General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Good thing you had help from MIL but 10 days really isn't long for recovery! Guess the three of us have that in common, that is an SO back to work so soon :/ I'm thankful, SOOOO thankful, for my mom's help! Actually she may watch Myles tomorrow so I can get a hair cut for the first time in a year.

Myles still sleeps fairly well -- about 4 hours for his first stretch, then a diaper change and snack, then another 2-3 hours of sleep, then awake again. At that point he might be up or fall back to sleep for another hour or two.

How is sleep going over there?
Thats great for just a few wks old, makes you feel somewhat normal when you start getting a few more longer zzzZ stretches :) My friends baby is just over 4 wks now aswell & he only goes a max of 3hrs if that at night, shes pooped bless her. Hayden sleeps really well at night now, goes all the way through its awesome! My other 2 never did that until 18-24 months :shock:

Ooh be nice having a hair cut, mine needs doing so badly aswell! do you have a style in mind or just a good ol trim up??
CB ah okay so sounds like your cat is meant to weigh more than the average domestic house cat? I can’t imagine if my cats were 20 lbs, they knock enough stuff over as it is. And that’s so odd that you understand pounds better than kilograms, is that just a you thing or does everyone in England understand pounds better despite the fact that you use kilograms?

Gigs you might be right that he didn’t want to worry me. But I’d rather be informed and worried than not know anything. I’m not still mad about it or anything, he promised to make sure I know ASAP next time, so I let it go.
It’s so funny that your deck looks almost exactly like PL’s, you guys really are US-Canada doppelgängers.
Gigs, you are probably right about boy #3.. can I just say "bahaha!" (Evil loud laughter aimed at myself). I was so convinced this one was going to be a girl. Oh well, boys are supposed to be easier, so yay us??!
#3 isn't completely off the table, but I have gained even more respect for ladies that push more then 1 baby out the natural way. I am not convinced I want that again...on the other hand, labour was fast so didn't "suffer" long!
In case you want to know: it was so fast that I now have "3 designated areas of injury" when my mw and I talk. There is the main large tear towards the rear end, the small paper cut towards the front (both of which don't give much or any trouble) and then there is the "road rash" in the middle as my mw calls it. She says it looks like a scraped knee on asphalt. That one burns bad especially when peeing, but she left me with some stuff to put on there today. Let alone when the pad touches it after, oh boy!!.... Thumbs down for fast labour/delivery.
Sorry if I went into too much detail!

Cb, good thing you and the kids have a good relationship with mil! How do men not understand that C-section is major abdominal surgery?
I made DH look at my bottom after the stitching was done :haha: mainly to know what it looked like somewhat healthy (in case it becomes infected later hed be able to tell it looks different, right?) That was my reasoning with him, he also knows what it looked like before and since I can't see: that makes him the judge!
And to finish my ramble: hopefully it gives him a better understanding of why I am sore to sit down!

E is feeding better, but he has yet to drain a full boob. His diaper output is there and he's back to birth weight. He spends not much time awake yet, but the mw didn't see any issues...
I ordered nursing pads, but DH brought extra from the store yesterday, let's try and not soak our bedsheets In breastmilk every night...

Flueky: how are you doing?
CB ah okay so sounds like your cat is meant to weigh more than the average domestic house cat? I can’t imagine if my cats were 20 lbs, they knock enough stuff over as it is. And that’s so odd that you understand pounds better than kilograms, is that just a you thing or does everyone in England understand pounds better despite the fact that you use kilograms?

Gigs you might be right that he didn’t want to worry me. But I’d rather be informed and worried than not know anything. I’m not still mad about it or anything, he promised to make sure I know ASAP next time, so I let it go.
It’s so funny that your deck looks almost exactly like PL’s, you guys really are US-Canada doppelgängers.

Shae people don’t really use Kg anymore in England as far as I know, I’ve not got a clue what I weigh in kilos but I know in lbs. And I always weighed Evie in lbs instead of kg!
Dobby yeah I wear push up, but more for my confidence. It used to bother me how they were without but I'm okay now.

Shae sorry he upset you by not telling. I suppose like gigs he didn't want to worry you. Yay for a break from clinicals. Hope your make up one isn't bad.

Pacific ouch my tear wasn't that bad. Couple of things that really helped my perineal and hemmrhoid pain. Donut cushion so I don't sit on sore areas, dermaplast numbing spray (hospital gave me some), tucks pads on top of maternity pad. I also noticed taking ibuprofen around the clock helped.

I would be upset with DH working so soon too. I'd definitely be concerned about taking care of newborn and toddler while recovering.

Pretty beautiful bfp!! I'll be looking forward to seeing a pic of that little baby. Hoping for a much better experience for you.

CB omg!!! That's insane no one was helping you so soon after your CS!!! Scheduled ir emergency it's still major surgery. I'm glad Hayden is sleeping so well.

Gigs holy moly yours and PLs porches look sooo similar. Here's hoping Myles will sleep much better than Lev!!! Oh you'll have to share pics of hair cut :)

Kitty interesting on using lbs. I suppose the main use of kg in weight is for medication dosage then. I assumed UK used metric scale, hmmm wonder if any part of the world really uses metric for baby weights.

AFM sorry it wasn't best response. I've been busy nesting and working. I vacuumed upstairs, cleaned both bathrooms, and wiped the entire inside of fridge and freezer Monday. I definitely paid for it, my body was so achy that night. Did more cleaning last night but not as much. Today I was busy tieing ends at work. Then grocery shop, cook dinner, bathe V, clean up. She's watching elmo before bed.

No more contractions. Did manage to dtd last night. I'm hoping to kick start labor :rofl: DH said he was told they are going to ask for voluntary lay offs at work and if none or too few volunteer it'll be done by seniority, well, rather lack of. So getting her here asap would be best, but I'm not going to go all out trying everything. Probably just sex and walking :haha: oh and I'm getting a pedicure Saturday if she's still not here.

Well better get V some milk and put her to bed.
Kitty wow I always thought they used kg in the UK. We’re always told in the US how the entire rest of the world uses the metric system.

Flueks yikes re: layoffs. Idk how they expect people to voluntarily lose their job?
Shae some people might want to draw unemployment instead of work for $$. Definitely not all. Kinda hoping some people volunteer. DH has been there almost 17 months but he said he's newest in his dept so..... yeah.
My dang internet keeps going in and out grrrr

Cb just going to get layers redone, hopefully to give my hair some life again and just feel a bit better, and also hide my crazy multi-layered hair. I am reeeaaaally hoping it doesn't fall out again at the months pp but we'll see! That is really nice about Hayden's sleep! Hopefully we get there soon with sttn early! That'd be great. So far he's been my easiest though from what I remember. Both ds1 & 2 had their nights and days swapped at first. I was however not nursing with ds1 and had limited success with ds2, also didn't bedshare much so maybe that's the difference?

Fluek yes i also hope he sleeps better than Levin! Lev had hubs stuck in his room last night. He woke up screaming and hubby soothed him, but any time hubs tried to leave the room he'd scream again. Hubs ended up sleeping on the floor lol.

Yikes PL that damage sounds awful! I hope it heals quickly. I may see SIL soon and will ask about the tea bags! So you think if you do the ttc3 thing you'll opt for a ELCS? A vag delivery probably wouldn't be as bad next time...

UK bro is over there visiting! So if you run into a somewhat attractive American couple in their early 30's from California...might be them hahahaha

Except I don't even know where they are exactly lmao. I'm terrible.
Flueks I see, well I hope for your DH’s sake that some people volunteer.

Gigs sorry about your internet :/

Just found out I have another secret relative on my dad’s side through 23andMe. Why is his side of the family so promiscuous??? Also my great aunt was the one who had a secret son that I found out about in December or so, and her (non-secret) son is the one who had a secret son that I found out about today. It’s a whole line of hoes...
Shae, ment to comment earlier on your SO: ID be pissed too. DH has done that to me too where he went to the hospital when he could not get his asthma under control. And didn't tell me until later. I gave him sh!t, but it came from the heart. Message understood.

Gigs, part of the reason for a tad more damage is that this was my first vaginal delivery. Also, baby's head wasn't as tucked in as they should be, so it was a larger circumference to make it out (we saw that also when his HB dropped during the pushing for a few minutes).
Id probably aim for a hospital birth again..

In Germany, newborns are definitely metric! Even here in Canada we seem to smoothly sail between the two, just depends on who you talk to! I have found itll vary from nurse to nurse in the same hospital. My mw uses grams, but since we were told lbs and ounces at birth, we do the conversion. Haha

Gigs, youll have to post before and after pictures of the new hairdo ;) I had mine cut after L was born, since the hairstylist took off way more then I told him, I am still growing it out...

Shae, I am curious, do the secret relatives ever contact you?
Well I totally jinxed myself on the sleep stuff...he was asleep early tonight (8:30) and up maybe 2 hours later? Shit up a storm and got poop on his onesie, so I changed him, then gave him a bottle, then he spit up all over his shoulder & neck and on me -.- not sure what to do now...he's wide awake. Do I nurse him now? He's just in the cosleeper being noisy (like fussing but not crying). I know he just partially emptied his stomach and may be hungry but I'm afraid he'll puke again...

Shae why ate families so weird and secretive? My dad's mom was like this. We found out maybe 10 years ago or so that my dad has aunts & uncles he never even knew about. So basically i have unknown relatives out there, who knows where.
Sorry for another quick, selfish post. It's late and I'm tired and I have to be up early to take my mom to the airport before work.

CB - I'm feeling mainly ok. I've been having on and off feelings of "fullness" in my uterus. I had a little random heartburn yesterday, but that was probably just food related. My lower back has been hurting, but that's probably just cuz of work. No sore boobs, no nausea. And I can't say for sure that I'm more tired than usual. I'm only about 5 weeks right now, so it's still early days.
PL no, I always contact them. I find them in the list of DNA relatives on 23andMe, I get notifications when new ones are added. If not for the DNA thing I’d be worried about scams or something but the DNA thing is pretty conclusive. The first one, the woman, told me who her grandmother was (I had no idea how she could’ve been related so I had no suggestions) and her grandmother was my great aunt. This one is already Facebook friends with my second cousin, his half-sister, but none of the rest of the family. So I’m not sure how much of the family knows about him, just that nobody ever told my dad. His dad (my dad’s first cousin) wasn’t really part of his life, he met him as a kid and connected with him at 16-17 but that’s about it.
Re: the hospital thing, yeah it was coming from a place of love, definitely.

Gigs I have no advice about the baby considering I have no experience.
Yeah it’s so weird to me that my family would be so secretive, this one is more recent, the guy is only 37 and his dad, who my dad knew, only died in 2012! Funny thing, my great aunt who gave her first kid up for adoption is the mother of the cousin who fathered this guy secretly! Apparently secretly having kids runs in that line!
Will reply back later today (its 04:40 zzzz) jinxed the ‘sleeping through thing #eyeroll - he woke at 4:15 for a feed! Maybe my own fault as I gave him a bottle at 9pm instead of 10ish but he was sooo moany & i was falling asleep on the sofa lol
Gigs, I have always offered the boob after a throw up.... Stomach is empty, a lot of times it's just a gas bubble that pushed the contents up so I don't see an issue with refill... I could be wrong but it has worked for us.

Shae: your family sounds wonderfully complicated from a family tree point of view ;)
Pretty your tests are lovely! I bet all goes just fine this time :hugs:

Shae i'll be honest I'm having a tough time following your family's secret tree and it's many branches...

Pl thanks that's what i ended up doing. He was so fussy, it was a little after midnight when he finally fell back asleep but then a 5 hour stretch :thumbup: unfortunately for me i woke up first with a splitting headache (possibly migraine, as I've got light sensitivity with it -- nausea too but that could be boob let down).

And wtf with this oldest kid?!
On school days you have to drag him out of bed at 7 to get him ready with any hope of being on time. He drags his feet and whines that he's tired.

Then we have today, he has a 2 hour weather delay and it's 6:24, he's up with a book on the couch brighter eyed and bushier tailed than a squirrel on coke. Wtf.
PL yeah the family tree is super overlapping and weird at this point, it’s a mess.

Gigs I don’t blame you lol, it’s crazy and all over the place.
My mom always complained that when I was a kid they’d have to drag me out of bed on schooldays but on weekends I’d be wide awake at 6-7 am.
I've been reading along. Just not enough time to post so I'm sorry for everyone I forget!

Pretty- your test look beautiful. I have a good feeling for you!

Pl- sounds like you're settling in a nice routine with E and L. My boys did the same with no nap for awhile but it was because we switched to toddler beds. They're starting to get back into a nap routine though.

Flu- I'm expecting you to have this baby early next week. What was the name you picked out? I can't remember.

If anyone has Instagram you can add me
Michellerenee302 or Facebook just message me. I'm only facebooo friends with gigs. I agree that some people can be a little too much on social media and are more reserved on here. I'm defiantly not one of those people lol I'm pretty laid back in general.
Kind of having hair's too short :cry: and i think the lady missed a spot with the dye but might also be that it didn't take 'cause hormones...? Also i looked in the mirror too long and feel extra fat now lol...I have my follow up on monday and hope i get the ok to start lifting and working out.

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