Lol Jez you crack me up.
Pretty can’t wait for your scan/bloodwork update in a couple of weeks. I second everyone else that that’s next level bs. I have had some crappy techs who were just following protocol. But usually they throw me a bone and at least show me the screen when I start crying. I’ve had some totally talk to me and others just give me a pity look. That sucks that he just waits in the room for the early ones.
Shae lol that’s my issue with push ups as well. Yay okay that’s great to look good in a shirt but eventually the clothes come off.
I was a 32 A/B. Went up to a C almost D when preggo/bfing. I’m too small for my C/D bras but spilling out from my B. So I guess B 1/2? I was going to get a bra from Third Love but I am not paying $70 just for the luxury of half cups
Gigs I hear you. It’s crazy how friendships can get ruined over simple comments or politics. Congrats on surpassing birth weight!!!!
Fluek I feel the same way. I want to be healthier for myself and A. I’m glad hubs is body positive. Oh man any day now!!!!
CB I immediately went to Charmed when I saw Wyatt. And then grown up Wyatt. And grown up Chris. Yum. LOL I didn’t want to get into the new one, but I like it.
PL awesome! He’ll gain that 2oz back in no time! Sorry about the family sitch. PL I agree. A seems happy to be in one less layer than me haha. Sorry about the crankiness! How’s he doing with E?
Michelle I am with you. I get a lot of help from my mom, but it’s like sustainable things or short errands. Nothing just for fun. Except this Friday she is letting me go out with friends to an art thing. But like my other friend had a baby and she went out for date night when he was two weeks old! Her two SILs and MIL babysat. He’s on formula because her supply dried up/ she was having latching issues. But I was like DAAAAAMN must be nice!
Re cats my first cat was on a self feeder and she was HUUUUGE almost 20 lbs. but the crazy thing was yes she had a little pouch, but she was surprisingly lean looking and very agile. I loved that kitty. She was a good kitty.
Still a whole lot of nothing new. But we are soooo getting closer to a strike. It's crazy. One school had almost 70 teachers call out sick today in unofficial protest. And they want us to call out one day to rally with Oakland, who has voted to strike.