General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Gigs I think it looks lovely. I do quite like the before picture but the new hair frames your face nicely.
Thanks I feel hideous lol
At least it's functional though. Less to deal with and cooler and i can still pull it back. Also comes with motivation for weight loss haha
Gig :haha: dh passing out on the floor. Glad he was helping with Lev. Hoping v won't have some sort of regression. I know it's a bit late but I'd probably offer the boob. I'm like a kid too, I struggle waking up on weekdays and wake up around same time on weekends :rofl:

I like your short hair. I like shorter hair can make a face look rounder than it is. Something with how the hair lies it just brings it out. In any case I think you look gorgeous

Shae 2 people he knows of volunteered but not sure if more or enough did. Oh and that's interesting about secret relatives. I wonder if I have any. I'd like to do the 23 and me test sometime.

Pretty I'm not sure if I had incressed fatigue at 5 weeks. I definitely didn't have ms or sore boobs.

Greenie hope you are right :haha: I'm sooo ready. I'll send you a pm shortly.

AFM not been too bad a day. V passed out on car ride home. She was so tired that opening screen door while carrying her in didn't rouse her any. It's kinda been nice having the evening all to myself and I'm feeling pretty tired.

I went to Carter's on my lunch break and bought an Easter dress for V, st, Patrick's day outfit for S, and some zippered pajamas for V. Little monkey likes to strip if I don't do zippers. She still unzips it some but not all the way.

She's learned to say some new words/phrases. Says "puppy" and "oh no" bahaha. I didn't get to hear but I'm sure I will.
Flu- the boys strip too! But all the way down to their birthday suit. They take it ALL off. Haha we have to use the sleepers with a button on top.

Gigs- your hair is gorgeous! Love the color. I think you'll get used to it nits probably just too different right now
Gigs you are definitely not hideous. You look beautiful <3

Flueks I’m glad a few have volunteered, hopefully enough do that your DH doesn’t get laid off. Sooo cute that you got Easter and St. Patrick’s day outfits for them! I love St. Patrick’s day because my mom makes AMAZING corned beef and cabbage. She sautés the cabbage in butter after boiling it and it’s soooo good! I’m honestly super excited for it, it’s my favorite thing she makes. She’s not very domestic and her cooking is always hit or miss but her corned beef and cabbage is always a hit. I’ll need to get the recipe when I get my own place with SO so I can make it for us.

AFM someone (maybe Gigs?) mentioned looking up moissanite vs diamond videos, and I got around to doing that today. End result, I’m in love with moissanite and there’s legit no reason to spend the money on a diamond when moissanite exists. I found a gorgeous simple ring and sent the link to SO, thought I’d share it since I love it so much. It’s $859 for both the stone and the setting combined! I know SO can’t afford it yet but he’ll be able to afford it much sooner than a diamond ring. Anyway, here’s the link:
Forever One 0.90CTW Princess Near-Colorless Moissanite Four Prong Solitaire Ring in 14K Yellow Gold |Charles & Colvard
I’m super excited because it comes in all my favorite options and my size: yellow gold, princess cut, and size 5 (some places only go down to size 6 for some reason). That whole “shoe size equals ring size” thing is very wrong for me, I’m a size 9.5 shoe, and that size in a ring would fall off my thumb, let alone my ring finger.
Greenie she will if shes in 2 piece pjs. Omg she woke up from a nap and I found her completely nude with everything outside the pack n play :rofl: I took a nap and dreamed you said you hummed constantly while your boys were sleeping so they would stay asleep :rofl: I have no idea where that dream came from but thought it was funny

Shae st. Patrick's is when I had first date with DH :) so it's a special day for us. Green is my fav color too! I've actually never ate corned beef. I'm not a huge cabbage fan but can eat it certain ways. I would definitely try it. Oh that ring is beautiful. Princess cut is my fav cut as well. I really like the 3 stone settings. DH and I actually wear those silicone rings now. He could get injured at work so he won't wear his actual wedding band. I'm wearing silicone as I need something stretchy for when my fingers swell at the moment.
Gigs, not hideous at all! You look adorable with the new cut!

Sorry, I read everything but we have been listening to L fight his sleep for a while now. Refused dinner too, why are some nights such a struggle where kids want cookies for dinner and nothing else??
Flueks aw so cute that you had your first date on St Paddy’s day! Corned beef is soooo good but quite salty, so if you hate anything salty it’s not for you. Otherwise I think most people would like it. It’s very tender and delicious! Yeah cabbage depends on how it’s made, SO’s mom just boiled it and it was very disappointing compared to my mom’s sautéed in butter cabbage. I highly recommend boiling it first then sautéing it in butter, it gives it a lovely flavor and makes it not just taste like boiled water lettuce anymore.
Re: the ring I love the 3rd pic of it how it shows the setting, it reminds me of royalty or a royal carriage or something lol. I think 3 stone settings are lovely as well! I think I’d stick to the solitaire to avoid paying for multiple stones, but I love seeing 3-stone rings on other people, they’re so lovely to look at! I’m not sure what I’ll be able to wear as a nurse for a ring, obviously nothing for sterile procedures but I know my nursing program allows plain bands, no gems on them. I’m assuming I’ll be leaving my future engagement ring at home, unless I want to show people at work or clinical (depending where I am when I get engaged). I know if I got engaged this semester (which I know I won’t) I’d want to show my clinical instructor lol. SO wants to wait at least until next year for various reasons. He doesn’t want a super long engagement, and since we pushed back the wedding a year that’s especially a thing to consider. But he knows I really want that ring by November of 2020 so we’ll see. That was the original deadline for the original wedding date and I told him I’d agree to push back the wedding a year but only if the engagement deadline stays the same :haha: I’m very high maintenance.
Gigs - You look good either way. And that's kinda my fear for not wanting to get a proper haircut; having them take too much off. As God is my witness, I will do everything in my power to not get a "mom cut". lol

Flueky - FX DH doesn't get laid off. And look at you, almost at 38 weeks. Awesome!

shae - That ring is really pretty. I've never heard of moissanite, but I'll have to keep that in mind for absolutely zero reason cuz I don't think SO is ever gonna pop the question. lol. And I did that ancestry DNA test and a couple people have contacted me, but I don't pay for the site, so I can't really write them back.

Re: babies stripping. Luckily, Alex doesn't do that and I hope he doesn't start. lol

AFM, had a couple moments today where my uterus was really "tight" and "heavy" and then it went away. Dr.Google seems to suggest that could mean the fetus has attached really well to the uterine wall and it's feeling tight cuz of the extra blood supply. I remember having cramping in the 2nd half of 1st tri with Alex, but I didn't know he was there til I was already 6 weeks. And I didn't have this with the last pregnancy. So, good sign? Twin thing? Hmm? A little more heartburn today and maybe my boobs feel slightly heavier(?) In other news, SO finally made an appt to have the new/broken couch replaced and that's happening tomorrow. So, yay!
Pretty I’ve been bugging SO about rings for years to no avail. I’m very persistent, though he’d probably describe it more as annoying :haha: If SO never pops the question and you just want to get yourself a lovely ring, moissanite can be something to think about.
The tightness and heaviness sound like things I’ve heard before from pregnant people, never as a bad thing. I think it’s normal. The heartburn is also likely a good sign, I know it’s very common in pregnancy.
shae - Ya, I had a fair amount of heartburn with Alex. I would joke that if I'd known better, I would've bought stocks in Tums and toilet paper as soon as I found out I was pg. lol
Better response later but I love you guys and Shae that ring is sooooo pretty!
Shae, the only thing I’d say about moissanite is that in real life (and sometimes in pictures) it’s very easy to see it’s not a diamond, so if you’re happy with that then go for it!
Gigs I agree you are pretty in both pics and I dig the new color

Shae never seen it irl but I’d be curious to see. I can spot the difference in higher quality diamonds vs low by eye. And while Shane Co insists their diamonds are ethically sourced we all know that’s crap.

Pretty congrats on some symptoms!

I have ancestry and 23, I don’t really talk to people. A couple super distant cousins messaged me and fam confirmed it, but like I don’t care lol. I just wanted to know where my slave ancestors were stolen from. Not trying to have a reunion lol

Been reading but forgot what else A is sick and waking early and I’m depressed again. So tired I fell asleep at work. My mom is watching A today so I can hang out with friends but I’d rather just sleep
MrsG i added you on Instagram:)

Had a feeling i was going to log on & see a labour update from Flueks hehe

Dobby im always tempted to get that Ancestry Dna stuff & find out lotsa history but its alot of £’s ..

Pretty heres hoping the hb isn’t reeeeally bad hun! Stock up on some Antacid stuff :hugs:

Pacific - Biscuits are Nualas fave brekkie #eyeroll! Her & Riley get up in the morning & he gets the biscuit tin for her! Lil chimps!

Gigs your hair looks lovely & really frames your face! Colour looks great aswell, think of quicker to sort after a bath/shower.. i always consider chopping mine off as its easier to keep up together :thumbup:

Im quite tempted when i have my hair done, Pink underneath & blonded ontop instead of just blonde t-bar! Just getting bored zzzZ
I find the DNA testing etc quite fascinating, I'd love to do it, but our family tree is so straight forward, it borders on being bored to death.. haha. My parents have century old documents that show where our family came from. Dhs family is a bit different, somehow every single person in canada that shares his last name is related and they all go back to the same area. There is actually a documentary on his family and they had a giant family reunion a number of years back.

Cb, breakfast is simple here: all L wants is peanut butter toast....on weekends DH and I like to switch up the breakfast routine and treat ourselves to fresh muffins or Belgian homemade waffles: and apparently that is ok with L. No tantrums over sweet baked goods of course! *Insert eye roll*

DH is still dreaming that some day he'll come home to me with red hair.. like a dark (burgundy?) red, not the natural looking red hair.... :haha: maybe some day I'll give in for now he'll have to do with the sun bleached blonde streaks...
What would you guys do?
Two days ago a dog showed up in my backyard. He did not attack my birds, and he also ran into my dog and they did not fight. I went outside and he was very sweet, I trapped him on my porch while I found the owner. It's a long story how it happened but in the end I found out he lived across the busy road from me. I got in contact with the owner who told me his in-laws would meet me at the house to take the dog. When I met with them, they just took the dog and put him right back on the outdoor leash he was tied to, the one he broke free from in the first place. I figured, not my dog, not my problem, and went back home.

Well guess who showed up on my porch again today? I contacted the owner who said he would be home shortly, could I hang onto the dog until he got home. Well, that was over two hours ago and the guy still hasn't contacted me.

For the record, I first went to take the dog back to his house and put him on the leash, but he is missing a collar this time and I have nothing to clip the leash to. When I walked around to look for the lease, I saw that the dog has no shelter, and has been playing with a dead bird carcass.

What would you all do in this situation? A part of me just wants to keep the dog, but I am really not in the market for a new pet nor do I know how the dog is with kids...

I am thinking of taking him to the shelter if the owner never shows up, but we all know what happens to dogs in shelters...and strikes against this guy because he appears to be a pitbull mix.

So far he's as sweet as can be...
Re: moissanite I haven’t seen many real diamonds in person, and I’ve never examine any of them, I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference unless it was insanely obvious. I don’t really care as long as it’s pretty and the ring doesn’t turn green or fall apart or make my finger turn scaley.

Dobs that so sounds like you “not trying to have a reunion” lol
Sorry A is sick and you’re dealing with depression. I totally understand wanting to sleep all the time instead of being social, it’s a big depression symptom for me because I’m normally very extroverted. Have you talked to your doctor or a psychologist?

CB pink underneath sounds cute!

PL that’s so funny that he wants you to dye your hair dark red, my SO hates when I dye my hair. I do it anyway, obviously. I like having red hair, but mine is the natural red not the burgundy. I had a darker cooler red once, it looked weird on me and made me look yellow(er).

Gigs that’s a tough situation. Honestly it sounds like his owners are negligent and they should not have a dog. I’d have a hard time not keeping the dog because I’m an emotional wuss, but your kids come first of course and you don’t know what he’s like. You could talk to friends/family/coworkers to see if anyone is interested in taking in a dog? I’d be worried about the shelter as well due to his breed.
Shae I'd definitely try it. You know I always wore both my rings but I don't recall the official policy at work. I will say alcohol gel is not the best for rings. When I get mine inspected they were pretty dirty. Now that I'm in the office I rarely use alcohol gel.

Pretty thanks so far so good for DH. I was just thinking how I've made it 3 weeks farther. I'm hoping soon as even though they are estimating 7lb range I'm thinking bigger than that. We shall see though. Yay for more symptoms for you and getting couch replaced:)

Dobby :hugs: hope A feels better and that you feel better mentally. Could friends come to you?? Then maybe still take a nap/rest??

CB I'd love to have that update for you :haha: oh that hair color would be cute. I'm considering doing my hair a "crazy" color while I'm out. With my job I can't normally get away with that.

Gigs I might call animal control for advice. Keeping his dog can cause issues and viewed as theft even if taken out of neglect. They might be able to advise of a legal way to handle the situation. I would definitely be weary of adding a new dog to the family with newborn and toddler. You never know how a dog will react with kids.

AFM made a huge mistake of running/waddling quickly down the hall. My pelvis is killing me, I'm pretty sure I got her to drop further. I almost couldn't walk from car into the house tonight.

Planning on getting a pedicure tomorrow and eating red lobster. I love lobsterfest :) :)
Gigs, hard call. Does the dog look like he's malnourished? Is his overall condition ok, does he shy away from hands?
I too would be hesitant to call the shelter due to his breed depending on how high the kill rate is in your area.
As for playing with dead carcass, what type of animal do you think it once was? I know of a few raw feeding people that feed a whole pray model: aka whole ( pieces of) animal...

Dobs, sorry you are struggling on multiple fronts. No advise, just a hug from me!

Flueky, it really sounds like you are so close now! Is baby properly aligned yet? My mw said 2 days before baby E was born that she could only palpate his shoulders, his head was too deep down ;)

Afm: baby E is now officially over 8 lbs, he gained 4 oz in 2 days! And here I thought that with his amount of sleep (4 + hour stretch last night) where he'll easily go 2-3 hour's between feeds: I thought he wasn't getting enough!

I am also keeping my fingers crossed for my mw: shes hoping to get pregnant next week via iui! She's hoping for twins :haha: they have been trying for 3 years...

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