healthy 9 months for you
Flueks yikes on the paternity issue. Crazy stuff. Someone should put them on Maury :rofl: if he has at least partial or shared custody, couldn’t he buy a drugstore paternity test and test the child and him without needing the mom’s permission?
Re: boobs, my bras still fit, so I haven’t lost a ton, but it’s like they’re less full and less round if that makes sense? I’m still a 34D cuz a size down still causes the double boob/bump thing last I checked.
Jez lol nw. I firmly believe you can’t compare situations and negate people’s emotions. Someone always “has it worse” doesn’t make your experience any less valid. You know? The only person who peeves me off (rarely) is one friend when she complains about her ex. How he’s a bad dad because he only sees his daughter once a week or how he sucks because she has to scream at him to get emergency babysitting. Like the dude sees his kid for all holidays and birthdays and pays child support on time and does whatever she asks. Sure he could see his kid more, but like really. Who the eff are you complaining to? Lol

Brb to respond to the rest A is flipping his lid over nothing lol

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