General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

The MW’s always tell us that if the baby keeps falling asleep on the Boob to strip them down abit to a vest top so legs are out etc.. cools them abit & prompts them awake to want to feed, such a faff about but it does work :)

I sometimes think il have a boob lift in a few yrs once bf’ing done & kids a bit older etc, theres more surgery involved with a lift than what it is to have implants.. my friends SIL had her implants done in thailand, loads cheaper & she looks great, she mad me laugh as chatting with the surgeon he jokingly said to her “is it just the one breast being done” LOL! Her face was a picture according to her hubby hahaa!
Cb, I have heard that trick too... But it's not like we dress him excessively warm: just a simple full body onsie. We have always found our babies to be quite warm ;) the rules of "one layer more then we need" doesn't seem to apply. If we do that, our babies sweat!

I just carried L to his bed for his afternoon nap (yes we went back to forcing a nap on him, he's been getting too cranky in the late afternoon) and I swear that kid weights 60lbs..:haha: first time I carried him somewhere since E arrived. 7 lbs vs 30+.... E makes me realize how "grown up" L is....
I know its mad isnt it?! Our toddlers really are still very little but now in comparison they look massive & weighs ton lol! Even one of my Cats is a lead weight :haha:

I just put Hayden down for the night & my eyes are starting to get soooo heavy, fx for a nice snoozy night again :)

We’re now in Flueks babywatch lol
CB how much does your cat weigh? :shock: Mine are all 8-10 pounds.

PL sorry about L’s crankiness. Could it be him adjusting to the new baby?
Shae, no. Weve gone back to afternoon nap as of 2 weeks ago. While L was telling us "no nap" for a number of weeks, he still ended up needing it and we were stupid enough to let him try to go without. Guess he wasn't ready yet ;)
Shae I have no idea but one cat is more than 4kg & the other is less than, only reason i know is because their Flea treatment is 2 diff packs with diff weight categories.. the Tabby is the heavy one, chunk lol!

Pacific Nualas the same with her naps, she can go without but she gets to 3/4pm & shes evil, i call it the witching hrs until bedtime :haha:
Shae I have no idea but one cat is more than 4kg & the other is less than, only reason i know is because their Flea treatment is 2 diff packs with diff weight categories.. the Tabby is the heavy one, chunk lol!

Pacific Nualas the same with her naps, she can go without but she gets to 3/4pm & shes evil, i call it the witching hrs until bedtime :haha:
Its done it again ffs!

My internet wifi connection myst be pants atm! #eyeroll
Cb lol!
As for nap; L will still nap for up to 2 1/2 hoirs! And instead of going to bed at 6 without a nap, he goes to bed at 7 at the latest with a nap and no fights!
But if we do the no nap/6pm routine, he's so much more likely to fight his sleep at 6.
Omg babies vs todlers

I changed Levin's diaper for the first time in weeks tonight. I seriously felt like I was wiping the ass of a full grown man! It was such a shock to my system. Also yes, he weighs a ton! Not sure if it's just compared to baby or i've lost muscle tone being on lifting restrictions for nearly 8 weeks!

Pl do you have instagram?
Lol Jez you crack me up.

Pretty can’t wait for your scan/bloodwork update in a couple of weeks. I second everyone else that that’s next level bs. I have had some crappy techs who were just following protocol. But usually they throw me a bone and at least show me the screen when I start crying. I’ve had some totally talk to me and others just give me a pity look. That sucks that he just waits in the room for the early ones. :(

Shae lol that’s my issue with push ups as well. Yay okay that’s great to look good in a shirt but eventually the clothes come off.

I was a 32 A/B. Went up to a C almost D when preggo/bfing. I’m too small for my C/D bras but spilling out from my B. So I guess B 1/2? I was going to get a bra from Third Love but I am not paying $70 just for the luxury of half cups

Gigs I hear you. It’s crazy how friendships can get ruined over simple comments or politics. Congrats on surpassing birth weight!!!!

Fluek I feel the same way. I want to be healthier for myself and A. I’m glad hubs is body positive. Oh man any day now!!!!

CB I immediately went to Charmed when I saw Wyatt. And then grown up Wyatt. And grown up Chris. Yum. LOL I didn’t want to get into the new one, but I like it.

PL awesome! He’ll gain that 2oz back in no time! Sorry about the family sitch. PL I agree. A seems happy to be in one less layer than me haha. Sorry about the crankiness! How’s he doing with E?

Michelle I am with you. I get a lot of help from my mom, but it’s like sustainable things or short errands. Nothing just for fun. Except this Friday she is letting me go out with friends to an art thing. But like my other friend had a baby and she went out for date night when he was two weeks old! Her two SILs and MIL babysat. He’s on formula because her supply dried up/ she was having latching issues. But I was like DAAAAAMN must be nice!

Re cats my first cat was on a self feeder and she was HUUUUGE almost 20 lbs. but the crazy thing was yes she had a little pouch, but she was surprisingly lean looking and very agile. I loved that kitty. She was a good kitty.

Still a whole lot of nothing new. But we are soooo getting closer to a strike. It's crazy. One school had almost 70 teachers call out sick today in unofficial protest. And they want us to call out one day to rally with Oakland, who has voted to strike.
Gigs, no Instagram, I only have Facebook. You?

I thought today that Ethan's output was small :haha: but then I have been doing Ls diapers until last Friday and DH has been doing both until this morning!
DH spent a half day at work today, I am not happy about that, but we managed. Little more sore down below now then I should be as I was more active then I should have been in that time.

More later
PL ah okay, I’m glad you’ve got it all figured out :)

CB hm well 4 kg is 8.8 lbs (why the heck is lb the abbreviation for pounds? America, explain!). Not sure how much over 4 kg your tabby is, maybe it’s because the weight is distributed differently that they feel so heavy compared to Hayden.

Dobs I totally agree about ThirdLove, it’s too expensive, I just can’t justify it. That’s so crazy that a 20 lb cat could be so agile, maybe it was the breed and she was meant to weigh more? That’s crazy about the strikes, good luck with whatever happens, I support you teachers!

AFM my clinical tomorrow was canceled because my instructor has a stomach bug and has been feverish and vomiting. Glad I’m not her. It means I have to do a makeup clinical at some point, which sucks, but she told us at the beginning of the semester that they had dates set up for that, so they’ll figure it out. Lucky for me it also means I get tomorrow off and I can either spend it in a smart way and study and get ahead on work, or I could sleep all day. We’ll see what happens.

I’m very worried that SO has a type of irritable bowel disease. He’s had a couple episodes in the past few months of severe abdominal pain to the point of tears and twice his mom making him go to the hospital for fear of appendicitis. Both times he went to he hospital they did a CT and found his GI tract was inflamed and enlarged. He had an appointment with a gastroenterologist a month ago or so but Waze brought him the wrong way and he missed his appointment :facepalm: the most recent episode was yesterday, and he didn’t tell me until today that he went to the hospital. I kinda flipped the hell out at him that nobody told me he was in the hospital, which I think was perfectly justified to flip out over. He said he told his parents he was gonna tell me so it’s not their fault, it’s his fault cuz he didn’t actually tell me. He said he didn’t think it was super important cuz he wasn’t dying :saywhat: like imagine if nobody told your mom you were in the hospital, it’s the same principle (especially since he and his mom are super close). Anyway, he promised to make sure I know ASAP next time. Okay I’m done ranting about me not being told lol.
Pretty I didn't have time to comment earlier but that situation with the woman speaking in front of you is just so beyond rude. That's straight up disrespectful. That's the type of thing i'd bitch to an office manager about. I can relate to traumatic scans as at my 12 week scan with ds1 i was told basically the baby was chromosomally messed up and to call my ob to schedule a termination. I still get teary eyed looking at ds1 and thinking about what that would have meant if i blindly obeyed my doctor. That added to my long list of not trusting doctors.

Dobs wow that is crazy! Whatever happens i hope you benefit.

Shae he was probably just trying to be tough and not freak you out. I hope he gets that sorted and makes it to an appointment so they can come up with a treatment plan. Yay for class cancellation! And sleep opportunities!

Pl wtf why did he go in to work?
Guess what y'all?! It snowed! That means I finally got a comparison shot of my deck to pl's deck (who i now refer to (to hubby) as my Canadian doppelgänger lol)!

I realize this makes me seem a bit creepy but oh well.

For the record we also had evergreens on our tree line but we cut them down to get a view into the woods.

Pretty, any pics of your latest blazing positive?
Gigs - Here's 18dpo on the top and 19dpo on the bottom.

Just a quick update while I'm on break...

Made my blood appt for right after my first Dr appt on Mar 1 (6w2d?). And I'm gonna try to make my scan March 18 (8w5d?). Partially cuz then I'll get a full pay cheque for the 2 weeks in between and cuz 8w5d was when the baby stopped growing last time. And Alex's first scan was at 8w3d.

In other news, my mom is heading to Hawaii for 2 week tomorrow.

Gigs, omg! That could be our deck! :haha: how weird is that, what else are we doing the same? (BTW: jez husband's name has the exact name of one of my exes... he is not my ex! Which makes me happy for her) .:haha: weird coincidence?? do you expect the snow to stick around? Ours has now almost completely been rained away, although it did freeze again last night and they are calling for more again.

Dobs, DH took over an office in November and he's the only one in it (how they operate). His work actually made him feel bad about trying to take time off when he was just "given" an office, so he's doing half days this week to compromise. What pisses me off is that it has the potential to compromise my healing.
One of dhs supervisors is all about family, and believe me: if he thanks me one more time for supporting my husband in his job, I'll throat punch him. Just kidding, but i will speak my mind. BTW: I don't think that particular guy made him feel bad but a few others.
hmm hate to tell you but this may mean you'll try for #3, a girl, but end up with a third boy :haha:
Snow won't stay. Though it's snowing and sleeting today, tomorrow it will be in the 60's and raining (typical Virginia).
Shae i have no idea why they put kg on our stuff here esp as i have more understanding of lbs lol! Id say our Tabby is probs about 20ish lbs easy, she is half Bengal aswell so shes very thick set with muscle & a fluffy kitty pouch underneath where she was spayed, shes lovely but sooooo heavy! The sister cat is british Black shorthair, hardly malts, slender & she weighs nothing in comparison but shes not boney, she actually weighs less than Hayden now lol! But they’re completely chalk n cheese, il be devastated when the day comes & we no longer have them but thats life i guess.. :( they are 10 this year

Dobby, i did see there was a new Charmed starting & i said outloud to SO ‘omg i cant believe they’re re-doing it!’ He called me a weirdo to get all emotionally involved in tv stuff hahaa!! I LOVE older Chris & ‘bad Wyatt’ mmmmm lol

Gigs & Pacific your Decks could totally be the same :)

My SO went back to work 2 days after i had my csection which i was not impressed about! I know hes self employed & they had a roof job to finish but i was still pretty f****d off about it really & he never actually said for definate he was doing that, kibda just said ‘oh im back to work tomorrow arent i?!’ Thats why MIL ended up helping out for the first 10 days - 2 wks ish.. i still cant get my head around the fact he thought id be up walking around no probs pushing a dbl tandem stroller up hill to do school runs??!! He must think im super girl lol!

Pacific has Ethan been feeding better & emptying the boobs yet?

Gigs forgot to say fab with Myles further weight gain, less stressing for you! Hows he sleeping now? & lol @ your comment about Levs nappy changes, im the same with Nuala! Fully grown woman here hahaa

Loving your latest tests Pretty! How u feeling? Any yukkiness as yet?

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