General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Pacific thanks. Did you go to the mommy group? If so how did it go? So cute about L with Ethan :)

CB I quit doing pullout a couple weeks ago in hopes of helping get things started :rofl: unfortunately it's not been happening as much as I'd want. I was either hurting in my pelvis too bad, too tired, or he was having too much pain from his stone. Maybe this week and weekend.

Dobby I'm so glad you got to go have fun and be yourself. You look stunning in those dresses :)

Jez yes pretty sure it wasn't noro or a virus. I left my leftover seafood in car about 2.5 hours. I thought it was cool enough it would be okay. No one else got sick. Lesson learned don't do leftover seafood unless going immediately in the fridge. Sadly no more labor signs.

Is it financial concern with 2 in daycare?? If not I think it'd be less stressful dropping them off at same place than extra drop off. However I'm ready for you to ttc again :haha:
Gigs small dogs are usually more vicious in my experience. Chihuahuas omg they are the ankle biting demons :rofl: nah, any breed or dog has potential to be violent. Also, not bad that you miss the dog. I hope he gets taken care of properly.

Shae I hope you did better than you think and you aren't coming down with anything. I'm also with kitty that ring is on forever, the dress for a day. However at the end of the day it's about what's important and right for you.

AFM I had a strong smell from down there yesterday. I thought maybe BV as it was discharge and smell I got a few days before I had V. I told mw at appt so did wet prep but it was normal. Odor isn't strong today either. No changes in cervix since last visit. I feel like I'll be pregnant forever even though I've not made it to due date.

DH has appt with urologist Thursday to see about his stone as he's not been able to pass. He doesn't hurt constantly but still we are concerned.
Flueks as you know, I can relate to the forever-pregnant feeling. Hopefully you don’t have over three weeks left like I did :/ I’m glad it doesn’t look like BV though.

Shae I’m sure you did better on test than you thought! When do you find out?

Gigs no not bad you miss the dog, you’re just a good, caring person. Also, I can’t believe of omitted the “give them options” strategy — it is in fact the more effective one.
Flueky, I may have called myself a certain derogatory name to do with semen and a garbage can in the hopes that hubby would at least finish inside of me when he was getting apprehensive :haha: desperate times. Just remember according to my mw, sex 3x a a day may give you enough of that hormone to ripen the cervix. (Yeah, "only" 3x a day, whose got time for that?)

Gigs, glad to hear he came for the dog. Hopefully he takes good care of him. What was your opinion on his condition? And yeah.. little dogs can be such little beasts. Days after we got our first dog (an 8 month old old english sheepdog cross briard, probably around 65-70 lbs at the time) we met our neighbors jack Russel terrier. Terrier comes up tail wagging, ducks, and jumps on our dogs throat from underneath. For that dog, ill never own a terrier! They were enemies from that day on. Thankfully, ours didnt know what to do besides being surprised and all the terrier got was a mouthful of hair.

Afm, we did go to the playgroup today! I made it out of the house with 2 kids on my own! L was behaved, no tantrums for leaving this time either . And baby E just slept, so all good. Managed to keep L awake on the drive home so he could have a full nap in bed at home which is currently in the process ;)
Tomorrow, DH and L are going to the big island. L has his follow up with the dermatologist, DH has some work stuff to do as well as picking up our sheep, so he is taking the trailer. I managed to attach that one to the hitch on our return in one attempt. (Truck has no back up camera so it can be a bit tricky to get under the hitch perfectly). DH will be happy that I did it, he hates doing that part without a spotter, although he is fantastic at it!
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Jez can't believe I forgot to comment in ttc! I would say think pretty ard about the idea age gap between kids. A timeline in age is something you can't really adjust...not just in the kids' ages but also yours and at what age you'll have another baby. Think not just of your age when you give birth but also how old you'll be when they're old enough to watch themselves and you get some freedom back. at least with finances you can figure things out to budget or make extra here and there, but you can't freeze time or make more...just my two cents.

So...the dog came back! After much debate I decided to take him to the shelter. I can't keep the dog legally but if the guy doesn't pick him I can legally adopt him. Hopefully the owner has enough sense and care for the dog to get his shit together.
Pl was it a certain term with the word "dumpster"? To answer your question, the dog looks taken care of. He's a meaty thing, definitely not starving...the opposite, really. I wonder if he is just left a big bowl of food to last him while he's left for days, ya know?

Fluek I promise you won't be pregnant forever! I still think you'll make 39 weeks but it won't be long after that.
Flueks thanks, sorry about no change in cervix :/ glad it’s not BV though!

Jez I’m not sure when I’ll find out. Some time this week, that’s all I’ve got.

PL I’ve done the same except the word I used was “bucket” rather than “dumpster”. It did not have the desired effect because SO was so shocked I even knew that term, he needed a minute to mentally recover from hearing me say it :dohh: I was not amused.
Glad you made it to the playgroup!

Gigs ugh I can’t believe he came back so fast! I think you made the right choice re: the shelter. Hopefully the owner gets his crap together.
Gigs, hopefully the shelter knows that the dog would have an adopter if the owner doesn't come for him. ;) To me, having an obese dog is just another form of abuse...:( It's totally unnecessary and so easy to avoid. Would it strain your relationship with said neighbor if he found it you brought him to the shelter and adopted the dog?

And yes, I was referring to a dumpster :haha:

How did your 6 week post partum appointment go?

Shae: my DH was just as surprised, it's not language I typically use. I was raised to never use foul language, my parents probably still would use soap on my mouth if they knew that I can and will swear like a trucker:haha:
I don't know they guy well enough for a strained relationship, but I don't know him well enough to know whether or not he would do something crazy like come over here and disrupt my life here somehow. As such, I asked the shelter to keep my identity private so he won't know that it was me. He may put the pieces together but since I have till this point just been telling him when the dog is over here, I'm thinking he will assume if the dog came here I would've messaged him again.

The appointment went well, thanks for asking! I am allowed to start easing into normal life again. Can't wait to drop some pounds and get my disc golf arm back!
PL - That mom group idea sounds great. I wish I had some mom friends who lived close by, but everyone's like an hour away.

Dobby - Glad to hear you had such a good weekend. :)

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shae - I hope you feel better soon and that your SO gets some answers and a cure.

Re: dogs. I've heard that SO's cousins had a dalmatian when they were kids and it was fairly bitey with them. And we had a neighbour with a beagle who would always jump up on me when I was little, so that's probably why I don't like dogs. SO has almost always grown up with dogs and wants our kids to have one when they're older. I said that's fine, as long as he does most of the care and researches what breeds are good with kids. I think I'm gonna feel the same way about dogs as he does about kids; I only like them if they're mine. lol

AFM, I think I've been starting to get tender boobs today. I also had a bit of heartburn, but I did have a few samosas and some jerk chicken. No food aversions as of yet. Possibly a little more tired though.

Here's the pic of Alex and I from halloween. The wig kinda sucked and was pretty tight, so I wanna try and find a better one.
Pretty: unfortunately this mom's group kinda finishes when babies turn 6 months old and it's a bit more of a revolving group as it's put on by the midwife. However, our elementary schools put on a group/program called "strong start" and it's a program for toddlers to Kindergarten age and moms. Arts and crafts, etc. I have yet to check it out, but definitely plan on it.
I am going to be a little bit careful where I take baby E, the non-vaccine movement here is big, and we have seen a few cases of whopping cough here and measles in Vancouver! An elementary school seems like a bad breeding ground to me with a newborn...

Dalmatians are on a lot of lists for bitey breeds...
Pretty that’s a really cute mummy/kid Halloween get-up! Your symptoms sound like things are going well!

PL I heard that about measles! Scary stuff! I hear there have been hundreds of deaths because of it overseas too. I’d be very reluctant to tote an unvaccinated baby around for that reason too, and it sucks that they don’t get MMR until... a year is it? Also that’s hilarious about the dumpster. I must admit I swear like a trooper and my some miracle Tilly has not repeated a single deeer word till this day, yet she copies a lot of random fillers words.

Shae I’m sorry but I was strangely amused by the idea of SO needing a minute to get over that shock.

Gigs while my age and age gap are factors, it would only be 1-2 years extra on top of when we’d plan for anyway, and in the grand scheme of things I don’t think that makes or break things in terms of stuff later on (though obv slightly more of a concern re: fertility I guess). I might also be less bothered about it because I am legit the youngest of any mother I’ve encountered in my city, bar one (and I’m 33!). I’ve yet to see a daycare mum who’s not at the very least close to 40 if not certainly over. It’s so the opposite of the British town I grew up in where I’d say 80% of my classmates already started having kids by 22. As for age gap, I’m increasingl sold on a bigger age gap being better for us, and in a way I feel like either very close is best, or far enough apart to really know what’s going on and to, uh, help out in a meaningful way hehe, or at least be able to communicate and fully understand reasoning and logic etc., which apparently also forgoes sibling resentment and acting out. I’m really not worried about them not being close growing up, since I’ve learned it has no impact on how close siblings will be for the rest of their lives. This is all very different from now I had assumed it would be though. I assumed we’d go for a two-year age gap, prob coz that’s what there was between my brother and me. I do really need to finish school too. It’s such a long journey and I’m so close, so I’d be wise to just get it done and then be licensed and able to earn properly, and then maybe DH would stay home with a new baby to avoid daycare. Wow, ramble sorry.
Makes sense Jez. Oddly enough of the moms in the group I was in around here, I was also the youngest, save one mom who moved here sometime after me. Most were much closer to 40 and i was 28 or 29 when i met them.

Pl surely if you meet any mom you like or L meets a kid he really gets along with you could do a private play date...?

Pretty cute pic and adorable puppy ;) do you feel somewhat reassured by the symptoms starting?
Jez, yes mmr vaccine isnt until 1. However if the outbreak becomes worse my mw thinks they may lower that age. I don't think itll be to include a newborn, the first vaccine currently doesn't start until 3 months and I forget which one that is

Gigs, I feel like I am one of the older mom's here but the age gap isn't that huge. 5-10 years? Also, out of a dozen mom's, there were only 2 others who had older kids and I feel like that's part of it the gap: they were all on kid #1, the "older" moms on kid #2.
Ahhh got cha. Yeah here that wasn't the case, the oldest kid was maybe a year above mine? Most were about the same age or younger.
Gigs - Ya, kinda. I had boob soreness with Alex, but not the last one. Haven't felt much uterus fullness recently though. I just told a friend that we're expecting again and she said she knows several women who had a healthy baby, then MC, then another healthy baby. So, she's thinking everything will go well this time. Just waiting for Friday for my first prenatal appt and blood work.
:hugs: unfortunately miscarriages are quite common and she's right, one m/c means nothing in regards to future fertility. I myself had one when ttc #2. The next bfp stuck. Then it came time to ttc #3 and we had no trouble at all!

That said, it does mess you up mentally! I was worried those pregnancies would end in m/c. That said i think miscarriage is a common fear of moms, especially ones on this site that are aware of how often they can occur because we talk about them and, like myself, post them in our signature.
Pl meant to ask how is Logan's skin looking? Is the cream still working?

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