General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Gigs yikes I can’t believe the owner let his dog stay overnight outside at your house instead of picking him up. That poor dog. Why won’t your DH allow him in the house? Is it because he’s worried he’s not good with kids? Just saw the pic, he’s soooo cute! I think pitties are just so adorable! Funny tidbit: my phone autocorrected pitties to potatoes. Apparently I think potatoes are adorable?

Dobs that’s so awesome, I’d love to go try on prom dresses or wedding dresses. I didn’t go to prom, sadly. I love both dresses on you!

PL Ethan is adorable, and you look great in that pic, especially for 1 week postpartum! I have a recent pic of my stomach looking way bigger than that because I ate at least a pound of mashed potatoes :rofl: I legit looked at least 3 months pregnant. The next morning I no longer looked pregnant.

Jez lol at your confused “where’d it go” post. How’s Tilly doing, is everyone in your house healthy again? I’d love to see pics on your moissanite vs diamond rings! The moissanite ring I picked is advertised as near-colorless, the colorless ones were maybe $100 more? So I picked the cheaper one, especially since I didn’t pick the absolute cheapest setting. So it might have that buttery look when it’s overcast, but maybe not due to the yellow gold. Idk. Real diamonds can have the same problem though, they come in color grades as well. I agree that sparkliness is not a bad problem to have lol.
I’m talking about the ring like I’m definitely getting that one lol, I have no idea which he’ll get me. I had sent him a link to a ring I liked that was $25 or something because I know he’s broke and my sister sent the link to him to pester him (I didn’t ask her to either, I love her, she’s awesome) and he told her he wants to get me a more expensive higher quality ring, and that when he does it he wants to “do it right”. I wonder if he told her he’d bought a ring if she would tell me or keep it a secret... Anyway, I have no problem with a cheap ring but if he wants to get me a fancy expensive ring I won’t complain I suppose. I just really don’t want him to spend over $1,000 on it because it seems like such a waste of money to me and he’s got crazy student loans. Then again $2,000 for a wedding dress is probably a waste of money but I’d be willing to spend up to that amount to get my dream dress, so it’s all about personal preference and priorities :shrug:

Pretty lovely chicken noodle soup! Looks delicious! When’s your scan?

AFM SO went to the ER Friday morning because he couldn’t keep down fluids and was having dark red loose stools. He went to the ER Monday because of severe abdominal pain, and a CT showed 2 parts of his small intestine were inflamed (he’d told me all of it was enlarged but he was wrong, his mom was taking notes lol). They gave him steroids and antibiotics (no evidence of an infection though, he had elevated WBCs but he had severe inflammation so like, duh). He’s had that pain and similar CT results a few months ago. Anyway, his pain didn’t go away despite the meds and he was self-medicating with way too much Tylenol and ibuprofen. He also hadn’t eaten anything substantial since Monday due to pain. So, back to the Friday ER trip. His vitals were normal but he was severely hypovolemic, they had a really hard time getting an IV in him to take bloodwork or give him IV fluids. That’s not normal for him, he donates blood and they use a 16 gauge needle with no trouble (that’s a very large needle for non-medical folks). I’m honestly surprised his vitals were normal because normally hypovolemia causes tachycardia and hypotension but his BP was 127/72 (likely due to pain and stress) and his mom didn’t see what the HR was but they said it was all normal. I wasn’t at the hospital with him unfortunately. They did a rectal exam and there was blood. They think he has an ulcer and my mom thinks it’s because he took so much ibuprofen for so long. They gave him the IV fluids and released him that night, he was never actually admitted. But the ulcer doesn’t explain the small intestine inflammation, and if it was caused by the ibuprofen it doesn’t explain the pain he was in either. He’s supposed to have an appointment with a GI specialist soon, thank god. I’m seriously concerned about Crohn’s because of the chronic pain and small intestine inflammation. I think Kitty said her DH has Crohn’s... Kitty if you read this, please let me know what your thoughts are.
Gigs - The main reason is for ComiCon. I'm like 95% sure I'm gonna go and I'll dress up at Cruella De Vil and dress Alex as a puppy again. I used my mom's dress last time, so I just wanted my own. Also, Ron Perlman is supposed to be there. Purrrrrrr! lol

CB - Ya, it's a slow cooker. We don't use it a ton, but there are definitely some meals we love it for.

shae - No date for a scan yet, but I'm thinking of Monday. March 18, when I'll be over 8 weeks and once I see a decent hcg number from my blood work .
Awww that's a cute cosplay idea!

Shae i hope they can figure it out and it's nothing chronic.

Yes hubs want the dog outside since 1 it's not ours and he wants the dog to go home and 2 we don't know how he is with kids. It doesn't help he's a big dog and a bite from him to any of the kids or our smaller dog could be very traumatic.
Selfish post. I think I didn't get leftovers in fridge soon enough. Got sick both ends last night. Feeling some better today. Pedicure was very nice though :)
Thanks ladies for the lovely compliments :)

Flueky: hope you feel better, absolutely no fun being sick at 38 weeks. Congratulations to making it to 38 weeks!!

Gigs, totally understandable why your husband is hesitant on the dog, pitbulls have a bad reputation, but most are genuinely sweet and incredibly forgiving for any wrong that has been done to them. I am curious to know what the shelter will say. What their temperament assessment was (heck if they don't do one, that's just a huge lawsuit waiting to happen). Just remember: any dog can bite, doesn't matter his training, breed or upbringing.

Shae: sounds scary especially with the blood. I really hope your SO can get an answer on what is going on. Maybe keeping a food journal could help pinpoint if that is an issue?

Dobs: I second the wedding dresses! Make up a fun story and go try on :)

My mw puts on a mom's group every couple of weeks, checks on the babies, mom's and just talk. I plan on going, it'll be my first time out with both boys on my own..... If L listens well, and E just sleeps as per usual, then it should be alright. Still a little apprehensive.
Pretty agh it’s so long to wait! I’m super impatient, I understand why you’re waiting until 8 weeks though. Hopefully the time speeds by.

Gigs thanks, at this point I just want to figure what it is so we can do something about it. Your DH’s reasoning makes sense re: the dog. The kids’ safety comes first, no matter how cute the dog is.

Flueks oh nooo so sorry you got sick! Glad you were able to get that pedicure though!

PL thanks, the food journal is a good idea. We’ll see what the GI doctor says, if it’s chronic it’ll help to figure out what foods cause issues.
Oh Shae that’s rubbish about your SO hun.. i hope he gets some answers from some tests very soon & speedy recovery for him

Pretty your scan will be here before you know it :hugs:

Flueks oh no.. sorry you were ill both ends :( hopefully its just a one-off! I Was thinking i know you & hubs do pull out atm to prevent your bv frim returning but his juju could bring on labour ;) When your feeling better obvs <3

Pacific, its always daunting going out first time with both kiddies or in my case all 3 of the kiddies, you’ll be fine :) if Logan is entertained, Ethan will be chilled as you’ll be chilled because you not stressing over Logan .. lol if that makes sense??!
CB thanks, I hope so too <3

Wookie that ring is so pretty! I love how thin the band is too, I have small fingers so thinner is better. I do prefer princess cut slightly over asscher cut, but I think asscher cut is also gorgeous! I also love the rose gold, I just think yellow gold would go best with my skin tone. Looking at the pics reminded me of how gorgeous rose gold looks though, it’s sooo pretty. I wish rings were cheaper so I didn’t have to choose.
ETA: according to google, both yellow and rose gold are good with warm skin tones. Hm. I feel like SO would say “metal isn’t supposed to be pink” or something like that :haha: I’ll have to think about it.
You ladies know a lot about the different metals, gems and rings, I feel left out ;) my condition for a ring (looks price, etc) was that it had to come from the heart, didn't care on price, look, size, or metal. I also didn't want something too big, I have "fat" fingers, and think something big clunky would not look good on my hands. DH and I also used my engagement ring as wedding band, which also goes back to german tradition.
In addition I also wear a "hand me down" ring from my grandma. Same finger. I never had it assessed, but I believe my dad had it done when it was resized so have his word that "it has value", whatever that means. So, no idea what it is, but it's pretty, reminds me of my grandma every day.

Cb, L has gotten extra naughty the last few days. He has moments of brilliance and moments where he just doesn't listen.... terrible twos?? Or he knows I am not 100% mobile yet and a bit more tied down especially when nursing. Definitely more challenging these days. How did you adjust?
Moment of brilliance: L loves giving kisses to Ethan and points out all the body parts :haha: with more kisses on the head. Then he does a thumbs up and says "good job". Yesterday was the first time he asked to hold Ethan. We got him to sit on the couch and put E on his lap, L realized "baby hEAvy!" But sat very patiently until I had snapped a few quick pictures, then gave him a kiss and on we went ;)
Gigs - This dog situation is so sad. You’re such a great person for taking care of him. I understand the apprehension though. I know my next dog will be a puppy because you just don’t know with older, bigger dogs. I had a puppy once, she was 20 weeks and a stray. She had a trigger one day and lost her poop. I ended up getting bit in the face (accident really), but that’s a scary thought with a full-grown dog and a baby’s face.

PL - I think you look fabulous!!!! I’m jealous. Also omg look at E!!!! My stomach hurts just thinking of planking hahaha.

Pretty - if you find any awesome meat based crock pot recipes let me know.

General - I am glad to hear some ladies are still planning to TTC! I’m not ready for a lull in our thread as we wait for She to jump he baby bandwagon lol. I’m also living through you ladies.

Sorry trying to catch up but these ads are slowing the page down so much and my battery is dying dbaslgduyasvdasdtvasjh

Recap of awesome weekend
Fri - drinks with my old coworkers/friends and felt like myself for the first time in years. I was just me. Not A’s mom. Not Ms. B. Just me.

Sat - Hung out with my bestie and went shopping. Smelled a million perfumes, tried on prom dresses, just laughed and again was just me.

Sun (aka today) - Lots of win for the African Americans of cinema tonight! Woot! Went to Mountain House and looked at houses. Came to the conclusion that the perfect house there isn’t there yet for me. And I have a great situation here, so it would have to be perfect to give up everything I have to move there. Even looked at a house across the creaked from my uncle’s lol. I was joking to my mom that my loud aunt and I would totally just scream across the creek to each other hahaha. A of course only liked two new builds. Most houses he just goes up and down the stairs, so it was crazy how in the two houses I liked that he was interesting in the backyards and living rooms. Sadly, even though it was like I want the architecture of the first one with the design of the second, the bottom floor of the first and the second floor of the second. Also both standards are the tip top of my price range. $700k. Which is like I might as well buy a junk, small house near my job now than move there.
Obviously you’re going to have to post that pic PL. Hellllooo.

Shae o feel so bad for your SO. I can only imagine how bad the pain is if he’s taking so much painkillers, but the blood and stuff does sound scary. Did they happen to ask the docs about possibility of Crohns? And I wouldn’t say rose gold is pink! But all the rose gold line of Apple products seems to be, bizarrely.

Gigs that dog is cuuute! What lovely brown eyes. I get where hubby is coming from. Just sucks how somehow this responsibility falls on you guys coz of that shady guy. I’ll try to remember to snap a pics of my ring when it’s nkt nighttime and I’m lazy af.

Flueks that sounds so rough and is my worst nightmare! Hope it is just something you ate and not noro coz we all know that can spread like wildfire. No more labour signs?

Pretty the cosplay costume idea sounds very cool. Do you have pics from before?

Wooks glad you’re a “moissy” fan too. Ascher cut is also lovely but I’m so in love with the chunky flashes from OEC. Definitely love rose gold and yellow gold though.

I can’t remember who asked but I’ve soemhow escaped all illness, and hubby and Tilly are fine now after noro.

PL Tilly is definitely in terrible twos. She likes to oppose anything that she can tell we want her to do. I have to be super smart about getting her to do stuff... using reverse psychology, pretending to be super excited about it myself, being extremely casual, distractingher, explaining the rationale behind something, or just being matter of fact about something that’s required before xyz can happen and not giving in, as just a few examples. And I have to carefully assess what will be most likely to work at the time. It can be exhausting, but being stern and forceful really, really hasn’t proven effective with her. She’s quite stubborn AND strong. DH hasn’t quite perfected this with her and usually tells her to do things in a tone that I *know* will instantly create resistance (the thing that gets my goat the most is when he asks her if she wants to do something [which she usually default says no to, unless it involves cheese, chocolate or boob], especially when she doesn’t REALLY have a choice, e.g., “do you want to wash your hands?” Well, she’ll say no and then we are going to coerce her to do it anyway so what does that tell her?). And then sometimes she’ll just be super compliant. At least she stopped refusing the stroller and now ALWAYS holds my hands when walking outside. It sucked when she refused stroller AND hand holding. Anyway, tangent, sorry.

And with that, I’ve forgotten everything else. Been thinking about family planning and how I really don’t want to have to put a second child in daycare, but that means I have to wait till I finish internship, which will likely mean no TTC till January 2022! Tilly would be 6 and I would be 37! Maybe that’s fine actually, but meh, I was hoping for sooner tbh.
Shae it’s nice that you are keeping him in your thoughts. If he goes big, just remember student loans are temporary. You’ll wear that ring for the rest of your life. I was watch SYTTD with my mom (her first time), and of course the girl goes “I’d like to keep it around $10,000, but if it’s the right dress I don’t mind going above that.” :rofl: just no

So sorry about SO. Hope he gets answers and relief soon :(. My mom gets like that sometimes so she had to cut a bunch out of her diet. It’s crazy because her pain tolerance is high that there have been times it’s blocked and on the verge of bursting when she goes in

Flueks hugs sorry about the food :(

Pretty I love the cosplay!

Pl awww L is so cute!!!!! Love it
PL “baby hEAvy” I’m dying :rofl: sorry L is taking advantage of your lack of mobility.
I didn’t know much about types of gems and metals at first, and I only just discovered moissanite as a good option. Of course I want the ring to come from the heart, though. Only thing that would upset me if SO got a totally different style than I wanted would be that I’ve told him a million times what I like, so it would mean he wasn’t listening. But I’d still be happy that he picked out something he thought I’d like. Luckily he already remembers that I like princess cut stones.

Dobs I don’t expect SO to go super big, he’s very frugal and hates spending money. He got our first promise rings for $1 each. But I think he thinks this is different, and he doesn’t want to cut corners as much. He wants the ring to last forever so he’s willing to spend more. At the same time I guarantee he won’t be spending $10,000 on a ring, he’d find that ridiculous. When I told him how much diamonds cost he was horrified. $10,000 on a dress you’ll wear once is ridiculous. I hate to spend $2,000, that’s my max for the “right dress”. If it’s more than that I don’t care how perfect it is.
Wait your mom has what get blocked and nearly burst?
Lol at avoiding a lull until I jump on the baby train. Yeah I’m the least interesting member for now haha. All you get from me is super long rants and the occasional “am I pregnant? Nope”.
I’m so glad you had such a great weekend with friends!

Jez I’m not sure what they told the doctors unfortunately, I wasn’t there.
I guess it might depend on the rose gold, the Charles & Colvard rose gold looks pretty pink to me, other ones might look more like copper though.
I googled OEC, it’s very pretty!
I’m the one who asked about illness, I’m glad you escaped it and everyone’s healthy again!
Sorry Tilly is in the terrible two’s. A 6 year difference isn’t awful, my sister and I are 5.5 years apart. Honestly, middle school sucked, I was hormonal and she was 5-8 and just wanted to play with me and I had no interest. But now that we’re older we’re great friends! Also when she was a baby I helped change diapers and everything, so that’s a plus. I can’t believe Tilly will be 6 in 2022, my delayed wedding date is in 2022. You’d be giving birth when I’d be getting married.

AFM was too tired to study last night so went to sleep until 3 am, got up to study. It’s crazy windy out right now, it’s super loud. Makes me want to drink tea? My mom always had us drink tea during storms, maybe that’s why.
My ring was £3000 ($4000) but is valued at £7000 (~$9000) Its only 3/4ct but has really high specs which was important to me. But my dress is second hand at £350! My ring I’ll wear for a lifetime, the dress I will wear once!
Okay has anyone experienced this? I’m listening to music and many of the songs sound sharp to me. Like they’re singing it a little bit higher than what I thought the notes were? I’ve googled it and everywhere’s like “hearing loss or a cold”. Maybe I’m just remembering the notes of the song wrong, but I’m not someone who normally has trouble carrying a tune, I briefly took voice lessons and the teacher pointed out that she never had to correct my pitch. I’m confused as to why some songs sound wrong.
Pl trust me, I have no bias against pits. I worked for a few years at a dog daycare (and did a short stint at a vet) and became somewhat familiar in dog/breed behavior. What I learned is dogs are dogs, and all of them are unpredictable. The worst behaved ones were never pit bulls. In fact a lot of them were the small dogs...a frenchie puppy that bit the weiners of taller dogs (enough to draw blood and eventually get kicked out of the daycare) comes to mind. My own dog, a Boston terrier, was a huge asshole! For some reason he hated boxers and would attack them! He actually broke the tail of a neighbor's gray hound once when it was out for a walk with its owner. We were outside playing fetch (it was a townhouse complex). So in general I am apprehensive of any dog I don't know.

Doesn't matter anyway, the owner finally showed up and took him home yesterday. I still can't believe how long it took him. He assured me "it won't happen again" but we'll see. I do feel pretty confident as soon as he escapes again he'll be right back over here.


L is so cute! How sweet he wanted to hold his brother <3 Lev is also interested in the baby and likes to kiss him goodnight and identify his feet and facial features. He also likes to put blankets on him if he's in a rocker or the swing which is sweet but also slightly scary as he has covered his face before...obviously not a big deal for a second but yeah going to work on that!

Jez yay for avoiding diseases! I've found a great trick for Des was/is give him options when trying to do something. Either give him an actual choice ("time to get your shoes on, do you want to wear boots or sneakers?") or choices trying to steer him into picking an obvious choice ("do you want to eat spinach or broccoli?" When getting him to eat a veggie and knowing he will reject his least favorite, broccoli, in favor of the tolerable spinach).

Shae confession: I've gone into higher end jewelry shops contemplating upgrading my ring setting just to look at stuff and try them on. No shame! You may want to do this to see what metal type you like. Better yet maybe see if there's a moissanite dealer nearby so you can check out the ring in person.

Dobs that is so nice you were able to have a truly enjoyable weekend and just be you. I think that's part of the reason i love disc golf, just getting to do something fun and not have to compromise with anyone on plans or have a kid to deal with during it. Sometimes you just need a break from daily responsibility. No shame.
Gigs glad the owner finally showed up, hopefully the dog won’t be back but I don’t have high hopes. Small dogs made me afraid of dogs when I was little, they were always barking and jumping 5 feet in the air and chasing my ankles. I thought I didn’t like dogs for years, now I love them, but I’m not a fan of most small dogs still. There are some who are well behaved though, I like any and all well behaved dogs. Never had a problem with a pit bull, met one rottweiler that was too aggressive as a kid but otherwise no problems with big dogs.
It’s a good idea to go try on different metal types. I do think yellow gold is best for my skin, thinking about earrings I know yellow gold really makes me glow compared to white gold or rose gold. But it might be worth comparing yellow gold and rose gold on a ring.
Just had my exam. Kinda sucked. I was nauseous the entire time for some reason. I don’t normally get test anxiety so I don’t think that was it. I’m still nauseous too. I had to guess on a bunch of the questions, despite spending so many hours reading. It’s not like I knew nothing but it wasn’t great either. I know at least two that I guessed on were wrong cuz I looked them up. Blah. I also had night sweats last night during my 8 pm to 3 am sleep (I got up to study) so I’m wondering if I’m having a weird random progesterone drop thanks to the new IUD and that’s causing the nausea? Cuz I get nausea while PMSing and my progesterone starts dropping a few days before I get AF so progesterone dropping could be what causes the nausea... idk. I just feel crappy and I’m lying in bed. Just tried lying on my side, and NOPE, when I laid my head on it’s side it made me way more nauseous. I ate pretty fast this morning at breakfast so it’s possible that could cause nausea, or maybe something I ate was bad.
Hmmm strange Shae hopefully it's just a random occurrence and you're not coming down with something!

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