General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Flueks maybe that bit of running is the start of labour you need, fx ;) sorry your in pain though, i don’t miss that pelvis pain esp later pg! Its a shame your work wont along funkier hair colours, afterall, it doesnt affect your professionalism & practice in the work you do.

Pacific mmmm them waffles sound yummers! My hair is blonde highlighted atm aswell, very ‘safe’ looking i call it lol! Bergundy dark red sounds lovely:) is hubs a fan of Red heads then?

My lower back (mid along spine) is killing me atm, bending down over on the bed to change Haydens nappy has definitely added to the weakness & achiness there.. its in same spot as i had my Spinal with csection, im sure its weakened the area :(

Gigs, hmmmm... i dunno hun tbh, its a tricky one, esp as you dont know how the dog is younger children, any friend lookinh atm?
Cb, could your spine be adjusting post pregnancy?
On the other hand, I had a small spot right on my spine where the epidural was that was sore for a few months eventually went away on its own.
Hope you can find out what's going on...
So the owner finally got his dog...and about 3 hours later he showed up on my back deck again!!! Wtf?! Hubs was not pleased. I texted the owner and he never responded. I was contemplating what to do but when I checked back outside later the dog was gone...not sure if he's just found shelter in our carport or he went back home but i hope he stays warm and dry somewhere tonight, poor guy.

The owner and i did char earlier and he said the dog's a big baby, good with kids and all animals. He spoke fondly of him so i hoped he was a good owner with a slip up but the dog coming back yet again makes me think otherwise...

Pl yay for E's weight gain! Go you!!! Good luck to your mw. Was she trying fertility drugs before this?

Dobs huge hugs :hugs: i hope things get better again soon.

Fluek i am so excited for you and baby's arrival! I "know" how uncomfy the final weeks are but my brain has already forgotten what it feels like...hope the end is in sight for you. I mean, it is! No matter what you are very unlikely to be pregnant in 3 weeks time, max! But i still have a feeling you've got about 1 more week.

Cb i also have residual pain from the spinal block. For me it's an occasional throbbing pain up my spine when i sit down. It's gotten less over time though.

And regarding my hair...i washed it and i think it looks a bit better this way lol!
It probably is adjusting, since having Riley ive always had a very slight achey back, im sure it’ll gradually get stronger.. Hayden will be moved into the Cotbed in the coming 4-6 wks i expect as the Moses basket will be too small for him, gutted as its a beautiful one, my sister wants to have it, they’re ttc from September this year eeee!! Anyhoooow... il be getting a Changing shelf for the cotbed so no more leaning right over on the bed to do nappy changes, woop!!

How are you healing now Pacific?

Lol I always feel my hair looks tons better after ive washed & styled my hair myself ;)

Has the Dog returned back again since he was last collected??
Cb, do you feel like your C-section recovery is complete? I am still planning on seeing a chiropractor shortly, especially at night I have an uncomfortable tailbone/pelvis area and it's not adjusting itself as usual yet. It's sleep intervening.
As for the tears, I barely feel those but still feel the bruising which is ok. The road rash was a lot of burn especially when peeing. My mw left me with some gold seal root powder a fewf days ago which has been a miracle!
Yay more babies cb! I suppose you'll have to live vicariously now :haha: same as me i think...I'm hoping my bro and sil are able to conceive soon. They have finally decided to start investigating why they haven't gotten pregnant yet. Bro has normal SA so sil is going through tests.

The dog saga continues. Turns out he slept on my porch all night and he's been there all day. I gave him a blanket, despite hubby's annoyance. I texted the owner and his sister and no response. Not sure what to do...hubby is irritated. But i just feel bad for the poor dog.
Hehee I know more bubba snuggles <3 Me & my older sis can now live vicariously through my younger sis lol! We’ve already told her the best tests & to get opk’s hahaa & so the obsession begins :haha: She has suffered with pcos in the past so being that she turns 35 this April, i told her to tell Dr they been ttc longer if its not happening after 3/4 months, they are both very ‘active’ so it shouldn’t take toooo long :thumbup: I hope your SIL tests all come back normal, sometimes it takes couples a good few months of ‘actively ttc’ - how long have they officially been ttc Gigs?

Ahh thats a toughy re the Dog.. do you know the neighbours very well? Are they very close or quite a way down the road? You could always report to a local pet rescue type place..? They would just say that they’ve had a few reports of.. etc. Its not like you’ve not tried contacting the owners, so it shouldnt come back on you

Pacific im glad the gold seal root powder seems to easing the pain.

Physically i can move around fine now like ive not had a csection but im still very uncomfy with having sex as my pelvis is still moving back together i think thats why my pelvic floor muscles are taking ages to shift upwards aswell :( Dr said as everything moves back together it’ll also lift everything up.. when??!! Its been like nearly 3 months. My pubic bone really hurt for a few wks after I had Hayden, i couldnt lift my leg up properly to dry them after a shower it was rubbish! I had real tailbone issues after i had Nuala though, painful to sit/stand & took a couple months before it settled! Will a chiropractor do anything this soon as its post pg related? They may advise to wait a good 6/8 wks..
Nope, don't know the neighbor at all. I did pn his sister (the one who originally contacted me) and she said she wasn't surprised her brother was being careless and unresponsive. She said "do what you think is best". I finally texted the owner again. I just basically said "do you want this dog?". No response. Dog is still on my porch. I fed him dinner, gave him water. I feel bad as it'll be cold tonight...but i gave him the cat's electric bed (the cat has gone into hiding since the dog came) and a blanket. I'd put him in the basement but hubs has put his foot down on letting him inside.
Gigs, sounds like you have gained a new outdoor dog ;) I am not sure of your climate, but you could always built him an insulated dog house. He could turn out to be a great asset to protecting your flocks ;) keep feeding him and some kind strokes with a gentle hand and he'll never cross the road again.

Cb, I was just reading up on pelvic floor issues. Sounds like some physical therapy would do more for weaknesses down there and seperated pelvis. One article I read suggested 6-9 months for things to normalise especially after natural birth. Hope that isn't true ;)

Afm: DH made me chuckle earlier. I asked him if he was happy to have my skinny body back vs the fat pregnant one. Good thing I had a good look in the mirror this morning because his response was "well right now it's neither". Yes, we know how to insult each other and laugh about it, sounds unhealthy, but we good!!
I took a selfie this morning: and definitely know my DH is full of sh!t :haha: my belly has bounced back very fast considering I am 1 week post partum.

And since I haven't posted a picture of baby E:

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Omg he's so cute!!! Look at him sucking on his fingers! Abd dayum girl i wish my body looked that good! Sadly i am a victim of the mom apron :( it does go away mostly with my weight loss so that's good but i hate it right now! I am so notivated to work out now. Hope i an clearef monday.

Hmmm I hadn't considered just keeping him as an outdoor pet...that's a thought...he at least seems to be used to being outside. I still haven't heard him bark.

I will still be contacting spca tomorrow to see if i can get any info on the dog. I know from sleuthing that he's 6.5yrs old and was adopted by this guy in july of 2017. They may have info on his mannerisms/friendliness towards people.
Hahaha guys I’m 30 trying on prom dresses :rofl: totally sober

Gigs that’s insane re the dog :(. That’s so heartbreaking

Will proper respond tomorrow just so exhausted. In a good way.
Dobs, that's hilarious! Glad you are out having fun ;) time to crash a grad party?? :haha:

Gigs: thanks :) I might look slim, but underneath that skin the muscle is pretty dormant... Heck I can't even do a single push up or a few seconds of a plank! 8 years ago I ran 10k in under an I could barely make it across our driveway in a sprint :haha:
Wait, so the dog is from the shelter? My guess is then that hes a pretty good citizen, considering his breed and that he did get adopted speaks in his favor. He probably passed some kind of assessment/test to be deemed "adoptable".

I am sure you'll get cleared on Monday, :)
Gigs that’s awesome! The red one especially looks great on you. You need to upgrade to wedding dresses next time.

Flueks, happy labour day! Jk, but please do go into labour today so that my guess is right.

PL I want your Belgian waffle recipe! Even though I don’t have a waffle maker thing but I could always invest in one if the recipe ain’t too complex. I do realize I could just google... And you look fantastic btw! Also I totally forgot your ex shares my hubby’s name!

Gigs how on earth did you find all that info out about the dog? I also can’t believe the owner would just happily leave him overnight without food or known shelter. Can you share a pic of him? I’m curious what he looks like. And what’s his name? Oh, you look so darn beautiful in both your pics!!!!! Hair is always better once you get to wash and style it yourself.

Shae that’s a beautiful ring. I’ve seen diamonds vs moissanite side by side in stores and in real life because I do own diamonds (albeit not massive ones) and I have three moissanite rings (a rose gold eternity wedding band, a palladium 1.5ct solitaire engagement ring, and a yellow gold halo with 2ct old European cut centre stone that I got for my 30th). While it’s hard to detect distinct differences in colour (depending on the comparison of course) under those jeweller lights, my solitaire is definitely more buttery on an overcast day, which did throw me at first. It was treated to be more colourless too (the Amora treatment or whatever it’s called) and yet my OEC stone that wasn’t treated doesn’t look buttery at all. Might be because it’s in a yellow gold setting though so it doesn’t stand out. But my God the rainbow sparkles kill me. My eternity band is also way more sparkly than my diamond eternity band with the same size stones, which doesn’t even have bad quality diamonds. Anyway, all this to say I suspect you’ll love it, and if it’s the sparkliness that tips off the tiny minority of people who know what they’re looking for, I’d say that’s a good “problem” to have! And apparently it attracts dirt/grease far less than diamonds too.

CB can’t believe H will soon outgrow the Moses basket. I think you posted a pic once and it was super cute. It’s wild how fast they grow. And I’m sorry you’re in pain. Honestly the things our bodies go through as women to have children is incredible. I’m certain I’d never hear the end of it from hubby if he was dealing with even 1% of the stuff I’ve experienced.
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I’m so freaked out because I SWEAR I wrote in my post above something like “Dobs, those are awesome pics and the red dress in particular looks great on you. Maybe upgrade to wedding dresses next time?”

But where is it?? It was like the first thing I wrote in my post. Did I experience a psychotic break?!

ETA nevermind, I see it is there and I just wrote Gigs instead. Rather than delete this and correct the name, I’ll just leave this here as punishment for my silliness.
Jez you are hilarious hugs

Gigs ty I really needed to check out mentally for a day and my friends and fam made it happen
Dobby - Looking good. :)

Gigs - That sucks about the dog and his owner. Could you make a post on your FB and see if anyone wants the dog? And if the owner ever gets back to you, just say you haven't seen the dig and assumed it went home.

Flueky - Enjoy your pedicure and lobster.

PL - What a cutie! And you look really good. Better after 2 kids than I ever did before one.

Sounds like a few of you are dealing with some residual pain. Wishing you all speedy recoveries. :)

AFM, not too much to report. Uterine tightness still just comes and goes. I went to Thyme to pick up a LBD I saw online and could really use, but also walked away with a cute tee and tank. So far so good with the couch and I made slow cooker chicken noodle soup from scratch today that tasted pretty good. :)

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Dobs, that's hilarious! Glad you are out having fun ;) time to crash a grad party?? :haha:

Gigs: thanks :) I might look slim, but underneath that skin the muscle is pretty dormant... Heck I can't even do a single push up or a few seconds of a plank! 8 years ago I ran 10k in under an I could barely make it across our driveway in a sprint :haha:
Wait, so the dog is from the shelter? My guess is then that hes a pretty good citizen, considering his breed and that he did get adopted speaks in his favor. He probably passed some kind of assessment/test to be deemed "adoptable".

I am sure you'll get cleared on Monday, :)
Sadly, you'd be wrong. I adopted my barn cat (the sick one that died) from here. They have you fill out a questionnaire and sign stuff and that's it. They are one shelter in a sizable county and somewhat eager to adopt out their many animals. My suspicion is, because of the breed, he got the dog as a pet to stay outside and be intimidating. The guy is young and i would guess is into some shady stuff. Hubs said he was probably out partying friday night. I gave the owner the benefit of the doubt, but now the dog has been gone for going on a full day and two nights and he hasn't responded to me. Even if he, say, lost his phone, he hasn't come looking for the dog.

Dobby you look great, I especially love the burnt red layered dress!!! And your cute friend looks good in pink ;)

Jez I always enjoy your posts. Also you are seriously selling me on Oh and i'll add one of the dog.

Pretty what occasion are you getting a black dress for?

Pl i just reread your post and realized you were talking about the temperament of the dog and not the owner. My bad.
BnB is being weird, every pic i tap on to enlarge is says its photos that Dobby uploaded Lol!!

Pacific OMG Ethan is sooooo gawjus <3 sucking his fingers & thumb is too cute! & your after pg tum is very flat i think, good muscle & skintone ;) Do u think you’ll leave seeing a chiropractor for the time being or still go? Gosh i hope my bod heals before all those months!

Jez u so funny lol! How are Tilly & hubs now after the sickness last week? I hope you are ok ..

Pretty that soup looks lovely mmmm!!! Is that a slow cooker pot? I use mine all the time for everything.

Gigs has hubs put his foot down for no dog at all indoors or outdoors aswell? That photo of u in the car awwww hes so cute, u is looking pretty good ye self Gigs ;) really shows off the new hair colour, lovely!

Dobby lol! Go crash a party haha you guys look great

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