General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Shae it's my only brother and he comitted suicide about a week before she told people she was pregnant with his baby. They had a pregnancy "scare" about 3 months prior. He had bought a pocket watch for my dad that said grandpa then. There were calls between him and his gf prior to his last act. Just a lot of things over the years that suggest he's not the father. She didn't have a job or even driver's license so financially she would want to prove it's his to receive benefits/money. They leave us alone now thankfully.
Flueks oh crap I totally forgot about your brother. Yeah it seems like you’re right that he likely wasn’t the father. Glad they leave you guys alone now.
Shae no problem.

AFM she did cervix check. I'm now 2cm dilated and 70% effaced. She also mentioned before even inserting her finger she saw some bloody show. So I feel like it won't be long ;) everything else was good as well.
Gigs that’s so great that he’s gaining weight! I’m so happy for you!
Ive never heard the name Wyatt used in the uk or well.. anyone i know, i heard it on ‘Charmed’ & just loved it, SO on the other hand wasn’t so keen!

How you feeling Flueks?

Pacific i love the name Ethan, it was on my list :)

Im on Instagram with Michelle, Gigs & Jez.. & Flueks on fb, i use fb alot more, if anyone wants to add me im game :)

Shae i wish drinking tea would pert my boobs up lol! Mine used to be huuuge, like a 34E/F they went upto to G cup when pg with Riley, SO loved it ha! They’ve shrunk a fair bit since then :(
Ive never heard the name Wyatt used in the uk or well.. anyone i know, i heard it on ‘Charmed’ & just loved it, SO on the other hand wasn’t so keen!

How you feeling Flueks?

Pacific i love the name Ethan, it was on my list :)

Im on Instagram with Michelle, Gigs & Jez.. & Flueks on fb, i use fb alot more, if anyone wants to add me im game :)

Shae i wish drinking tea would pert my boobs up lol! Mine used to be huuuge, like a 34E/F they went upto to G cup when pg with Riley, SO loved it ha! They’ve shrunk a fair bit since then :(
Ive never heard the name Wyatt used in the uk or well.. anyone i know, i heard it on ‘Charmed’ & just loved it, SO on the other hand wasn’t so keen!

How you feeling Flueks?

Pacific i love the name Ethan, it was on my list :)

Im on Instagram with Michelle, Gigs & Jez.. & Flueks on fb, i use fb alot more, if anyone wants to add me im game :)

Shae i wish drinking tea would pert my boobs up lol! Mine used to be huuuge, like a 34E/F they went upto to G cup when pg with Riley, SO loved it ha! They’ve shrunk a fair bit since then :(

My post wont post pffft!!! I keep trying, ibet it uploads like 3/4 duplicates lol
Gigs yay for exceeding his birth weight. I bet he'll start piling on those ounces now :)

CB so far pretty boring as far as cramps or contractions. Just waiting for S to let me know she's ready :haha: I cleaned the house up some before picking V up. Didn't want to come home to a dirty house. I like the name Wyatt, I don't hear it around here but I don't think it's odd.
Flueky, sounds like you aren't far! Wishing you an easy delivery!

As for social media friends, I am only connected to jez, my Canadian connection ;) especially kid related: I don't post much there.

Yesterday mil asked if the entire family is coming to the big city at the end of the month (L has a doctor's appointment, so DH is taking him there since I wasn't planning on taking a 5 hour road trip with a newborn). I think she was hoping wed bring her her second grandchild, so she could meet him then. I was thinking she's ok to wait for 2 weeks!
Today I asked DH if his mom is expected to come up here for a visit now and the answer is no.
Guess she isn't meeting him for a while then.. I am not putting in any additional effort, quite disappointed actually....for DH too that his mom is unwilling to travel

My mw was just here, baby E is only down 2 oz from birth weight.
PL - I'm down to be FB and/or IG friends. And it sucks when family doesn't put in the effort to meet new babies. There are some in every family. :/

Flueky - Sounds like it'll be your time pretty soon. Sorry to hear about your brother though.

Good to hear both of the newest babies are putting on weight. :)

Re: boobs. I've just started fitting into a 38DD bra, was a 40DD. No idea what another pregnancy and several month of BFing are gonna do to them. And hopefully I'll have one more LO after that. I'm thinking once I'm in my 40s and done having babies, I'll get a little tummy tuck and breast lift with a fat transfer. SO isn't a fan of obviously fake boobs and I've heard so many horror stories about implants.

Re: scan prodecures. I dunno if there are proper Drs at the clinics here. Ususally just techs, as far as I know. But I'll ask what kind of people they staff the next time I'm there.

Nothing new in the last few hours from me, except that I feel like I'm nesting a lot. Or it's just that SO's place is a friggen mess and I've watched that Marie Kondo show on Netflix recently. lol
Pretty haha the Marie Kondo snow totally has that effect. I rearranged all of Tilly’s clothes drawers after one episode (I’m quite lazy). Re: scan I can totally relate. I was basically terrified at every scan right up until 12 weeks, and then still nervous beyond that (but I had a lot of spotting). And I didn’t even have a terrible scan experience. You’ll get through it and beyond that moment you’ll feel much better I’m sure. Can SO go with you for support?

Speaking of spotting, I also wonder how Erin is doing.

Lol CB at posting three times.

Flueks when is your guess for when she’ll come? My guess is Sunday! In just throwing that out there.

Shae, gotcha re: boobs. I used to have really good boobs (I only know this in hindsight) and now they’re really saggy thanks to 2+ years of breastfeeding and probably reduced skin elasticity from being in my 30s. So make the most of your undoubtedly youthful hugs!

PL remind me how far away your MIL is? What’s her reason for not wanting to travel?
Jez - The only scan SO was at for Alex was the 4D one we paid for at 31 weeks. He came with me for the 2 I had with my last pregnancy and things didn't go well. He says things don't feel real for him til there's a bump and you can feel movements; a blip on a screen doesn't mean much. So, I'm just gonna do the first couple by myself. Maybe I'll schedule the 20 week scan on a weekend, so he can come to that if he wants. Even if he did come with for the early scans, they'll make him wait in the waiting room til they've taken all their pics and measurements.
PL, I love the name Ethan!

Jez, I totally get it. I am sooo jealous of everyone who has help. DH and I have been out ONE evening since Z was born in 2017. We pretty much have to do everything ourselves. My mom comes to visit maybe every couple of months, but not for long. Not enough time to really help much. I wish she would move here, but it’s expensive and she’s not sure she could afford to. She’s also still working, and wouldn’t move til she retires, which she has no plans to do anytime soon. DH’s mom lives a plane ride away, so she’s only been around Z twice.

On the boobs front, jealous of all you ladies! I’m barely an A right now. Talk about the small boob club. I get to a nice size while breastfeeding. I guess the plus is my boobs still look okay after stopping BFing? Not saggy or anything... since they’re so small! Though we’ll see what a second baby does to them. I’m feeling less optimistic about their state in a few years.

On social, I’m friends with CB and Jez on insta.

Fleuky.. sooo close! I think it won’t be long now.
Jez, mil is in the province capital. So a 3 your drive plus 1 1/4 hour ferry ride and another 20 minutes from ferry to us. So let's say 5 hours one way with a gas station stop.
I am not 100% sure why she doesn't drive anymore, but I think part of it is she just isn't comfortable to even drive herself down the road. She takes public transit, walks or asks for rides to get to places. She's in her 60s.

My milk is officially in, and I feel like Ethan is constantly sleeping not draining them much yet at all.
Pl my SIL just went through this, baby was too sleepy the first couple days to eat and was losing weight. Couple days later she's feeding like a champ, he's gaining, and she's told me she has enough additional to store 6oz daily!!! That's insane to me. At best I get 2oz and that's if i opt to pump while M gets bottle.
Gigs, my mw doesn't seem too concerned. His output is more then is expected at his age and he was only down 2 oz at the weigh in yesterday. Birth weight isn't exactly true either as it was taken an hour later after he had his first boob!
Now it's just my boobs that are extremely tight.... I'll ask to weigh again when she comes today...

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